Shattered: Spiral of Deception

Chapter 10

Ino sighed happily as Naruto held her in his arms. She had finally gotten what she wanted. To be with Naruto. It just took a lot longer than she thought because of the damnable seal that the Third Hokage had put on Naruto to make him forget.

They both learn a lot from this experience. How far the deception went on in this village and how far their family ties run.

Now…now it is was time to leave the mindscape and begin a real relationship. Ino smiled at her fellow blond and made the hand sign to leave this place and froze. It was not working. Something was blocking her way out!



Inoichi froze at this. What could possibly wrong? Was it because he had been in there for a long time?

Sasuke raised an eyed the screen in confusion. He looked back to Naruto and Ino's bodies and activated his sharingan. He saw a haze between the two of them. That meant something bad. "I think the Kyuubi is trying to interfere with this." He said aloud.

That got everyone's attention. Kakashi raised head band and cursed. "He's right…Naruto, you have to figure out what the hell is going before you can leave."


Naruto sighed. "Ok…time to go talk to the big fur ball. Ino, do you want to stay here?"

"No way. If I am going to be with you, then that means I have to deal the Kyuubi sooner or later."

Naruto stood there for a minute before he shook his head. "Alright then. Thanks for sticking with me in this." Ino just smiled before kissing him again.

The duo left the empty landscape of Naruto's mindscape and into a series of underground sewer tunnels.


"Huh? Why is his mind a freaking sewer?" Sakura asked loudly.

Shikamaru decided to answer. "Because, the treatment he has received from all the villagers all his life and the fact that he is a Jinchuriki. Although, I am surprised it is not worse before of that seal."

"Dang, the kid must have had it hard. Harder than I did." Anko said quietly.

Iruka put a hand on the woman's shoulder and said, "Hey, if you pulled through it, I am sure Naruto can." That made Anko smile at him.


As the duo entered a large chamber, they saw a huge cage with a paper seal on it. Behind the cage were two massive red eyes with slits for pupils and a huge tooth smile. "So….you have come. I see that you have regained your old memories, not like it matters."

"Oh? And why is that?" Naruto barked angrily. Ino just stood there, a bit freaked out by the whole spectacle. Seriously, Naruto was talking to the Kyuubi like it was nothing to him! This made her ease up…a bit.

"Simple…I have taken this whole debacle to MY advantage and the two of you will never leave here again! Not unless…you win a fight." The giant fox roared with laughter.

"Let me guess, we have to fight you." Naruto growled out. He may have regained some of his abilities that Danzo taught him how to use, but he still did not think he was ready to beat the Kyuubi and neither was Ino for that matter.

"HA! You could not beat me if your life depended on it! AND IT DOES HAHAHA!" The giant fox laughed. "No…you will fight someone you already know." Dark Naruto walked out of the shadows with a cruel smirk on his lips. "You see, if you lose, your hatred will replace you in the real world. You will no longer exist. Now for the girl, I will take her body if you lose!"

"That's insane!" Naruto shouted.

"Yes…but I don't care. I want my freedom!"

"I guess we don't have a choice." Ino said, getting a bit of courage from Naruto and the fact the Kyuubi of all things would be taking her body. "We'll do this together and win!"

Dark Naruto smirked. "Oh that is fine with me. I will enjoy killing you. I hated defending you in this process of regaining his memory. Now I can take my frustration out on you!" He laughed and was about to start, but Kyuubi stopped him.

"He has an advantage over you…the Namikaze Bloodline, which you do not hold. So, here is my power. Don't lose!" The Kyuubi roared as red energy shot out from his mouth and into Dark Naruto, who went one tail and started laughing insanely at all the power and hatred.

"FINALLY!" Dark Naruto shouted as he laughed before he looked at the two with a crazed face and rushed at them.

Ino saw that Dark Naruto was rushing at them like an animal would and used her new power to grab hold of the cement underneath and lifted it up, flung him off, and then smashed it on him. She saw him get up and he looked like he was never even touched.

"Psychic Spears!" She yelled as a 4 light purple misty spears formed before shooting out at the evil blond.

The evil blond evaded all but one of them and it stabbed into his shoulder, making him stumble in shock. For some reason, he was not healing like he was supposed to. However, he did get to contemplate this for very long because Naruto's foot came from behind before black chains wrapped around the arms, encasing them.

"You know, for once, I am going to take a page out of Sasuke's book." Naruto said as he begun to pull backwards with his foot still his dark self's back.

"FUCKING WHELP!" The evil blond roared as he broke free from the chains and swiped at Naruto's chest, creating large gashes before the kicked Naruto away. "I am going to enjoy ripping you to shreds! HAAAAAAAA!" he roared as he drew in more of the Kyuubi's chakra.

"FOOL! I never said you could take more than you have!" The Kyuubi roared in anger as Dark Naruto was already in his two tailed state.

"Stupid ANIMAL! In our deal, you never said how much I could take, so I am taking all that I can! HA! HAHAHAHAHA!" the evil Naruto laughed, drunk on power as a third tailed formed into existence. "Or does the embodiment of Pride not want his freedom?"

"Not like this." The fox growl, powerless to stop the evil blond because he was Naruto as well and the seal worked in his favor.

Naruto eyed this exchange and scoffed. It seemed that these two didn't even get along that well. "No matter, we'll still win."

"Oh really. I will enjoy killing you even more if you think you can beat me in this form!" The evil Naruto growled out before they charged at each other. The good blond ducked under an extended red claw before he sent his black chain to spear through the evil blond's shoulder, which got him an animalistic growl.

Naruto smirked before the retracted the chain and straightened it, forma sword of sorts. The chain links were sharp after all. He then jumped to take a swipe at the evil blond's chest, but was blasted back because the evil Naruto decided to add another tail and his from shifted.

"Oooh! This power is so intoxicating! I love it!" Dark Naruto shouted with glee and desire. He didn't even feel the psychic pushes that Ino sent at him to distract him. However, he did grow a fifth tail. The blood form growing some bones.

"Naruto, this insane, we can't keep this up!" Ino said panic. "Dad never trained me that far into our bloodline because I started being a Sasuke fan girl and well, I don't know all that Danzo taught you."

"I didn't get that far either." Naruto grimaced. "Chain Style Jutsus are not easy to make."


Hinata, throughout the whole battle, thought that her Naruto could win and she was not going to let him lose hope. She got up, gaining everyone's attention, and put her hand her his head. "Don't give up, I know you can do it, so take my chakra to help you!" She yelled out.

Though shocked, the others in the room all nodded and did the same, putting their hands to Naruto's body and adding their own chakra.


Naruto and Ino heard Hinata's voice before other voices joined in, telling him to never give up. Ino smiled before giving her own chakra to Naruto through a kiss. Then, he exploded with chakra all around his form. Hinata and Neji's chakra formed lion shapes on his fists, Rock Lee and Gai's chakra…while small, still formed muscles of blue chakra around his arms and legs. Sasuke, Kakashi, and surprisingly Danzo created the eyes, with one on his forehead, all sharingan like. Anko and Iruka's chakra created scaly wings on his back. Kurenai created sort of a barrier around him. Ino's chakra formed a mask around his lower face with eh symbol for mind on it. Shikamaru's chakra darkened his form somewhat. Choji and Sakura's chakra beefed up his chest region. Inoichi formed a bandana around his hair while Jiriaya formed his head band on it and made his hair longer. Shizune's strengthened the barrier and finally Tsunade's created the symbol on his head band, the symbol for the will of fire.

Kyuubi just watch on in shock that these human could actually do this! He chuckled darkly and silently rooted for the good blond. No one double crosses him! Suddenly he felt a stronger pull from the evil blond and felt a lot of anger from him.

Dark Naruto could not believe his eyes. The idiot should be like him! Taking the power of the Kyuubi's Hatred, but instead he takes the love and will of the village ninja. The same village that created him! "So that's how it is! FINE! When I take over, I will destroy EVERYONE!" he roared out in pure rage as he took more power from the Kyuubi, going up to the eighth tail and roared out a jet of flames at the good blond and thanks to the barrier, he was protected.

The two then charged at each other and in the middle, where they met, they created a shockwave the knocked Ino on her butt. "I am sorry, that I gave into hatred at one point in life. I just could not take the stares any longer. I told everyone that I hated them and ran off, creating you. I split myself somehow and now my hatred is out of control. I will beat you down."

"HA! Not likely! I have Kyuubi's power while you have the simple power of those people! You cannot win!"

"I think I can." Naruto declared. "I fight for my friends. I'd protect them with my life. They are doing the same with me. We are Konoha Ninja and the Will of Fire is what drives us!" He then lion punched the Kyuubified Dark Naruto in the gut before punching him in the face. "Through their powers, I am using Konoha's strength! In this from, I AM THE WILL OF FIRE!" He then punched the dark one up into the air.

"Now is your chance! Destroy your darkness that most Jinchuriki lose themselves to! This your mind, anything is possible, so take it back!" a voice rang out that was familiar to the Kyuubi, Tsunade, and Jiriaya.

Anything is possible… Naruto thought as he saw the evil start to fall in mid-air. He held out his hand in a stopping motion and the dark one froze in place. Then he made three people appear in his mind. The Second Hokage appeared and through large amount of water at the evil Naruto before Haku appeared and froze the water that was on his left leg and arm. The Fist Hokage then used his wood style jutsu to ensnare the evil one's right side and tails.

"It is time for me to get rid of my hatred once and for all. I don't need it and I never will." Naruto said calmly as he held out his hand and all the chakra flew off of him and into the hand, creating a Rasengan. "Konoha may have created you, but now it is destroying you with our Will of Fire! Take this, Rasengan!" He jumped up and plunged the ball of chakra in his darkside's chest, making it cry out before Kyuubi's chakra was taken back into the beast and before Naruto's friends chakra enveloped him, creating a blinding light before he was blasted out of existence.

Naruto dropped back to the ground and fell on his knees, panting like crazy. That hurt him a bit for some reason. Ino ran over to him and gave him a big hug. "You did it!"

"No…we did it." Naruto said before he kissed her and then said, "Now who else is in my mind?"

"That would be me," A voice said as a woman stepped out of the shadows. She had bright-red hair and large, pupiless eyes. She wore an elaborate, high-collared kimono with the Uzushiogakure symbol on the back of the obi tied around her waist. Her hair was arranged in buns with hair pins in them and three clips in the front. She also wore a dark shade of lipstick and had a diamond mark on her forehead, similar to that of Tsunade. She also wore what appeared to be seal tags in her hair decals. She also looked like she was in her twenties.

Kyuubi took one look at the woman and said, "Back again I see."


Tsunade shot up out of her chair and stared at the View in disbelief. "Grandma?"

"Who is she?" Sakura asked, clearly as confused as the others.

"She is Mito Uzumaki, wife of the First Hokage. My grandmother, but what is she doing in NARUTO and YOUNG!"


"As you have heard from my granddaughter's rather loud voice from outside, I am Mito Uzumaki and I was the First Jinchuriki for Kurama."

"Who?" Both blonds said.

Mito chuckled. "That is Kyuubi's name. I have a feeling that he doesn't like his own name."

"Feh….Kyuubi no Kitsune strikes more fear in people's hearts then Kurama." The fox replied.

"Ok…." Naruto said, very confused. 'Why are you in my mind?"

"I put a part of my soul into Kurama here to help his other Jinchuriki free themselves from their darkness. I knew that Konoha wanted to keep him locked away for safety and to eventually make Kyuubi good. So I did this in my younger years to help all those like me. You mother had the same problems when I picked her to be the next vessel." Mito replied.

"Wow, I thought my mom was the only one before me….wait, Uzumaki? Am I related to you?" Naruto asked.

"That I am not sure, but you are my clansmen like Kushina was." Mito replied. "Just know that the Uzumaki are cousins to the Senju. Before I go, I will say what Kushina said before. Love is the only thing that will counter Kurama's hatred, but I already see that you have found love." The woman smiled before she faded away. In her place was a doorway that led out of the mind. However, her voice left a fading message. "Beware of you lineage…"

Naruto smiled, but he wished he could have asked more. He took Ino's hand and they walked into the doorway and into the real world.


The two awoke to see that everyone was staring at them with big smiles on their face. Tsunade smiled wider than all as she saw the two new lovers. "I think it is time we have a party to celebrate you two."

The two blond blushed as the room exploded with activity. Jiriaya crying tears of joy at getting two new prospects for his books. Kakashi and Asuma were just proud of their students. All this friends happily chatted with them. Inoichi and Hinata inwardly cried for their own reasons but they were happy for them.


"Enjoy the peace while it lasts…." A male voice said humorously.

Kurama stiffened when he heard that voice. "Yet another in this place of…being. Who are you?"

A dark chuckle was heard as the man walked into the light. The fox gasped. "You look like that Uchiha!"

"Yes….ironic is it not? Seems that history will once again repeat itself…but I will get what I want in the end. Be sure of that."

"Feh….I doubt that."

"That Pride of yours will be your undoing Fox, just like it was for those old civilizations. Just know that the world will be mine as I am the master of SIN!" the man shouted in hysterics as he laughed insanely. "I am Sasuke Namikaze and I will be SIN ITSELF!"


And we are done. A good teaser for the future, but I need to get my thoughts straightened out before i do that. So enjoy my other works and my up and coming works. But be on the lookout for Chains of Fate! Also, i need to chain related jutsu.

New works to come out:

Grim Reaper of Iwa: Naruto in Iwa.

Ninja of the Dead: Naruto/Highschool of the Dead. (question, it could go either two ways. My question for this is…should I kill off Takashi?)