Yeah, okay, this isn't a horror story, but it's horrible. This is meant to be... sad, should I say? Hmm... I really don't have an answer. Go a head and read.
Tears Fallen
The Jedi Temple...
One year before Order 66...
Ahsoka Tano dropped to her knees, visions filling her head. Anakin Skywalker knelt next to her.
"What's wrong?" He asked Ahsoka, who held her head in her hands.
Tears slid down her cheeks, overwhelming pain taking over her body. "No!" She screamed, making Anakin's hair stand on end. "Not the children!"
Ahsoka watched a man enter the room she now stood in, younglings hiding behind furniture in fright.
"Master Skywalker," A blonde boy said, stepping out from the rest. "There are too many of them, what are we going to do?"
Anakin's response, his lightsaber activating, made the child step back. Anakin's lightsaber slid through his chest, killing him instantly.
"No!" Ahsoka screamed, reaching for her lightsabers, to find them gone. She was defenseless and useless. "Stop!" Tears poured off her face, falling to the floor.
Anakin murdered several more defenseless younglings with merciless hate. Their cries and screams unheard by the man in the black cape. A little girl, no more than four or five, raised what appeared to be a training lightsaber to Anakin's murderous, blue blade.
"Master Skywalker, what's happening?" She asked, crying.
Anakin quickly knocked her to the ground and raised his sword to cause a killing blow. Ahsoka jumped in front of it. It went right through her, as if she were a ghost.
The girl didn't die immediately. "Why are you crying?" She asked Ahsoka.
"Your dying!" The Togruta cried, wanting to grab the child and cradle her in her arms.
"No I'm not." She smiled and closed her eyes.
Everything vanished.
"No!" Ahsoka cried again, coming out of it.
"Ahsoka!" Anakin yelled, trying to get her attention.
"You killed her!" She screamed, awaiting death. "Why did you kill those younglings?"
"I didn't..." Anakin said, staring because of the accusation. He held his crying Padawan.
"It seemed so real."
"I won't let anything like that ever happen."
The Outer Rim...
Order 66...
Ahsoka stood gazing down a blaster barrel, eyes wide. "Rex?"
Captain Rex's hand shook. The person he knew three years, confided in, loved like one of his brothers, was a traitor. Branded by Palpatine's frightening order: Order 66.
"Rex," Ahsoka repeated, trying to bring him back. "What's going on?"
He opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't find any words.
Ahsoka was beginning to understand. "Please," She begged, gently pushing the gun down and away from her face. "What's happening?"
"Orders." Rex replied simply, barely realizing he was saying anything.
"What orders?" Shed asked. "Ones from the Separatists?"
"No..." Rex's voice faded with shame as he lowered his head.
"The Republic...?" Ahsoka put her hand to her mouth. "But..."
Rex fought the urge to strike himself down in the agony of what he was about to preform.
Ahsoka suddenly fell to the ground, crying out, "Master, no!" She looked up at her former friend, eyes full of tears. "T-the younglings... He... He... killed them..." She heard the devastating words echo in her head. "Why are you crying?" "Your dying!" "No I'm not."
"Rex, please kill me." Ahsoka's voice cracked, becoming calm and quiet.
Rex knew that was an order, from both his commanders, but could he kill her?
The Captain aimed a blaster at her.
Ahsoka looked at the ground, waiting for the deadly click of the weapon.
The end
It's up to you, choose if she dies or Rex can't do it. I promise "Rescue Mission" will be updated soon, it's just a case of writer's block and the fact I keep forgetting things. I can't remember things for five minutes! But it's getting better. I nearly cried writing this, hope you enjoyed it.