A/N: Here's the sneak peak to what's in store in the sequel: The Olympian Prince: Time's Price. I hope you guys like it! Reviews and other stuff would be greatly appreciated. I love you guys for sticking with me! And stay tuned for the sequel, to come out either close to the end of the year or next. Reason for this is because I do want to finish my other fics that haven't been updated because I was finishing this. Once that is done or close to done I will get started on this.
Disclaimer: I don't own PJO
My throat felt raw from thirst and my body ached as I tried to get up from the corner of my cell. I tried to focus on what was around me, my ears slightly ringing. In front of me stood the General.
"You're awake Zoe." He said looking at me as I said nothing but glared at him.
"What to do with you though. We could kill you, or perhaps I will torture to the brink of death. Until you are all but begging to die only to save you and do it all over again. Does that sound good? Enough of a punishment for those thousands of years where you betrayed me." He said smirking down at me.
I glared at him harder and he merely laughed.
"Let's commence the torture." He said and called for guards.
~No real POV~
Terrence walked into the cell that held Percy, the 'Prince of Olympus' as they called him. Terrence smirked, some prince. He was easily captured. He walked into the room a vial in his hand. He opened Percy's mouth and poured it down. Let the prince sleep.
He then went to Thalia's room and did the same. Later, when he took on Kronos, their plan would be put into action. For now they are to sleep…
~At Olympus~
"Zeus, he's got them. We know it. He took Rue and now he's got top Hunter Zoe and Percy and Thalia!" Artemis growled. Apollo tried to calm her down but only got shot at by several arrows which he thankfully avoided.
"I know that, but the fates have said we are not to interfere. We have interfered enough with their lives." Zeus said. It was obvious that he wanted to help to, his own daughter was captured.
"Poseidon you cannot agree with this." Artemis said.
"I do not, but I can't help. They are still on their quest. Feel free to search but other than that we can only help the campers look for them." Poseidon said sadly.
Artemis flashed out angrily, already on the search.
~At camp~
"They got captured, didn't they Chiron?" Annabeth asked.
"I do not know, Annabeth." Chiron said glumly.
"Please we have to find them!" Luke shouted.
"yeah, we got to do something." Kyle said.
"Yeah, come on! We know they went west!" Katie said.
"We need a quest!" The Stoll Brothers said in unison.
"No, we need to attack. War has been declared once they took them. They have something planned." Bianca said shyly.
"What do you mean?" Luke asked.
"We had a dream…they got them. They are planning something. We got to get to them." Nico said.
A/N: That is all you get! Obviously this is missing some details, but that will all be put into the actual first chapter of the sequel. I hope you guys like it!