Alrighty... So, welcome to my first adventure into the world of BlazBlue. I've already gotten 100% completion of both games, and I'm still not satisfied, so I guess I'm writing this just as much for myself as I am for you readers. So... Yeah. Let's get to the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own BlazBlue. If I did, romance would be a tad more prominent...


"What would you call this, Ragna?"

"A cup of tea."

"Wrong. This is a cup of filthy water. Do try a bit harder next time."

"Damn rabbit... Why am I making your tea again?

"Because, Ragna, Valkenhayn is busy at present and I do not wish to distract him. Now, go and make me a fresh cup."

Ragna huffed and walked back to the kitchen, where the supplies were waiting for him once again. Rachel poured the tea out and placed the cup onto a small saucer. Honestly. That man is such a fool at times. Can he not even do something as simple as preparing tea?

After a long wait, Ragna finally entered with another cup of tea. "Alright, Rabbit, this is it. I put all my effort into this stupid cup of tea, so you'd better appreciate it."

Rachel gently picked the cup off of the platter and held it aloft. "We shall see." She took a slow sip of it, waiting for the taste. When it finally hit her tongue, the flavor could only be described with one word.

Atrocious. It was almost sour tasting, and far too bitter for her liking. She nearly spit it out on the spot before remembering Ragna's words. I put all my effort into this stupid cup of tea, so you'd better appreciate it. He was such an imbecile at times. Slowly swallowing the vile liquid, she put on a small fake smile and nodded. "It is fine, Ragna. You may go now."

Ragna's eyes lit up at her words. "Seriously? Well, thanks, I guess. See you around, Rabbit."

Rachel waved lightly, watching Ragna leave. The moment he was gone, she poured the tea out, wishing to never see or taste it again.

But she supposed that her one sip had been acceptable, if only for being able to see Ragna look proud for once.


Yeah, it's short, and I'm not sure it's even that great, but I'm out of practice, and I'm not any good at longer fics anyway. I hope you guys at least mildly enjoyed it. If you did, or if you have any ways you think I could improve, I'd appreciate a review!