The wretched day, that impacted everyone, actually turned out to have a perfect ending. The mood, temperaments and atmosphere at the Castle loft couldn't have been better for such a lovely fall evening.

Around the dinner table, the inescapable discussion of the bank robbery slowly digressed into satire, lame jokes, and relentless inquiries as to what possibly could have been the bank manager's intentions when he casually gave Martha his card. Although the seriousness of the earlier events had not been forgotten, it was nice to unwind and just take pleasure in each other's company, for which they all very much deserved.

As for Kate Beckett, she easily caved into allowing the dark red wine, with its intense aroma of ripe fruit and taste of fresh strawberries and plum, assist in her relaxation by welcoming the encompassing warmth that it provided.

A perfect night indeed.

As Castle and Alexis were facetiously making wedding plans for Martha and her bank manager, Kate sat back in her chair and quietly watched the tight knit family toss around the playful banter. She couldn't help but smile.

One of the most rewarding experiences of her lifetime came today, when she saw the three of them reunited. Watching their emotional embrace gave her so much sense of fulfillment, and yet, surprise awareness that she was clearly unfulfilled. For that brief moment, while she stood alone and absorbed, outside the shattered bank, a weighing thought abruptly arrived in her mind….and it never went away. Am I wasting valuable time?

Currently, that thought consumed all others. The same powerful thought, caused her to involuntarily sneak a glance at Richard Castle, while he actively took part in the popular topic. The same Richard Castle that saved her life countless times. The same Richard Castle that had been there through her darkest times and brightest times. The same Richard Castle that has been her rock, her savior, and her best friend for a very long time. The same Richard Castle that said 'I love you'.

Needless to say, the unstable series of events from today, involving Castle as a hostage, created an emotional rollercoaster for Beckett. So many memories from the ordeal remained etched in her brain.

Stealing a look back at him as she reluctantly walked out the front door of the bank, disguised as a paramedic. She remembered his face…how strong and admirable it was. Even at that moment, he was trying to be her rock. However, once the doors closed, she only thought how fragile her rock really was.

The nauseating blast and explosion. How it rumbled through to her chest. She had lost all her senses and almost all control. She briefly fell to her knees and tried to remember how to breathe. Then, someone shouted that they heard someone still alive inside. Hope returned and she moved so fast to gain entry that she couldn't recall anything up to the moment that she was starring, with so much gratitude and disbelief, at what she finally acknowledged as the most important person in her life. Richard Castle. He had never looked better. It took all her willpower not to touch his face, to run her hand through his hair, kiss him with all the passion that was coursing through her veins. Thankfully Martha broke up her reverie. If not for that, she may have done or said something that…well, belonged in a more private setting.

But there he was now; sitting on her right side, both forearms perched on the table, obviously enjoying the conversation and especially the company. He had retired his outer jacket, leaving his dark blue button up shirt, with both sleeves rolled up. Along his jaw line and chin, was already evidence of a stubble. The relaxed look in his eyes made it evident that the wine was also having an affect on him. The subdued lighting in the loft, gave him a rather dark alluring texture. However, his pronounced smile lines brought on by his frequent smiles were a charming contrast. A faint whiff of his freshly scented cologne brushed past her nostrils resulting in her slowly leaning forward, her arms settling on the table, as well, in almost a similar position as him. With the way the two of them were positioned, they appeared as magnets, so strongly attracted to each other.

The increased closeness allowed for her to get a stronger sense of his masculine essence. Flashes of images, very intimate images, suddenly showered her mind. His strong hands skillfully maneuvering over her soft skin... his clever tongue with so many innovative purposeshis deep protective voice, setting a dangerous tone, as he whispers desires in her ear...the sight of his face as he's overcome by the limitless pleasure she could give him.

The lustful thoughts sent shivers throughout Kate's body; her heart fluttered more than once and her eyes involuntarily shut. As she quickly tried to regain her composure, she glanced guiltily at the other two women on the opposite end of the table. Thankfully, the two were engaged in discussing the floral arrangements for the mock wedding, they didn't seem to have noticed her inappropriate stupor just seconds ago. However, the activity was so obviously not lost on Castle. He had abruptly stopped his additions to the discussion and he had turned his full attention to the beauty next to him.

She mentally kicked herself for being so obvious of making her thoughts known, and also with the realization that her 'glance' at Castle, was more like a stare. As an attempt to portray a clear conscience, she looked at him fully in the eyes and gave her best innocent smile. However it daidn't keep her face from overheating due to the incessant blush swallowing her cheeks.

Kate's attempt at deceit didn't fool Castle. Instead, he eyed her with a healthy curiosity and a knowing grin which continued to grow. "What?" she muttered. "You tell me.", was Castle's retort, as he inched a littler closer. Their heat radiating off each other.

"I don't know what you're talking about", said Kate, unable to break her smile. "You just…..your face… just looked like you were thinking of something….good." The way Castle said good, left Kate thinking that he might as well just have said erotic. With that tone, it was obvious what he was digging for.

"Although, Alexis, I have so many favorites, I don't believe any other flower would be more luxurious and decadent than a single white Cymbidium orchid stem with white blooms and gorgeously accented with a monstera leaf….." Martha chattered on to Alexis, reveling in the conception of another wedding, oblivious to the heighten chemistry on the other side of the table.

Kate could blame it on the wine, or she could blame it on the day she just had. Perhaps, she was finally giving in and being honest with herself. A mental admittance of how real and considerable her feelings were for this man. She knew how he felt already. The night was feeling too good to start withdrawing now. Besides, she didn't want to waist anymore valuable time.

In her most skillful approach, Kate picked up her wine glass and took a lingering sip of the intoxicating drink. Once she set the glass down, she met Castle's eyes again with her smoky doe ones, while using her tongue to savor the remaining serum on her bottom lip. "You're not wrong...Rick" she said. "But you're going to have to try harder than that to get it out of me." She followed the luring challenge by batting her eyelids.

Castle's reaction couldn't have been more compelling to Kate. His face grew serious and an ever so subtle groan escaped his mouth as it opened slightly. His eyes moved back and forth from her eyes to her lips as if he couldn't decide which one to sample first. Again, remembering they were not alone, he quickly looked at the two red heads, hoping they didn't see the effect his detective had on him.

"…each leaf would be seated in a crystal Steuben glass bud vase so that each guest would have a collectible to take home…" Martha continued.

Castle returned his attentions back to Beckett, his eyes filmed over with desire. In the most inconspicuous manner that he could achieve, he readjusted his seat, the new arrangement still appearing uncomfortable for him. "I must warn you Kate, I don't think you realize how much your coquetting affects me…..or then again….maybe you do." Taken aback by his admission, Kate continued to watch Castle with unyielding interest. "You can rest assured that I'll get it out of you."

His remarks, so definitive, sent a warm ache straight to her core. Before she lost all control of the fervent dialogue, she quickly mustered a response. "Well Mr. Castle, perhaps you can get it out of mebefore that time rest….I mean"

As Castle remained engrossed in Kate, a relentless comment from the older red head came from across the table. "So my darlings, lets forget about my new acquaintance. Let's talk about the two of you instead."

With that awkward opening, Kate gave Castle a weighing smile. "Why don't you take me for a walk?" she asked. "Certainly." Castle replied with eagerness.

A fleeting thought occurred to Kate. This day still hasn't shown all its cards.