The Last Hide And Seek Game

By : Razux




Disclaimer : Gakuen alice belong to Higuchi Tachibana

Mikan POV

When we were kids. We always played hide and seek. I would alway be the hid one, and you always be the sought one. And didn't care how good I hid. You always found me. You would hug me from behind and suprises me. I love it you knew, I love to played hide and seek with you. I love the smile on your face when you found me. I love it cause you always found me.

Natsume POV

When we were kids. We always played hide and seek. You would be the hid one and I would be the sought one. Didn't care how good you hid. I alway found you. I would hug you from behind and suprises you when I found you. I love it you know, I love to play hide and seek with you. I love the smile on your face when I found you. I love it cause i knew, i always found you.

Mikan POV

Did you know what i always thought when we played hide and seek when we were kids? You won't know. What i thought always was " I'm here. I'm here you know. Please found me, I'm here." Funy, right? Cause as the hid one, i suppose to thought than you never found me. But, didn't know why, i always wanted to be found only by you.

Natsume POV

Did you know what i always thought when we played hide and seek when we were kids? You won't know. What i always thought was "You're there. I know you're there. I will found you. You're there." Funy right? Cause as the sought one, i always knew i would find you, i always wanted to be the only one who found you.

Mikan POV

When we were kids, i would always hid and hope you would be the only one found me. Hid and be found by you. Always, always and always till that become a habit. Sometime, I asked you, Why you always able to found me? You just smirk, you never answered that question. Sometime, I, by myselft thought, was this because you always heard what i thought when i hid? Was you always heard i was calling for you from my hidden spots?

Natsume POV

When we were kids, i would always sought and hope to be the only one who found you. Sought and found you. Always, always and always till that become a habit. Sometime, you asked me? Why i always able to found you? I just smirk, i never answered that question. Sometime, I, by myselft thought, that because i always heard what you thought when you hid? I always able to heard you was calling for you from you hidden spots?

Mikan POV

Hide and seek was a game for kids. When we grow up, we stoped to played it. No hide and seek anymore. Did you remember when we were twelve years old, when I lost in the forest on our camping trips cause my stupidity? I was so scare that time. How if I can't home again? How if I am death? How if I can't meet you again? Hide and seek. I didn't know why I suddenly remember that game. So, I stop walking, sit down and keep on said " I'm here. I'm here you know. Please found me, I'm here." Like we played hide and seek when we were kids. Then, you found me. You really found me.

Natsume POV

Hide and seek was a game for kids. When we grow up, we stoped to played it. No hide and seek anymore. Did you remember when we were twelve years old, when you lost in the forest on our camping trips cause your stupidity? I was so scare that time. How if you can't home again? How if you're death? How if I can't meet you again? Hide and seek. I didn't know why I suddenly remember that game. So, I run to sought you and keep on said "You're there. I know you're there. I will found you. You're there." Like we played hide and seek when we were kids. Then, i found you. I really found you.

Mikan POV

I love you. I never knew start from when, what i knew was i already fall in love in with you. So hard, i love you. Maybe I already love you from the first time we played hide and seek, from the first time I hid from you and you sought for me. That game was a game that made me love you. Hide and seek, be found and found.

Natsume POV

I love you. I never knew start from when, what i knew was i already fall in love in with you. So Hard, i love you. Maybe i already love from the first time we played hide and seek. I sought for you and you hid from me. That game was a game that made me love you. Hide and seek, found and be found.

Mikan POV

Did you know how perfect you was? You knew, right? You was the most wanted guy in our schools. You had a amazing fans who always screams your name when they saw you. I just a simple girls. You would not choice me. All of your fangirls told me to avoided you. Someone like me never deserve you. I knew they right. So, I started to avoided you, started to hid from you again. We began to played hide and seek again, like when we were kids, the different was you would never sought for me again.

Natsume POV

Did you know how perfect you was? I gues you never knew. You're the most wanted girl in our schools. You have a amazing fans who always charmed by you when you walked cross them. I was a selfish man. I wanted you to choice me. So, I always glare and ready to beat anyguy who dare neared you. Then, you started to avoided me, started to hid from me again. We began to played hide and seek again like when we kids, the different was you would never wanted me to sought for you again.

Mikan POV

Did you know how happy I was when you keep on sought for me when I hid from you? Did you know how happy I was when you always found me? Did you know what I felt when you hug me and smile like when we were small everytime you found me? My hearts was like gonna expoloded. I can't breath, like gonna death soon. In you embrace i felt so warm, so peace, and perfect. I really wanted to asked you "Did you love me like the way I love you?" But, i was too scare to asked that, cause I can't imaged what a world will be if you rejected me. Someone like you would never love a person like me.

Natsume POV

Did you know how frustation I was when you keep hid from me when I sought you? Did you know how spacious i was when i always found you? Did you know what i feel when i hug you and smile like when we were kids everytime i found you? My hearts was like gonna expoloded. I was so happy. With you in my embrace I felt so warm, so peace, and perfect. I really wanted to asked you "Did you love me like the way I love you?" But, I was too scare to asked that, cause I can't imaged what a world will be if you rejected me. Someone like you would never love a person like me.

Mikan POV

Never thought even in my dream that day would exist. The day than i would always remember, the day when we sixteen years old. That day, i was hiding behind the sakura tree beside school bulding. You sought for me again. And again, you found me. But that time, that's not smile on you face, you eyes look so sad. You hug me from behind and said "I found you. Don't hide from me again. I don't want to play hide and seek with you anymore. Please, stay in my side forever. I love you, Mikan." Did you know how happy I was that time? You said you love, you said that clearly. I didn't want to woke up again if that was a dream. You choiced me, from all of the peoples in this world, you choiced me. A stupid and clumsy me. "I love you too, Natsume. More than anyone in this world, just only you." That was my answered for you.

Natsume POV

Never thought even in my dream that day would exist. The day I would always remember, the when we sixteen years old. That day, you was hiding behind the sakura tree beside school bulding. Avoiding me. I felt so sad, frustation and I can't hold myselft anymore. I ran to you, and hug you from behind, I can't stoped my mouth anymore "I found you. Don't hide from me again. I don't want to play hide and seek with you anymore. Stay in my side forever. I love you, Mikan." Then, you answered me "I love you too, Natsume. More than anyone in this world, only you." Did you know how happy i was that time? You said you love me too, you said that clearly. I didn't want to woke up again if that was a dream. You choiced me, from all of the peoples in this world, you choiced me. A arrogan and selfish me.

Mikan POV

Start from that time. I always thought that would no hide and seek again cause I didn't want to hide from you anymore. I wanted to be at your side forever, Natsume. I love you.

Time goes by, two years had passed since we were together. We were so happy even sometime we fights. I would always on yourside and you always on myside.


That day come.

I was walking with you in the park. But the world suddenly hazy, I can't saw anything, your concenr voice was the last thing i remembered before everything become dark. When i opened my eye, i was in the hospital with you helding my hand tightly. I didn't know what happen. You said I fainted.

And then, doctor came inside my room and he told me, he found out than i have a brain tumor. The worst, i only had two months to live.

Natsume POV

Start from that time. I always thought that would no hide and seek again cause i didn't want to sought for you anymore. I want you to be in my side forever, Mikan. I love you.

Time goes by, two years had passed since we together. We were so happy even sometime we fights. You always on myside and i always on yourside.


That day come.

I was walking with you in the park. But you suddenly collapsed and fainted. I kept on calling your name but you never answered it. You was rush to hospital. I stayed by yourside, helding your hand tightly till you open your eyes. I didn't know what happen to you.

And then, doctor came inside your room and he told you, he found out than you have a brain tumor. The worst you only have two months to live.

Mikan POV

Had I done something wrong in this world? Had I done something unforgive able in this world? Why me? From all of the peoples in this world, why must me? I never did something so wrong till I got this brain tumor, right? So, why me, god? Why me?

I didn't want to died yet. Not yet. I wanted to life, I wanted life with him. I didn't want to leave him alone. SO WHY ME?

Start from the day I found I had a brain tumor, i cried all every day, and you too..

I knew, you cried. When I opened my eyes, you always told me everything would be oke, I would recover soon, I would life. But when i closesed my eyes and pretended to sleep, you would hold my hand tightly, sank your head on my bed and cried. The great Natsume Hyuga was crying. And I was the one who make he cried…

My world shattered. Everything never same again. The game began again. The game we always played all this time. Hide and Seek.

I started to hid from you again. Day by day, i become more pale and thin, my hairs started to fell down. when I saw my refrection on the mirror, i can saw how ugly i was now.

My thought when i hid from you started from that day was "I'm not here, I'm not here you know. Please don't found me. I'm not here." I didn't want you to found me again. I didn't want you to saw now of me. I wanted you to remember the beauty and healthly me, not a ugly an dying me.

But, like all this time. You kept on sought for me and you always found me. I saw the sadness and hurt in your eyes. I felt guilty. My hearts become so hurts, so hurts till I can't hold that anymore. Tears kept falling down from my eyes like that never dry.

I told you "If just I know this would happened, I would not play hide and seek with you when we were kids. Because with that, you would never love me, and i would never love you."

But you shuted my mouth. You hug me, you kiss me and you beg me "Please, never said that words again."

Hide and seek. If just this game never exists. You would always be the great Natsume Hyuga, You would not fall from the greats for stupid and useless person like me.



Sorry cause i made you be like this…

Natsume POV

You never did something wrong in this world? You never did something unforgive able in this world? Why you? From all of the peoples in this world, why must you? You never did something so wrong till you got this brain tumor, right? So, why She god? Why she?

I didn't want her to died. Not yet. I wanted her to life, I wanted her life with me. I didn't want to be leave alone. SO WHY HER?

Started from the day you found you had a brain tumor, you cried every day, and me too..

When you opened your eyes, i always told you everything would be oke, you would recover soon, you would life. But when you closesed your eyes and sleeped, i would held yor hand tightly, sank my head on our bed and cried. The great Natsume Hyuga was crying. Because i was broken now…

My world shattered. Everything never same again. The game began again. The game we always played all this time. Hide and Seek.

You started to hid from me again. Day by day, you become more pale and thin, your hairs started to fell in my eyes, you always the most beauty one.

My thought when i sought for you started from that day still same "You're there. I know you're there. I will found you. You're there." I would always found you again. I always wanted to see you . I always wanted to be with you.

When I found you, i saw the sadness, hurt and scare in your eyes. I felt guilty cause I can't did anything to made your smile. My hearts become so hurts, so hurts till I can't hold that anymore. Tears keep falling down from your eyes like that never dry.

You told me "If just I knew this would happened, I would not play hide and seek with you when we were kids. Because with that, you would never love me, and I would never love you."

I shut you mouth, I hug you and kiss you, I beg to you "Please, never said that words again"

I never regret to love you. I would never be the great Natsume Hyuga if I never love you. I can be this great, because I always want to be the most perfect one for you. if i never knew you, I was nothing.



Sorry cause i can protected you.

Sorry cause i can't did anything for you.

God, did you hear me? Will you granted my wish? Let's me be the one who suffered that brain tumor instead of her. Let's me be the one who dying. I didn't want her to cried again, I wanted her to smile and laugh without worried and problems again. I love her so much, god. She was my everything.

Please god, I beg you….

Mikan POV

Every living thing in this world will die one day. I knew this.

Today, when I open my eye, I felt so freshs. Something than I never felt in this two months. I didn't know why, but I knew, deep inside my hearts, I knew, this was the day.

I said i wanted went to hill with you. You smirked and without asking so much, you bought me there. We going to picnic. We sit under the sakura tree and ate the foods we bought. I smile and laugh, you too, you smile and laugh freely with me.

"Natsume, let's play hide and seek." I beg you.

You smile "Oke, you hide and I seek."

I laugh and searching a place to hid. I saw you covered your eye and began to counted.

"One… Two… Three.. Four…"

But when I reached behind sakura tree where we sat, I felt my world become hazy, i felt so hard to breath, i lost all of my power. I knelt down.

I knew, my time had come, my time was about to end.

"Eight… Nine… Teen.. I will start to seek for you, Mikan." I still can heard you voice.

Tears fell from my eyes. I closed my eye and start to thought again, like when we were kids " I'm here. I'm here you know. Please found me, I'm here."

I wanted to saw your face, I wanted to heard your voice, I wanted to felt you hug. So please found me.

Then, I felt your warm hand hug me from behind. You pressed my back to your chest and you said " I find you."

When I opened my eyes I saw your handsome face. Your tears fell down from your eyes. You said "Let's play one more time."

I smile weakly, I touched you face with my shaky hand and wiped your tears "Don't seek for me again, Natsume cause I will hide in a pleace where you would not able to find me."

You smiled and touched my hand "Don't care. Cause that, hide properly till that day I find you again. Maybe will take so much time. But always remember i will always find you. So, let's play one more time, hide and seek. You hide and I seek."

You really someone, Natsume. I really didn't know how to descripted you in this world. I saw you closes your eye and started to counted.

"One.. Two… Three…"

I smile now, you knew? Because the last thing I watched in my live was your handsome face, the last thing I felt in this world was your warm touched, the last thing i smelled in this world was your scent, and the last thing i heard in this world was your voice.

"Four.. Five…"

"Found me again, when your time's up…" I said weakly and closesed my eye. I felt so sleepy and peace now, but I didn't scare anymore "I love you, Natsume…."

I would go and hid now, Natsume. So, found me again, till we met again...

Natsume POV

"Four... Five..." I counted.

Then, I felt your hand fell down. I stoped counting and opened my eyes. I saw your smiling face. You looked like sleeping, so peacefull and happy. You lookd like angle.

I already knew what today was when you asked me came to this hill. When i saw you knelt down behind this sakura tree, i already knew, this is the time.

I hug you, i said "I found you."

Tears keep on falling down from my eyes. Cause I knew, you would go soon. I would lost you.

Our childhood times was the my most treasure times in my life. I wanted to be like we were kids, I wanted to play hide and seek with you again cause i knew, i would always found you. I really not ready to lost you. I wanted to stay with you, forever.

But i knew, that would happen. Because you was a angle. God would not allow you stayed in this world too long. God not allow me to had you. God not allow her angle be mine. God wanted you to be in his side.

I never wanted to let you go, i hate the god for took you from me. Cause that I would cheated him. I asked you to played hide and seek with me again.

You said "Don't seek for me again, Natsume cause I will hide in a pleace where you would not able to find me."

I knew you always cheated when we play hide and seek when we were a kids. You always asked other person to hid you and told them to told me then you was not there. I never cared about that, cause i knew, i would find you where ever you was.

This time that same again, you cheated on me again, the different was, you asked heaven to hid you. You would hide in a place than I can't went now.

But, I answered you "Don't care. Cause that, hide propelly till that day I find you again. Maybe will take so much time. But always remember i will always find you. So, let's play one more time, hide and seek. You hide and I seek."

Did you know why I wanted to played hide and seek with you that time? I was a selfish man. I wanted we to played hide and seek again cause i knew what you always thought when you hid. God can have you in his side, but god would never able to kept your hearts in his side. You hearts would always with me. You would always keep thinking of me in the heaven.

I closeded my eyes and started to counted "One.. Two... Three... Four.. Five..."

And then, I heard you said " Found me again, when your time's up… I love you..."

You went now. You hid now. You hid in a pleace where I can went now. This world would full of hurt, pain and so hard for me now. But, I would keep on played this hide and seek game with you. So, waited for me, till we met again...





Time passed so quick. Sure my life really hard without you in my side. Was you thinking of me now? Like i always thinking of you every day?

You knew, Hotaru, your bestfriend already meried to my bestfriend, Ruka. And your brother, Youchi already meried my sister, Aoi.

They looked so happy, I was happy for them too...




I had a neices now. If i think about that, that childs were your neice too.

They were so happy, I was too. I was happy, just i miss you, Mikan. But, didn't worry. I would not did something stupids. Kept on hide in there, ok? Cause sooner or late I would found you.




I was a succes man now. I own a greats company now, my company was number one company in this world, you knew? I knew you must happy for me.

Sometime I asked to the god. I still asked him even i hate him for took you away from me, you knew?

When i saw how succes I was now, i would ask the god. Can I change all I had now with you? Can I had you instead all of i have now?

I miss you.

Mikan, Did someone found you when you hid at there? You still hid properly, right? Our game not over yet, you must knew that.




Mikan, Sixty years had passed since your hid from me in the heaven. Sixty years had passed since our hide and seek game started.

My black hair already turn gray, my skin already wrinkled. I was not a young me anymore.

I laid in my bed now, I looked at the wory face of Aoi, Yoichi, Ruka, even Hotaru, their childs and their grandchilds.

I felt so tired and sleepy now. I knew this was the time, the time me for to start the counted I stop that time. Finaly, I can't countinue that counted again. Our game was not over, but i knew that game would over soon, I finally able to sought you now.

I closesed my eyes and begun to counted "Six..."





When I opened my eye. I was not in my room anymore. But, in that hill. Instead of eighty years old me, i found i was a eighteen years old. Then i saw a sakura tree.

I smiled and ran to that tree. I can heard your voice in my head. You said " I'm here. I'm here you know. Please found me, I'm here."

When I reached that sakura tree, I saw you again after this sixty years. You hid behind that sakura tree, knelt down, closes your eye and kept on smile like when we were kids. You still same with what I remember, the angle.

I walked to you and huged you from behind "I found you."

"You found me" You giggle while open your eyes and looked at me.

"No more hide and seek. No one will hide, and no one will seek again." I said and huged you more thigtly. "This is the last hide and seek game we ever play. Cause I already play this game for sixty years."

I heard your laugh, and you kiss my lips.

No more hide and seek. You would not hid from me anymore, I didn't needed to sought you anymore. The game was over. Our last hide and seek game was over. We would together now, forever and ever.





Author's note : This was the first hurt/comfort fic i ever mede. I still new for fic like this so please forgived me if this fic so odd. And again, cause english was not my language, please forived me for the grammar and sentences structure. Thx for reading and would you mind to review?^^