So… hai… ._.

I'm back… again.

And yeah, that's about it… I don't own Young Justice or any of its characters.

"This. Is. Boring." The speedster wined, pacing the cave's living room.

"Baywatch, I will kill you if you don't stop." The blonde archer growled, staring at him in exasperation.

"Whining about it isn't going to make time go by faster." Rachelle put in, her elbows resting on the kitchen counter as she looked at the speedster.

Wally stopped, falling over and onto the couch. "I need something to do!"

Artemis tapped her fingers against the counter, her gaze turning to Rachelle before setting on Kid once again. "Go get us some food."

"Wait, what?" He asked.

"Go and get us something to teat, I'm thinking Italian." She spoke. "And you guys?"

Rachelle bit her lip. "I'm good." She smiled sheepishly as she received a glare from Artemis.

M'gann turned to Wally, smiling. "I agree with Artemis."

He grinned. "Sounds good, beautiful. Be back in a flash." With that he sped off, leaving a very uncomfortable Rachelle.

Artemis turned to her, curiously. "So… Rachelle, how about you start with the talking?"

"What were you thinking?" The woman demanded. "Your actions not only put your safety at jeopardy but also the lives of hundreds of innocent bystanders."

The girl shrugged, leaning back onto the moss colored couch.

"You were reckless, the league cannot allow that." Diana continued, arms crossed as she sat in front of the girl.

"It wasn't my fault." She muttered, looking down at the floor.

"Danielle…" The Amazon sighed, looking up at Hal for help.

He rolled his eyes, speaking up. "We know it wasn't, we just want you to understand that you can't be taking these kinds of risks."

She scoffed. "I wasn't taking any-" Her words were cut off as she noticed their disbelieving looks. "Okay, fine; it was a risk but I don't care. I'm not going to live my life in fear over this."

"Even when you put the whole team at risk?" Diana asked.

Danny clenched her fists against her knees, glaring at the floor. "I didn't ask for their protection, or for the League's."

"You may not have asked for it, but we're here anyways." Hal replied, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She shoved him away, glaring coolly. "I don't want your protection."

"This isn't about what you want, Danielle." Diana replied, giving her a stern glare. "It is our job to keep you safe, and to do that you have to listen."

"Diana." Hal turned to the Amazon, shaking his head slightly.

She scowled. "Fine." They both watched as she turned and promptly left the room.

Danny sighed, crossing her arms and looking at the Green Lantern expectantly. "I need your statement." Was his only reply.

Looking down, she nodded grudgingly. "What do you need to know?"


"You're Robin."

The girl nodded, staring up at the blonde. "Yes."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Conner asked calmly.

"I wasn't allowed." Rachelle replied simply.

"So you're Robin?" M'gann asked. "That's… um…"

"Shocking? Strange? Crazy?" The raven haired girl offered.

The martian smiled half-heartedly. "Unexpected."

Rachelle chuckled, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yeah, and Bats is going to kill me when he finds out I spilled."

"I doubt you could have kept it a secret much longer." Artemis replied, looking at the girl up and down. "You gonna tell Wally?"

Rachelle's eyes widened. "No!" She bit her lip, looking down. "I mean, yeah… eventually. He's known me for longer, it would just be…" A small sigh escaped her lips.

"It is a huge secret to keep." Kaldur spoke up for the first time.

Artemis nodded. "And, I'm sure even Kid Mouth can figure it out… eventually."

The girls nodded. "I know that but…" She bit her lip nervously, finding nothing more to say.

"And the sooner the better." The blonde archer told her.

Rachelle sighed in defeat. "I can't tell him, not yet."

"My name is Danielle Corinne; I was born fifteen years ago in a small village located in Mexico along with my older brother Josh. At the age of five, we were abducted from our homes for… scientific reasons."

"What kind of reasons?"

The girl let out a shaky breath. "Experimentation, DNA based research."

The Green Lantern nodded sympathetically. "How long were you in there?"

"Less than a year." She whispered. "About eight months."

"Were you and you brother the only ones abducted from the village?"

Danny nodded reluctantly. "Well, there were others but… I know they didn't come from our village. Three others to be exact, I was the second and youngest female specimen. " She looked down, blinking away tears that rapidly formed. "Josh was the second oldest guy there."

"What happened to the others?" Hal asked hesitantly.

"Mutation, over dosage of a certain drug and cardiac arrest – all in that order. They just… didn't make it." Danny shut her mouth, grasping the edges of the couch as memories flooded back. "They said it was painless, their deaths."

"Who's they?"

She sealed her eyes, looking down in anguish. "Archangel, the people who took us and..."


"The ones who destroyed our futures." She whispered, barely high enough for him to comprehend.

His eyes widened slightly. "What?"

"Designed to exceed all expectations, contain vast amounts skills, follow any and all orders no matter the risk… basically to be the perfect weapon." Except…

The word lingered in her mouth, waiting to be spoken. They both knew there had to be something there, some downside to the perfection. She didn't want to speak of it – didn't want to think about it.

"PA # 217." She mumbled.

Hal didn't reply, not knowing what to make of the number.

She looked back up at him, wiping away her tears. "It's my designation in there. Project Archangel Specimen # 217."


Danny let out a soft laugh, nodding. "The first few groups were designed differently than us… they didn't make it either."

"These numbers are grouped by what?" The Lantern asked, looking at her directly.

She sighed. "Age and… when you were taken."

"How so…?"

"Well." She looked up at him. "I was the youngest out of all of us, but I wasn't the first to be abducted… so I was listed at the end. Josh – who was older than me but also abducted at the same time – was ranked number 214. The others fit in between until it comes to me and then... there's a whole new batch and the process starts all over again."

He sat in shock, trying to comprehend what she was saying. "So… 217 children?"

Danny bit her lip, her hands now on her lap as she stared down at them. "At least 524, I can't be sure."

"524?" He gasped, staring at her in disbelief.

"Yes." She whispered, looking down in what could only be considered shame. "But, certain experiments could have been cloned, which decreases the number of children abducted by quite an amount."

"Why haven't you told anyone about this before?" He asked her in confusion. "You obviously knew what was going on."

A shrug formed on her shoulders. "Fear? I just… never really thought about it as a child, I figured they'd stop eventually and…" She sighed.

"You didn't want to end up back there again?"

Nodding, she looked down in embarrassment. "They don't punish you… a lot but… when they do I… I can't… it's horrible and the nightmares that follow are always... bad."

"What kind of punishment?" He looked at her, noticing as she slowly began to close herself off.

"I…" She shut her eyes. "Electroshock… drugs and… a lot of others, mostly whatever they can think up. Or… the dog cage seems to work well too."

"Dog cage?"

"You saw the wolf, right?" She asked pointing to the door.

He nodded, eyes turning back to the door cautiously.

"He shouldn't cause you any trouble." She replied. "Not unless he's back there and following orders."

"Um, he's a wolf."

Danny nodded, chuckling. "And I'm human." For the most part… "But I'd still listen to what they told me if it meant safety from any and all harm." Her eyes widened, realizing how bad that could have sounded. "N-not like I'm… working for them or… or anything, j-just…"

He held a hand up, silencing her. "I get it."

A thankful smile formed on her lips, looking back at him.

"And as for your statement, if we need anything else we'll just come and talk to you again." He told her, standing up from his seat in front of her.

She did the same, instinctively wrapping her arms over her body. "That's it?"

Hal nodded. "For now."

Her eyes looked back up at him, any traces of the tears almost completely vanished. "There's… one more thing you should know."

"What is that?" He asked curiously.

"The assurance that we can never turn against them..." She replied seriously as he motioned for her to continue. "Our one major flaw; we die… one push of a button and I'm dead."

So… yeah… Wally's an idiot and what not, everyone but him knows… ;D

Oh and I'm going to continue onto Invasion, as soon as this is over… which it should be in about… a couple more chapters. I don't know yet, still having trouble deciding… but ideas for Invasion are welcome! :D Next chapter should be up soon...

Review? :3