Hi guys! Im so glad you like this.

Mike and Donna show up the next day in all black.

Donna does it stylishly: she has black stilettos (that Harvey paid for), black skinny jeans, and a tight wrap sweater. She's also wearing a black leather jacket, because who says only men can be badass when they were them? She'd a woman spy and she can do what she wants! The jacket makes her look more intimidating, which is what she's aiming for. The smuggler would be stupid to not give himself up after seeing her no-nonsense look.

Mike's always been a bit fashionably challenged, as he decides to wear a large black trench coat like a ridiculous 'inconspicuous' informant. It looks good on him. He's wearing a turtleneck underneath it-this is New York City and it's winter, it gets cold-and plain black slacks. Donna upon seeing him facepalms, giggling, and then tries to contain herself.

"Mike," she says after a while, all seriousness, "they're going to notice our hair, and our cover will be blown. We're spies now! We can't be recognized." With that, she hands him a beanie and sunglasses.

"I understand the hair aspect of it, but why sunglasses?" Mike asks, pouting as he shoves the beanie atop his head.

"Mike, darling, your eyes are a beautiful blue, but right now, we can't have that. They're as noticeable as my red hair. I know, we don't have to like it, but we're doing this for our country."

They finish putting on their gear outside of Pearson Hardman, before walking in, with stoic faces. The only sounds between them are the faint hums of "America, Fuck Yeah!" It's their theme song. They hum it whenever they're on a real mission.

The only upside to Mike's large trench coat is that it hides all their spy-supplies quite well.

They're sliding against the walls towards the paralegal offices. After a heated, whispered argument in the elevator, they decided that the fastest way to gain information would be to ease-drop on the always gossiping paralegals.

They've decided to split up, cover more ground in less time, and Mike is excited, because he's just gotten new walkie talkies. These babies clip onto your pants which fascinates Mike to no end, so he insists on using them. Donna wouldn't normally do something so kiddish, seeing as she's a sophisticated woman, but she indulges Mike, because his puppy eyes are just too adorable to turn down.

So yes, the trench coat hides the walkie talkies he's carrying for both of them, so they don't look so conspicuous. It also has a million pockets inside of it-"Mike, where did you buy this thing?" - "Oh, Donna, there was a nice man but he was running away from someone with a gun! He was wearing it, and I complimented it, so he gave it to me. It had bags of this weird stuff in it, but I threw them out."-which hold mini notepads, a multitude of pens in many colors, signal-hankies, and extra pairs of sunglasses. Their phones, fancy government issued ones, have tape recorders that assist in eavesdropping. It all adds up, and if he had a regular jacket, he'd look like he's packing. But with the trench coat, they're totally conspicuous, and the information smuggler doesn't stand a chance

Harvey Specter would like to know what the fuck was going on. His associate and Donna had always had a weird relationship, they talked with their eyes and made references no one else understood and talked about a 'Bossman.' They were both incredibly patriotic; on the last Fourth of July, Harvey remembers seeing them both dressed up in all red-white-and-blue, and saying the words "America" and "Fuck yeah!" at the end of almost every sentence.

All the associates (and most of the partners) thought that Mike and Donna were just 'those' pricks who flaunt their inside jokes. The whole, 'we're friends and we're better than you, here, watch us laugh in synchronization' annoyed most everyone, including Louis. Harvey enjoyed watching Donna and Mike though, they were so together in everything, and it was like watching his old self and Scotty, in freshman year, at least. Before the competitiveness of law school got in the way, Scotty and him were the best damn people on campus, and no one could screw with them, because they would get more than they could give.

It made Harvey proud, his associate, his assistant, and himself were Pearson Hardman's dream team: always moving smoothly, instinctively knowing what needed to be done.

But right now? He had no clue what the hell was going on. Donna wasn't at her desk, Mike wasn't at his desk, and there were some weird people in garb traipsing the halls. And he was all alone.

Review! with ideas, or anything else you'd like! :)