#126 The True You


This was written mimicking the style of Scribbler's Final Fantasy VIII story 'Mirror Me.' If you like Final Fantasy VIII, I highly recommend it. Actually, just check out her stories because you'll probably find one you'll enjoy.


Scar is the hero.

Scar is the villain.

He took control of a pride that had just lost its leaders and pulled the lioness's back from the brink of despair.

He took control by murder and lies and controlled the lioness's to keep his dirty past secret.

He led the pride and the allied hyenas firmly and decisively.

He led the pack with a leash, allowing them no freedom but allowing the hyenas to pillage the Pride Lands.

Scar protected the Pride Lands at all costs.

Scar destroyed the Pride Lands selfishly.

Scar is the hero.

Scar is the villain.