Hey! Sorry we didn't get this up sooner, we had a writer's block and a very emotional breakdown! Who knew not talking to each other for a week straight would lead to us both crying and pouring out our feelings! Haha! Here's the chapter!

"What?" Mariah yelled shocked, "You went to take Wala home and ended up sleeping with Avan?" I nodded, "Are you going to tell Ari?" She got up and crossed the room to get her cell phone off of my dresser and started texting who I think was Wala.

"Not yet. I mean it like JUST happened! I'm not going to tell the whole world yet."

But she's your best friend." Mariah said, looked at me for what felt like ages, and walked out of the room to keep me thinking.

Well, I mean I was saying the truth, we JUST did it, and I'll tell her when I'm ready. I'm pretty sure Avan didn't tell Vic, or Leon or anything, maybe Wala knows but its only four people that know. Not even our best friends, but we can keep just ONE thing away from them, I mean, it would be better for everyone.

I decided to go to sleep now, I never really slept properly for such a long time, everything has been hectic.

The next day, I woke up, and remembered we had to go film a few scenes on set. So I took a quick shower, changed, ran downstairs and was met by Ariana making breakfast for her and Mariah, looks like I'm eating cereal, the usual.

"Morning!" Ariana and Mariah said in unison.

"Good morning!" I replied, and gave Mariah a 'You didn't say anything, did you?' look and she shook her head, so I nodded mine.

After we ate breakfast, we asked Mariah if she wanted to come with us to set.

"Nah," She said, "Wala and I have to, do something." I looked at her suspiciously.

"Um, okay." Ariana said confused and then carried on with getting ready.

"Are you sure? You can just meet there and hang out in my dressing room." I asked her to which she just shook her head, "No, we have to go somewhere."

"Where?" Ariana asked her, putting on her shoes. "Somewhere!" Mariah said quickly, running upstairs to call Wala.

I shook my head, "Whatever! We're leaving!" I yelled up the stairs and headed out the door with Ari to my car. What ever she and Wala are going to do must be interesting.

Mariah's POV

So I ran up the stairs and took my phone out, dialed Wala's number and when I heard the door close with a bang, meaning Liz and Ari were out, I pressed talk and Wala answered in the middle of the second ring.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey it's me, Mariah, so are you getting ready?

"Yup. I'm just getting my shoes on!"

"Okay, I'll head there right now! See ya!"


"Bye!" And with that I ran back down the steps and quickly put my shoes on, heading to the near ice cream shop!

At the Shop

I was waiting for Wala at the shop, when I heard a door dangiling and in came Wala, and she headed to our table.

"Hey!" She said smiley.

"Heyy!" I said pulling her down to her seat.

"So Liz told you eh?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes!" I said, "But she still won't tell Ariana!"

"Why?" She frowned, "I mean she DESERVES to know! Liz was the first to know about her and Matt hooking up!"

"I know! But maybe she has a reason she's not telling Ariana?" I said suspiciously.

"Maybe, but what if she doesn't?" She said thinking, "I think we should talk to her, you know try getting her to tell."

"Yeah, we really should, but when?" I asked.

"When they come back, I'm going over to your house, I told Avan I might not come right back home when they come back."




Wala got up and pulled me with her, we finished our ice-cream, threw the mini cups out and ran out, "Okay, where do you wanna go?" Wala asked.

"I'm not sure." We were walking down the street when Wala tripped over a skateboard, I held my arm out to help her but it was too late! I already know Wala and she gets really scared over things like this, she might have fainted, so I bent down, and saw that she fell first on her head and was bleeding all around her face, and she fell unconsious! Over falling over a skateboard! I officially hate skateboards now, I dialed Avan's number.

Avan's POV

We just finished filming and I was in my dressing room, just walking out and I saw the cast so I rushed over to them.

"Hey, Avan." I heard them all say, just then my phone rang, Mariah.

"Hello?" She said worriedly, "Avan?"

"Yeah it's me."

"Okay, well Wala tripped and fell unconsious! People called the ambulance and I thought you should know! Please come over to the closest hospital to that ice-cream shop in downtown!"

"OH, MY GOD! I'm going there RIGHT now! Bye!" I hung up."

"Avan whats wrong? Where are you going?" I heard Liz ask behind me.

"Wala's in the hospital!" Was the last thing I said before getting into my car and to the hospital.

I finally got to the hospital and saw Mariah sitting in the waiting room crying. I rushed over to her and she stood up, "Do you know if she's okay?" i asked her.

She shook her head "I don't know. They let me ride in the ambulance, but they wouldn't let me see her after that. She was bleeding a lot, Avan." she said crying, "I hate skateboards now."

"Wait, she fell on a skateboard!" I asked her to which she nodded to. I am so going to pick on Wala for that one, but I'm just worried about her health right now.

Just then Liz, Ari, Vic, Leon, Matt and Dan came in.

"What the hell happened! You ran out saying you were going to the hospital without what happened! What happened to Wala?" Liz said, well yelled.

Mariah walked over to my beautiful girlfriend, "We were walking from that ice-cream shop you showed me the other day and she tripped and fell on a skateboard unconsious!"

People finally started to realize 'Hey that's the entire cast of Victorious!' and started coming around us trying to get autographs for their kid or themselves or whoever.

"Not again!" Ariana groaned. She loves her fans, but she was a little too busy worrying about Wala to be taking care of fans.

The doctor came out after a few moments of people coming towards us, "Wala's family?"

We walked over to him and followed him to the room where Wala was laying in a bed with some scratches on her face

We all rushed to her side, and stared at her, no one said anything, just stared, it was silent, until I heard "Hey everyone!" Wala said her mouth not being able to open up fully.

"Hey," We all mumbled after each other, we were asking our selves how tripping over a skateboard can cause THIS much damage!

"C-can you all stop staring at me like that? Its freaky." Wala said, so we all just nodded our heads and sat down on empty chairs, or backed away and leaned on the wall. "So, how are you guys?"

"You mean how are YOU?" Vic asked, "You just, fell off the skateboard?"

"I'm fine." Wala reassured her, then laughed, "No, I didn't fall OFF of the skateboard, too scared to go on one, but Mariah and I were walking and then there was a skateboard that I didn't see and I tripped and fell first on my head!"

"Aww," Liz said and put a sad face on, "Poor Wala!"

"Um, I don't need your guys' pity." Wala said, "And was that sarcasm?"


"It sounded like it."

"Well it wasn't"

"It looked like it."

"Well it wasn't"

"Okay guys stop." I said, getting annoyed.

"I was kidding." Wala said, "But I'm not sure if Liz was!"

"I was." Liz said deffensively.

Then I looked over to Matt and Ariana, and they were giggling at each other and holding hands, what a lovely couple, but why were they even here. They realized I was looking at them and stopped. I looked over at Leon, who was talking on his phone. I looked over at Dan who seemed to be thinking about something, then he spoke up.

"Something like this happened to my wife before, a long time ago."

Really?" Victoria asked, "When? How?"

"Yup!" Dan replied, "And well it was when me and her first met, and she JUST had told me she was a clutz and tripped over a trash can…it was sad…for her!"


"Poor lady."

"I hope she recovered fast."

"Did you laugh?"

I heard all around.

"No I didn't laugh." Dan chuckled.

"Oh." Mariah said.

"Well I'm hungry…" Matt said.

"Then go eat!" Liz said and pushed him and Ari out.

"Why did you do that?" Wala asked.

"Because they are hungry! They need to go eat!"

"Okay well maybe they could've gone out themseleves!"

"What if they were gonna stay?"

"Well I didn't want the place to be so crouded!"

"Okay well why does it matter to you! You could have gone out!"

"Well too bad I wanted to stay and—"

"Stop fighting!" I said.

"We're arguing not fighting!" Wala said in a "duh" tone.

"Whatever, same thing!" I said, "I don't eant my girlfriend, and cousin to be arguing all the time!"

"We won't be!" Wala said, "And I'm in a hospital bed, maybe she can show some respect!"

"Well maybe I don't WANT to!" She said.

"Okay, Liz, Wala, SHUT UP!" I shouted, they were getting on my nerves.

"And Wala you and I need to have a talk…" Mariah said…

"About? About me and Liz?" Wala asked, "About how we need to get along? Fun!" She said sarcastically.

"Yeah." Mariah said, "Because if you still wanna be my friend…then stop being a bitch."

Dun, Dun, Dunnnnn! What do you think is gonna happen! Review!