I can't believe that in 10 days, I've had so many hits on the first chapter. I didn't realise the Stephanie Plum series was so popular in fanfiction.
Because you clearly loved the first so much, I've decided to write Tank and Lester's side. Actually, thanks to aydinbydin, you may actually end up getting a BabeTart story. I might add that this is actually the first (publicly viewable) smut story I've written. Thanks for the confidence to write more :)
Thank you to everyone who reviewed, and all those who added this story to their favorites, unbeta'd as it is.
Characters are not mine. I bloody wish.
Tank blinked at the screen, not entirely comprehending what he was seeing on the screen. Lester had gone to the kitchen to grab them something to eat, and at two in the morning, Ranger's second hand man was the only one in the control room.
He blinked again as he watched his boss and who the guys had dubbed 'The Bombshell' move closer together on the screen, Ranger grasping her like he was a drowning man and she was his lifeline. A half smile vaguely made its way across Tank's face, which was wiped clean when Lester made his way back, two sandwiches and a bottle of water in his hands.
Dropping into his chair, Lester sighed, eyes scanning the monitors, brain stuttering to a halt as his eyes caught the monitor that held Tank's attention. On screen, Ranger's fingers had disappeared up Stephanie's shirt, and the two hadn't surfaced for air in nearly a minute.
"Holy shit." Lester breathed, fingers unconsciously moving over the keyboard. Tank glanced down at his hands, then back up at the other's face.
"The hell are you doing?" He rumbled, glancing back at the screen, immediately wishing that he hadn't. He was happy for his friend, he really was, but seeing them in what was clearly a private moment only flaunted what he didn't have.
"I'm taping it. You'll thank me for this later." The other informed him, fingers still dancing across the keyboard.
"How the hell am I going to thank you for it later?" Tank asked, glancing at the self-proclaimed trouble maker. He was greeted with a blinding smile.
"Because we give this to the boss, and he'll forgive and forget us spying on him when he actually sits down and watches it."
"You're going to get us killed."
"I really hope not." The two Rangemen watched the feed on the screen in silence, pants becoming uncomfortably tight. Lester's hand inched towards his lap, but Tank stopped him with a quick glare.
"You do that, and I'll kill you." He growled, relief washing over him as Lester's hand returned to rest on the desk. The time passed in silence as they watched Ranger undress Stephanie, slowly kissing her as they unconsciously swayed on the spot.
As Ranger pulled her panties down, she tossed her head back and silently laughed.
"Shit, Beautiful." Lester groaned feverently, pushing his hips forward in an attempt to release some of the pressure. Tank closed his eyes for a moment, glad that there was nobody else on the control room floor. He shifted in discomfort, trying to ignore the rigid length in his pants.
As they watched Ranger pull her bra from her swelled breasts, the familiar ding of the elevator sounded somewhere in the hazy part of their brains that wasn't immediately occupied with watching the veritable porn in front of them, starring their boss and favourite bombshell bounty hunter.
"Monitor duty's that exciting?" A dry voice cut through their concentration. Both Lester and Tank jerked in surprise, two sets of eyes finding a third party in the room, mouth set in a fairly sardonic smirk.
"Bobby, the hell are you doing?" Lester bit out, glancing at the monitors once before quickly looking away. Bobby raised an eyebrow at the pair, noting their flushed skin and strained expressions.
"Couldn't sleep." He replied slowly, dark eyes moving slowly from Lester to Tank, and finally the monitors.
"How's Bomber?" He asked, moving closer to get a look. He caught sight of the monitor, just as Stephanie gripped the sheets, mouth opening and closing slowly, glassy eyes staring at nothing as Ranger's head worked between her legs. Bobby gulped, mouth suddenly dry.
"Holy shit." He said, voice and knees suddenly weak.
"That's what I said." Lester replied, a smirk in his voice. Bobby barely heard him as he stared at the screen, feeling himself grow hard.
The three watched silently watched as Ranger hauled himself up and over her, and her legs wrapped around his waist.
"Damn, she's flexible. Tell me you're recording this." Bobby murmured, hands gripping the backs of the two chairs in front of the monitors. Tank grunted in agreement, not taking his eyes off the image.
They all watched as she silently came for the third time, manicured nails digging into Ranger's back, face contorted into pleasure, mouth puckered as she cried out her absolution.
"God, that's hot." Lester murmured, eyes glued to the screen. Bobby and Tank could only nod in agreement, straining not to touch themselves over the erotic scene.
Even after Ranger had gathered her up and pulled the covers over the two, the three men stayed in place, watching them.
After another few moments, Bobby straightened up and smacked the back of Lester's chair.
"I'm going back to bed. I think using this would help me get back to sleep." He muttered, and quickly walked back to the elevator. His departure broke the daze that had fallen over the other two men, who glanced at each other.
"We don't tell Ranger about Bobby." Tank told the other man firmly. Lester nodded, then glanced down at his lap.
"Fuck. I need to go down to four and change. I haven't come like that since I was 15." He complained, pushing the chair away from the monitors. Tank glanced over at him and snorted, waving vaguely towards the stairs.
Finally alone, Tank leaned backwards, hands straying downwards towards his hard length, groaning as his hands brushed against himself through his pants. If I can get through till the end of the shift without jacking off, I'll get to my apartment and lock myself in for the rest of the day, he promised himself desperately. With that thought, he slowly pulled himself together, ignoring his bodily need. Discreetly, he made himself a copy of the recording, tucking the USB stick into his pocket.
It was going to be a long several hours, but the wait to see the Bombshell soundlessly scream in pleasure would be worth it, even if it was because of his best friend. His eyes turned towards the stairs for a moment, watching Lester open the door and make his way back towards the monitors.
Touching the USB stick briefly, he wondered if he was sick for getting off on his best friend's veritable porn video.
But can't you just imagine Tank at his apartment, the fly on his pants open, stroking himself while he watches Stephanie and Ranger get it on?
Reviewers get a BLT (Bobby/Lester/Tank) sandwich.
~le freak