"Dinozzo, McGee, with me" Gibbs said as he walked out of the bullpen.

Tony and Tim followed as they were giving each other puzzled looks. "Ah boss, where are we going?" Tony asked.

Gibbs didn't say anything but carried on walking to the conference room. He opened the door to the conference room, and pointed into the room. Tony and Tim knew what he meant, and they beginning to get worried. As they were in the room, Gibbs closed and locked the door with watching as he walked towards his delinquent agents.

"Who said that you two delinquents can sit down!" Gibbs bellowed.

Tony and Tim quickly stood up. "Boss, why are we here?" Tony asked again. Gibbs looked on in disbelief.

"Why is it that whenever I have to deal with you two I feel like a damn high school principle?" Gibbs shouted. "Gibbs, we don't understand why we are in trouble", Tim shakily said.

"Can you tell me why you have both been pranking NCIS staff today?"

"Boss, I wouldn't really say 'pranking' but just having a little joke" Tony said. "A little joke? How can you call, telling a member of staff that they were a security risk to us, and showing them a letter to prove it AND then, you both throw water bombs on to that member of staff as they leave the building, a little joke?" Gibbs said. "It was funny though, Boss, you must admit that." "IT WAS NOT FUNNY!" bellowed Gibbs at the pair of them. Tony and Tim looked at their feet, and began to shuffle from side to side.

"That wasn't the only thing you have today, is it?" Gibbs asked, as he looked at them both. They both shook their head. "No boss" they both said together. "I know what you have done, but I want both of you to tell me". Tony and Tim looked at each other. They were now even more worried. They had a feeling that they won't be leaving the conference room until they've both been spanked by Gibbs.

"Changing the salt to sugar" Tim started off.

"Locking the bathrooms doors, and putting a sign up saying 'Out of Order'" Tony said.

"Changing computer passwords so staff would not be able to log in" Tim said.

"Telling some staff that it was half day, so they leave work early". Tim said again.

"Putting hair gel in the soap dispensers" Tony said.

Tony grimaced when he was telling the next the thing they did, "We told Director Vance that we received a phone call from his wife, telling him he had to get home quick. There was an emergency."

Gibbs thought to himself I definitely feel like a high school principle. He sighed "Both of you choose a corner and stand there with your hands on your heads. You do not move or talk to each other. I will know if you disobey me, and the consequences will be more severe if you do!" He said as he walked out of the room.

Tony and Tim stood there quietly, waiting until their boss deals with them. Tim said "I feel like a naughty schoolboy standing here like this" Tony spoke "Shhhh McNaughty, I don't want any more then necessary whacks across my backside, and I am not being spanked more because you couldn't keep your mouth shut!"

Suddenly the door opened with Vance walking behind Gibbs. "Turn round" said Vance. Tony and Tim slowly turned round. They saw what Vance was holding in his hand, and they were now scared. "We all know why you are both here. I will be dealing with the juvenile prank that you played on me by paddling both of your backsides. Then after I have dealt with you both, Gibbs can do as he sees fit for the remainder of the pranks. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes sir" Tony and Tim said together. "Tony, turn back round. Tim, bend over the table please" Vance said. Tim slowly walked over to where Gibbs and Vance was, and bent over gripping the other side of the table. Vance took position and whacked the paddle down on to Tim's backside. Tim gritted his teeth and tightly closed his eyes. WHACK again, it came down hard. Tim had tears in his eyes. WHACK, tears began to roll down Tim's face. WHACK "Arghhhh" Tim cried out. "I'm sorry, he sniffled. WHACK "Arghhhh". Tim was now sobbing. Get up Tim, you're done. Tim slowly got up from the table. Director Vance only given him 5 whacks with the paddle but it was a very hard paddling.

"Tim, back to the corner, Tony, bend over the table please". Tim stood back in the corner sniffling.

"Sir, I really am sorry. You don't need to do this, I promise I won't do it again" "Get over Dinozzo before I make you drop your pants and boxers" Gibbs growled.

Tony slowly bent over and tightly held the other side of the table. WHACK. The paddle came down hard on to Tony's backside. He jumped up grabbing his backside. "Get back over Dinozzo, or I WILL paddle you bare." Tony bent back over, trying not to show how much pain he was in, with just after one whack. WHACK, WHACK, WHACK. "Arghhhhhhhhh". Tony was openly crying and pleading "I'm sorry sir." WHACK

"Stand up Tony" Vance said. "Tim, come and stand by Tony please".

Tim turned round from the corner and walked towards Tony and stopped. Vance began to talk "I hope I never have to paddle both of your backsides again because of your juvenile pranks, but if you are both stupid enough to prank me again, then I warn you now, what you have just received will be considered as love taps. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir" they both said in between their sniffles. "My work is done here then." Director Vance walked out of the conference room, leaving Gibbs with his delinquent agents.

"I hope you have learnt your lesson with Director Vance?" "Yes Gibbs, we have learnt our lesson. He has done enough for the pair of you" Tony said hoping.

Gibbs laughed "I don't think so Tony" as Gibbs was pulling his belt from the loops. Tony and Tim gulped. "Both of you, bend over the table" They stood there in shock. "NOW!" bellowed Gibbs. They quickly bent over the table and gripping the other side.

WHACK WHACK went out to Tim's backside "Arghhhh"

Gibbs moved to Tony WHACK WHACK "Argh, I'm sorry boss"

WHACK WHACK WHACK "Arghhhhhhhhhh" went Tim. Tears began to form.

Tony gritted his teeth, WHACK WHACK WHACK "You can stop, we're sorry" pleaded Tony.

"Not until I am satisfied that you have learnt both your lessons about pranking" Gibbs said. WHACK WACK he went to Tim. Tim lay there quietly sobbing.

Gibbs went back to Tony, WHACK WHACK. Tony began to cry.

"Last three" Gibbs said to Tim WHACK WHACK WHACK "Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Tim jumped up rubbing his backside and sobbing.

Gibbs turned to Tony, WHACK WHACK WHACK. Tony yelled out "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!", with tears rolling down his face.

"Stand up Tony". Tony slowly got up and turned round to face Gibbs and McGee.

"You can have ten minutes to sort yourselves out and then I want both of you sitting at your desks" Gibbs said. "Yes boss" they said as they slowly walked out of the conference room.

"How did he find out about the pranks?" Tim asked Tony. "I don't know but if I find out who squealed on us, they're gonna wish they didn't squeal" said Tony coldly. Ten minutes later, Tony and Tim arrived back at their desks, gulping at the thought of having to sit in their chairs. "Problems boys?" asked Gibbs. "No boss" said Tim flinching as he was sitting.

"Dinozzo, is there problem?" Gibbs asked again, but only looking in the direction of Tony. " Well, let me see boss, hmmm, yes there is!" shouted Tony.

Gibbs quickly got up from his chair and grabbed his delinquent agent's arm definitely a high school principle. They quickly walked to the elevator. Once they were in and it began to move Gibbs slammed the emergency button to halt the elevator.

"Do you really want to do this Dinozzo?" growled Gibbs. "Do what? I was only going to say that my backside is too sore to sit. That's it" gulped Tony. He was hoping he was convincing.

"Don't you dare lie to you me Dinozzo" Gibbs shouted. Tony was now nervous. "Okay, I don't think it was fair to get spanked twice for the same offence boss" "Vance paddled you only for your prank to him. It was stupid, juvenile and dangerous. I took my belt to your backside because of the other pranks you did to other members of staff."

"But boss, the pranks weren't that bad. I've done worse things then them."

"Yes you have, but you know pranking is unacceptable behaviour, don't you?" Tony looked down "Yes boss". He had lost his argument.

"Turn round Tony and put your hands on the wall" said Gibbs. Tony did as he was told. He knew what he was about to get and it's not going to be pleasant for his already spanked backside. WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK went Gibbs hand on to Tony's already sore backside. Tears formed from Tony's eyes. WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK went his hand again. "Turn back round Tony" said Gibbs. Tony was trying very hard in not letting the tears roll down his face. "That was for the way you spoke to me Tony in the bullpen. If you speak to me like that again I will pull down your pants and boxers to spank your backside. Got it?"

"Yes boss". Gibbs pressed the emergency button to start the elevator again.

Gibbs and Tony arrived back into the bullpen. Tim looked at Tony sympathetically and asked "you okay Tony?" "He's fine Tim" said Gibbs. Tony smiled at Tim. He tried not to flinch as he was sitting in his chair at his desk.