Okay so here is the epilogue, I have published a new story about Santana's coming out as referenced earlier in this story. Enjoy and thanks so much for reading!


"Okay guys, before you go out there I want to talk to you." Mr. Schue said to the eight graduating New Directions. They were all sitting in the choir room waiting for the graduation ceremony to start. Tina, Artie, and Blaine were all waiting in the Gym for the ceremony.

Rachel, Finn, Mike, Brittany, Santana, Quinn, Kurt, and Mercedes were all graduating. They all sat in front of Will true smiles plastered on their faces. It was the first time that he had seen them all truly happy in a long time. They hadn't been this happy when they had won regionals because of how close to that day it had come. Although the absence of Puck was tangible today they were still all happy. They all looked up at him expectantly, the girls in the red robes, boys in black.

"I wanted to say how proud of all of you that I am. We have had an extremely tough year not that I have to tell any of you that. I have watched you all grow so much in the last three years and I will miss you all terribly when you are gone. You are all welcome to come back and visit at any time. I will do my best to get to some of Finn's football games, Rachel and Kurt's performances. I will come to see you dance Brittany and when Santana and Mercedes are big shot movie actresses I will get to say yes I know them! Quinn when you are cheering on Ohio State I will be there cheering you on. And if I ever need surgery I know exactly what doctor I am going to the future Dr. Mike Chang. I hope that I will be able to go to your weddings and meet you children. And I also know that next week when we lift that nationals trophy in the air you will remember it for the rest of your lives. Now before I start to cry get out there and GRADUATE!" Will said. They all smiled, on their way out of the room each and every one of them gave him a hug. So much had changed between the club over the past year, they had grown into even more of a family then they had been before.

Once they were seated in the gym and everyone was present Figgins started to call the names of the graduates. Will sat with Tina, Artie, and Blaine. The first of the glee kids to be called was Rachel, then Mike, Quinn, Finn, Kurt, Mercedes, Santana and Brittany. Will, Tina, Blaine and Artie clapped loudly as each of their friends received their diplomas. Once the last person, Lauren Zizes, had received their diploma Figgins said something that temporarily brought back the memories and staunched the happiness.

"As you all know earlier this year our Glee Club became the target of a horrible attack. In the course of the attack we lost two students who should have been graduating today. I would like everyone for a moments silence in remembrance of Jacob Ben Israel and Noah Puckerman." Figgins said. The gym grew silent. After a minute Figgins spoke again. "Thank you and now I present the McKinley High School Class of 2012!"

The gym erupted into cheers. Caps flew in every direction, people embraced and shouted. After a half hour of pure elation the gym cleared out and the New Directions sat in the choir room for the last time all together.

"Congratulations guys!" Will said. "Alright I will see everyone tomorrow at my house for the final rehearsal before NATIONALS!"


This was it, this is the moment the entire club had been waiting for. The New Directions stood onstage at Nationals in Boston. There were two other teams standing with them. The New Directions had sung Big Ass Heart, by Puck, and Lean On Me by Bill Withers in the first round. In the second round Santana had sung Back To Black by Amy Whinehouse, Tina had sung True Colors by Cyndi Lauper and the entire club had sung Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne.

The Judges seemed to be taking their sweet time with giving the results. Will didn't know how much more of this the club could take. They had dedicated all of their performances to Puck. They shared the stage with Music Magic and none other than Aural Intensity, headed by none other than Mr. Jesse St. James. The head judge finally made his way across the stage to the microphone.

"Okay that was an amazing competition was it not?" he said in an extremely thick Boston accent. "Okay without further adieu the results."

They all took a deep breath as the judge opened the envelope. Brittany grabbed Santana's hand. Artie fidgeted with his chair, Kurt buried his head in Blaine's shoulder, Rachel bounced up and down and Mercedes looked as if she were about to be sick. They all were holding their breath as the judge announced third place.

"In third place, MUSIC MAGIC!" he said, the New Directions let out their breath as one and clapped as the third place trophy was handed to the director of Music Magic. Then they all resumed the positions they had had.

"And now, the winner of the 2012 National Show Choir Championship is...from Ohio, the NEW DIRECTIONS!"

That sent them into a frenzy. Brittany pulled Santana in for a tight embrace, Santana kissed her passionately, when they pulled apart they began to jump and down and scream. Tina and Mike were still kissing, Rachel and Finn were jumping, Kurt was crying, Blaine was hugging him tightly, Quinn was hugging Mercedes, Artie was wheeling around like a mad man, and Will was crying as he lifted the trophy high in the air.

"FOR PUCK!" He screamed.

"FOR PUCK!" The New Directions shouted back and they all resumed jumping and screaming like madmen. It seemed like the universe was paying them back for all the horrible stuff it had thrown their way this year. This was the best way for them to end the year, and to end high school for eight of them. They had finally won Nationals!


And that is that, thank you so much for reading!