Hey guys! This is my first multi-chapter! I hope you guys like it! This is just a preview! Okay then, I'm outies! See you guys down there!

Before That Day


No One's POV

Before that day,

Life was passing by as the days went by. But for her, her life was already over.

She couldn't believe that everything she worked for had gone down the drain. She was shocked. How could this happen to her?

Everything was going great till HE came and destroyed it. He distracted her and then cheated on her? With her sister! How could he do this to her? He took everything she had including her sister.

She didn't blame her sister for it. She went to a boarding school and had just came back for the summer break. She met him in a local club with her friends. She had never met her sister's boyfriend and was completely clueless when he asked her out and she accepted. Soon their relationship became serious and now her 16 year old sister was holding her baby and was married to her sister's boyfriend.

After her ex-boyfriends and sisters wedding, she had started cutting. She didn't eat much anymore either. She even experimented with drugs and alchohol.

Her life was almost ruined by the time a certain blue-eyed, blonde-haired guy saved her from that. They worked in the same studio and she had, had a crush on him since the day she met him. She didn't think he liked her because they were enemies! They would always just fight and they just hated each other in front of everyone.

They were complete opposites!

But she was wrong.

That day changed everything.

You guys know what to do now right? READ AND REVIEW! I'm sorry for any mistakes at all. My the way, I will only continue this if I get 4 or more reviews liking it!

Peace Out Suckahs!

R. :D :P