The bell rang signaling the end of the first day of my senior year at Hazelwood Central High School. I made my way to my locker, my best friends Angela and Kasey following behind me, complaining about all the homework we had already received.

"A five page paper already!" whined Angela "And it's only the first day!"

"Don't forget the 25 pages we have to read by tomorrow" Kasey reminded her.

"I was trying to forget that Kasey. Thanks for reminding me."

"You're welcome."

They began to bicker and I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "It's our senior year," I reminded them "Our teachers just to want to prepare us for college where we'll be piled with lots of homework and tests."

"But I won't have to do all that in beauty school" said Kasey.

"And I won't have to do all that either in fashion school" said Angela.

"Angie you forgot that Rowan is going to medical school meaning she'll be swamped with tons of work."

"This is very true Kasey. Doctor Rowan Kendrick will be a successful and life saving doctor in no time."

"That's only if I get into medical school" I told them.

"You will" they said together.

"Not if my GPA falls" I said.

"It won't" they said together.

I closed my locker and we walked out of the school, beginning our walk to the bus stop. Just as we reached the bus stop I heard Kasey whistle and say "Hello hot stuff!"

Angela began to giggle and turned my head to see who they were staring at.

Across from the bus stop there stood a guy who was sitting on a motorcycle, smoking a cigarette, clothed in blue jeans, a leather jacket and sunglasses.

"Who is he?" I asked them.

"That's Randy Orton," swooned Kasey "He's 28, gorgeous and a former WWE wrestler. He just moved back here after he got kicked out the WWE. He's a notorious bad boy with a short fuse-"

"But he's incredibly sexy, has a ton of money and he has a motorcycle" finished Angela.

"I wish he'd ride me instead of the motorcycle" said Kasey.

They began to giggle and I rolled my eyes. "Let Jeremiah and Nash hear you two say that," I told them "Watch how fast they would dump you both."

They stopped giggling and stopped looking at Randy at the mention of their boyfriends.

Just then the bus pulled up and we got on it. I sat by the window and saw Randy again. He was staring in my direction, or at least he looked like he was, I couldn't tell because he still had his sunglasses on.

He's really scary looking...

How could any girl find him attractive when he looks like a murderer?




Hope you guys like this fic!

It gets better!
