((A/N: This is just an idea I had, that I had to start writing out, or else my muse was going to disown me...))

Prologue:: After the DISASTEROID… Relocation

As soon as he turned eighteen, Danny was ruling the Ghost Zone as he alone had defeated Pariah Dark. As the King, he had his Queen, Samantha, who ruled by his side quite joyously; and his most trusted Advisor Tucker and his Chatelaine Danni.

In 2018, when it became most prominent that none of the teenagers that attended Casper High were aging, Danny sent Danni to find out why. For some reason, once they reached the age of 18, their bodies stopped aging, their height and ideal body mass were achieved, but age had no hold on them.

It took some time, but they eventually found out that due to exposure to the Ghost Zone, and other possessions by ghosts and similar events; the teenagers of Casper High no longer aged. In fact, thanks to a Ghostly Doctor that Clockwork recommended, (Dr. Jack ((the Ripper))) they even wondered if they could die at all. In fact, when it became apparent in 2028 that they truly weren't aging, they practically became ideal "models" for the fountain of youth. Danny, Tucker, Sam and Danni made sure that all were given positions in the Ghost Zone as a fall back point, but most of the teenagers, forever to be teenagers (Permateens as Danny jokingly called them), decided that some involvement with the human world was necessary.

Eighty-five years after Danny assumed the Ghost King throne, in 2093, several of their friends were not reporting in as requested. Danny wasn't allowed to assist, an actual rule as the ruler of the Ghost Zone that he was formally compelled to comply with, but he sent his Chatelaine, Danni as his ambassador. She discovered the teenagers of Amity Park, (their long time friends now) involved in science-breakthrough for the human community as Scientific Experiments. Danni put a stop to that by using a scythe to open a portal to the Ghost Zone aiding in their escape, there were twenty-six members of the 'permateen' club that had been captured. All records and samples were destroyed, and thanks to Technus, all digital copies as well as back-up drives were destroyed and incinerated as well.

There were certain members of the A-List-s that were more than willing to accompany Danni, others were content to wear disguises and remain in the human realm. It was allowed, on the provision, (made a rule) that they returned to the Ghost Zone every thirty to forty years for ten years, before they returned and relocated. ((One of the reasons why they were found out and experimented upon, was because they didn't think it would happen.))

Clockwork and Frostbite gave them another option. They opened a portal to another Earth, exactly like theirs but with 'sightings' of Ghosts and UFO's and other things thought of as myths and legends. They asked to be sent back farther in time, to "live out their days". Danni went with several A-Lists and Beta-Registers, to that Earth, after informing King Phantom of their wish to do so. They came to that Earth in January 1796, and started up their own small town, named after their old town, Amity Park, why mess with a name that works and one that everyone responds to; and as asked they lived out their days. They still were living out their days when Silver was discovered just North of their town, and Danni made sure that their town had the deed to the land. As the founders of the town, they had funds that others could only dream about. They had some of the first of everything; it helped that thanks to their teachers, and sheer boredom, that they knew what shares to invest in, what companies would soar, and which would drop like flies. They went through disguises like people go through toilet paper (another thing to have shares in).

In 1806 they decided to make themselves known to the President, and it was then that a special division was made just for them. Sector 1: S for Secret, Ecto (please tell me you get it) and R for Response-team. There would be other sectors added later, but Sector 1 was the Ultimate team, all had high efficiency ratings, and their ratings came in handy in WWI and WWII. But other than the funding that was constantly provided, which was gathered, for later use, Sector 1 remained a "Black Ops" group. Only called in when the worst happens. No Intelligence Agency in the World was aware of them and that was how they liked it. Sector 1 was top-notch in every division, especially when there was no mortality rate. But that was to be expected. As a task-force, they referred to themselves as 'Amity's', and Danni was the go-to-gal and the one in charge of all missions. Everyone had their codenames and was in charge of specific divisions, which was especially helpful in the 1970s and early 2000s. All members of Sector 1 were forgotten by the US Government by 1922.

When it came to the early 1970s, the Amity-ites, decided that they needed to be in a position of power, in the government; and several of the A-Lists pushed until those positions were reached. When frequent satellites were launched, Danni and several others pushed until six stealth satellites were in orbit… Invisibility is a good thing, and thanks to Danni's ghost powers, it was easy to put them into orbit.

In 1999, Valerie and Danni enrolled in High School, after "being home-schooled". Danni was the 'daughter' of a prominent government official, Valerie was her best friend who's very well off Father said, according to new acquaintances, that: "It's either boarding school in Japan or public school here, take your pick." Naturally she chose to go to school with her best friend Danni.

When it came down to meeting the Autobots, Star made sure that Danni was informed, and as her 'daughter' how much better was the current arrangement?

As it was in 2005, Danni and Valerie were, along with two other Amity-ites, were in a large hangar with the Autobots, Sam and his friends, Major Lennox and his team and several other government employees.

That is where we are right now:

Next chapter: ?Assuming Command? (This may just be a possible chapter, not concrete yet.)