I own, Ben, Max, Heather, Hailie, Patience and Ivan. Review Please. I don't want to keep writing if no one is interested.

Back at the manor, Phoebe sat in the living room with her hands in covering her mouth. She kept contemplating the situation. Piper, Paige, and Leo walked into the room.

"What's wrong?" Leo asked her.

"How come we never knew about this until now?" She asked back.

"Because it was never relevant. I mean, we never knew Wyatt was supposed to be a twice blessed child until it became relevant."

"But you knew about the prophesy. Why didn't you tell us?"

"I didn't think it would happen right now. It's an ancient prophesy that dates back to the days of Jesus. The magical community has been waiting for this for two thousand years."

"More importantly," Piper chimed in, "what are we going to do? How are we supposed to protect this girl."

"Well, I am her whitelighter," Paige stated proudly.


"It's simple, I'll just follow her around."

"You mean…"

"…Travel with her?" Phoebe interjected.

"Yeah! Why not? I've been dying to get out of this place since the whole thing with Henry went down."

"So you're just looking for someone new?"

"No! I'm just looking for an escape. I mean, you got lucky! You didn't have to go through a divorce. You just had to vanquish Cole."

"Yeah, I'm lucky for having to kill my husband," Phoebe said flatly.

"Well, at least you didn't have to do the whole split everything in two and call each other names for not doing anything wrong thing."

"That's true. But are you sure this is the right move? I mean, shouldn't you just stick around and let things settle around here?"

"I'm not the kind of person who can just sit and wait. Besides, she's my most important charge right now."

"What are you going to do about your daughter?" Piper questioned.

"Well, if you're willing to take care of her I'd love for you to be the primary caregiver for a few months."

"So you're just going to abandon her?"

"No! I'm an orb away if she needs anything and I'll always be there for school plays and so on and so on! I'm just asking for you to take care of her when I'm not around. I'll still be here every morning and every night. I just, feel like I need to get away for a little while."

Piper sighed, "If it's what you want."

"I think it's what I need."

Phoebe added, "We can't stop you. Just promise not to get hurt."

"Scouts honor."

And with a saucy salute, Paige orbed upstairs to her room and explained the situation to her daughter, Patience. The young girl didn't seem to be thrilled at her mother's decision.

"I promise, I'll be one orb away for ANYTHING you need," the young mother explained. "But right now, I just really need to get away from here and Henry."

"Why can't I come with you?"

"Because you have to go to school, sweetie."

"I can skip school. I want to be with you mommy."

Paige took a second to contemplate all of her options.

"Ok," she decided, "what if I come say good night to you every day before you go to sleep?"

"Mommy… I don't want you to go. Aren't you happy with me?"

The woman was shocked by her young daughter's question, "Baby, you're the greatest thing to ever happen to me. You are my happiness, my life hinges on you being there. But baby, mommy has had this problem for a very long time. Mommy loves being your mommy, but she isn't really sure what she should do with her life. She thinks she's a really good mommy and she loves her baby more than anything else ever. But she has never been good at anything else and it bothers her so much. It makes me feel kind of empty and I'm itching to find a purpose in my life aside from only being your mother. That doesn't mean that I don't love you, or that I don't value the identity of being your mother, but I just want to know if there is anything else I am good at. So please baby, is it ok for me to just leave for a little, little while."

The young girl contemplated her mother's words for a few moments before reluctantly agreeing to let her mother go. Paige, who was grateful for her young daughters acceptance packed a suitcase and orbed off to the hotel room from earlier in the morning.

Meanwhile, Max had filled her bathtub with hot water and delicious smelling scents such as strawberries and mangos. She needed the moment to relax. The stress of the morning was too much or her to handle at the moment. Not only finding out she was pregnant, but that she was carrying the most powerful child in the universe was much to handle. She was on the verge of collapsing into a mental breakdown every time she thought of it. Add in the fact that the father of the child was a well known womanizer and probably unreliable as a father, and Max was nearly to the point of falling into a stress induced coma.

When she realized her hands were pruning, Max climbed out of the bathtub and drained it. She dried herself and put on a fluffy robe before walking out of the bathroom. Max screamed as soon as she walked back into the main room. She saw Paige sitting on the bed. The Charmed One's eyes went wide as she shook her head in shock.

"Ow!" She hollered. "Why are you screaming?"

Max growled in irritation, "Why are you sneaking into my hotel room without warning?"

"Sorry," Paige apologized, "I just think it might be better for me to stay with you." Paige plastered on a smile and waited for the other woman's response. Max was not as excited.

"And why exactly do you think that's such a great idea?"

"Well, you don't use magic and it's already been stated that you are going to need to defend yourself."

"Just because I don't, doesn't mean I can't." Max crossed her arms and focused her attention on her apparent whitelighter. "I don't need your protection or anyone else's."

"Well Miss Independent, you will be attacked by demons and it is my responsibility to ensure that you are not harmed. I know this all must be shocking and hard for you to have to go through, but I cannot let you just… die!"

"Yeah, it is hard for me!" Max yelled. "I have to sacrifice everything! I have to sacrifice my career, apparently my independence, and I have to basically sacrifice my whole life!"

Paige rolled her eyes, "You are not the only one who has to make sacrifices you know!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry you had to leave your family, friends, and your job behind… oh wait, you don't because nobody asked you to!"

"You're right, nobody did ask me to! But I'm doing it because you need my help! That's the only reason I was drawn here this morning! And for your information, I don't really have a job. I've been spending my days with my daughter who I had to leave behind."

"Again," Max said lying on the bed, "nobody asked you to."

"You're right, nobody asked me to be here. But I am here because of you. And I'm not leaving you vulnerable. You don't have to like it, but you will learn to deal with it. Look, I know what it's like to have to deal with an unexpected pregnancy. It's hard, especially when you are alone. But you don't have to be alone. Just let me help you."

Max looked at the other woman skeptically. She contemplated what Paige had confessed to her.

She sighed, "Look, this is all very hard for me! I don't have anyone to do this with me! The man who knocked me up is such a womanizer he's probably the least reliable person to have a baby with! And, my career has just rocketed off, and now I have to give up on it because I had to go and get knocked up!"

Paige placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "You're right, that's all really hard to have to deal with, but I'm here to help you. And I can't believe that your family would abandon you either. Your dad seems like a really great guy. You're not alone. And, you're young. You have your whole life for your career."

Max stood tall in front of Paige, "You really don't know much about the wrestling business, do you?"

"A very small amount," Paige admitted, not wanting Max to know the truth about her past. "Well, maybe you could teach me! And maybe I could teach you a thing or two about magic and mommy stuff!"

"No magic! But, maybe you could hang around for a few other reasons."

The two women embraced in a light hug as Paige exclaimed, "This is going to be fun!"