My fanfic about Kaoru and Butch :)

(Last name was made up at random!) Sorry if it's badly written… it is my first story and all

POV is Kaoru

I could feel chills that were sent down my spine at the thought of going to high school. For once I felt nervous. I'm normally a pretty confident person. I guess this was due to the lack of having classes with Miyako and Momoko, my two best friends. The only 'class' I had with them was lunch, and that's not even a 'real' class.

But I guess I can't say school is going to suck officially, since it's only the first day of school and it hasn't started yet. The thing that does suck is that I'm a freshmen and my brother told me that most people like to mess with the freshmen. But hey, look at me! I'm tough and you really don't want to mess with me unless you want your ass whooped.

When we reached the school, Miyako and Momoko headed off to their classes, which were somewhat far away from where my classes were.

I found my room with little trouble. I actually made it to the room before the bell rang! I took a seat on the far left side in the back of the room, next to the window.

There were about 25 students of boys and girls in my class, all with nervous or shy smiles on their faces. Some were also talking to friends that they had not seen since last year. There was one student who did not look nervous at all. He had this somewhat devious look on his face. He was the transfer student that came at the very end of the year last year.

His hair was cut and spiked up somewhat and had verdant green eyes, slightly darker than mine. His dress was casual. Black jeans ripped at the knees, a green hoodie, and black tennis shoes. Nothing unusual. He somehow managed to look familiar to me.

I guess I had been staring at him too long because the next thing I knew was he was looking right back at me. No expression, just staring back.

I quickly turned around a shook my head.

The bell rang and the teacher came into the room.

"Hello class, my name is Ms. J," she paused, " I hope you all had a good summer break and are ready to learn. Since today is only the first day of school I would like you to fill out these forms." She said as she walked over to her desk to pull out the forms.

She started to hand them out.


"These are like what we do every year," He said obviously bored already, "can't we do something new?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"I don't know…" he paused, "Maybe just share something with someone new and just turn these into you later?" he asked questioningly.

"Ok then, lets try it your way. Everyone find someone you don't know!"

Instantly all the girls, except me of course, ran over to him and asked to be his partner. He refused all their requests.

Next thing I knew was he was in my face asking to be my partner.

I agreed because it seemed that we were the only two left and I didn't know him at all.

I felt the glares of the other girls, but I didn't mind. I knew that none of them would stand a chance against me.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"What?" I asked confused as I snapped out of my daydream of knowing how I could beat up those girls easily.

"I said what's your name?" he asked again, slightly annoyed.

"Kaoru Matsubara." I replied.

He nodded slowly to himself, "So I take it you're a girl then?"

"Ya of course I am," I replied rolling my eyes.

"You sure don't really look like one," he said smirking.

"Ya I get that a lot…"

He paused and nodded to himself slowly again.

"What is you name?" I asked, interrupting his thought.

"Butch Takashima." He replied and then scribbled something down on his paper.

We continued to ask each other the questions on the paper and finished first.

Butch smirked for who knows why.


"Oh nothing."

Before I cold say anything else the teacher cut in, "OK class, I think you have had enough time so if you could please lay you paper here that would be great."

I got up and started to walk to her desk.

"Hey, can you take mine?" I heard Butch ask.

I rolled my eyes and took his paper as well.

"Ok since there are only 7 min left and this is your first day I will let you talk. We will get more into learning in the next few days." She said then sat down at her desk.

Butch came over to me.

"Matsubara let me see your schedule." He said extending his hand.

"I have a first name you know," I said as I gave it to him.

He looked it over ignoring my comment about me having a first name.

"We have every single class together," he said slightly frowning.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Only if you want it to be." He said playfully instantly changing his frown to a smirk.

I rolled my eyes at this and snatched my schedule out of his hand. He looked at me with delight. Not saying a word he got up and went to the crowed of girls which were drooling over him.

With still five minutes to spare I thought about Butch. Call me crazy but there was something about him that just made me want to know more about him. Something that made me interested in him but not in a romantic kind of way.

I looked back at him. He of course was making the girls fall even more head over heals for him without trying too hard.

I had nothing better to do so I looked over Butch again. I took in his features more carefully now. The spiked black hair that stayed perfectly in place. His emerald green eyes that somehow had an enchanting feel to them…

Before I could go on I noticed that I had been staring at him for a while now, again, and he seemed to notice as well.

"You like what you see?" he asked teasingly.

"Oh, get over yourself, baka," I said immediately frowning.

"Don't be mad just because you can't have me," he smirked

I rolled my eyes and pretended not to care. I didn't care that much but something about him kept me interested.

Holy crap! I'm turning into Momoko! I thought to myself as I slapped myself in the face, temporarily forgetting that I was at school.

"Smooth move Matsubara," Butch said laughing at me.

Ya what he said, smooth move Matsubara…

Lunch had finally come and I couldn't wait. So far I hadn't seen Momoko or Miyako all day.

When I reached the cafeteria I saw them sitting at a table with three other guys. To my luck one of them was Butch. Seeing him made me loose my excitement for lunch.

I started walking towards the table with thoughts of kicking his ass.

"What's up Matsubara?" he smirked.

"You two already met?" Momoko asked surprised and somewhat disappointed.

"Having every single class together makes it kind of hard to not have met already."

I rolled my eyes, took my seat in between Momoko and Miyako, and pulled out my bento box and ate it slowly. When I finished I placed the box back in my bag. I only packed occasionally.

We still had about thirteen minutes of lunch left.

"Well anyway this is Brick," she said pointing to the boy with red hair," and that is Boomer," she said now gesturing to the boy with blonde hair, "and as you guessed they are all brothers."

"And this is Kaoru," she said to the boys who hardly looked up.

Surprisingly at lunch not many girls approached our table to ask one of the Takashima brothers out, and if they did they were rejected. Most of the girls just gave them a slip of paper with a phone number written down hoping that they would get a call or text from them.

Lunch was over and I was glad for that but them remember that I had every single damn class with Butch.

He sure was getting on my nerves, and I only just really met him today! I didn't know how I would make it through a whole year with him. Now normally if was just about anywhere else I would have kicked his ass and set him straight by letting him know that I was the boss. But since we were at school and it was only the first day… I couldn't exactly do that.

I then headed off to my next class with Butch following right behind me.

"Aren't you going to walk with all those other girls?" I asked motioning to the girls following us with jealous daggers aimed at me.

"Hell no! Are you crazy?" He exclaimed.

I didn't answer and just continued to walk to the next class.

My luck didn't change either. Butch seemed to get even more annoying as the end of the day neared.

Constantly flirting with all the girls. Teasing me in his spare time. I couldn't help but get more annoyed and angry with him.

Finally it was seventh period, which for me was study hall.

I sat down at a desk slightly near the door. There were no windows in this class. The teacher was sitting at the desk.

When the teacher saw us she wrote something on the board and sat back down.

I looked at the board, which read: Study hall students, you may talk as long as you are in a seat.

Again Butch took the seat next to me.

"Butch! Come sit with me!"

I knew that voice anywhere. Annoying but somehow different. I turned around to see Himeko. She had changed a lot over the summer. She had straight silky smooth light brown hair, a body fit for a model, and a nice tan. Not too tan and not enough to look like a fake tan. She was wearing a short jean mini skirt along with a white tank top and around her neck was some silver jewelry. She now had the body that most boys would dream of for their future girl to have. She was also wearing black flip-flops.

Butch looked at her then turned around with no expression on his face.

She headed over to us obviously not satisfied that Butch didn't respond the way she thought he would.

"Kaoru, move so I can sit next to my Butch," she said angrily to me.

"You're going out with her?"

"Of course I'm his girlfriend!"

"Hell no,"

"Kaoru, get up,"

"Matsubara stay,"

"I'm no dog," I snapped.

I looked back and forth from her angry made up face to his pleading face.

"Himeko, if want me to get up then make me," I said growling at her.

She started to come at me then I glared at her and she stopped and turned around to go back to her original seat unsuccessful.

"Thanks, I owe you," he said giving me his full attention.

"Ya I know, you owe me," I said not looking at him.

"So you wanna hang out sometime?"

I looked at him and saw he was smiling. This was the first time I saw him actually smile.

"Sure," I replied looking away from him.

What the hell? Did I really just say yes to him? What the heck am I thinking?

The bell rang and I bolted out the door screaming free at last.

I ran home to be greeted by my mother and brother, Dai, Shou was still at school.

I didn't talk to them but instead grabbed my skateboard.

"Momoko and Miyako want me to meet them at the park. Be back before dinner!" I yelled and then was out the door before they could say anything.

I wasn't lying; Momoko and Miyako really did want to meet me at the park.

"Hey guys," I said as I saw them sitting by the fountain.

"Hello Kaoru-chan," they said in almost unison, but something was different with how they greeted me.

"We are hanging out with the Takashima brothers." Momoko said nervously.

"We?" I asked putting an emphasis on 'we'.

I looked behind myself and saw the boys approaching us. Butch of course had a smirk on his face when he saw me.

Momoko basically had hearts in her eyes and Miyako was giggling softly to herself.

"Hey girls," Brick said casually.

Momoko and Miyako left with the other two boys leaving me with Butch.

"Don't I see you enough of you already?"

"It's only been a day and you sick of me?"

"I never said that,"

"But it was implied," he said smirking, "this is me paying you back for earlier."

I rolled my eyes at him and got up, taking my skateboard with me.

"Where are you going?" he asked looking at me with those enchanting eyes.

"Home, duh," I said as I still continued to walk away.

He quickly came up from behind me and grabbed my arm and faced me towards him.

I finally got to observe him more closely than ever as he did the same with me.

His hair black as mine, stayed perfectly in place. His verdant emerald green eyes being more mesmerizing and his light pale skin looking smooth and touchable.

What the hell am I saying? I'm not actually checking him out am I? I thought to myself and shook my head and pulled away from him.

"What do you want?"

"What makes me think I want something?" he asked playfully, "I'm just paying you back,"

Himeko came up and found us, well I mean him. How the hell did she know where we were?

"Butch! Didn't you get my texts?" she cooed.

"Himeko, how many times do I have to tell you? STOP STALKING ME!" he snarled in her face.

"Why, it's only right that your girlfriend knows where you are at all times!" she shot back.

"Himeko, we are not dating. We never were and we never will." He said shaking his head.

"Kaoru, would mind leaving us alone?" she asked instantly.

"Matsubara if you know what's good for you, you know you will stay," he said.

"Are you threatening me Takashima?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him ignoring Himeko's request.

"No. I just can't be left alone with some crazed nut job,"

Himeko looked at him with anger; "No one is good enough for you!" she shot at him angrily then stomped away.

"So this was an enjoyable time," I said sarcastically.

"Yeah… Sorry, she's been kind of stalking me all summer and she's been telling everyone that we're dating and I hardly know her! She's so… URG!"

I snickered at his rant. "Well I stayed so you owe me again. How are you going to repay me this time?"

"I'll think of something eventually," he said smirking and then said good-bye, leaving me to wonder.

I then skated home and made it before dinner.

"You were out with your friends?" asked Dai, leaning on the door.

"Yeah, where else would I be?" I asked sarcastically.

He shrugged then left the room.

Later that night in bed I thought about Butch, not in fantasizing way but in a curious way. Why does he look so damn familiar? I think if I'd remember those eyes if I had seen them before… I thought to myself before falling asleep.

A/N: So I'm working on somewhat rewriting/typing this story. Pretty much the same story but just a few minor changes. Thanks for reading! Comments are greatly appreciated!

(rewriting this is kind of a way for me to come up with new ideas for this story without completely starting over)