The Next Morning

'Morning Cat. They up yet?' Sara grinned entering Catherine's house

'Nope. They were up till 4 watching movies and giggling.' Cath rolled her eyes

'They didn't keep you awake did they?' Sara asked frowning

'Nope. I used an old friend.' Catherine held up a pair of ear plugs grinning

'Good idea.'


'Please!' They walked into the kitchen

'Elliott really is a wonderful girl you know.'

'I know. I'm very proud of her. I feel I should warn you though-she's a monster before she's had coffee.'

'Just like her mother.'

'Gee thanks.' Sara pouted 'Luckily for you I had some before I came out.'

'Lucky indeed. You want something to eat? We've got toast with various jams, eggs cooked in various ways, cereal, and fruit.'

'What type of eggs can you do?' Sara asked

'Poached, Benedict, hard boiled, soft boiled, scrambled, omelette, sunny side up and easy over.'

'Ok oh master of eggs. Scrambled eggs? You got any ketchup?' Sara grinned

'I have a teenager in the house. What do you think?'Catherine teased. 'One plate of scrambled eggs coming up.'


'I invited the guys over. I hope you don't mind.'

'Of course not. It's been a whole 5 days since I last saw them. I'm getting withdrawal symptoms.' Sara said seriously

'You need your head checking!'

'I know. I'm scaring myself. How long does Linds usually sleep in for?'

'She's usually up within the next 40 minutes. As soon as one wakes up they'll wake the other up most likely.'

'I'm sure.' they laughed 'You know I only ever went to 2 sleepovers when I was a kid.' Sara admitted

'Really? Why?'

'My biological parents never let me have close friends, when I was put in care everyone at school wouldn't go near me with a barge pole. After I was fostered all my main friends were boys and my foster parents wouldn't let me stay over at their houses just in case the boys took advantage of me.'

'Didn't you say you were 13 when you were fostered? Most 13yr old boys are harmless.' Catherine said confused

'Yeah.' Sara said surprised Catherine remembered the passing reference to her foster age

'Here're your scrambled eggs.'


'So how did you end up going to the 2 sleepovers then?'

'I became best friends with this girl called Lena. She was like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth and was the daughter of the minister of their church and the local doctor so Amanda and Henry weren't worried.'

'Amanda and Henry? Were they your foster parents?'

'Yep. Want to know the best bit?' Sara grinned evilly


'I lost my virginity to Lena on one of those sleepovers.' Catherine fell about laughing

'Oh that is amazing! Did Amanda and Henry ever find out?'

'Eventually. After Lena came out to her parents screaming at them in front of most of the congregation at the annual picnic. We'd been dating about 4 months at this point. It was also when I came out to my parents. Admittedly after Lena had screamed it out, pinned me to a tree and made out with me.'

'Oh I wish I'd seen that!'

'I believe Phoenix filmed it if you really want to see it.'

'I might just take you up on that one day.' The doorbell rang 'That'll be the guys.'

'Don't worry I'll get it.' Sara said 'Good morning all. Come on in.'

'Hey Sara. Long time no see.' Greg clutched his heart in fake agony

'I know. My heart breaks at the mere thought of you.' Sara deadpanned

'How's Elliott?' Nick asked

'She's good thanks. Lindsey and her are joined at the hip now. She stayed ever here last night but they're still asleep.' They walked into the kitchen.

'Look what I found on the doorstep.'

'Ugh. It stinks. Why'd you bring it in here for?' Catherine frowned

'We love you too Catherine.' Nick laughed

'I see food.' Greg headed for Sara's eggs

'Stop right where you are Sanders. Stay away from the eggs. They're mine.' Sara glared

'But food!'

'Get your own. These are far too amazing to share. On a related note-I may have to move in just so I can eat this every day Cat.' Sara beamed. The guys winced at the use of the notoriously hazardous nickname. To their immense shock Catherine just laughed

'And what about Elliott? Are you going to leave her to starve?'

'Hmmm. She could move in too. We could just sit on these stools and never move. You'd never even know we were here. Promise!'

'Ignoring the sheer amount of scrambled eggs I'd have to make?'

'Of course.' Sara laughed

'What's going on here? She called you Cat. You bite off the head of anyone who calls you that.' Warrick pointed out

'I like it when she says it.' Catherine shrugged 'Would any of the rest of you like any food?'

'Yes please. I hear the scrambled eggs come highly recommended.' Grissom said. Soon they were all seated around eating. Due to the sheer scrummyness of Catherine's scrambled eggs silence had fallen upon the table. Elliott and Lindsey stumbled into the kitchen bleary eyed

'Coffee. I need coffee. Can't function until coffee.' Elliott groaned collapsing on the kitchen counter

'Not a morning person Elliott?' Catherine grinned as she made coffee for the girls. A strangled moan was the only response

'I told you she was a monster before coffee.' Sara laughed

'This is a whole new level of monster than I've never seen before.' Catherine laughed handing the coffee to the girls. Elliott downed it in one.

'Ow ow ow ow. Hot hot hot hot hot. Good morning world.' She suddenly sang out loud spinning on the spot 'Good morning mother.' Elliott sang kissing Sara on the cheek

'Morning kiddo.'

'You make great coffee Cath.'

'So it seems. If only it worked that well on Lindsey.'

'Give me time.' Lindsey frowned 'I'm not a freaky caffeine person like Elliott.'

'Aw come on Linds. Wake up wake up wake up.' Elliott bounced around her

'Okay okay. I'm awake I need food.'

'That's more like the Lindsey I know.' Catherine grinned handing a plate of eggs to the others

'Thank you mother.' Lindsey sat at the table

'Thanks Cath. OMG! These are amazing!' Lindsey moaned

'So I've heard.' Cath said grinning at Sara

'Hey guys I met in passing 5 days ago.' Elliott grinned


'Let me remember. Warrick, Nick, Grissom and of course the infamous Greg.'

'Infamous eh?' Greg grinned

'Oh I know all about all of you. Mama tells me everything. My personal favourite tales are the ones where Greg hits on Mama.'

'In my defence most of those times were before I knew she was a lesbian. The others were to see if I could tempt her over to the dark side using the old Sanders charm.'

'The sanders charm?' Elliott smirked


'Don't even think about trying to hit on her Greg.' Sara warned

'You're no fun Sara.' He pouted

'She's my 17yr old daughter. I'm hardly going to encourage you am I?'

'I guess not.'

'Rookie mistake. Never hit on someone whilst their mother is watching.' Warrick laughed 'Not that we'll hit on her at any other time.' He clarified to Sara 'That expends to Lindsey as well.' He said to Cath


'Whoa Mama. Way to ruin my fun.' Elliott frowned

'Get used to it.' Lindsey laughed smiling innocently at Catherine who also laughed

'So Elliott- I bet you know lots of embarrassing tales about Sara here.'

'Do I heck?' She laughed

'Do tell.' GREG grinned

'Oh god.' Sara moaned as Catherine sniggered

'Oh shut up Cat!'

'Sorry.' Catherine grinned

'Let's see. So many stories so little time. Has she ever told you about the time her friend Matt got her arrested?'

'No. Please enlighten us.' Grissom laughed shocking the others

'Mama had just gotten into a humungous fight with her then girlfriend and was venting at matt. She was so pissed that she didn't notice that he was repeatadly supplying her with straight vodka. Neither of them remembers how it came about but a few hours later the two of them were stumbling around the town dressed as slutty supermen. Mama, being the more drunk of the two, was persuaded by matt that the most sensible course of action was to get on top of the bandstand and start stripping off. How you managed to get up there I'll never know.' Elliott laughed 'she then started singing Alice Cooper at the top of her lungs. Whilst air guitaring she fell off the bandstand and broke her leg and started screaming that she was dying and asked matt if he'd avenge her death. Legend has it that Matt videotaped it but is saving the footage for if Mama ever gets married.'

'He what!?' A bright red Sara yelped as the others roared with laughter 'He filmed it! Why don't I know this?'

'You do now.'

'Cat can I borrow your phone? My battery's gone on my mobile.' Sara asked worryingly calm


'Excuse me a second.' She left the room

'I guarantee by the end of the phone call she'll have totally forgiven him Elliott laughed. 10 seconds later they all heard-

'Matthew Orlando Baker you bastard!' She screamed 'I'm going to kill you! What did you do? You filmed my bandstand accident! It's not funny! I know how to kill you and get away with it!' She threatened 'I trusted you! Yeah well maybe I should tell Davis about Canada. Oh yes I would. Don't try that with me. Well yeah. I guess. I suppose. I see your point. Maybe. You're my best friend. Of course I love you. Aw Matty I miss you too. You will? I guess I won't. We should get together sometime soon. Yeah I'd like that. I'm passing that way in a few days. Yes. She's good. My mobiles dead, this is my friend's phone. You know you'll always be my number one. Of course. I'm sorry too. Of course I love you bestie. You're forgiven-always and completely. Yes I did. Thanks. I will. Bye matt. I love you more. Uh lots of my friends are listening in so can we skip the 20 minute I love you more you hang up routine. Of course not. I will hang up. Bye matt. I love you too. My love to everyone.' She put down the phone and walked back into the kitchen where everyone but Elliott were staring at her shocked

'I told you she'd forgive him.' Elliott grinned

'Wow. I've never seen such a 180 mood swing.' Greg said

'He had some very salient points and has a way with words.'

'That was potentially the shortest conversation you two have ever had.' Elliott laughed

'I know but you guys were all listening in and I don't think they could cope with an all out Sara/Matt love fest phone call.'

'You're probably right.'

'Oh I've promised him we'll visit soon.' Sara grinned

'I miss him already and it's only been 6 days since I spoke to him.' Elliott said

'I love that crazy man!' Elliott and Sara sighed together

'So uh. Just who is this matt to you Sara? You sound and act like a newlywed.' Catherine asked

'He's been my best friend for what seems like forever. He's been there for me through thick and thin. We were beards and just generally super close.' Sara grinned


'I can't believe you told them that story Elliott.' Sara said reality hitting her. She went bright red

'Knew that'd hit you eventually!' Elliott laughed 'And I might as well start with a great story. It's my personal favourite-Matt's such a great storyteller.'

'It is a brilliant story.' Lindsey laughed

'Don't go getting any ideas Lindsey.' Catherine warned

'Who? Me? Never! How little faith you have in me Mom! I'm insulted. Come on Elliott.' Lindsey pulled Elliott out her seat and back up the stairs

'Wow. So Elliott seems nice.' Nick smiled

'When she's not embarrassing me sure.' Sara moaned

'You get embarrassed so easily.' Greg teased

'Not always.' She pouted

'So how old were you when the bandstand incident occurred?'

'Uh. 19/20? I was still at Harvard. Nearly got kicked out thanks to that incident.' Sara smiled nostalgically

'Couldn't you have said you didn't go there?' Grissom asked

'We were singing the Harvard chant as we stumbled around town.'



'Well I never pinned you as the crazy drunk girl in your late teens. I always saw you as more straight laced, more head in a book, best friend of the local reverend's daughter etc type girl.' Greg admitted. Cat struggled to contain her laughter until Sara caught her eye also trying to contain her laughter. They both burst into fits of laughter, tears streaming down their faces

'What? What did I say?' Greg asked confused which only made them laugh harder

'What? Come on! Tell me!' Once Sara was able to assemble a coherent sentence she explained about Lena to them and soon they were also laughing hard

'Oh wow I love that!'

'That's one way for both your parents to find out.' Nick laughed

'Indeed. Needless to say we were not allowed to have sleepovers again.'

'How old were you?' Greg grinned


'So your parents could actually try and stop you.'

'Technically yes. So Lena and I moved in together. Problem solved. Until we broke up 3 years later.' Sara said

'Was she the one you'd been fighting with just before the bandstand incident?'

'Yep. We broke up soon after that and I met Alex and Elliott. Hey Kitty Cat. Is there any more of these gorgeous, beautiful, mouth watering eggs?' Sara asked

'Sure help yourself.' Catherine said

'Okay I can just about handle Sara calling you Cat and you knowing stories about when Sara lost her virginity but I simply cannot cope with her calling you Kitty Cat!' Warrick complained

'Sorry.' Cath and Sara said together

'What the hell has happened to you two? You're even answering at the same time.' Greg moaned

'Last night when Elliott and Lindsey were bonding we did our own bonding.' Sara shrugged 'We cleared the air and discovered we actually have very similar interests.'

'We have the potential to be extremely good friends if not best friends which will be detrimental to all your sanities. Don't you think Sar?'

'Right on sister. You know we could do real harm if we combine our awesomeness.'

'Awesomeness?' Catherine smirked

'What? It's a word!'

'Gentlemen I give you a Harvard graduate.' They laughed

'Oi!' Sara pouted, tucking into her eggs with relish

'Don't eat too fast or you'll get indigestion.' Cath warned

'Yes Mom.' Sara rolled her eyes

'Cheeky!' Catherine hit her gently over the head

'Please stop being so nice to each other.' Greg moaned' I can't handle it.'

'Get used to it Greggo. I have no intention of stopping.' Sara grinned

'Neither do I. That reminds me-Sara the girls said they wanted to go to the mall today. Do you have any plans with Elliott today?'

'Nope. She's free for the mall. She does need clothes.' Sara MUSED all she has is what she brought with her in her holdall and what she's left at mine in the past. Well and the clothes she's stolen off of me Sara LAUGHED

Poor girl

She's strong. She'll be fine

She takes after you

I should certainly hope not. Believe me I am not half as strong as you think I am. But thanks anyway.'

'I'm afraid I'm going to have to love you and leave you guys. I need to sleep.' Nick yawned

'Same. Can you drop me off home?' Greg asked

'Sure. Does anybody else who came here with me need a lift?'

'Yes please' Warrick said

'I should be off too. Do you need a lift Jim?' Grissom asked the detective


'See you soon Sara. When do you come back to work?' Greg asked

'Next Thursday. Can you manage that long without me?' She laughed

'I don't know. I may just have to visit you and Elliott soon.'

'We look forward to it.'

'Bye girls.' Warrick called up the stairs.

'Bye guys' Elliott and Lindsey called back down. The guys left, leaving the women alone in the kitchen.

'So? What now?'

I eat more of your delectable eggs?' Sara suggested. Cat laughed,

'Here have an apple instead. It's healthier than eggs.' The blonde smirked

'Thanks mom' Sara rolled her eyes

'Watch it you!'

'Sorry mom.'

'What am I going to do with you?' Catherine laughed.

'Give me eggs?'

'You really do love my eggs don't you?'


'If I'd known all it took was eggs to make you happy I'd have invited you over years ago'

'As truly amazing as these eggs are, my happiness is mainly due to getting my daughter back and becoming friends with you. The eggs are just a wonderful bonus though.'

'I'm glad you're happy. I've never seen you so relaxed. I'm honoured to have seen this side of you-you're a great person Sara'

'If you say so. 'Sara blushed staring into her eggs

'You really can't take a compliment can you?' Catherine frowned

'Why should I. Most of the time they're people just being sarcastic. I stopped believing in them in high school.' Seeing Cat's questioning look she elaborated 'I had a few so called friends who would supposedly compliment me then run to the bullies and tell them of my insecurities. My parents never had a nice word to say about me and I didn't think it counted if your brothers or sisters said them. Boyfriends and girlfriends would compliment me then I'd find out they were cheating on me.' Sara admitted.

'Oh that's horrible'

'Yeah. That was worse than the straight out bullying.'

'Was uh... was that when you started cutting?' Seeing Sara's shocked face she elaborated 'You briefly mentioned cutting yesterday. You don't have to say anything'

'Oh. Yeah it was. Do you know nobody noticed I was self harming until I was hospitalized for anorexia when I was 15. Anorexia was another side effect of the bullying.'


'My foster parents were so busy trying to raise David and Lisa as the perfect children that they didn't even notice that until I was lying in bed with wires and drips hanging. They only fostered us so that they would look good in the community and so Henry could get elected as a steward at church.

'The care system in Frisco was bad back then. There wasn't a lot of support.' Sara shrugged

'That's not bad, that's terrible! It's unacceptable!' Catherine said outraged 'No child should be treated like that!'

'Cat please, I've gotten over it, I don't dwell on it. It has made me the person I am today; I'd like it if you could also let it go.'

'I'll try. But I'm not happy about it.'

Thank you. Anyway, enough of this doom and gloom. Let's do something fun!'

'Wanna watch Rocky Horror Picture Show?'Cath grinned.

'Stop looking at me like that' Sara frowned as they sat on the blonde's sofa after dropping their daughters off at the mall.

'Like what?'

'Like I'm fragile. Like I'll cut myself if you say the wrong word,' Sara frowned.

'It's not that. Well not exactly'

'What IS it then?'

'Yesterday you said that you were still harming when you moved to Vegas right?'


'Well, I was wondering if...that is...I wasn't exactly nice to you back then. Was, did, the, did I cause any of the self harm' Cath asked looking into her lap, not daring to meet her new friends eyes

'Of course not'

'Sara I'm not even looking at you and I can tell you're lying. I did didn't I? I made you self harm'

'Only twice that you were a direct cause'

'When? Please. Tell me.'

'Ok. But it sounds so silly now. The first time was after I'd been here for about 2 months. I'd been having a crap day and I overheard you badmouthing to ,I think it was Nancy, about how I was a half rate CSI who was only here because Grissom wanted to get into my pants and how you hated working with me because I was stubborn, self centred, self absorbed, arrogant and not that pretty. You told her you didn't know why Grissom ever asked me to come to Vegas but you wish I hadn't. You didn't know why the guys all liked me, especially Warrick considering how we met. I could tell that you didn't exactly like me when we first met so I'd made a special effort into trying to win you over. That conversation, along with your comments over the previous 2 months made it clear I had failed. I felt like I could be nice successfully anymore and I cracked. I went home and cut myself' Sara said

'Oh my god Sar, I am so, so sorry. How could I have said such terrible things?!I can't believe I was so cruel to you'

'Cat its fine. I forgave you for it years ago, the next day in fact. We all have off days. Besides, I knew deep down you didn't mean it-you're a good person Cat you would never willingly hurt someone without just cause. I tried to stop caring whether or not you liked me but I couldn't. I guess I knew that it was all for show. After that we sort of reached our unspoken truce and I put your words into the past, non important information section of my brain'

'What about the second time?' Cath asked, fearful of the answer 'was that from around the same time?'

'It's really not important'

'Moonbeam tell me'

'I'm sure you remember when we had that fight in the middle of the hallway? The one that got me suspended? I basically called you a slut because you had the audacity to rightfully question my motives behind wanting a background check'

'Yes. Oh god that was so recent' Cath gasped tears streaming down her face 'I'm so sorry Sara.'

'Don't be. That time was partially Grissom's fault too.'

'How so?'

'Well that evening he came over to find out why I got so angry at you. I'm not going to insult your intelligence by pretending you haven't worked out that I've had personal experience of some sort with domestic violence.' Cath nodded silently

'He none too lightly forced me to tell him. I didn't tell him everything, just the enough bare details to satisfy him. After he left all I could think about was the memories. They surrounded me, suffocated me, and tormented me. I also had to deal with shame of Grissom knowing my secret, my suspension, the shame of calling you a slut in a hallway full of our workers and...'

'Go on'

'You're not going to want to hear this Cath'

'I can cope'

'and the disappointment that we still couldn't get on, that the tentative friendship we had just about clung to by our fingernails for years had been blown apart seemingly irrevocably damaged, that you didn't trust me after all the time we'd spent working together. You and I both know if Nick, Warrick or even Greg who was still a junior back then had asked for the backup check you'd have granted it without more than a few seconds thought. I thought I had proven myself to you professionally. Though I Wanted a friendship with you I thought I could live without it, but your professional respect meant everything to me. I'm always called me Grissom's protégé but you were the one I wanted to emulate, the one I wanted to learn from. I asked Ecklie if I could move to swing because I needed more daylight in my life but he refused, he now had the upper hand and threatened to tell Grissom I would rather serve under you that him. I was ecstatic that day to get the chance to work with you again, to try and absorb as much of your brilliance as possible before I had to return to bugs and teaching Greg, though I will admit I enjoyed the latter part. So to find out how little you thought of my judgement almost destroyed me. The words I heard on the phone that day came back to me and wouldn't stop running around on some sort of a loop.'

'Oh Sweetie'

'I wrote a letter of resignation and was about to send it when the urge to cut myself returned-I'd managed to stop by the time I'd been here a year. So I cut and felt much calmer realised that resigning was unnecessary-so long as I avoided swing shift I'd be fine. I haven't cut since then'

'Why do you want to be friends with me? I've been so horrible to you, so unfair for so long.' Cath said jumping up from the sofa and pacing 'oh god Sara'

'Cat stop! Yes you have made me hurt and self harm but most people have at some time or another. Cat look at me. You have made me happy, you've made me smile, you've made me laugh, you've brightened my day so very many times more than you've ever made me sad. Working with you and getting to know you have been one of the greatest times of my life. Do you know what my favourite days were?'Cath shook her head, unable to speak 'it sounds strange but it was the day I broke up with hank. You know why? Because we went out for a beer and slagged off men. We were friends for an evening and all of our problems were forgotten. Even after our big fight I held onto that memory because it gave me hope. If we wanted to we could be friends, Good, real, true friends. We had done it before. Why not again?

'Why now?'


'Why now? Why tell me all this when we could have been friends anyway?' Cath asked 'I'm not angry or anything but why now? You could have lied better-I know you, you could have lied perfectly well when I asked you if I'd ever caused you to self harm but you didn't. You, at least subconsciously, wanted to tell me'

'I want this friendship to work. Sure we could have had a superficial friendship where we ignored our issues and the past but I'm committed to trying to make this relationship work. I said it yesterday and I'll say it again. This friendship has the potential to be amazing. I am in no way saying you are to blame for all this. I am not perfect, I'm messed this up too but if we get everything out in the open, lay all our cards on the table and deal with them then that potential could be reached. It's not always going to be easy, we'll still clash from time to time-both professionally and personally but hopefully we can deal with them maturely not let them separate us. I'm willing to dedicate my time and myself to this cause. I understand if you don't think it's worth your dedication but just think about it. About what we could be'

'You should be dedicating your time and self to Elliott. She's living with you and has been abandoned by her mother and almost raped by her stepfather. She's more worthy of your time'

'believe me if I thought Elliott needed me more than you did we wouldn't be having this conversion but she's strong, she's been through all this before with Alex before and finally she's done something about it. I wouldn't expect you to put our friendship before Linds and I wouldn't do the same with Elliott. I promise you, you wouldn't be taking up any more time than you deserve and you wouldn't be stepping on Elliott's toes with it. She already loves you by the way; I could see it in her eyes at breakfast. She thinks you're brilliant. Like mother like daughter I guess. So, you in?'

'You got yourself a deal Sidle. But I won't be able to forgive myself for my past actions towards you. They were inexcusable, i could probably make peace with them eventually but I can't forgive myself.'

'Well then all I can ask you to do is the best you can. But know this. I've completely forgiven you for them and considering I've got a reputation for holding grudges that's saying a lot. Now ground rules-we be honest, we don't force each other to say or do things we the other doesn't want to, we listen, we shout if necessary, we cry but we don't hit each other. Ok?'


'Now what's wrong with me? What are my faults? What do I do that makes your blood boil? Why do I piss you off? What do I do that makes you want to strangle me?'

'How long do you have?' Cat smiled

'That's the spirit girl'

They talked long into the evening going over minute detail of their tumultuous relationship and getting to know each with exceptions only for the darkest periods of their life-Sara's childhood and Cat's drug abuse. Though it had been difficult at times the pair was both glad to have undergone it and were now much closer and happier. As Sara lay on the bed in the spare room of the Willows house she marvelled at how the loose threads of her life were finally pulling together to form a complete tapestry. She knew that Cat and her still had work to do and that Elliott was still not legally hers but those were worries for tomorrow. For now she would sleep, happy in the knowledge that life was looking good