A/N: Special thanks to WindMirrorAutum, I really couldn't have done it without her, and to be honest, if it wasn't for me she probably wouldn't even finish it...I'm planning on finishing the others but this one has a much better plot than my others and it seems more fun to type.

A year. A whole year had passed since the death of Antonio Fernandez Carriedo. And it was all his fault. Lovino had been horrible to the one he loved and he was gone.

The Italian man remembered his last conversation and the events that happened all to clearly – as if it has only happened yesterday...


Lovino had marched to the kitchen where Antonio was making churros, furious, "What the hell were you thinking, you tomato bastard?"

"Hm?" Antonio turned to the fuming Italian man, "What are you talking about, Lovi?"

"I'm talking about my goddamn tomato stash!" Lovino growled at the Spaniard angrily, "You fucking ate the last one!"

"Ah, that," Antonio smiled cheerfully at Lovino, "There are plenty more tomats where that came from, Lovi, don't worry."

"But it was huge! I was saving it!" Lovino's rage was growing quickly, "And it was mine!"

The larger emerald-eyed man sighed and shook his head, "It was only a tomat, Lovi, like I said, there are plenty more-"

"BUT IT WAS MY SUPER HUGE ONE!" Lovino yelled at the other man, "I WAS SAVING IT!"

Antonio sighed and said quietly, "Feliciano doesn't yell over who ate the last of his pasta..."

"WHAT WAS THAT, YOU BASTARD?" Lovino glared at the man sitting at the table, in behind a bunch of unfinished churros that he had been making by hand.

"Nothing, Lovi," Antonio replied; he had given up trying to calm down the Italian man when he was like this a long time ago.

"I HEARD YOU," The smaller brunette shook with a mixture of anger and sorrow; hearing that his love preferred how Feliciano acted over him hurt quite a bit, "IF YOU THINK FELICIANO IS SO MUCH BETTER, WHY DON'T YOU GO TO HIM?"

"Lovi, I never-" The Spanish man began but was interrupted by the Italian.

"SHUT UP!" Lovino yelled, "I HATE YOU AND YOUR FACE!"

"Lovi..." Antonio said quietly, "I didn't mean to-"

"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU BASTARD!" Lovino ran out of the room and slammed the bedroom door behind him.

Antonio sighed and stood up, deciding to take a drive to clear his mind; something he seemed to be doing a lot of lately. He drove around for a while, to try to think of a way to fix this. He didn't mean anything by it, but Lovino never did like to listen to him...

Some time after Antonio left, Lovino got a phone call.

"Hello?" He answered almost calmly; he was still pissed off at Antonio, but calm enough to talk to just about anyone, "Wh-What?"

The person on the other line was a paramedic who had the wonderful duty of calling and telling the lover of Antonio that there was a horrible accident, and Antonio was in critical condition.

Lovino had rushed to the hospital as fast as he could, but by the time he got there, Antonio had already passed.

~End of Flashback~

Lovino sadly looked out of the window. The country of Spain didn't seem as bright and cheery without his tomato-loving fool next to him. He wished everyday he could take it back, and have done it all over again, but he couldn't.

He couldn't, and that was it...