
Typed by M.A. Darkling

Disclaimer: I do not own Golden Sun.

Jenna waits.

Jenna waits and watches and knows

He won't return.

Mia keeps company.

Mia keeps company and cares and knows

That she will never stop waiting.

Because Isaac won't come back.

Because Isaac can't come back.

But Jenna will keep waiting

And waiting.

Garet comes to Jenna and says,

"Give up, Jenna dearest. Jenna, brightest star, greatest star.

He shall not return."

Garet loves Jenna.

But it is not the love Jenna needs

And so she waits

And waits

By the seaside.

Mia cries.

Mia cries and weeps and sobs

For Jenna to come with her

To Vale

To home

To a family that will always be there.

Sheba is there.

Felix is there.

Ivan, too, with his wife from Xian

A sister of Feizhi.

Jenna sighs and stares and refuses

To come to Vale

To a home

To a family that will never be enough.

Garet begs.

Felix argues.

But Jenna remains to wait

And wait

By the seaside.

Jenna is alone now.

Mia's left.

Garet's gone.

Sheba and Felix have a child

They've named Isa

A girl's name taken from an honored man.

And the only reason they took it

Was because they thought he was dead

And gone

And wouldn't return.

But Jenna knows better.

Jenna knows true.

Because Isaac promised to meet her

By the seaside

If she waited.

Jenna is older now.

Isa's grown

Married a good man from Vault.

But she is beautiful still.

And Garet still comes

And begs to her.

"Come to Vale with me

Dearer Jenna, still bright, still great.

He shall never return."

But again

Jenna sighs and declines

And stares out to the forlorn sea.

Where the foamy dreams are imprisoned

Along with her Isaac.

As Garet leaves, he calls out

That he will not ask again

For he is tired of breaking his heart

Every time.

Jenna nods and smiles grimly.

And she waits for the promise to be fulfilled

By the seaside.

Jenna is old now

And weary of life.

But Isaac's promise rings clear in her heart

And she waits.

There is no question of this.

Isaac will return

And she waits.

She stares out and her eye catches the faintest glimpse.

Jenna gasps and runs to the shore.

The hem of her dress is soaked

But she doesn't care.

He's returned

At last.

Isaac is just as she remembers

Young and strong.

And for an instant

She's ashamed of herself.

Then she realizes, that she too

Is young and beautiful again.

Isaac beckons to her

Come to me, he says without words.

Jenna takes his hand

And they fly

To the stars

Where they belong.

Isa's daughter, Jenni comes to Jenna's home

And stands on the threshold

And looks up

And sees.

Isaac kept his promise to Jenna.

To return to her, if she waited

And waited

And waited

By the seaside.