Wolf: Hello my lovelies :D

Mai: Wait what about the next chapter for Matsu Hospital?

Wolf: Eh, taking a break...

Naru: For how long?

Takigawa: 'Til she wants to start writing it again!

Wolf: Thank you Monk, no, I was inspired by a few funny things on the YouTube so now, Mai-chan gets to have fun :D

Mai: What now? ;-;

Wolf and Yasu: *wicked grins* 'Pass time' doesn't always mean gaming ;)

Mai's P.O.V.

It's been a whole two months since we've gotten an actual case! The past several 'cases' were just 'creepy noises' caused by water pipes expanding from being heated! I need to do SOMETHING! I sighed and stretched myself out from sitting at the desk all day.

I've finished filing, organizing past cases, organizing my desk, I organized the kitchen, (I don't know I was just bored), AND I went on a grocery run for Yasu.

'I wonder why he wanted all of that ice cream and milk...'

"OH MAI-CHAN!" speak of the devil...

Yasu came barging in the front door with the other irregulars in tow aside from Masako and John. Oh yeah, they were going to spend lunch together. I looked to Yasu and saw he held a bag in his left hand and a little box wrapped up as a present in his right.

'Oh no, what now?'

"Hey Yasu I got all the milk and ice cream, why do you need so much anyway?" I questioned, eying him as he set everyone up on the couches. They all seemed a little too excited, except Monk who looked... nervous? He was the only one not sitting with the group on the other couches.

"Well Mai-chan, I asked you to buy them for a reason and I'll tell you right now. Remember that game where we were flipping a coin to see if it was heads or tails?" I nodded, "And you remember how the rules were if you got tails you would have to complete a challenge?" I nod again, a pit growing in my stomach.

'but it's just ice cream and milk, it shouldn't be a difficult challenge right?' I hoped to myself. Me and monk were the only ones to get tails...

"Seeing as how we didn't have a challenge ready at the time I came up with this one!" He stated raising a camera out of the bag he held, the box still unopened.

"Yasu why do you need a camera for this? It's really unsettling." I cried out stepping back to the safety of the kitchen. Yasu caught me and led me back to the couch and I pouted all the way there.

He sat me down next to Bou-san and he let go. Monk scooted closer to me and whispered in my ear, "Don't worry jou-chan, I'm here too, we can suffer together."

"But what is he planning?" I whispered back, "and why is there a camera involved?" He moved away and smiled uneasily at me.

"Okay it's ready!" Yasu shouted, he'd placed Kleenex on the table and cups filled halfway with water, the camera was set up so it was facing me and Monk. The red light on the camera came on and Yasu placed the box on the table and announced what was happening from behind the camera.

"Okay so I have a dear friend that lives in America, she's a foreign exchange student and she's sent me a little... present." He gestured toward the box, " In the letter she sent along with it, she said 'enclosed are a few of the hottest peppers known to man at the moment,' blah blah blah, ' I wanted you to have some of these Carolina reapers' blah blah, 'I hope you don't die, take care!'."

Ayako and Madoka, on the other couch, began snickering and my eyes grew wide and I looked to Bou-san for his reaction, he was looking at me horrified, 'I am NOT doing this.' I thought.

"Anyways these two lost a coin toss so now they complete my challenge!' Yasu unwrapped the package to reveal three of what looked like the very heart of Satan. "They must each eat a whole one of these Carolina Reapers, they've only been given enough water to keep it down and they only get ice cream and milk AFTER ten minutes without any relief."

He grinned at us both and I gulped. "Also if you guys wouldn't mind giving a little commentary for the audience that would be marvelous," He said lifting his glasses back to his eyes.

I whimpered out, "Yasu these things smell like death I can't eat them, this is so cruel!" I was about to get up but monk held me in place and I sent death glares at him.

"Let's just get through this okay kid? Ten minutes that's all..." I sighed and sat back down. I looked down at the box again and saw Yasu take out a Carolina reaper so there were only two.

I muttered, "Okay fine well, one of these is bigger than the other one and one of us is bigger than the other one..." The others tried to muffle their laughter and I couldn't help but smile up at monk.

He glared and took the bigger pepper and I took the smaller, it was smaller yeah, but geez...

"Okay so, I... Monk how has your day been?"

"Well, can't complain about before noon, but seeing as how it's noon I want to cry."

"Yeah same, these things, I can't eat these I'm too scared!" I whined to the others.

Ayako chuckled "Okay just stop stalling honey, get it over with,"

I looked down at it again, "Oh gosh..." I shifted in my seat and looked down.

"Okay give us a countdown or something, I won't be able to otherwise."

Lin emerged from his office and looked at us, "What's going on?"

"Oh good, LIN! can you do a countdown for us?" He quirked an eyebrow and sighed out.

"Why do you need a countdown Taniyama-san?"

"I need it to actually eat this" I held up the pepper and Lin looked confused.

"That doesn't look safe to eat, I doubt it's even edible..."I groaned and muttered 'I know' under my breath. He looked to me and Monk walked over to the couch and sat down, "In case anything goes wrong I'm going to be here,"

I glared at him 'ahuh sure' "On go," He looked up at us. "3...2...1... go." Monk and I shared a look and tore off the pepper from the stem.

"Starting the timer now..." Yasu stated. I chewed, it wasn't awful so far. We placed the stems down on the table and I hiccupped. Monk looked at me tensely for a moment before he hiccupped as well, his eyes grew wide.

I hiccupped again, "Oh no, I swallowed it, oh no... I changed my mind," Ayako giggled from behind her hand.

Yasu smiled widely, "You didn't have a choice-" Yasu was interrupted by a loud hiccup, everyone turned to Monk who was clutching his chest with wide eyes. He was shifting on the couch and he keeled over.

"Takigawa are you alright-"

"It burns so bad-" He hiccupped again, "Oh, this is going to kill me."

"Drink some," I hiccupped, "drink some water, keep it," hiccup, "keep it down" We both downed our own cups of water.

"Okay guys it's been a minute-" Yasu began.

"Are you... kidding me?... It's been longer than... Longer than that!" Monk breathed out slowly, the hiccups died down a little but you could tell he was trying to keep from escaping. "These things are burning the lining of my throat!"

I started hugging the nearest pillow, the heat stayed in my throat as well. "I hate the world." I heard Monk say, "I hate that we exist..." Everyone laughed aloud, I wanted to laugh as well but the heat and pain told me to reconsider.

"Oh Mai, you're crying!" I reached up to touch my eyes and saw water when I pulled back.

I reached for a Kleenex and wiped at my eyes, "It burns so bad," hiccup, "my eyes are sweating." Ayako just threw the whole Kleenex box at me.

"Agh, give me some of those," Monk reached over and took some tissues for himself placing them on his eyes, neck and nose.

I groaned loudly, "I can't take... take ten minutes of this... I need the ice cream... and milk"

"You have to suffer for ten minutes?" Lin questioned. I just nodded, too tired to speak. "Where's the milk and ice cream?" I looked to him with thankful eyes, of course they were tear filled and probably looked red, and pointed to the kitchen.

He started getting up but Ayako, Madoka and Yasu held him back and pulled him down to the couch. "Don't you dare Lin-san!" Yasu exclaimed.

"They only have seven minutes left. They can make it." Madoka chirped.

I just leaned back on the couch and covered my face with a pillow, it feels like fire... "Every time I breathe out... it's like time travel into... a stupid, stupid place."

I heard laughter from the others but I didn't take the time to glare, I just threw my pillow at them.

"Mai! That hit me in the face." I heard Yasu complaining.

I went for another Kleenex and wiped at my forehead which developed sweat. "Good," hiccup.

"Mai support me," Monk said to me, I looked over to him for the first time in a couple of minutes.

"You look so dead Monk... like..." hiccup, "if I were to label a corpse as a corpse...it'd be you-"

"Mai I said support me... not make me want to cry." He wiped his nose and threw the tissue into a bucket in front of us. "Hold my hand," he reached for my hand but I moved it so he grabbed my arm.

"Monk, this is something we have to do alone." I pulled his hand from my arm gently and went for another tissue.

"Five minutes left guys, halfway there!" Yasu chimed.

"Mai don't leave me alone in this-"

"We have to do this alone!" I shifted and curled up in a ball. A little while later I heard him get up and start moving around. I heard loud noises and looked up to find Monk throwing punches at a wall.

I got up and pushed him away from the wall, "Don't do that." He went passed me and spit into the bucket. He started jumping around more and made his way to the wall again. "Monk come here," I moved my arm lazily and leaned against the couch he practically danced over and sat on the couch.

I moved around to the back of the couch and fell over the back of the couch to the front without landing on my face. I decided to stay on the ground as I held out my hand to Monk. He took it immediately and held my hand to his face.

"Three minutes..."

"We can do this Monk." I started, "You're so good... such a good person... We'll survive this-"

"Jou-chan I'm in Hell right now." He handed me a Kleenex and I wiped at my eyes.

"I know, we'll survive Hell together, TOGETHER MONK! Positive thoughts Bou-san..."

"This is torture, Mai... choke me out, I can't take it anymore."

"I hold your hand, and this is what I get for suffering with you?" I sent glares at him and moved to sit on the couch.

"I'm done! I can't do it Mai! I can't take this much heat! It's killing me from the inside out."

A took his shoulders and shook him, "WE'RE SUFFERING TOGETHER! I'M NOT LETTING YOU TAKE THE EASY WAY OUT DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? WE'RE STRONG, WE CAN DO IT! I hiccupped again and looked to Monk.

"I APPRECIATE IT! BUT LOOK WHAT WE'RE DEALING WITH MAI!" He pointed to his face, he was covered in sweat, tears and he practically had pure red eyes. "YOU SAID IT YOURSELF I LOOK DEAD! JUST LIKE MY INSIDES!" He wasn't wrong.

"One minute" Everyone chirped, aside from Lin.

"But think of the milk and ice cream we get after this! I mean you do look like Death Bou-san... but..."

"Mai..." I looked at him again and he was smiling. "Death is probably looking at us from somewhere and saying 'psssh, as if.'" I grin at him.

I let out a little laugh but start coughing as I say, "He just does a majestic hair flip and it turns out he's actually really nice looking,"

"Thirty seconds!"

"Mai we survived!" He cheered.

"You were going to give up on me!"

Ayako looked to Lin, "You can probably get the ice cream and milk now." He instantly stood and made his way to the kitchen.

"Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Done!" Everyone counted. Lin placed ice cream on the table and I grabbed the vanilla ice cream pint and opened it. Monk grabbed the chocolate ice cream, tore off the lid and ate with his hands.

Lin stood next to us staring oddly at Monk, "I'm not eating with my hands give me that." I snatched a spoon from Lin's hand and placed enough ice cream on the spoon to where the spoon itself was no longer visible. "We've ascended to Heaven Bou-san..."

He let out a moan as he was just as relieved as I was. Before he shoved his face into the ice cream he just said, "I don't hate the world anymore."

Wolf: Well?


Wolf: Unfortunately no -_- he got sick and couldn't be in the office, plus he got heads anyway, not tails.

Monk: Yeah, Wolf actually FLIPPED A COIN to see which of us had to suffer...

Wolf: If it makes you feel any better... It's not like I intended it to be you guys...

Madoka, Ayako, Yasu: REVIEW!