"Alpha, I asked you to recruit teenagers with attitude." Zordon said calmly, again.

"Ai, ai, ai! Zordon there aren't any teenagers with the correct biological make up to control the Zords." Alpha said.

"What about the decedents of the Western Rangers, the family lines we have been monitoring?" Zordon asked.

"No one that's young enough to handle the energy and the younger ones are too little for control! See, four year olds!" Alpha said.

"Alpha, widen the search from the original line. Perhaps they have relatives who would do." Zordon said.

"Oh ai, ai, ai!" Alpha said, "This is the best I can do, Zordon!" Alpha said. Suddenly five teenagers around the age of thirteen appeared.

"What in the world!" a boy yelled in shock.

"Wh-what's going on here?" another girl said.

"Hello humans, I am Zordon." Zordon said.

The five didn't know it but they were about to go on a crazy adventure based solely on the fact that they were relatives of five very special preschoolers from Angle Grove.

"Roar! I'm the monster now!" Zack laughed.

There were three squeals of excitement as the four children ran around the playground.

Jason laughed as he ran, "Watch out Billy! He's going to catch you!

Billy smiled quietly as he looked up from his book.

"Don't you want to play Billy?" a young Kimberly asked.

"I would prefer to use my free time for further edification." Billy said.

"He means he wants to learn more stuff." Trini said from behind her.

"Billy, your already in extra-special afternoon pre-school classes, you don't need to be smarter, come on." Kimberly said. The two girls grabbed both of Billy's arms and the five continued to play, while a very envious looking Eugene watched.

Farkas wanted to be one of these kids so badly, but for some reason they were so wrapped up in each other no one else could really hang out with them, yet everyone loved them. The adults thought they were so clever and grown up, the others in class thought they were cool and funny, and the teachers doted on them. "Man, those guys are crazy. What's so special about them?"

Unknown to Farkas there was something special and it was the reason behind his jealousy. Each of the rangers had a small amount of magic beginning to evolve in them, giving them a sort of unconscious wish magic. When they really wanted something, reality often would bend to their favor. Being children they wanted attention from their parents and peers and that's what they got. Unfortunately for him Eugene had his own type of magic, a negative magic. So now whenever he was near these kids he couldn't seem to do anything right. But there was no way for him to know that.

Suddenly there was a goofy laugh. Farkas shook his head. Eugene, the annoying little kid from school, was following him again.

"Hey Bulky!" Eugene said.

"What'd you just call me?" Farkas growled.

"Bulky! You don't like Farkas and you said your last name Bulkmeier!" Eugene laughed his annoying laugh, "Bulks a much better name then Farkas."

Farkas rolled his eyes, "You even know what bulk means, gum for brains?"

Eugene shook his head, "It means fat, you bone head." Farkas said. Then he laughed, "You're a Skull!"

"Your good at nicknames." Skull said.

Bulk rolled his eyes, "Fine, you can be Skull."

Skull laughed, "Yes! Bulky, we both have secret nicknames now, just like real best friends."

"We are not friends." Bulk said in an annoyed voice.

"Whatever you say, Bulk." Skull laughed, "Say, Bulk, what are we doing?"

"Nothing," Bulk said while he contunied to watch the others..

"Oh," Skull said and he watched too, " You want to do something fun?"

Bulk shook his head, "Just watch."

Jason hung upside down from the jungle gym, "When I grow up I'm going to go to the moon like those astronauts did today."

The others nodded in admiration. Unknown to Jason though, the events on the moon would change his life that very second. The ground began to shake and Jason fell down. Kimberly helped him up the children clung together.

"What was that?" Kimberly asked nervously.

Zack shrugged his shoulders.

"I postulate that it's a seism! Billy yelled.

"Huh?" Zack, Jason, and Kimberly asked.

"It's an earth quake!" Trini cried.

"Look!" Jason yelled pointing over at the warehouse district, "It's not an earthquake, it's Godzilla!"

And in a way, it was! It was a giant monkey man fighting brightly colored super heroes.

"I want to go see." Jason said, in almost a trance like state. He ran towards the action and the others did too, drawn to the new magic like moths to a flame.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Bulk said grabbing Skull's shirt collar.

"Bulky! There's a monster! I want my mommy!" Skull cried.

"Those guys are in so much trouble. Let's see what they're doing." Bulk said dragging Skull along.

When the five children finally reached the battle they showed no signs of fear.

"That guys huge!" Zack said.

"Indeed, I am Inquisitive as to its orgins. It surely is not from around here." Billy said, then he turned pale, "Unless he originated from the lake!"

"No he didn't," Trini said remembering Billy's fear of water, "I don't think its from around here."

"How about the super heroes?" Jason said excitedly, "This is so cool!"

Suddenly Goldar backed up closer to them. The five screamed.

"Trini? Stay back!" The yellow Ranger yelled frantically jumping in front of the children.

The blue Ranger turned, "Yeah!" a girls voice called, "Billy, you better go home to your mother right now!"

"That goes double for you Zack!" a boys voice said.

"Hey, they know our names!" Zack said excitedly.

Suddenly the Red Ranger pushed them out of the way of an attack, "You kids go where it's safe. You shouldn't be out here alone." he scolded, he pointed to Jason, "Take your friends back to your preschool now!"

"Ok," Jason said with a sigh, "Come on you guys!" he sighed as he started back, but this incident didn't get past Rita.

"Zordon's new Rangers know these children, and they're not afraid of my magic." Rita said, "How can this be? They should be cowering in fear!" Rita looked at them through her telescope, "Finster send three putties to those kids!"

"Right away your evilness!" Finster said. A moment later the kids were back in the playground looking for their teacher, who had gone with the other kids in a frantic hurry.

"Where did they go?" Kimberly asked the others.

Suddenly there was screaming. Bulk and Skull came running out of the bushes. The five turned and saw weird grey men coming out after them.

"What are those things?" Kimberly asked in disgust.

"Maybe their lost." Zack suggested.

"Are you lost?" Jason yelled.

"We aren't supposed to talk to strangers." Trini muttered. Suddenly the putties charged the kids but at the last moment were repelled.

"AAAAAHHH!" Bulk and Skull said diving for a hiding place.

The putties charged at Jason who suddenly dodged and kicked at the putty. It wasn't a good kick, but it wasn't bad for a kid. The putty grabbed his foot and Jason screamed as he was lifted upside down.

Suddenly Trini hit the putty with a stick. The stick glowed and sliced through the putty and Jason fell to the ground. The putty disintegrated.

Meanwhile Kimberly and Billy were trapped the other two putties. Suddenly Zack jumped on top of one putty and hit it in the head, "I wish you'd go away." Suddenly Zack fell with a thump to the floor as his putty disappeared. "Ouch." he muttered.

Meanwhile Kimberly and Billy were left with no alternative but to cover their heads with their arms, being trapped by a wall and a putty, but for some reason the putty hit nothingness and was reflected again.

"Why aren't they getting through?" Kimberly asked.

Suddenly the putties disappeared. The five regrouped.

"What's going on?" Kimberly asked.

"I don't know, but we need to get out of here." Jason said.

"No, no!" cackled a cold voice, "My children, I insist that you stay!"

Suddenly in the distance was the most horrifying woman the kids had ever seen. A second later they were zapped away by magic lightning bolts.

Bulk and Skull stared in horror as the witch disappeared.

"AAAAAAAAHHHH!" Skull screamed, "Did you? What did? Mommy!" he yelled in confusion.

Bulk grabbed Skull's shirt, "Don't run, they might see you."

Skull whimpered, "I want to go home."

"I know," Bulk said nervously, "but we don't want to get caught. We've got to get out and tell the grownups what happened."

"The witch zapped them up. What can a grownup do?" Skull asked.

"Grownups can do anything." Bulk said, "You just see, everything's going to be ok."

Skull sniffed and moved closer to his friend.

Bulk glared out as the monsters disappeared one by one.

"Don't worry, Skull, I'll get us out of here." Bulk said bravely.

Skull nodded, "Ok, if you say we're going to be ok I believe you."