Hi guys this is my first Glee fic! I really hope you like it! Please read and review!

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee

"Okay guys is everyone here? I want to get started ASAP." Will said walking into the choir room from his adjoining office.

"Rachel, Kurt and Santana aren't here yet." Tina said from her seat next to Mike.

Will nodded. He found that weird because Rachel was never late. Blaine and Brittany were already here so Will found it odd that Kurt and Santana were always usually with them. He decided to give them another minute after the bell rang because they probably got slushied or something. They didn't show up after the bell and Will was about to start the lesson without them when Principal Figgins voice came over the loudspeaker.

"Attention students and teachers, we are now in lock down! This is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill! Please assume lock down procedures."

The room grew quiet and no one moved for a minute. Will stood stuck in his tracks. He knew that protocol told him that he had to go and lock all the doors and cover up his windows, but he had three students missing. He knew that they would be in danger, but he couldn't risk all nine for the three. He ran to all the doors and locked them.

"Mr. Schue! What are you doing! Santana is still out there!" Brittany yelled jumping out of her seat.

"So is Rachel, and Kurt!" Finn yelled worried for his girlfriend and brother.

"Guys, I can't! I have to lock the doors they weren't here before the bell, I don't have a choice now everyone sit down and be quiet." Will said in a strained voice, his thoughts had moved from the kids to Emma. He hoped that she was safe.

The Glee Club fell silent, they huddled together in the darkness. They were all worried but no one was more worried than Brittany, Blaine and Finn. They were freaking out wondering where Santana, Kurt and Rachel were. They were sitting in silence when it happened. The first gunshot was a scream from somewhere in the building. The eyes of everyone in the room showed the same shocked, and scared look.

"Oh my god." Tina whispered burying her face in Mike's chest. He put his arm around her in an attempt to comfort her. They knew now what was going on. Someone had entered the school with a gun and was shooting. Shortly after the first shot sounded another followed and another.

Three shots, three collective gasps, three missing friends.


Santana was on her way to Glee when she saw Kurt and Rachel surrounded by hockey players. She changed her course and headed towards her friends, though she would never admit it.

"Yo, what the hells is going on ova here?" Santana said coming up from behind the hockey players.

"Oh look its the queen bitch of the Glee losers! Just in time for a slushie Lopez." The captain of the hockey team said.

"Look, you are not allowed to mess with them! I'm the only one who can do that. These be my glee losers, and I bes one of them, so scram assholes!" Santana said.

Of course Santana's words didn't do anything and all three of them got a face full of cherry slushie. The hockey kids high fived and walked away laughing, leaving Kurt, Rachel and Santana covered in red ice.

"Ugh, come on lets go get cleaned up we're late for class." Kurt said. He took Santana by one arm and Rachel by the other and dragged them into the girls bathroom.

"Kurt this is the girls bathroom." Rachel said with a laugh.

"Like he cares." Santana said with a laugh.

"Satan's right I don't care. Now lets go I don't want this interrupting with my Blaine time."

"Okay eeww." Santana said as the three of them cleaned themselves off carefully.

"Hypocrite, like you ever even let Brittany breath." Rachel said.

"Shut up Dwarf!" Santana said playfully. They were quiet for a few minutes while they finished cleaning off.

"Hey Satan, thanks for that back there." Kurt said. "You tried."

"Don't mention it. No I mean it you better not tell anyone!" Santana said with a death glare that scared both Kurt and Rachel. But before they could say anything they heard Figgins on the loud speaker.

"Attention students and teachers, we are now in lock down! This is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill! Please assume lock down procedures."

"Shit." Santana said.

"Oh God what do we do?" Rachel said.

"Mr. Schue's probably already locked the door!" Kurt said.

"Maybe we should peek out and see what's going on." Rachel said. "You do it Santana."

"Me? Why me?"

"Because yous be able to go all Satan from Lima Heights on thems." Kurt said in his best imitation of Santana's voice. She and Rachel laughed despite the situation.

Santana carefully crept to the door to the bathroom and pushed it open slightly. She stuck her head out just enough to see and gasped. There was a tall kid in all black with a ski mask on standing holding a deadly gun. He had pointed it someone very familiar. He pulled the trigger and Jacob fell down to the ground dead. She heard a scream from somewhere and pulled herself back into the bathroom before she could be seen.

"Fuck! He just killed Jew Fro!" she said. Her eyes shown with fear. "I think he was heading the other way though."

"The other way is the choir room." Kurt sad quietly and the other two nodded. They all sank to the floor.

Santana pulled out her cell phone. She prayed that Brittany had her cell on silent. When she didn't reply right away Santana got nervous. She looked at Kurt and Rachel. They were just as scared as she was. They didn't know what to do. All three of them jumped when they heard more shots.

"This is really bad." Rachel said.

Santana's phone vibrated in her pocket. It was a text from Brittany. It was a simple five word text. It simply read: He's here. I love you. Santana gasped out loud as she read the text. She turned to Rachel and Kurt.

"He's in the choir room!" she said fearfully. Kurt and Rachel gasped.

"Oh God!"

"What do we do?" Kurt said, tears forming in his eyes.

The door to the bathroom opened. A man in all black and an identical ski mask to the other one walked in. He took out a gun. He pointed it at Rachel.

"Stand up, all three of you. NOW!" the man said. All three of them stood up shakily. "Now, we are going to join you buddies."

The man pushed them out of the bathroom and down the hall. The door to the choir room stood ajar, hanging off the hinges. It had obviously been kicked down. The man shoved all three of them into the room. They were ordered to sit down on the ground. Rachel threw herself into Finn's arms. Kurt sat next to Blaine and grasped his hands. Santana sat down next to Brittany who threw herself on top of her girlfriend and buried her head in her shoulder.

"Now that we are all here I can start." said the taller of the two men. "I like to start with blondes. How about you."

The man walked up and played with Brittany's hair. Brittany squealed, everyone stared horrified.

"Get. Your. Hands. Off. Her." Santana growled.

"Oh, protective much chica? I have no problem with starting with a brunette!" the man said. He shifted the gun in his hand from Brittany to Santana.

Every eye in the room was transfixed on the deadly weapon in the mans hand. Santana sat breathing heavily, she knew that she had done the right thing though, she wouldn't let anything happen to Brittany. She had been protecting them since kindergarten when they had met. After a minute of pure silence, a gunshot sounded. Santana screamed out in pain and fell down to the ground.

"Santana!" Brittany screamed through tears.

Okay what did you think? Should I continue or no? Please just take a minute to let me know!