Bird Songs

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Harry Potter related :(

Author's Note: I am just going to start with this story probably will not relate much to the book, war is unhappy. I like happy stories and I also know war leads to the death of Fred. Which is completely unacceptable and I refuse to accept. Okay, so read and review! Let me know what you think. xoxox

Chapter One: Dealings of a Brunette and a Redhead.

Smoke from the smokestack atop the Hogwarts Express fluttered across the windows. The sounds of loud talking and friendly banter sounded throughout the train. The noise billowed down the thin hallway of the Hogwarts Express. Students laughing in their compartments, the trolley dinging its way through the train as Hermione Granger made her way down the hallway with Ginny Weasley. Groups of giggling girls bustled from a compartment to compartment all over the train. It was the day before the new term at Hogwarts and Hermione, Harry Potter, and Ron Weasley were returning for their fifth year at Hogwarts, Ginny was returning for her fourth, and the twins, for their seventh year.

She saw Fred and George laughing down the hall, a few girls stood around them with smiles on their faces. A blonde girl walking down the hall towards the group, in a desperate attempt to catch Fred's attention, flipped her long hair over her shoulder and 'accidently' bumped into Fred.

"Oh! Sorry, Fred," She exclaimed. "I can be so clumsy sometimes." Fred turned to look at her, but Hermione caught his eye instead. "It's all right." Fred headed in Hermione's direction with a grin on his face. George followed without looking back at the group of girls.

"Hey Hermione," Fred smiled and then grabbed her into a hug.

"Hey Fred, George." Hermione smiled up at Fred, hugging him around the waist tightly. The blonde girl walked by and glared at Hermione. Hermione just rolled her eyes. Some girls.

"Where are you two sitting? With Ronnikins and Harry?" George asked, draping an arm around his sister's shoulders as the group made their way down the hallway.

Ginny laughed, "Yea, Luna and Neville are there too. Lavender too." Ginny grinned as she nudged George.

Hermione and Fred laughed as George's ears turned red. George's arm dropped off of his sister's shoulder and he fell back to Fred and together the two paused to mutter to each other. Hermione strained her ears to hear what was said.

"Lavender would be down for a quick fuck."

Fred nodded, "I heard about what she did with that Slytherin." Hermione wrinkled her nose, everyone heard about that.

"I'm not looking for a girl right now, neither of us are. But she's a good girl, I'd keep her around." George shrugged.

"Fuck her and see where she stands?"

"Good idea mate. And you with that blonde back there?"

"Jesse? Yeah, I got her in the sack no problem."

Ginny reached the compartment door first and slid it open. "Hey guys, we are back. Guess who we've got with us too." Hermione made her way into the compartment and sat down a seat away from Harry and Ron. Lavender and Parvati sat next to each other across from them. Luna sat next to Ron staring dreamily out of the window. Neville sat closest to the window a seat away from Lavender. Ginny flopped down next to Harry and smiled at him, Harry blushed. Fred and George ducked into the room and took the two remaining seats: George next to Lavender and Fred next to Parvati and across from Hermione.

The rest of the train ride, Hermione was very quiet. She made a few jokes here and there, but mostly she kept quiet. She did notice, however, that Fred was trying to catch her eye. Hermione expertly avoided it. Well, almost.

Nearly at school, Hermione heard the man on the intercom say they were nearing Hogwarts and should leave their luggage on the train for it would be taken up separately. Suddenly she was staring directly into Fred's chocolate brown eyes. Fred had gone from casually looking at her to staring directly at her. Parvati was chattering away, oblivious to the fact that Fred was not listening anymore—if he ever was. He tilted his head as if to indicate let's talk in the hallway? Hermione just looked down and away.

Everyone in the compartment began to stand as the train pulled into the Hogsmead station. Ginny grabbed Hermione and headed up the hallway towards one of the exits, leaving behind the rest of the group. As the two girls stepped off the train and onto the dark platform, Ginny turned and put her hands on her hips. She looked a lot like Molly Weasley at that moment. Hermione put a hand to her mouth to cover her smile.

"Would you like to tell me why exactly my brother looked as if he wanted to throw you against a wall and ravage you?" Ginny asked, walking towards the carriages.

"Ginny!" Hermione half gasped, half laughed. "He did not. I do not know why he was staring at me, but I'm certain it isn't for that reason. If anything he would ravage Parvati."

Ginny scoffed, "No he wouldn't. How would you know who he would want to ravage? You rarely hang out with him."

"Well I know he almost never sleeps alone when we are here."

Ginny shrugged, "You got me there. But still."

Hermione stepped up onto the carriage pushing all the way to the end, with Ginny sitting next to her. The rest of the group had finally caught up. As they all climbed into the carriage as well, Parvati giggled, "You two sure did run off quick. Fred said the funniest thing!"

"Did he?" Hermione asked, Parvati clearly missed the sarcasm in her voice and began telling the story. Ginny snorted.

By the time the carriage reached the castle, Hermione was ready to throw herself off of a cliff. Parvati had clearly gotten dumber over the summer and Lavender had gotten louder. Or maybe it was her current throbbing headache that made them act that way?

The welcoming feast seemed to fly by. Professor Dumbledore had his normal announcements directed at the First Years and the Sorting Ceremony was short. Hermione could not help but notice that Fred and George stayed close to the group, creating a link between the Golden Trio and Lavender's gang. However, Fred and George had multiple private conversations that no one could understand, not even Ginny. Hermione also could not help but notice that Ginny was very distracted looking for someone the entire meal.

When everyone was dismissed, Harry, Ron, and Hermione started off. Ginny told Hermione she would see her in a little bit so they could 'catch up'. Hermione had barely reached the Grand Staircase when Fred finally caught her.

"Hermione, what's wrong? You've been quiet since we saw each other on the train." Fred asked grabbing Hermione's arm and pulling her back from Ron and Harry as her two friends started up the stairs.

"Nothing," Hermione pulled her arm out of Fred's grasp and took a step to the side to avoid the crowd of people heading upstairs to bed. "I just overheard you and George talking about 'fucking Lavender and seeing where she stands'. It was rude."

"Why would you care? You don't even like Lavender." Fred crossed his arms over his chest.

"I do too, she's very—" Hermione sighed; even she knew she did not have an argument for that. "Well, that isn't the point. It isn't right that you are encouraging George to do that."

"Why would it matter? Lavender has done the same thing to multiple other guys. She's used to it; and if not, she certainly deserves it." Fred shook his head. "I still don't understand why that would upset you with me. It isn't like you would do anything like that, so why would you worry?"

"Oh! Of course not, because I'm just a goody-two-shoes, bookworm! Right?" Hermione snapped, "Is that what you are trying to say?" Now she really knew she was being unreasonable.

"Yea, that's what I meant." Fred snapped back sarcastically. "Obviously not Hermione. How would you even know how I view you? We are never alone to find out. You are too busy with your nose in a book!"

Hermione sure was getting a lot of "How would you know?"s today. She glared at Fred and spun on her heel. She was already at the top of the first flight of stairs on Grand Staircase by the time Ginny reached Fred.

"What happened?" Ginny asked, "I haven't heard her blow up like that since Ron was a dick to her at the Yule Ball."

"I don't know what I did." Fred shook his head. "I upset her, but I don't know why or how."

"You know, Fred, sometimes you really aren't that smart." Ginny sighed and began climbing the stairs to catch up with Hermione.

Hermione was lying on her back on her bed with a pillow over her face when Ginny caught up to her. "Shit you move fast." Ginny panted slightly.

"He thinks I'm insane."

Ginny laughed, sitting on the edge of Hermione's bed. "No he doesn't. If he does, then when you go downstairs in ten minutes to apologize, you can tell him you just have a headache and it made you irritated."

Hermione sat up, "I could do that. What if he isn't down there? What if he is, but he isn't alone?"

"He will be, and I'll make sure he's alone. At least mostly." Ginny smiled and patted Hermione's leg. "Now, let's talk about how jealous you are."

"I am not jealous!" Hermione snapped. "I have no reason to be jealous." Hermione had nearly convinced herself of that all night. Why would she be jealous when she had no previous feelings for the redheaded jokester? Well, that may not be entirely true. There may have been a few times when she had watched the guys play Quidditich at the Burrow half naked, something about a few of them being "shirts" and the others "skins". Not to mention the few run-ins they had in the hallways after Fred's shower when he would wander the hall in just a towel, his hair still dripping water down his chest.

"Uh huh, well. I can help you out a little, clothes-wise and make-up. Maybe some hair, not that it looks bad." Ginny laughed at Hermione's scowl, "But if you are going to catch my dumbass brother's attention, you are going to have to step it up a bit."

Hermione looked over her shoulder into her mirror, her hair could look a little better and her clothes were a little baggy. "I just never had an interest in any of that."

Ginny nodded, "Me either, up until last year. Oddly enough, Lavender helped me out. But only if I could get Dean Thomas to sleep with her."

Hermione laughed, "I heard about that! Oh hey, did you ever find your mystery man at dinner tonight?"

Ginny's smile dropped off her face and was replaced with a serious look. "Shush. Yes I did. However, we can't talk about him in front of anyone."

Hermione cocked an eyebrow, "Why not? Who is he?" Ginny shook her head. "Give me a hint."

"Harry and Ron would never understand." Ginny said finally. "You could. But they wouldn't ever. So they cannot find out, if I tell you."

"Wait, you couldn't possibly mean…Draco Malfoy?"

Ginny blushed slightly.

Hermione burst out laughing, "Damn straight they would never understand. He sure is hot though. I heard he's been working out playing Quidditich all summer long."

"Oh I know, believe me!" Ginny laughed. "I saw him in Diagon Alley a little while ago. He acted different than his normal arrogant self, meaning he spoke to me first and wasn't an ass. He called me Ginny."

Hermione looked surprised. "So what do you want to do?"

"At least shag him."

Hermione grinned, "I will help you if you help me, however, I don't know how I can. Deal, Weasley?"

Ginny grinned back, "Absolutely. You should talk to Fred, he should be back now."

Hermione bit her lip. "Okay."

"I'll be here, when you get back. We have to start working on your wardrobe right away for tomorrow." Ginny smirked, "I bet Lavender would be thrilled to help."

"She'll tell George."

"True. I'll make sure Fred is alone, and then you can head over." The two girls stood up and headed downstairs again. True to her word, Ginny managed to draw Lee Jordan away from Fred, leaving him alone sitting on one of the couches in front of the fire. Hermione took a deep breath and walked around the couch. Standing near the end, she asked, "Can I sit down."

"Course you can Hermione." Fred moved his legs off of the couch, letting Hermione sit down.

The two sat in an awkward silence for a minute or so before Hermione touched Fred's arm to get his attention. Fred looked at her and gave her a lopsided grin. He clearly could not stay upset for long.

His smile put a little courage in Hermione. "I feel so dumb having blown up on you like that earlier. I have an awful headache and I was just being overdramatic. I'm sorry."

Fred laughed, "No, don't be. You have a point, we shouldn't treat Lavender like that. I mean she's really—"

"No she definitely deserves it." Hermione interjected. "She's kind of trashy, nice enough though."

Fred laughed, "I'm glad your 'headache' is over with Hermione. But I'm beat, I'mma hit the sack." He stood up and stretched. He looked down at her and smiled, "Good night 'Moine. Don't worry about the argument, as far as I'm concerned it never happened."

Hermione smiled at him, "Good night Fred." She stood up and made her way up the stairs towards the Girls' Dormitories, glancing back to give Fred another smile since he was watching her walk upstairs.

Ginny was standing next to Hermione's bed. All of Hermione's clothes were spread out on the bed including, much to Hermione's embarrassment, her undergarments. "Ginny, you have everything out!" She tried to gather some of her panties before any of the other girls came out of the bathroom.

"If you have to hide them from another girl, then you need new stuff." Ginny shook her head, "How can you expect to feel comfortable wearing them in front of Fred if you want to hide them when they aren't even on you?"

"Who said anything about wearing them in front of Fred?" Hermione mumbled.

"Yeah, because you two are just gonna 'hold hands'." Ginny scoffed. Hermione laughed.

"We are going to be here all night."