A/N: I am so sorry for the late update. My laptop broke and it stopped me from writing. This is not the original chapter three. I just recreated it because I can't do anythign about the files in the laptop anymore. Anyway, I'll stop excusing myself. This is the chapter three. I hope you'll like.

Disclaimer: I don't own Castle! If I did, there should be a Christmas Special after 'Cuffed'.

"Nikki, I have the most amazing idea."


An evil grin creased on Jamie's delicate features.

"Let's switch places!" She said excitedly and held her sister's hands.

Nikki's brows furrowed. Her jaw slightly dropped.

"What? It is a great idea, isn't it."

"What are you thinking, Jamie?" She removed her hands from her sister's. She shove her in front of the mirror. "Look."


"Exactly," she turned her sister to face her. "we can't switch places like this."

"We need to cut your hair." She took Nikki's hair.

"Wait, what!" She stepped backwards. "You can't. I will not permit you."

"I'm not asking your permission. I'm telling you my decision. I will cut your hair so they won't suspect us, Nikki." She took her sister's shoulders. "May I remind you that you're the one who mentioned it."

"No, I'm not talking about the hair –"

"Excuses!" she retorted. "Don't you want to see mom" she raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, but –"

"No buts. Your sacrifice is deeply appreciated, sister."

Nikki gave a loud sigh. "Fine."


A tear fell from his eye. He missed his daughter so much. After Kate left, he hired a private investigator to look out for his daughter and Kate. He knew Kate will kill him if she finds out. He knows some information about his Jamie but Kate didn't even know anything about Nikki. He pulled out his phone and dialled the number at the back of the picture.

He looked at the picture while he was waiting for the other line to pick up.

In the picture, Jamie and Kate were eating an ice cream. Kate wiped the ice cream on their daughter's cheek. He wondered what it would be like if he and Nikki shared that moment with them. He remembered the morning before she left. They left.

He woke up. The sun was up. The rays of the sun hit her porcelain skin. He watched her sleep. Her hair was slightly messed up from the night before. He traced some circles on her tummy. He started waking her up by placing butterfly kisses on her shoulders up to her jaw.

He heard her moaned. "Happy anniversary." He greeted her with a smile.

His flashback was interrupted when he heard a voice from the other line. He quickly ended the call. What should he say? He wasn't sure that she will pick up. It was an idiotic thing to call her then hung up.

"Ricky," he glanced up. "Are you ready to go?"

He gave a small smile and nod to the blond woman dressed in a scarlet dress.


"Beckett." She answered quickly. No one answered. "Hello?"

"It hung up."

"Maybe it was just a wrong number." The redhead commented.

Kate shrugged.

"So… how's Jamie?" She knew better not to push Kate about the divorce.

Kate smiled. She knew how much Alexis got so happy when she knew she had a new sister. She jumped for joy when she found out they were twins. "She's fine. She's quirky, asks a lot of questions and she likes hanging out in the precinct."

"Does she have… any… um… father figures?" she asked shyly.

Kate shook her head. "No. Nobody can fill up that position."

She knew she shouldn't push but she really wanted to know. "What happened?"

"Lex, I can't… talk about it. It hurts too much… I –"

She squeezed her 'mother's' hand. "Okay, it's fine."

Kate smiled and squeeze her hand.

She felt the need to change the topic. "Mom, there's this guy named Ashley…"

And so her afternoon was filled with a topic that she wasn't ready yet to listen to but she listened anyway.


"That's odd." Jamie said with her phone on her left.


"Someone called me then hung up on me." Nikki moved forward.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know." Jamie showed her the number.

"Oh my gosh!"

"What? Why? Do you know who is it?" She asked. Her voice sounded panicky.

"That's Dad."

"Dad? How did he-" Nikki cut her off.

"He has resources. Why did he call you?"

Jamie opened her mouth then closed it again because Nikki continued talking.

"Maybe he misses you. But why did he hung up?"

She opened her mouth again but she was silenced again by Nikki.

"Maybe he doesn't know what to say but –"

This time, she put her hand on Nikki's mouth. "Whatever his intensions are, the question is, should I call him?" She lifted her eyebrows.

"I don't know. But you can just say, 'Hey, it's Jamie. I know you're my dad. You missed almost all of my life.' You can't say that."

She snorted. "Of course, I would say that. What will you say if mom will call you?"

Nikki slumped on the bed.

"What?" Jamie asked.

"Why didn't mom tried to contact me?" She looked up to her sister's eyes.

"Nikki, mom doesn't have many resources like dad. I'm sure she would if she knew your number." She sat beside Nikki. Nikki laid her head on Jamie's shoulders.

"Give me your phone. I'll let you talk to mom." She smiled.

Their mom quickly answered the phone. After a few seconds, she hung up.

"Why did you do that?" Jamie asked.

"I don't know what to say."

Jamie rolled her eyes like what her mom always do. She kind of inherited her famous eye roll.

"You" she pointed her sister. Her other hand rested on her hip. "are really you're father's daughter."


After few minutes of arguing about the hair, the phone call and other stuff that sisters always do, they ended up cutting Nikki's hair that day.

"Now, you look just like me." Jamie gave away a huge grin.

"Not exactly," Nikki looked at the mirror.

"Oh, come on! I did a good job." She whined.

"Ugh, Jamie not that." She pulled her sister towards the mirror. "Our eyes. I've been trying to tell you that from the beginning but you keep on interrupting me."



"What are we going to do?"

"I have an idea. The campfire's on eight, right?"


She came back to the precinct. Her mood was lighter now. She can't believe that Alexis has a boyfriend and they've going out for months. She promised to herself that she will keep an eye on Alexis. She told her that if he backfires, she can call her. She can scare the hell out of that boy's life.

"Yo, boss. You seemed to be in a good mood." Esposito noticed.

Ryan stood up. "Hey, isn't today Jamie's camping trip?"

"Yeah, she'll stay there for two weeks."

"Lanie said you two will have a girl's day out." She noticed that he slipped. Everybody in the precinct knew about him and Lanie but they haven't made a public announcement.

She went to break room and came back with a cup of coffee. She was going in her desk then she stopped when Ryan called her.


"I heard your favourite writer's coming back to town."

"What did you say?" her tone was higher.

"You know, that Nikki Heat series writer…"

She was slightly shocked. The cup nearly dropped. Her lips parted.


She lost most of her sense but she heard Ryan said "I think I'm in trouble."

Merry Christmas to you all!

I would like to thank unwrittencate for the messages. Sorry if I haven't replied yet.