This was writen By a friend. Hope you like it. I will post the chapters as he writes them.
Writen by a person named "Humphrey And Kate" on the Alpha and Omega Fansite

I Have Made A Few Changes to Spaces, Tell Me If This Is Better Than Last Time.

Chapter 1

Humphrey opened his eyes and looked outside his den. The sun was yet to rise and Humphrey turned around to find Kate sleeping in his den.

"Yes finally I get to watch Kate sleeping, she so cute when she is sleeping," Humphrey muttered under his breath.

"Ummm sorry to disappoint you Humphrey but I been awake for the past 5 minutes," Kate said giggling as she got up.

"Damn so close," Humphrey muttered in disappointment. "Anyways do you want to watch the sunrise with me?"

"Sure but after that I need to attend to my Alpha duties,"


They left Humphrey's den and headed to the Moonlight Howl Rock which was the best place to watch the sunrise.

"So what are you going to do while I do my duties," Kate asked as she was walking beside Humphrey.

"Maybe I go and hang out with Garth and Lilly and see what they are doing,"

"Oh alright, you and Garth had become best of friends during these last few days,"

"Well I realize that it wasn't his fault that you two almost got married and he didn't want to marry you as much as you didn't want to marry him, which turned out good for me,"

"I glad that you two are getting along."

They reached the peak of the Moonlight Howl Rock just in time as the sun was about to rise. Humphrey turned to look at Kate. The sun made Kate's fur glow which made her hotter.

"Ummm Humphrey you're drooling,"

"Ohhhh sorry Kate I was just enjoying the view," Humphrey said as he snapped of his trance.

"Aww that's so sweet," Kate said as she snuggled closer to Humphrey.

They stay like this until Kate heard Winston's howl.

"That's my dad I better go,"

"No just a little while longer,"

"I can't Humphrey, just think that the sooner I go the sooner I come back and spend more time with you,"

"Please," Humphrey said as he made a puppy look on his face.

"That's no fair Humphrey you know I can't say no to that face," Kate giggled as she licked Humphrey's cheek. "Fine I stay a bit longer,"

"Yes I will remember to use this face in the future," Humphrey thought to himself. After 5 minutes they heard another howl.

"I must go Humphrey,"

"Okay I see you soon then," Kate ran off heading to the Head Alpha's den. Humphrey headed to Garth and Lilly's den which wasn't far from here.

Humphrey reached Garth and Lilly's den and saw that Garth and Lilly were already up.

"Hey guys," Humphrey said as he enter the den and joined Garth and Lilly.

"Hey Humphrey what are you doing here?" Garth asked.

"Just killing time until Kate gets back from her Alpha duties, by the way Garth aren't you suppose to do your Alpha duties too?"

"Nah I got the whole day off since I got night watch tonight,"

"Anyways what do you want to do?" Lilly asked as she was bored.

"Ummm we could always log sled,"

"Awesome I always wanted to try that,"


"If Lilly going I'm going," Garth said as he didn't want to leave Lilly alone.

"Alright then follow me ,"

They headed to a hill and they saw Mooch.

"Hey Mooch, where is Salty and Shakey,"

"They went to hang out with Reba and Janice,"

"Oh then do you want to come with us we're going log sledding,"


They searched around for a log to sled in. After 10 minutes they finally found one a pushed it to the top of the hill.

"Everybody hop into the log."

Humphrey was first, followed by Lilly, then Garth and lastly Mooch.

"All ready?" Humphrey asked.

Everybody nodded. "Alright 3...2….1…Go!"

They pushed off and the log was increasing its speed as it slid down the hill.

"Lean left, Lean right," Humphrey shouted as they avoided the trees and rocks. "Alright Mooch lower the boom,"

They all flew in the air and crashed landed safety onto the feeding grounds.

"Hey alright why is there two Lillys?" Garth asked.

Humphrey laughed as he turned around to find that Garth was as white as Lilly.

"I guess we know who the omega here," Humphrey said laughing on the floor holding his stomach because it was hurting so much. "Anyways how did you find log sledding Lilly,"

"It was awesome, scary at first but fun in the end,"

"You are always welcome to come log sledding with us Lilly, but I don't think Garth will come anytime soon," Humphrey said as he recovered but once again fell on the floor laughing.

"Ha ha very funny come on Lilly lets go back to our den,"

"Alright, see you later Humphrey"

Humphrey walked back to his den and was waiting for Kate. After 10 minutes of waiting Kate walked into the den.

"Hey Humphrey how was your day?"

"Great I never thought I will see Garth scared before,"

"I wish I could of seen that," Kate chuckled.

"Humphrey I going to have a sleepover party over in my dad's den,"

"Cool so what time is it?"

"Oh sorry Humphrey it is a girls only party maybe next time,"

"Okay sure," Humphrey sounding disappointed.

"Don't worry I will make it up to you tomorrow," Kate said winking at Humphrey.

"I will hold you to that," Humphrey said "Have you told Lilly?"

"Yeah she helped me plan it in the first place."

"So what about your parents"

"They are going to stay in Hutch's den tonight,"

"What about your mum isn't she worry?"

"Nah as long there are no boys there she is fine," Kate and Humphrey laughed.

Humphrey and Kate just hanged out in their den until it was time for Kate to leave.

"Okay Humphrey I should be heading to the party now,"

"Alright I see you tomorrow then," Kate headed out the den and Humphrey was thinking.

"I go see if Lilly had left yet I wonder if she any ideas about how should I ask Kate to marry me," Humphrey thought to himself.

Humphrey headed to Lilly's den. He stop by the river to take a drink and saw Winston.

"Great just the wolf I was looking for," "Hello sir, what do you need me for?"

"I want to say if Kate was going to have a mate glad that it would be you, I know how you felt for her since when you were a pup and I am truly grateful for it,"

"Thank you sir and I will protect and care for her with my life,"

"I know you will Humphrey," Winston headed off to Hutch den and Humphrey took a drink and headed off to Lilly's den.

As Humphrey reached Lilly's den he saw Garth coming out of den.

"He is probably heading to his Alpha duties." I wondering if he is still angry with me making fun of him earlier. I should apologize to him," Humphrey thought to himself as he headed over to Garth.

"Hey Garth,"

"Hey Humphrey," Garth said in a piss off tone.

"I'm sorry about earlier but I couldn't control myself,"

"It's alright Humphrey I know making jokes is in your blood," Garth said in a relaxed tone.

"Cool, no hard feelings,"

"None at all Humphrey see you later?"


"Hey is Lilly still in the den?"

"Yeah she is getting ready for the party tonight,"

"Okay," Garth headed off to Hutch's den and Humphrey enter Lilly's den.

"Hey Humphrey what are you doing here?"

"Hey Lilly I was wondering if you can help me on something?"

"Sure , anything"

"Okay but you can't tell anyone else especially Kate,"

"Alright Humphrey tell me,"

"Do you have any ideas about how should I ask Kate to marry me?" Humphrey said in a shy tone.

"WHAT you are thinking about marrying Kate,"

"Yeah I can't imagine a life without Kate, I want her to be with me forever"

"Wow Humphrey I never knew you love her that much,"

" Well I do, so do you got any ideas?"

"What do you have so far?"

"Umm… I was going to take her to a place which overlook a meadow of flowers before the sunrise and when the sunrise I was going to ask her."

"Wow that sounds so beautiful, how did you come up with the idea?"

"I found that place when I was still new to the pack and decided if I was ever going to ask someone I was going to do it there,"

"Humphrey I think you should stick with that idea I know Kate will absolutely love it,"

"You think so?"

"I know so,"

"Thanks Lilly," Humphrey was about to leave the den but was stop by Lilly.

"Hey Humphrey do you want to come with me when I head over to the sleepover party since I don't want to walk alone,"


As they were walking to Winston's den Humphrey spotted the flower that Kate had when he first saw Kate at the Moonlight Howl when she was meeting Garth for the first time.

"Be right back Lilly,"

"Okay," Humphrey ran off to pick the flower. He returned with it careful not to crush the flower.

"I going to give this to Kate when we reached the party then I going to leave,"

"Wow Humphrey I never knew that you can be so romantic, Kate is so lucky to have you ,"

"Thank you Lilly and Garth is so lucky to have you," Humphrey said as they approached the feeding grounds.

Hope you like it Read & Review