Readers: I'm sorry for the confusion! I'm trying to stick with the Autobot names for the most part- but NBE 6 through 14 are my own characters, though only 1 or possibly 2 will make an appearance in this story.-JW

Danni was in the midst of ordering her people, when Satellite appeared.

"Everything is in place Femme."

"Good- what are our holdings?"

"Standing Firm. I have NBE 10 on stand-by outside; NBE's 6-14 are awaiting instructions, and their partners."

"You told 10 I was here?"

"10 insisted."

"10 is out of his mind."

"10 is 10..." Satellite said with a smirk. She knew how well Femme and 10 got along… It was a love-hate relationship. 10 loved to hate what Femme did, and Femme hated having to deal with her partner (10's) overbearing yet caring attitude towards her, though Satellite knew that there were times, as she'd walked in on them, that despite being different species, these two were as close as two beings could be without intimacy.

"Are you going to tell me that you don't want to take a ride in his interior? I mean- he make the Thin Man look like a rusted out Ford Ambulance."

Satellite was channeling her inner fan-girl again.

"10 isn't going to work."

"Then you tell him." Femme seemed to blanch at the suggestion and Satellite couldn't wait to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Who's 10?" Sam asked, having recovered from his shock.

"NBE 10; designation Jackal, is a hound in personality, because Femme tricked him out before activating him-"

"Who is Jackal?" Prime asked.

"I am. I am Jackal, Optimus Prime, and it is my honor to meet you." The Autobot said rolling into the hangar, sending a glare in Femme's direction, just before he introduced himself.

Femme, rolled her eyes. 10 was being Old-World… If it weren't for the fact that she knew that 10 was armed to the gears, she would be expecting him to be wearing a waist-coat and top-hat.

"I assume that you have met our courageous leader of Sector-1, Femme Phantom?" Used to this, Femme ignored the razor beneath his velvet words.

"No," that grumpy answer came from the Med-tech of the Autobots, Ratchet, Femme belatedly remembered, "we were under the assumption that your Femme Phantom was an innocent civilian up until five minutes ago…"

"Don't get your gear-box wrenched." General Dashiel said. "It's nothing personal. We weren't even planning on getting mixed up in this war, but here we are."

"Hello QB. How are you?" Jackal said cordially.

"QB, or General Dashiel backed up. "What's going on Jackal?" He asked. "You're like this only when someone pisses you off…" QB trailed off as Satellite gave him a telling glare, and he glanced between Jackal and Femme Phantom. General Dashiel, QB, mouthed the word: 'Oh', and quickly walked over to Huntress and pulled out a modified blaster from the silver goo in the suitcase.

10 sent a telling glare Femme's way, in turn, she gave him a disinterested stare.

"Can't you two just get along?!" QB demanded, raising his arms above his head in exasperation.

"The sooner that she admits that she can actually be injured and is a hazard to my knowledge that she's safe, whilst in battle, the better."

The Amity team gave a sigh. Apparently this was a long and drawn out 'discussion' that had happened many, many, many times before.

Optimus looked at Jackal in question. "Are you interested in this human?"

Ironhide looked incredulous. "You do know that you're centuries older than her and that she'll die before you need to change a spark-plug."

Huntress looked to the Autobots. "We're a lot older than you think." She snarled. "Don't discount us on our looks."

"You-" Ironhide started with Huntress.

"Man! That was some seriously weird shit!" Came a voice near the 'Amity's'.

All eyes/optics turned to the newcomer, more like the face and hands that were visible from the silver goo in the suitcase.

"Gentlemen, and Autobots… Meet NBE 12, designation Sylph." Satellite said, easing the tension in the hangar.

"You didn't mention the issues with conversion!" Sylph turned glaring eyes/optics to Huntress, Sylph's head neck and shoulders now fully emerged from the goo.

"What issues with the conversion?" Huntress asked as Sylph pulled herself from the silvery goo inside High-Roll's suitcase.

"Forget it. It was whack-adoo." Sylph brushed it off to greet the leader of the Autobots and Sector-1.

"Nice meeting you gents! I'm NBE 12, Sylph! I'm Sci-Tech's ground partner!"

"Ground partner? Sci-Tech has two. One's pure AI and then there's Me!" Sylph said cheerfully. She then glanced around the hangar taking in all present, as well as who was missing.

"So where's Jazz? Normally he's yanking my clutch…" She asked High-Roll, casually.

"Jazz is with the President in his bunker." High-Roll stated, as he opened up the second case and pulled out Mad Scientist lenses.

"How'd Jazz score that gig?"

QB spoke up. "Since we changed up his main-framing, he's an easy undercover."

"So what'd you do with his old framing?" Sylph asked the room in general. Femme had the answer.

"We left it alone. We scanned it and blue-printed his specs for his current frame and walked away."

"So, if-"

"Leave it be Sylph. Your frame took longer because, we had to make it from scratch." Satellite said, as she outfitted herself with a weapon she pulled from the silvery goo. "Oh, good, the mod-ed P-90 comes in my size…"

"And I made sure I packed your staffs as well…" High-Roll said, grinning.

"Hey- aren't you Fred Kwan?" Leo asked, getting excited.

"Yeah- kid, you want an autograph?" High-Roll said easily.

"High-Roll, we need to deploy." Femme said. Her voice was hard, serious. The last time she'd spoken in that tone was during WWII.

Femme approached Optimus, Jackal gave her a boost so she could speak to him eye-to-eye. Despite their seeming discordance, Jackal seemed to know Femme Phantom's every whim.

"I know that the Autobots are under your command. My question is this: Will you allow my team and I to work and fight alongside you? We have already established ties with those Autobots who came to Earth in the last two centuries…"

"It is our fervent hope to work and fight beside you humans…" Optimus said nodding.

"Is there any reason, why our Amity Autobots would have an issue jacking into your system?"

"What do you mean?" Ratchet was the one who spoke up this time.

Huntress spoke up. "Back when we first discovered Jackal, who was a rusted out piece of machinery by the time Femme found him, we were initializing our systems."

"Most of our tech should be Autobot compatible," Jackal said. "Sylph, Jazz and I are outfitted with Amtech, which allows communication between Amity's and their NBE partners."

"Why do you still call yourself NBE's?" Was Sideswipe's question. "You have names, designations. Use them."

"We do…" Sylph explained. "But when we're out in the field, each partner team is called by their NBE's designation. "I'm Double-1." She said, her optics flaring brightly. "So, when I'm rolling, Sci-Tech and I are Double-1, Femme and Jackal are 10 and so on!"

"What is Amtech?" Lennox asked confusedly.

"Amtech is a cybernetic impant developed by Femme and Sci-tech to allow speech/thoughts/feelings or whatever to flow between us and our human counterparts." Sylph explained.

"Does it impair anything?"

"We tend to think as a single entity, rather than two separate minds…" Femme said shrugging. "Makes it both easier to fight in battle as well as harder, as you have to keep track of two bodies rather than one…"

"Sounds complicated…" Sam said frowning.

"No more than rubbing your belly, patting your head and whistling!" High-Roll said cheerfully.