
The shadows slither up her frame, clawing at her frail body as if trying to pull her into their onyx shroud of grisly mystique. She feels like she's choking on the incalculable dark void that ruthlessly strangles and shreds at her heart, leaving irrevocable gashes, arrayed on a pedestal for the world to ridicule. It's as though they are hiding among them; whispering false accusations and morose stories of a life they had weaved into a sadistic form of entertainment for others to indulge in the fact that their lives aren't as calamitous as hers.

People like you, who just happened to pull up the link to these two girls nightmare of a life. But who can blame you right? You just wanted a good read, and who knows maybe you will or perhaps this will all just be 3 minutes from your life you'll never get back. Or maybe you'll be one of the twisted souls who take joy in the telling of this abhorrent story. But that's all it is, a story, right? Of course.

Anyways let's get back to this story.

Their feet pad against the gum spattered cement creating a somber beat, though their hands stay intertwined, linked in an ethereal serenity, that seems to make the unremitting darkness falter, even if just a little.

They walk in a comfortable silence, though her eyes can't help but scan the deserted road. She didn't want to have their 'date' be a stroll around the abandoned streets, but it seemed to be their last resort of solitary.

She tightens her grip on the other girl's hand, not willing to lose her lifeline.

Coming to an abrupt halt, the blue eyed girl peers at her girlfriend, "Relax alright, nothings going to happen."

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling about this, especially with everything that's happened lately." Her eyes linger on the others, before darting across the poorly lit sidewalk.

Their lips lock for a brief moment, but in that instant it sends shivers of unspeakable passion down their spines. "Trust me okay?"

The latina's fears dissipate and her head finds it ways to the crook of the other girl's neck, settling contentedly in the little nook.

"Okay." she whispers, but almost instantly the seemingly romantic story morphs into a horror film.

"Tsk tsk you guys just don't listen, do you?" A gruff voice tears through their fleeting moment of untimely happiness.

Muscles taut and instincts raging, the girls turn woodenly towards the voice, but instead are met with the barrel of a gun.

A strangled scream escapes the lips of the tanned girl, but she is duly cut off by two harrowing cracks of a gun, that is shortly followed by a baleful lull.

Because what would a story be without a little action.

So I decided to write my first Jori fic! I don't know why, but all of sudden I really got into this pairing, so I'll definitely continue with this story and hopefully you guys like it!

Reviews are very much appreciated!