Chapter 59

Author's note – Alrighty folks, sorry it's been so long, I just needed to take some time out to work out where this fic was going, I sort of lost it and as such updates may be sporadic for a while, they will still happen but there may not be one a week for a while. But I'd like to thank all of you for sticking with me and again I'm sorry it's taken me so long.

Hopefully you'll enjoy this new chapter.

Kurt couldn't help but look around his now very festive apartment, things were on every available surface, you'd think that he'd have taught the boys to keep their mess contained by now, but obviously he hadn't, even Kaleo had managed to drag his bed into the middle of the floor and that was a pain in and of itself.

They had been out last night at the lion king show and everyone had come back on a bit of a high and the result lay before them, Christmas was only a week away now and the boys were thrilled. The apartment was just about fully furnished now, well as much as it needed to be, the boys had all sent their presents for family and other friends home and now it was a case of keeping busy till the big day came, Kurt was looking forwards to his dad being there.

He didn't move as a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, a chin hooked over his shoulder and followed his gaze out of the window across the snow covered city streets below them.

"You know, you suit this place, seeing the world spread out before you, it's like it was made for you." Blaine whispered against his neck.

"Made for us." Kurt whispered back, resting his arms on Blaine's which were wrapped tight around him. Kurt couldn't help but smile as he enjoyed the contact, looking out across the world that would soon be his true reality, he was prepared for it, he couldn't wait to graduate, to be here with Blaine, in this very place.

Almost on top of the world and the rest of reality spread out before him like the pages of a book, millions of lives waiting to be written, millions of dreams being made and taken away. He couldn't wait to start writing his own story and putting those hopes and dreams down on the blank city pages, hoping to build a life he could truly be proud of, on that would take away the pain he had suffered in Ohio, his attacks and persecution, it would soon come to an end.

"What are you thinking about so hard?" Blaine asked, with a peck on Kurt's slightly flushed cheek.

"The future, just being here, with you, looking out at this city. It just makes me want it all the more and I cannot wait to enjoy my future, here in this beautiful place," Kurt turned to look into Blaine's eyes, "here with you." Kurt said quietly kissing Blaine's delicious red lips and winding his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders.

"You know, since we got here, all I've been thinking of is the future, you and me in this apartment, hopefully with at least a couple of kids and maybe a pet or two. Well besides Kaleo and Pavarotti. Maybe another dog, some playful little thing that you'll pretend to hate, but you'll be the one feeding it table scraps." Blaine said and Kurt smiled, he liked that image.

"We'll see, so have you got all your Christmas shopping done?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah, I sent out all my gifts to family earlier in the week, they should get there before Christmas, it's always a challenge working out what to get the family, after all what do you buy people with a lot of money?"

"Now you see my problem last year, I barely knew any of you and it was mostly guess work."

"Well, you made us all something, that was pretty special, especially since you guessed most of our measurements."

"I've always had a good eye for sizing so it was fortuitous really. Think the others are up yet?"

"Probably, they'll all be in stages of rolling out of bed and making themselves presentable."

"Well how about we go do the same, I was thinking we could go ice skating at rockaffella centre today, sound like a plan?"

"Sounds like a perfect idea to me, come on beautiful, let's get you into those designers that most people can't even pronounce before we go and be all sickeningly sweet while skating round in circles."

"Well it is what we do isn't it, be so adorable that other couple weep at how perfectly in love we are?"

"That we do love and I couldn't imagine anyone else I could ever be like that with." Blaine said pulling Kurt flush to him and taking his delicate lips in a passionate kiss that was the sort where you'd say 'there were fireworks', but it was always like that for them, every second they touched was like that and it was perfection personified to them.

Kurt shifted as the sound of doors opening and people shuffling around reached him, he turned in Blaine's arms and saw Ryan, who was clearly in the stages of waking up, running his hands through messy hair and yawning widely.

Kurt had to smile; they were such boys some times. "Morning." He called and he saw Ryan startle and turn to look at the pair he obviously hadn't realized where already in the room.

"Oh, morning, sorry." He said covering his mouth as a jaw cracking yawn broke free.

"Yeah, you look like you didn't sleep, everything okay?" Blaine asked, which was true, Ryan had a couple of dark rings under his eyes that were more prominent than the last time he'd tried to study for the exams last year and didn't sleep properly for 2 days.

"Nick and Jeff spent half the night giggling about something or other so I ended up only getting a few hours of sleep, just pump me full of caffeine and I'll be just fine." Ryan assured them and Kurt and Blaine exchanged a look, they knew that Nick and Jeff were convinced that Kynan and Ryan should be a couple and that they were planning on how to get them together, although Kurt and Blaine agreed that they needed something else too.

"Sorry, we can move you into another room if that's any better for you." Kurt offered.

"Nah, I'll just ask them to keep it down tonight, they haven't been too bad, luckily they don't do much with me in the room." Ryan said, the pair had been dating now for about 3 and a half months and were kind of prone to making out at random intervals, the others didn't mind usually but sometimes they got very handsy.

"Well if worst comes to worst we can always shift you in with Tyler and Justin." Kurt offered, Ryan wasn't one to complain, he was the 'suffer in silence' type, so when he was barely awake to function something was wrong.

"Is there anything else the matter?" Kurt asked as Blaine poured the other teen a very large mug of black coffee.

Kurt sat on the sofa and patted the seat next to him; Ryan ran a hand through his messy red hair and sat down heavily.

"Come on, what's on your mind?" Kurt asked.

"How do you tell one of your closest friends that you like them as more than a friend?" Ryan asked quietly, he leant forwards, head in his hands as if in disbelief that he'd even asked that question.

"Let me guess, Kynan?" Kurt asked sympathetically and Ryan nodded sadly.

"Ry, I can only tell you what I see and all of us know you're crazy about him, to be honest none of us know why it's taken so long for one of you to admit it. Kynan is like your shadow, you two are worse than Nick and Jeff where." Kurt said and Ryan looked at him, his green eyes almost luminous as the emotions flashed across his face.

"Ryan, I think we all want you to be happy, Kynan just about worships the ground you walk on and I think, that you two need a bit of time to yourselves to talk about it, so what we are going to do is, we are going out skating today and you and Kynan are going to stay here and talk it out, because I think you'll always be questioning it till you suck it up and see where it's all going." Kurt said resting his hand on Ryan's shoulder and massaging the tense muscles as Blaine handed the Irish boy the cup of coffee, black with a sweetener.

"I agree, you two need to talk about it, it'll rip you apart to not say anything then watch him move on with his life, you know Kynan wouldn't approach you, he's to self-conscious for that, but you need to get that daredevil attitude out and bite the bullet before one of us spills the beans for you." Blaine said sitting on Ryan's other side, handing over another mug of black coffee to Kurt.

"It's so hard though." Ryan said a slight whine in his tone which had the pair chuckling lightly at him, he had a slight problem with getting whiney when he was tired and the boys were all very much aware of the quirk, it wasn't any different from Tory constantly walking into doors as soon as he got up, but then Tory seemed to hurt himself daily anyway and the boys had taken pride in telling everyone of Tory's latest half asleep or daredevil injury.

"Trust us, we know it is, but you would you rather live with 'could have, should have, would have' or would you rather look back and say 'I tried'?" Blaine asked, both boys had gone through it, Blaine with asking Kurt out in the first place and Kurt went through it with telling Blaine about his rape and then later with them finally having sex.

Ryan didn't say anything he seemed to be trying to absorb what the pair were telling him and his gaze turned to the city sprawled out beyond the windows. Kurt and Blaine didn't say anything either, instead choosing to allow Ryan to think over what they had told him.

The rest of the boys woke slowly, trickling into the room and joining them with their morning beverages, ranging from hot chocolate (Justin and Luke) to lemon tea (Thad). All of them watched the city wake up, at least until Wes grabbed the TV remote, placing his half drank cup of very milky coffee on the table flipping over to the news.

The news was full of the typical things, war, scandal and the little interest stories they play to try and lighten the mood, the boys watched with a sort of vague interest before Kurt clambered to his feet, stretched and told them he was going for a shower.

Kurt took the time to look around the bedroom without company, he saw how his and Blaine's things blended together beautifully in the space, Blaine's bowtie from the previous day was hanging off the mirror of Kurt's vanity, it just looked right, Blaine's slightly preppy and geeky personality, visibly mixing with Kurt's slightly more fashionable and reserved one.

He grabbed his underwear and went through the closet to the bathroom, he' pick out an outfit when he was clean, then he'd be able to take the time to look through the racks and piece together an outfit that was appropriate for a day outside in the city.

Kurt stood in the shower, water pounding down onto his skin and washing away the grime that had accumulated on his skin. He quickly cleaned off and dried off, he began sorting through his clothes, he didn't want to wear anything too expensive in case he were to fall on the ice, he was a decent skater and he hoped he wouldn't, bruises were hard to colour coordinate with.

He decided on a pair of tight corduroy pants, they weren't the most fashionable thing he owned, but they were resilient and easy to dry off if they got wet, he grabbed an undershirt a shirt, a vest and a military style jacket. It was times like this his layering paid off.

As he finished dressing a pair of muscular arms wrapped round his waist, "I got the boys to get ready babe, Ky and Ryan are going to stay here and we can go and enjoy winter in the city." Blaine said and Kurt couldn't believe he got so lucky.