DISCLAIMER: This was all Master Lucas' idea first!
This is another version of the Clone Wars episode "Landing at Point Rain." I basically just changed things up a bit and added some extra.
During the Second Invasion on Geonosis, Obi-Wan Kenobi is gravely injured and his former Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, does something extraordinary to try to save him.
This story is a good window into the personalities of the characters leading up to Episode III (I hope!).
Contains humor and is a bit graphic in some parts. Non-Slash
Republic forces led by Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Ki-Adi-Mundi were closing in on Poggle the Lesser's droid factories on the dusty, Separatist-controlled planet of Geonosis. Admiral Yularen and his Battle Group followed behind them, ready to take control of the system. Before the Republic Cruisers could land, however, the three Jedi needed to execute a three-pronged attack in small gunships. Each of the three waves would deploy separately and convene at "Point Rain," a landing zone located within strike proximity to Poggle's shield generators. Once the rendezvous was made, the shields could be raided and neutralized and Admiral Yularen would be able to land his fleet and support the effort to take Geonosis and end the production of droids on the system.
Obi-Wan's squadron of gunships had been the first to attempt to land at Point Rain. General Kenobi and General Skywalker often deployed together and it was common practice for them to exercise friendly competition. Anakin followed closely behind his Master, eager to catch up.
Ki-Adi observed their banter with a silent and critical eye. He, along with several other Jedi Masters, had always been skeptical about the unusually short age difference between the Knight and his former Master. As a result of the the short gap, Kenobi and Skywalker had grown together as brothers, an occurrence unprecedented in the Jedi Order between Master and Padawan. Yes, the dying wish of the legendary Master Qui-Gon Jinn had been honored, but had that been a wise decision? This was a question that hung in air at all times, but Ki-Adi knew he needed to focus on the present operation. That was how it worked these days for the servants of the Republic; the Jedi tended to their own affairs after battles had been won and in between campaigns.
And besides, the time for assiduous focus was at hand: a new complication in the current battle had just arisen.
Unfortunately for the Jedi, the confidentiality of the operation was compromised. Somehow, using a method that even the Jedi could not detect, Poggle's army received intelligence of the Republic offensive. They ambushed each wave of gunships from hideouts carved into the dunes and rockier landscapes. The Geonosian bugs were heavily armed with their own blaster artillery weapons as well as a few battalions of droids. The bugs were determined to protect their droid factories and favoritism with the Separatists and were relentless in their attack on the approaching squadrons of vulnerable gunships.
Since the bugs were well-informed and waiting for the opportunity to ambush, they immediately bombarded Obi-Wan's squadron with unrelenting fire.
Cody warned Obi-Wan that his designated area was too hot to land in, but there was no alternative. Obi-Wan and his gun crew had nowhere else to go. As if on cue, heavy blaster fire from Geonosian artillery wracked the small steel ship, jarring the clone troopers and general within.
Immediately after the tremors, the ship began to lose altitude and smoke and sparks filled the air.
"We're hit," Obi-Wan informed Cody over his com link, "We're going down."
Obi-Wan uttered these words with his classic calmness.
While Cody was extremely alarmed and feared for the worst when the gun ship would inevitably crash, he couldn't help but marvel at the General's composure. Any other officer, or person for that matter, would surely be in hysterics.
Upon hearing of General Kenobi's dilemma, Cody urgently requested that General Mundi and Skywalker split up and land further away from Point Rain than originally planned. Anakin's squadron was guided to a rocky area and Ki-Adi's was guided to a nearby forest. The separate squadrons exited their gunships and continued to the landing zone on foot.
In hot pursuit of Geonosian defense droids, Anakin felt a dark flicker tug at him in the Force. He glanced at Ahsoka to find that she was handling the blaster fire from the enemy with relative ease. Her green blade was in constant motion. She sensed his disquiet and shot him a feral and confident smile. Anakin re-immersed himself in the carnage and allowed his mind and body to resume the crucial quest to the factory shield generators.
Back on his doomed gunship, Obi-Wan knew that if he didn't take matters into his own hands, most of the men with him would be killed upon crashing onto the harsh Geonosian sediment. He acted quickly. Centering himself and drawing on the Force, with all his not inconsiderable experience, he used an invisible barrier of energy to push all of the clone soldiers into the aft area of the gunship and held them safely there with all the strength in the Force that he could muster.
Most of the men didn't know what was going on, but Trapper, one of the clone sergeants closest to where Obi-Wan was standing, knew exactly what the General was up to.
"General! Please, sir! Don't! You'll be killed!" He shouted over the roar of the failing turbo prop engines, the whine of the warning alarms and the thundering artillery bursts around them.
He struggled to free himself from the General's Force hold so that he may be able to somehow stop the reckless Jedi Master. But if was of no use, he could barely move a muscle and anyway he was very familiar with the General Kenobi's stubborn resolve.
"Trapper I know what I am doing," called Obi-Wan in reply. "We can salvage the mission. As soon as we hit, I need to you to stay alert and get to the rendezvous. General Skywalker and General Mundi are going to need all the help they can get. This could be a pivotal battle in our favour."
Just then, while all clone troopers were being held in their cocoon by Obi-Wans controlled field of Force energy, the small gunship connected violently with the rocky and dusty surface of the orange planet.
The instant before impact, Obi-Wan had held onto the concentrated Force particles surrounding the clones with all of his might, hoping the best for his men and thinking ruefully to himself "Well I couldn't hold them much longer anyway. This may hurt quite a lot..."
The small ship smashed nose first, the pilot was killed immediately and Obi-Wan was tossed viciously to the ceiling of the airplane, ricocheting off and landing unceremoniously in a crumpled heap on the deck. The entire aircraft lay crooked in the sand, buried a meter nose first and listing at a forty degree incline.
The Force shield that Obi-Wan had desperately held in place in his last moments of consciousness lingered for a mere second or two before his vision went black, but it held just long enough to prevent several serious injuries to the crew and certainly a few deaths.
But his violent collision and unconscious status made the clones wonder: did the General supply his own life to protect all of them?