Title: Too Late (part of the Song Drabbles)

Song: Who Am I To Say by HOPE

Pairing: ProwlXJazz

Verse: G1

Summary: Song-fic. Requested by moonlightbeam305.

Author's Notes:

- I'm so sorry for the lateness! I hope you like it!



He had made a mistake.

It had been clear as soon as the words left his vocalizer.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you."

"What is it?"

He had been so eager to learn, had been by him every joor since they met. The answer had seemed so obvious.

"I love you."

He'd been a fool, assuming things his spark had made up, believing he was in the right.

Jazz was his best friend. The visored mech had been there for him through thick and thin, pulled him up from his own misery and stuck with him through his worst emotional outbreaks.

Protected him from insults, from the glares, the rejections of every mech on board.

Prowl wanted to do the same; protect, comfort, advise, love him.

He had been a fool.

"Prowl, Ah.." The saboteur looked at him with such a sad expression. "Ah don't feel that way about ya.

Those words had broken his spark, torn at the hope that his feelings were so obviously returned.

He should have known.

'Love of my life, my soulmate

You're my best friend

Part of me like breathing

Now half of me is left'

'I don't know anything at all

Who am I to say you love me

I don't know anything at all

& who am I to say you need me'


He should move on.

It was the only logical course of action. The only thing he could do, yet his spark denied that option with a passion.

He loved Jazz, and even knowing now that the saboteur would not return his feelings, he would wait.

"I understand."

A lie.

"I will wait."

Jazz shook his head.

"Prowler. Ah love ya, like a brother. Ah'm sorry, but Ah'll never see ya as something more than that."

Every joor that went by, knowing that it had been his words that had put a rift between them killed him. It had been those words that had torn their friendship apart.

"Would you like to go for a drive?"

Jazz looked surprised and more than a little uncomfortable, something the saboteur had never been around him.

"Ah- Ah'm sorry Prowl. Ah already have plans with Blaster ta go ta a concert in town. Maybe some other time."

Prowl. Never Prowler. Not anymore.

He still hoped and searched in the visored mech's actions, his words, his body language, any sign that he felt the same, any sign that Prowl had not misread him.

Color me blue I'm lost in you

'Don't know why I'm still waiting

Many moons have come & gone

Don't know why I'm still searching'

'Don't know anything at all

& who am I to say you love me

I don't know anything at all

& who am I to say you need me'

'Hmmm hmmm mmm

Uhhh oohhh aahhh

Hooo aahhh ohh ohhh'


Years have passed. And slowly, the saboteur had distanced himself, stopped seeing him more and more.

Still, Prowl prayed he'd come back. During nights of passion with random mechs, it would be Jazz's name he cried out, Jazz's frame he'd seek amongst his trysts.

He had hoped for a different ending, had thought it logical to have the saboteur come back to him.

But years and even millennia passed by, until word reached him of his love bonding to another. It hurt, even with the countless vorns he had had to reflect on what had happened between them, to accept his fate, he had hoped...

Now, it was clear.

But the hurt would not disappear.

How had he been so blind? So stupid as to not see the truth?

Now, it was too late, and all that was left for him was to let go.

He knew this, and yet he felt like there was nothing left for him.

He truly had been a fool.

He should have known from the start Jazz had only seen him as a friend. Maybe then, he would at least have the mech near, as his confident, his friend once more.

But it was too late.

'Now you're a song I love to sing

Never thought it feels so free

Now I know what's meant to be

& that's okay with me'

'But who am I to say you love me

& who am I to say you need me

& who am I to say you love me'

Mmmm Hmmm

'I don't know anything at all

& who am I to say you love me

I don't know anything at all

& who am I to say you need me

I don't know anything at all'

'I don't know anything at all

I don't know anything at all

I don't know anything at all'

