Own Nothing.


Hermione felt like she had been asleep, her body heavy as she tried to sit up, she looked around; she was in her old house. Hers' and Howard's old place back in the past. She was lying in her bed; she pulled the covers off of her and stood up. She grabbed a robe and walked out of the room. "Howard?" She looked around to see him drinking coffee at the breakfast nook. "You didn't wake me." She smiled and kissed him on the lips as he smiled up at her.

She sat down at the table and he got up to get her a cup of coffee and made her some breakfast. "I wanted you to rest, we had a busy night last night." He smirked, winking at her. "I have the whole day plan of doing nothing but being in bed with you, being in the shower with you, being on the beach with you."

"Careful now, or you might sound dependent on me." She laughed. "If I didn't know any better, I would think you actually like being married Mr. Stark."

He set down two slices of toast and kissed her. "It's growing on me Mrs. Stark." They both laughed as the eggs finished and they ate breakfast before returning back to bed to celebrate their marriage.

Hermione and Stark found themselves lying out on their private beach, basking in the sun as they listened to the waves. "I love it here." Hermione stated, smiling at Howards through her sunglasses. "I wish we never have to leave."

He nodded and smiled as he stood up, pulling her up with him. He scooped her up and walked to the water. "Howard, it's cold!" Hermione wrapped her arms around him. "What are you doing?"

"I am planning on having sex on the beach with you my dear." He smirked, setting her down as the waves hit the shores, chilling their feet. "There is no one for miles, it's a private beach, and it's just us in the house."

She raised an eyebrow and laughed. "You just want have sex."

He kissed her and smirked. "I want to be able to tell my kid one day when he asks how he was conceived I want to say to him with a straight face, that it was just 'sex on the beach' and it be true."

She laughed harder as he pulled her down to sit on the cold, wet sand. The waves hitting her and sending Goosebumps up her skin. "You're insane." But she let him lay her down and they had sex on the beach.

It was that night and Howard had made her a wonderful dinner and they were drinking wine, sitting on the back patio, and watched the stars and the ocean. "I love it here."

Howards smiled at her and nodded. "It's like heaven. Maybe one day when you can stay longer, this is what Heaven will look like." He leaned back in his chair and looked at her.

She sighed and shook her head. "This was to good to be true. We did this, everything on our actual honeymoon."

"The best week of my life." He smiled. "We didn't leave until I had to get back to work, until they needed you back at work. We stayed with each other the whole time, in each other's arms and it was the best week of my life."

Hermione let a tear fall. "I had out daughter." She whispered, looking at him. "Her name is Darcy Carter and the serum made her have powers, mutant abilities. I don't know how you want to describe it, but she wont be normal. She'll be like me." She looked down.

"Hey." Howard moved to her side, pulling her chin up to look him in the eyes. "Hey. If she's anything like you, she'll be wonderful, powerful, smart, brilliant, courageous and beautiful." He smiled, seeing her smile. "I miss you, I never stopped missing you, and I want you to know that."

"Maria made you happy." She whispered. "Tony, you're son, he's brilliant, just like you. The two of you did good with him."

"I am proud of Tony, I am proud of what he's done, who he has become, but I'm also proud about how he's taking care of you and his baby sister. I couldn't ask for a better Son."

She smiled and nodded. "We found Steve. He's with us now."

He nodded. "About Steve." He sighed and sat back in the chair he had moved to. "I want you to move on, I want you to happy, with Steve."

Hermione's brows furrowed. "What?"

Howard took a minute to work out what he wanted to say. "Steve, he loves you. You're his best friend and you're all his has truly. You and Darcy Carter, you two are the world to him. And our Daughter, she knows that his isn't her biological father, but she see him as her father."

Hermione raised her eyebrows. "You talk to Darcy Carter?"

He smiled and nodded. "She's extremely powerful and it's true, your loved one are always with you. And I will be, until you find someone to love. And I would prefer that someone to be Steve." He looked around. "This is my Heaven, this is what I believe Heaven looks like."

Hermione looked around too. "Our honeymoon is your Heaven?" She looked at him and smiled. "Heaven is what you make it."

He nodded. "Peggy Carter. I see her around here sometimes, she has her own Heaven, where Steve is there and dancing with her."

"Just like he promised." She sighed. "I didn't think that if you weren't dead that you could be here?" She glanced around more.

He nodded. " It's the memory that keeps places like this together. For Peggy, it's the constant pain of waiting every Thursday night for Steve to come and some times, just the power of pain can create someone for them. Bucky I think sometimes goes to see her; it makes her feel better because Steve can't die. You're here, because our Daughter thought it would be a good way for us to say…"

"Goodbye." Hermione exhaled, she huffed. "Our daughter is giving us time to say goodbye."

Howard nodded. "I love you and I will always love you but I want you to move one, give our daughter someone to look up to, someone to call Dad." He reached over and grabbed her hand, squeezing it. "I want that person to be Steve."

Hermione nodded, "You got to give me time, I can't just move along like you weren't nothing. You were everything to me."

"You were everything to me." He kissed her on the lips. "It's time to go."

Hermione woke up; she looked around in the med bay, realizing where she was. She sat slowly and saw Steve sitting next to her and he smiled at her. "Hey."

"Hey." She smiled at him, looking around. "I talk to Howard." Her throat was hoarse and Steve handed her a cup of water. "He told me something."

Steve raised an eyebrow. "What did he say?"

Hermione took a deep breath and exhaled. "He said that he wanted me to move on." She wiped away a few tears the fell. "He wants me to find love again, like I gave him a chance."

"You should." Steve whispered, his heart racing.

She looked at him. "He wants me to be with you. He wants you to be Darcy Carter's Father." She took another deep breath, feeling her hear race as she tried to calm down. "You have to give me time."

"It's okay, I waited over seventies for someone to find me, and I can wait for you." He kissed her forehead and smiled at her.