I should be doing my FLE, but my brain is fried. So... yeah. ^^ Please review~ 3

It was a bright, beautiful day. It was one of those warm, but breezy October days that you just can't help but enjoy!

You ran through the streets of Konoha happily, full of energy after a successful mission. You were on your merry way to see Ichiraku Ramen, which was basically the one thing you'd missed very much while you gone.

You took one step into what you called "the sniffing distance" of Ichiraku and inhaled happily.

Or, you were going to if a certain blonde hadn't tackled you to the ground in a very tight hug.

"(YYYYYYYYYY/NNNNNN)-chaaaan~!" Naruto said happily.

You gave him a look. "Whaaat?" you whined, "I just got back…"

He gave you a bright smile. "Guess what day it is~"

You stared at him, your confused (E/C) eyes meeting his bright blue ones. "Ah… um… a beautiful, breezy October day?" you ventured, trying to figure out exactly what was so important about today.

Naruto's slowly expression turned into one of shock as he got off of you and stood up. "You don't know?" he asked, a tinge of disappointment in his voice.

You got up and dusted yourself off. "What is it?" you asked, feeling guilty already.

He turned a disappointed face to you. "Today's..." he said.

You did a half yelp, and consulted your memory, which paused him for a second.

Wait. What is today? Was it...

... the seventh?

That doesn't seem right... well maybe it's the ninth- OH GOD, the ninth was yesterday! And so... today was... October 10th -

"... my birthday, (Y/N)," the blonde finished, "You forgot?"

You gulped. Oh hell, now you were so guilty. Forgetting your crush's best friend's birthday… was unheard of… and…. And…

"Narutoooo, I'm so so so sorry!" you burst out, pleadingly, "I'd do anything to make up for it, okay? What do you want? A-Anything!"

His normally perky grin came back onto Naruto's face. "Well, there is this present you're can give me…"

You didn't notice his sly expression due to your being eager to compensate for forgetting his birthday. Hearing his words, you opened your mouth to ask him: "Wh-what present?"

Naruto grinned at you, tilting your chin up and kissed you. You gasped, then kissed him back.

You turned about 30 different shades of red when he broke away with a grin, and then cheerily went off to Ichiraku Ramen.

You watched him go, dazed shock etched on your face for a few seconds before you yelled, still blushing: "NARUTOOO, that was my first kiss, you idiot!"

Naruto laughed. He knew.

You weren't complaining.