
He was in a deep sleep. The only thing that could wake him was what woke him. Ethan had been having these since his mom died. He couldn't talk to Emily she would put more spirit dolls in his room. In this dream the girl was falling and he couldn't catch her. Ethan was sure if he smelled he would recognize her. She smelled like lavender and vervain. He never saw he face or heard her name.

The next was the first day of school. His friend Link picked him up in the Beater. When they arrived they heard there was a new girl. The guys said she was hot. The girls were jealous because their boyfriends weren't paying attention to them. They also said she drove a hearse and was old man Ravenwood's niece. When Ethan got to reading and english he saw the new girl. He sat by her. When he sat down everybody looked at him like he was crazy. Maybe he was after all he was seeing those dreams. He smelled lavender and vervain. When he looked around the room he noticed it was the new girl. Her name is Lena. Lena was the girl in his dreams. Why was he dreaming of a random girl.

Emily Asher and her snobby friends started picking on her.

"She's just like Old Man Ravenwood." Savannah commented.

"I know she's just as weird if not weirder." Emily said.

"Why don't you just leave her alone!" Ethan flipped.

That was the last period so when the bell rang Lena ran out and went home.