If I Die Young
...Weep for me...
Author's Note: With some inspiration by The Band Perry and one of their particular famous singles, "If I Die Young", I became inspired to do hopefully each little small innocent poems on the thoughts with each ANOES character. I honestly pray I get everyone right! If now- have mercy on the critiques please! ! ! :D
If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me at a river, at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
-If I Die Young
-The Band Perry
Where to begin?
I'm quite the motormouth here, yet unsure of what to say.
I'm lost and confused, in this agony.
I'm pissed off with hot tears streaming frantically down my cheeks.
I know somewhat and can recall spiritually the feel of my lifeless body being violently dragged against my dry paved wall. Being whisked away frantically covered under a thin white sheet. Being prepared to soon be buried.
Yet in this cold pitch black place I seemed to be trapped in, I easily see the light of my friends.
I scream for their names, yet all I hear is nothing but their weeps for me.
I know I'm dead physically.
Yet mentally, I'm trapped in this nightmare bliss.
Why does everyone blame Rod?
I know it's not his fault.
I scream and plead, though I know no one can hear me screaming.
I hear his voice grow into a desperate whisper, he pleads his innocence.
Rod, my love.
I always knew you were an ass, but I knew you'd never do this to me. Surely everyone else must've known, right?
Why does nobody believe you? I know you've lied before, and of all the times in my anger I prayed that those lies would come back to you, why now?
Why didn't you help me, when I was dying you stupid idiot?
God you must've been traumatized. I get weak now worrying over the thought of you suffering the same fate as I.
But, I mean hey. Not that I look to the bright side of being dead or anything, but at least we'll be together again, right?
It's quite lonely in this hellhole.
I don't know how long I've been gone, a day if even.
But missing you makes it feel so much longer.
I miss the feel of your bulky arms around me, the heat of as I press my cheek against your olive skin, and your chocolate eyes- so sweet when half the time, honey let's face it, you made me almost as fucked as you.
We had the weirdest things in common.
For one; your mom and my mom basically hate me.
Your mom calls me a bitch and my mom just gives off that impression by taking off whenever the hell she can and feels like it.
I admit my mouth can be filled with trash sometimes- but you yourself reek of it.
You lie and manipulate, yet you tug at my heartstrings.
Always have from the night at the concert, were we met at that concert and fell in love.
Thanks to your friends and how they got also Nancy onboard...
Nancy, my best friend.
I remember being so envious of you when we were little. Your pretty chestnut brown hair and sparkling bright blue eyes made even Rod of all the boys go all goo-goo eyes at that time at five.
You were the reason I dolled myself up. I wanted to feel as pretty as you.
As we got older I could see the personality of you that bloomed was this sweetheart side, good and kind to all. I can see that's what really made you so beautiful. Now I understand truly.
You're so strong.
Maybe it's because of the crazy shit that went on between your parents. You're clam at most but I remember holding you in a hug of comfort, when you were on an understandable pissy rant. That they, your parents, just didn't seem to have thought about you when they would fight.
We had to be like what...eleven? I remember that as clear as day better than whatever crap we were learning in math from two days before.
It was the day I remember from then on out you grew to be someone with this impossibly strong will.
It honestly amazed me for how strong you were.
But I can feel you hold your tears down.
It's okay, just go ahead and cry.
Well...cry dammit! Not being selfish or anything but I almost feel I should be a bit offended for you not to seem as though you're fine-
Oh okay. Nevermind.
Oh Nancy, I'm sorry.
It's not like you can hear me or anything, but I just feel bad for what I just said. It's only in my anger to that monster.
See? I told you he felt so real.
Somewhere deep down I know you'll soon truly believe me.
I pray that at least when it's not too late.
Whoever the hell killed me, kick his ass twice as worse Nance. I know you've got a fighting spirit somewhere in you as well.
The boy who went weak in the knees for the very presence of Nancy.
Well, I never honestly got to know you as well as the others.
Gotta say, you're quite the sweet guy.
You seem to take care of Nancy very well.
Ya always have treated her right.
Alright, so I'll give you credit for being ten times better to Nancy than what Rod is to me.
But if you ever as so much as hurt her I'll be after you before even Nancy's dad!
Why I oughtta kick your ass to the other side...and. Oh wait.
You get my point as to what I mean, you goofball Romeo.
You're too half hungover for me to reach into your mind anyways.
Somewhere laid spread about with your legs wide open (how typical of you) somewhere in Vegas with some lump by your bed.
It's like twelve at noon, and have you yet to even see the hotel/motel/rat roach basically phone has gone off.
I'm honestly curious as to what you'll do when you hear I'm gone.
Like how you always are.
But except the difference is- I'm gone for real.
Now whether this is Heaven or Hell (in between?), care to explain why I can't find Daddy anywhere? That was your explanation as to his whereabouts.
I wouldn't be surprise if the golden truth was he took off.
Look I'll shut up from my rant and admit it.
You're not gonna get the whole Mom of the Year award, but I still cared about you.
Rod...I love you. This times for real.
Nancy...be strong. I believe in you.
Glen...take my warning seriously. Seriously. I'll find ya if you hurt Nance. But I doubt you'll ever do that, I have faith in you.
I close my eyes and can only wait as to hope I'll be set free soon.
What do you think? I honestly feel so nervous and think I did a bad job characterizing Tina. I can recall vividly well her mom went to Las Vegas at the time of her murder, and from what I checked on the ANOES wikia was quite careless on Tina. Now the thing she has with Glen is only teasing. My best friends did that to my ex-boyfriend all the time, though I don't think they were joking like I have it Tina is. ;D
Up next...a challenge, Rod!