Disclaimer: I don't own Regular show, JG Quintel does but Crystal, Jessica and Eythan are mine.

Jobs, friends and desperate hearts

"Bean-can, what do you think I'm going to say to you?" The short stumpy boss detailed sitting forward placing his hands on the table.

"Uh… I'm the one to blame? And its Benson, sir" the gumball machine whispered holding back a squeak of anxiety from his boss, Mr Maellard.

"Correct! And we've had this conversation before, have we not?" Mr Maellard said standing up from his chair and walking towards the window.

"Yes sir, we have." Benson said fidgeting with his thumbs fretfully.

"Well, you know the whole conversation but I have come up with a twist to this one." Mr Maellard said not bothering to glance at Benson from the window in front of him.

"Um, T-twist, sir?" Benson questioned, uncomfortable on where this might be heading.

"Yes Beanton. I want you… To hire someone." He said as Benson sat there. Dumbfounded.

"H-hire someone sir?" Benson repeated just to make sure he heard right.

"Yes Beanton. I want you to hire someone, but not just any random person in the street looking for a job… I want you to hire someone who looks like they're willing to help get the park back up to its criteria, because of those two clowns you hired need someone else to help clean up the mess they cause!" Mr Maellard yelled the last part turning round causing Benson to flinch in his chair.

"Y-yes sir, I will start advertising for a job placement right away!" Benson said beginning to stand up. Mr Maellard just nodded as he turned back to the window.


"OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH" Mordecai and Rigby hollered as they threw their video game controls onto the floor.

"High score! Yea-yuh!" Mordecai said as Rigby jumped up and down.

"Dude that was like the best game of strong Johns I've ever played!" Rigby said as they both got up off the couch and walked outside.

"hm. Hm. agreed. Best of all, you didn't totally suck for once." Mordecai said as they walked down the stairs.

"STOP TALKING!" Rigby screeched as they heard the front door open behind them.

"Mordecai and Rigby. Stop where you are." Benson said nearly running down the stairs.

"Shoot. Benson" Mordecai said as they turned around.

"Sup dude?" Rigby said as Benson just looked at him.

"Not now. I'm going to put up these flyers for a job placement, while I'm gone, Skips is in charge. If I come back and anything is destroyed, you're FIRED!" Benson roared fluttering a cluster of flyers in Mordecai and Rigby's faces as he walked off.

"… Well at least he didn't drop his gumballs." Rigby said as he burst out laughing.

"Aw dude! That's sick!" Mordecai said waving him off as he strode towards the cart to go to the snack shack, where they had been placed for the day.

"Hey dude! Wait up!" Rigby shouted after realising his friend was about to ditch him.


"I can't believe I have to hire another one! They'll probably just be another drop dead beat needing some money so they can go buy a pizza…" Benson muttered to himself as he walked up to the front of the park and put one of the flyers out on the gate door and started walking back to go find other places to put the help wanted flyers.

"I swear to god if I have to hire another slacker, my job is as good as gone" Benson said out loud to know one in particular as he finished placing up a flyer outside the snack shack, ignoring Mordecai and Rigby's laughs.

"Honestly, I need to hire someone hard working, someone actually willing to work and to help clean up and fix all the problems Mordecai and Rigby cause." Benson said out loud again still to no one in particular but hoping that Mordecai and Rigby overheard.

"Hey!" Mordecai and Rigby yelled from across the snack shack causing Benson's lips to curl it's corners into a small, sly smile.

Just as Benson was about to stroll out of the snack shack's seating area to head over to the other side of the park he got a tap on his shoulder.

"I hear you're looking to hire?" A voice said as Benson turned around to see a girl with long blonde hair in a ponytail and black streaks on each side of her head; about 2 inches taller than Benson, carrying a purple backpack holding a cloth in her hand, this girl was also a gumball machine like Benson.

'She's a gumball machine too…' Benson thought suddenly realising he was losing his grip on his flyers and catching one before it fell on the floor.

"Uh yes I am looking to hire, and your name is?" Benson asked taking the flyers in one hand.

"Crystal, my name's Crystal, and yours?" She asked extending her hand for a handshake.

"Benson. So you're looking for a job?" He said as he firmly grasped her hand and shook it.

"Yes sir. I've been searching for a job since I moved here with my friend Jessica two months ago." Crystal said as Benson looked at his clipboard.

"Hm. Well why don't we walk back to my office and we can give you an interview?" Benson said as he gestured for Crystal to walk forward.

"Gladly." She said as she started walking as Benson joined her.


"Right then Miss Crystal, for starters I need to know the basics, like age, birthday and all that." Benson said as they sat down at Benson's desk in his office.

"Well. I'm 21 years old, my birthday is July 10th, and I've just left education in Los Angeles technical trade school with a degree in mechanics…" Crystal said as Benson suddenly looked up.

"Uh… What else do you need to know?" Crystal said nervously.

"Hmm…" Benson pondered looking at his clipboard.

"Well I'm amazed to hear about your education being good. We don't normally get people with mechanic degrees around here." Benson said writing some notes on a nearby paper.

'She's just what I'm looking for! A mechanic can help skips fix up any of Mordecai and Rigby's failed stunts… At least she won't be at a loss of work.' Benson thought. Then something occurred to him.

"How much mechanical experience have you had in the past?" He asked curious.

"I'm glad you asked." Crystal said taking her bag from her back and opening the top.

"In here are 5 mechanical arms I made in my free time and I programed them with a special artificial intelligence chip to take any commands I give them. I've had them for 4 years and nothing has gone wrong since my last job as a repairman in a theme park when one of the arms had a malfunction whilst I was repairing a rollercoaster and it damaged the coaster beyond repair. I got fired for causing so much damage, after that I give my mechanical arms daily maintenance to keep them in mint condition." Crystal explained as Benson listened, curious the whole time.

"Incredible. Would you mind if I took a look?" Benson asked fully absorbed at to what these mechanical arms looked like.

"Of course!" Crystal said as she snapped her fingers as 5 deep navy blue arms slithered their way out of her bag, somehow attached to the inside of the bag to maintain control they looked flawless, a brilliant finish on them made them shine from the light coming in through the window and small glistens bounced off the pointed tip of each arm as they waved about idly near Crystal and her bag.

"They're ever so good when you treat them right, they're like children, you have to respect them for them to respect you, it's because of the intelligence chip." Crystal explained to Benson as he stared at them astonished and amazed at them.

"They look incredible! Can you make one of them do something?" Benson asked, hopeful to see just how willing they are to listen to Crystal.

"Sure!" Crystal said taking her hair out of her ponytail and flicking the hair tie a few inches away from the table.

"Can one of you please get my hair tie for me?" Crystal asked with a warm, calming voice as one of them came to attention and slithered across the floor and retrieved the hair tie and placed it in Crystal's hand.

"Good job! Thanks." Crystal praised as she stroked the arm that had done the good deed.

"They're like Labradors. Awfully respectful and trained" Crystal said.

"Yes indeed, and it looks like once given praise to, it sort of acts like a cat that loves the attention." Benson remarked smiling gleefully as one of the arms moved across the table as Benson carefully and cautiously reached out to stroke the approaching arm, in response the arm allowed him to pet the arm and Benson calmly stroked it.

"Yes… I guess they are. So I take it you're more of a cat person than a dog person?" Crystal asked as 2 of the arms retreated into the bag.

"Well I like both but I do take much more of a liking for cats than I do dogs… They're a lot more quiet and easier to care for than dogs." Benson said as the remaining arms made their way back into Crystal's bag as she closed it up and placed it on the floor next to her chair.

"True. My parents used to own a dog, awfully loud thing he was. Once I moved here I bought a little kitten a few weeks ago, he's the most adorable thing ever!" Crystal gawked as she pulled out a picture from one of her bag pockets and handed it to Benson.

"This is the little monkey… His name's Eythan. He's a cheeky little one when I first got him. I love him to pieces though." Crystal said as Benson looked at the picture she had given him of Eythan. He was a very small grey fluffy Persian with a little flick on his nose and a black spot just below his chin.

"He looks adorable! How old is he now?" Benson asked handing the photo back to Crystal.

"He's about 9 weeks now." Crystal said smiling happily placing the photo of her cat back in her bag as Benson sat there smiling at the pure cuteness of Crystal's kitten.

"That's adorable. You said his name was Eythan right?" Benson asked remembering something about that name.

"Yes that's right. It means-" Crystal started but was cut off by Benson.

"Long-lasting and Enduring" He finished as Crystal nodded. She sat there thinking for a minute before coming to a conclusion in her mind.

"So do I get the job?" She nervously asked looking at Benson, hopeful.

"When can you start?" Benson asked as a wide smile overtook Crystal's face.

"Is tomorrow alright? My friend Jessica is moving out of my house to move in with her boyfriend and I offered to help her." Crystal said hoping it would be alright.

"That's perfect. I would like to see you outside the park house at 9AM. Is that ok?" Benson asked as they both stood up.

"That's perfect." Crystal said shaking Benson's hand as she picked up her bag and slung it onto her back walking out the door.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow… Boss." Crystal said smiling to herself as she walked out the door, one of the mechanic arms creeping out to close the door behind her.

"Well… That went well…" Benson said to himself as he remembered something and picked up his walkie talkie.

"Skips, can you take down those job flyers? I managed to fill the spot" Benson said as he waited for a response.

"Sure can, do you think this one will be like Rigby and Mordecai?" Skips asked.

"Oh no… This one's much better." Benson said with a smile on his face.