Thanks for the nice reviews I got, I've decided to continue this story! :)

Continuation from the last chapter in Rose's POV..

"That's who will be on my team for the search and kill of Mr. Dimitri Belikov."


Chapter 2

Pushing through my own screaming in my head, as the session was ending I caught up with Guardian Hans Croft.

"This isn't right!" I blurted out to him. My voice sounded ragged and out of breath.

He turned around slowly giving me a weary look. "What do you mean?"

The look he was giving me wasn't just weary but annoyed. Hans always had this sort of thing where, whenever I was talking to him, he made me feel like I was stupid. Like, he was the boss. Which, I suppose he was being head guardian and all, but that's not the point.

Basically since the moment I had come to court, he didn't like me.

"Ki-killing, Dimitri" I stuttered out. Keep your cool Rose, keep your cool. I took a deep breath. "It isn't right; we can't just kill someone for no reason!"

"No reason?" he crossed his big muscled arms across his chest and glared at me. "You're new to being a guardian, Hathaway, so you obviously don't understand. He is dangerous, a threat. Our job is to keep threats away from this court."

I swallowed. He obviously didn't know anything about my relationship with Dimitri. It would make no sense for me to even try to save him by spilling my feelings. He wouldn't care.

"He's not a threat." I said through clenched teeth.

"We don't know that. Not at all. Weren't you listening to what was said in the meeting? He could be going back to a Strigoi clan as we speak."

"He's not-"

"You can't be sure of anything. I know he used to be your mentor and you knew him quite well but he's not the same person anymore." His tone wasn't polite or caring, it was harsh.

Not the same person anymore. That part was true.. but not in the way he thought.

Without warning Hans turned away and left.

"No!" I yelled out.

"Hathaway, I have somewhere to be." He snapped.

I stared at him a moment before speaking again. "Why me?"

"Why you what?" he asked, impatient.

"Why do you want me to be one of the Guardians to go out on the hunt to try and… kill him?" I demanded.

He shrugged his shoulders and the movement made me mad. Like this was no big deal to him. "You knew him. You might have an idea of where he could go, or when we do find him, you'd be able to talk to him, and then surprise him by-"

"Killing him." I finished his sentence. I could just imagine it, we find Dimitri and they would want me to be a distraction, I was sure Dimitri would take the moment to talk to me, most likely a frustrated look on his face asking me "Why are you here, Rose?", "I don't want you to follow me. Go back to court." Something painful like that. And then what? I'd shoot him?

No way. No way in hell.

"We leave tomorrow," Hans said. "Be packed, we're not sure how long we'll be gone for."

And then he was gone. And I couldn't think of an excuse to stop this mission.

I must have just stood there for a few more minutes, my mind was racing when I heard someone call my name.

Adrian touched my shoulder making me jump.

"Little Dhampir," He said taken back. "Hey, are you okay? I woke up and you weren't there, sorry I slept in"

I turned and looked into his emerald green eyes. I could tell he was thinking about our night together last night. It pretty much made us officially, I guess, a couple.

How would I tell him about all this? Oh hey Adrian, last night was great and all but now I've gotta go and search for my ex-lover with a whole bunch of other guardians. I won't see you again for who knows how long. Oh, and when I find him, I've been told I have to kill him so now you're girlfriends going to be a murderer.

Maybe not the best choice of wording.

"Yeah… I'm okay." I rubbed my head. Was there any point in lying? No. "Actually, no, no I'm not alright." I turned then and walked in the direction of my apartment.

I could hear him following behind as I stalked off. "Rose, what is it?"

I opened my door and we both walked in. I sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands.

I felt Adrian touch my shoulder, and then pull back. "You're not… you're not regretting what happened last night are you? Cause if you are-"

"No. It's not that." I looked up at him. "I'm actually surprised you haven't heard"

I was about to tell him everything when Lissa came bursting through my door.

"They asked you to kill Dimitri?" She yelled, the look of pure shock written all over her face.

Adrian turned to me wide eyed. "What?"

"You can't do it, Rose! You can't do it" She said. Then she lowered her voice. "I won't let you."

Was she kidding me? She actually thought I would do it? What was she blinded by whatever it was her and Dimitri had going on she lost sight of who I was. She thought I could actually kill him? Kill someone I loved?

I glared at her. "Are you kidding me? Of course not!"

She was breathing heavily and I could tell she must have rushed over here as soon as she heard. "Really? Because that's not what I heard. The guardians are talking about going out on the hunt and having a 'handy' source to help get the job done. When I heard it was you I couldn't believe it. How could you do this? You worked so hard to save him, to turn him back to Dhampir and now he is and you're teaming up with guardians to kill him? I thought you loved him!"

I was about to scream back when silence fell. Adrian turned to me, an uncomfortable look on his face, and a bit of hurt. Did she really have to talk about me loving Dimitri in front of Adrian?

I glared at her. She looked a bit guilty but recovered herself. "Did you not hear what I just said, Lissa? Calm down." I was pushing my anger back knowing fighting with Lissa wasn't going to help anything, only make it worse.

"But… you are going on the mission right?" she asked.

"Yes." I answered. "I have no choice but to."


I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. "I guess I'll try and throw them off track. Pretend I'm working with them when I'm really working against." I took a deep breath. This is not gonna be easy. "Hopefully if they can't find him in the next couple of weeks, they'll give up. They can't leave the court for too long. I won't let them kill him. I won't." I said whispering the last part.

There was a long silence before Adrian spoke for the first time. "When do you leave?" he asked quietly. When I looked at him, his expression was blank and I could tell he was trying his best to compose himself. I wonder how he felt, mad maybe?


Lissa sucked in a breath. "I hope he went far, somewhere difficult for anyone to fine him." She said. Me too.

"I'm sure Belikov wouldn't be stupid enough to stay somewhere close," Adrian said bitterly. "But then again, he was stupid enough to leave in the first place."

I felt Lissa's emotions run through the bond. "I'm sorry, Rose" she said sincerely. "I'm just worried about him… he was just so depressed the last time I saw him." She looked at her watch and sighed. "I told Christian I'd meet up with him 10 minutes ago. I'll come by in the morning Rose"

I nodded and she left, leaving just Adrian and I in my room.

"Well, this isn't the way I thought today would go" Adrian mused.


He lit up a cigarette. I didn't bother to protest about him smoking in my room.

"I'm sorry, Adrian." I said.

"For what? Having to leave? Little dhampir, I'm not mad. Why would I be? You can't help it. If anything I'm pretty crushed about how long you're gonna be away."

I hugged him. Maybe he was right about having no reason to be mad about this, but he did have every reason to be mad if he knew what happened between me and Dimitri in the church only hours before he escaped. Adrian was still my boyfriend and I had practically begged Dimitri to admit he loved me the same way I loved him.

Some great girlfriend I was.

Adrian didn't stay over that night, and I was glad. I needed time to come up with a plan to betray the guardians and save Dimitri's life. Again.

Sorry about this chapter, I know nothing much happened but that's just because the story is starting, all the action will be starting in the next chapter, which I'll hopefully have up really soon.

Please Review & Let me know what you think or any suggestions!
