
Hey! So it's been awhile since I've wrote a story so I thought I'd try this idea. It's set in Spirit Bound not long after Dimitri tells Rose "Love Fades. Mine Has." In the church. The Queen is still alive. Rose's POV goes from where she wakes up the next morning after spending the night with Adrian. Anyway, I hope you like it!


The hurt on Rose's face continued to play in my mind, like a replaying movie, one I wished so badly I could stop. As soon as the words left my mouth I regrated them "Love Fades. Mine Has." How had I said such a cruel thing? Maybe I did have some Strigoi left in me after all, the thought made my eyes widen and a shiver run down my spine.

Ever since I've been changed back I've been having these nightmares, nightmares that were once a reality, a playback of what I did when I was put in the mind and body of a Strigoi… the ones I killed and tortured, I can still picture their faces, I could still hear their screams, and Rose… beautiful, strong Rose. I had made her weak, fragile… and a feeder.

These dreams were bad enough to wake me up screaming and make me physically sick to my stomach.

I hadn't realised how worked up I was getting until I let out a huge gasp of breath causing the two guardians to look at me in concern.

"You alright, Belikov?" Guardian Bowden asked me. Guardian Bowden was the stricter of the two guardians who had been assigned to watch over me to make sure I wasn't a threat to everyone.

But I wasn't complaining, it was an improvement and much better than being locked in a jail cell with guardians lining all down the corridor who flinched anytime I made as much of a movement.

"Yeah," I cleared my throat. "I'm fine." I lied. I was anything but fine. I hadn't slept, I was anxious and I'd just made a big problem, bigger.

I knew what I needed to do, and it wasn't just for myself it was for the people around me. Princess Vasilissa didn't need me around destroying her reputation by trying to save me, and Rose… I was only making matters worse with her, she needed to move on, be with Adrian. Me hanging around wasn't a good idea.

And if I stayed like this for much longer, I would go crazy. Things weren't looking good for me, more people were against me then on my side.

I stood up slowly dropping the western I had been holding without reading in front of me.

"Belikov…" Bowden started wearily, "Are you o-"

I didn't waste a minute, turning around I landed a punch in the middle of his face hard enough to knock him to the ground where he hit his head on the coffee table, falling unconscious.

My other guardian, Guardian Clyde's eyes widened briefly before taking action and lunging towards me.

He, was harder to take down but not by a lot, I did feel bad, they were the good guys and were some of the few who had actually believed me. But this was what I had to do, I wasn't staying here.


The Next Day

I left a note for Adrian as I left my room, I suspected he wouldn't be waking up any time soon so I decided I would just head over to the café' to pick up something to eat.

I was thinking a million miles an hour as I walked… what, happened last night? Adrian and I, I hadn't planned to go that far… I certainly hadn't planned to let him bite me but I was so worked up I was hardly thinking straight.

I rubbed my eyes and realised how much they burned, from all the crying I did yesterday afternoon no doubt. What happened in the church with Dimitri was heartbreaking. When he had first been put in jail he'd pushed me away, told me he didn't feel the same way I did, told me to leave he didn't want to see me, and it hurt. But that hurt didn't compare to hurt he had caused by the words he'd said yesterday, it wasn't even just what he said, it was the way he said it. Like that was it. Case over, Rose. "I've given up on you. Love fades, Mine has."

I swallowed down tears, no, I wouldn't cry. What had I told myself last night? Love fades, but it also grows... and mine could, with Adrian.

But why didn't that sound right?

A familiar buzz sounded in my head just as I'd made my way into the café'. I rolled my eyes. Lissa wanted me to meet her in her room.

In her room? How surprising, I thought she would be with Dimitri, I thought bitterly. He was oh-so convinced Lissa was his angel sent down from heaven who had brought him back from the undead.

Not like anything I had done mattered. I guess dropping out of school to go to Russia, breaking into a prison, and doing everything I possibly could to find Robert, Victor Dashkov's long lost crazy brother in Vega's didn't count as too much.

Lissa sent her thoughts through my head again and I out loud growled, causing the women at the café' counter give me a strange look. I'm starving Liss, I'll be there soon. I thought although I knew she couldn't hear me. Stupid one-way bond.

After I ordered a muffin to go, I noticed all the people rushing around me. Guardian's mainly were making their way to their "headquarters" in a rush. Was there a meeting I hadn't been told about?

I kinda dreaded seeing Lissa, we hadn't exactly parted on good terms, after she'd yelled at me to leave Dimitri alone.

I only had to knock once before Lissa flung her door open.

"There you are!" She said beckoning me inside. "What took you so long? I asked you to come ages ago!"

I ate the last bite of my muffin. "You couldn't have just called like a normal person?" Yeah, I was a little annoyed with her. "Besides, I had to eat I was practically dying of starvation."

Lissa rolled her eyes. "So I'm guessing you haven't heard."

"Heard what?"

She looked at me and I noticed she was worried. She must have had some of her walls up on the bond because now I could feel it radiating off her.

"Heard what, Liss?"

She swallowed. "It's Dimitri… he- he's missing. They're saying he ran from court."

"He what!" I shouted.

She rubbed a hand over her forehead and sighed. "The two guardians that were watching him were found beaten and unconscious in Dimitri's room"

"Why…why would he do that?" I started pacing, my anger spiking. After everything, everything! He's gone again. "What was he thinking? Why would he?"

"I don't know, Rose. He was pretty messed up, upset, hurt. He probably couldn't deal with-"

"Yeah I get that." I snapped. I was pretty messed up, upset and hurt too but I hadn't run away from court. "After everything I did to get him back he just runs away? If a Strigoi he once knew finds him, he'll be killed, most-likely tortured." I remembered what Dimitri had been like to the other Strigoi while he was one, He was cruel and threatening. If someone he once knew saw him, they'd want revenge.

This caused tears to fill in Lissa's eyes. "The guardians… they're having a meeting held… to see what to do. I don't think they can just let him get away with this."

"Okay I got to go then," I told her quickly.


"I need to find out what they're going to do, Liss." I said before shutting her door behind me.

I tried to keep calm as I made my way into the room the meeting was being held. There was a small stage at the front and were about 50 chairs lined for anyone to sit at. I chose to stand at the back, trying my best to hear what they were all saying.

"Just let him go!" One guardian I didn't recognise spoke. "Whether he's a Strigoi or Dhampir he doesn't need to be our responsibility any longer. Why should we have to put out a search party?"

A search party? They wanted to look for him? I couldn't decide if that was good or bad.

Another guardian, a women, with short-cut blonde hair stood up. "But we need him, he could be help! Remember what he said that day he was being interviewed? He knows where some of the most massive Strigoi hideouts are. Do you know what a help that would be to all of us?"

"Maybe he still is a Strigoi though!" came an answer. "It would all make more sense. Why else would he want to break out? "

He's not a Strigoi! I felt like screaming.

"He's not on our side." The idiot continued. "He's taken out eight guardians all up. I don't even know how he did it, the guardians that guard the courts gates are some of our best. Maybe some of the Strigoi is still in him, we don't know how this all works. How else would he have been able to take them all out?"

Because, the man's like a freakin' God. They didn't know Dimitri at all, and they definitely did not have a clue what he was capable of just as a dhampir.

But why had he run away? Did he really not see the reason in staying and fighting for his freedom back? Or, did he really just... hate me that much. I swallowed. He doesn't love me, he wanted to get away from me. He left only an hour after what happened at church.

I felt my heart clench and I started to feel sick. I may never see him again...The thought killed me.

I didn't want that, because even though after all the hurt he'd cause. I still loved him, and I didn't know if I could ever stop.

I felt someone's eyes on me. I looked across the room to see Eddie. He gave me a sympathetic look.

The last time Eddie and I spoke, we'd had a fight about how I'd risked innocent lives to save Dimitri while he was Strigoi and I had ended up breaking down and telling him how I felt about my former mentor.

Hans, the head guardian stood up the front on the stage. I realised I must have completely zoned out of their conversation. "So it's settled. The Queen has been in a separate interview about the actions we are now to take. Dimitri Belikov has broken serious rules and we are not even sure if he is Dhampir or not. What we do know, is that he is a threat to all of us."

He looked around the room. Some people looked concerned, some looked pleased. "We will have two separate teams tracking where he has gone. His punishment, is to be killed on the spot. "

Hans started then to read out names of the guardians who were going on these teams.

But I wasn't concentrating on that, I was concentrating on suddenly how hard it was for me to breath, how my head was spinning, and how I felt like for a while my whole world had stopped.

His punishment, is to be killed on the spot.

"No.." I whispered.

"Guardian Hathaway." I thought I heard someone say my name.

"Wha-" I looked up to see Han's eyes were directly on me.

"That's who will be on my team for the search and kill of Mr. Dimitri Belikov."

Sorry not much happened in this chapter. Should I continue? Please Review! :)