Here is the beginning of Where Love Leads You. I wanted to post this as soon as I could. (Yesterday would've been more fun, since it was my birthday, but oh well.) I hope you enjoy it! If you see anything or have questions about, feel free to ask away. I am always checking to see if I have any messages and such.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or Heros of Olympus. If I did... you would already know and my fanfictions would be books.

Where Love Leads You


It all means something,

yet nothing to me,

Oh, I can see there's so much to learn

Its all so close, and yet so far

Oh, I just know there's something bigger out there.

-Strangers Like Me

When had my life gotten so crazy? In a way, I guess it was always been crazy. But at the moment, it seems like I'm living a stranger's life. I don't know why I set out on this crazy journey. But my heart still demands that I do this. To find a long lost friend who either doesn't remember me or thinks I'm dead. But when you find out that your best friend- who you've been through so much together- is alive after all and a demigod as well, I'd bet your head wouldn't be on straight as well.

I glanced around me, trying to make sure I was going the right way. All the trees were starting to look the same. I shifted my weight, deciding which way to go. Then I heard it; a low growl. I spun around, but nothing was there. Setting my bag on the ground, I pulled out some armor and a helmet and quickly put on what I could. It may have been nothing, but it was probably wasn't. I had just put on my helmet when I heard it again. On hearing paws pounding against the ground and something shooting out at me, I unshaved my sword and swung it. My sword hit whatever attacked me. It howled out in pain. I froze in shock.

It wasn't a monster! It was a wolf. An extremely large wolf, but a wolf still the same. It had a nasty cut on its leg where I had cut it. It was bleeding extremely hard and he couldn't put any weight on it. I lowered my sword slowly. The wolf looked confused… if wolves could look confused. I wondered if he- I was guessing that it was a he- was with Lupa. I considered him. No, I didn't think so.

I took a step towards him, but his ears pinned back and he growled at me. We watched each other, waiting for the other to attack. I slowly knelt to the ground, my eyes never leaving his. I placed my sword on the ground, slowly rising back up, hands in the air; showing him that I wasn't going to hurt him. Not a lot of people realize how smart wolves actually are. And he looked smarter than the average wolf; his eyes looked almost human.

The wolf's ears shot forward. He relaxed slightly, but he kept his fangs bared at me. "Hey big guy. I'm not going to hurt you. Will you let me look at your cut? I'm really sorry that I hurt you." I cooed in a gentle voice, taking a small step towards him. It didn't matter what I said, but how I said it. He blinked in surprise. I took advantage of his surprise and I was at his side a moment later. I barely touched his fur when he started growling. Then I found the cut. It was still really bad, but I could see it healing in front of my eyes. What the heck? What was this wolf? Was it really a wolf? I accidentally touched it, causing him to snarl in pain, trying to snap at me. I flicked him in the ear. "Look, do you want me to help you or not?" I demanded, glaring at him through my helmet. His only response was to try and snap at me again. This time his teeth managed to cut my arm. Hissing in pain, I stood up. "Fine be that way."

The helmet was starting to give me a headache. I pulled it off along with the rest of my amour. I shook my head. I sat down next to my bag. I grabbed an ace bandage and wrapped my arms. I hissed at the pain that shot along my arm. I heard a whimper. I looked up, to see the wolf staring at my arm. I would've thought he would have already left already and gone back to his pack. Strange. Wolves were usually in packs. "Why you still here? Get goin'. Your pack is gonna be worried about you." I said, making a shooing motion with my unhurt arm. His eyes shot up to my face. I froze. I couldn't seem to look away from them. What was going on?

He crawled towards me. Well, tried to at least. It was his wound that stopped him. But that didn't stop him. He stretched as far as he could towards me without making his wound hurt more. I sighed and scooted closer. I patted him on the head; his fur surprisingly soft. His tail started wagging.

The tiny moment of happiness was ruined when I heard a slithering sound and a raspy voice say, "I smell demigod. One must be around here! I want demigod to eat!" I was up on my feet in seconds. I grabbed my bag and put it in my bag. I patted the wolf one more time. "Stay here Wolfie. You'll get killed if you follow me. And plus, you need to stay off that leg. Sorry about that." Then I was darting away from the wolf, trying to lead the monster away.

The monster caught up to me rather quickly. The fight didn't last long; I managed to get in a stab at its heart and it turned to dust. I walked away from the place as quickly as I could. When there was one monster, there were usually more. I got extremely lucky when I came across a bus stop. I didn't have to wait very long before the bus came. I climbed the steps, paid, and sat near the back. I stared out the window, my thoughts stuck on Wolfie for some odd reason.

I hope you enjoyed it! :) If you have a better idea for a song at the beginning, please tell me. And who do you think the wolf is? Just so you know, the main character is a girl named Miranda. You'll find out more about her in Ch. 1, which I have written. I will try to type it and update soon as I can, but I have State Competion tomorrow and Sunday I have to work on my AP world history project and I have a lot of other stories that I need to finish typing.

Remember, REVIEW! It means the world to me. And I really want to hear what you guys think so far.
