Disclaimer: Disney owns all that is Kim Possible. I receive nothing for these stories I write except your reviews. Getting paid for writing is 'my little ship of dreams.' (Dreamboat Annie by Heart)


Chapter 21

School Ends, Summer Begins


Between planning the wedding, running the manufacturing plant and boutique and the occasional mission, the rest of the school year went by quickly for Kim, Bonnie and Ron.

Bonnie was really in her element when she and the "too cute couple" (Kim and Ron were starting to act like an old married couple, even to the point of dressing alike) were trapped with Drakken and Shego in the cable television universe. She had immediately taken over the squad when she found herself on the Cheerleading Channel and then quickly transformed into the stereotypical star, snarky diva when she realized that she was a panelist on the set of a celebrity fashion review show. But Bonnie nearly developed a monkey phobia all her own during the Annual Running of the Monkeys on Ape Island when she saw the grotesque monkey plug that helped them get out of the cable universe.

Bonnie nearly became a movie star when Jimmy Blamhammer decided to make a movie about Team Possible's exploits and became a close friend with Heather and Quinn; also securing the former as a celebrity spokesperson/client for the boutique in the process. Unfortunately, the great action movie director had a short attention span and moved on to another project before finishing the film, effectively bringing the brunette's chances at stardom to a screeching halt. "How many budding film star's careers have died on the cutting room floor," Bonnie had lamented at the finish of that mission. Of course Junior had immediately fallen in love with Bonnie but she found his spoiled rich kid manners and whiny voice irritating and unappealing. His money didn't matter to her either because she was now drawing a decent salary from the boutique since they now had over a dozen shops around the country with a new one opening every month. Oddly enough, a new boutique had opened in Portland, Oregon. (Although Bonnie did wrangle a pair of ruby earrings from the effeminate Euro-hunk before she dumped him.)

Bonnie was both totally enthralled and utterly grossed out with Ron's friendship with a larger than normal cockroach when they'd went to retrieve the Roflax device for Dr. Accari. She was fascinated by how Ron could interact with the insect but the ick factor really reared its ugly head when Roachie decided to join her and Ron in bed during one of their bouts of love making at the apartment.

During all of the missions she had been on, Bonnie had proved her worth as a member of the team. Her fighting skills were improving by leaps and bounds due to her athleticism and she and Kim were becoming a well-oiled, tag-team duo that instilled dread into anyone they faced, including Shego. (They'd found out during the brain washing shampoo mission that Dr. Drakken had taken out the trademark for Kim's name in the hopes of sullying her reputation, only to forget about the plot over time and had let the trademark expire without ever using it. Drakken truly was self-foiling.)

Don't misunderstand the sitch, though. Bonnie still gave Kim a run for her money as captain of the cheer squad. But now it was more of a healthy competition between the two instead of the viscous, sneaky, head-butting rivalry that it had been before they'd became friends.

But now with school out for the summer, Bonnie found herself in an unusual position; as a background player. Monique garnered the coveted spot as Kim's Maid of Honor while Bonnie was relegated to act as a simple Bride's Maid, standing between Kim's cousin Joss and her other best friend, Tara. The brunette was a little miffed at first but after talking it over with Monique and Kim, she decided that Monique was the better choice for the position than she was because Monique had been friends with Kim longer than she had.

There was a little tension just before the ceremony when Wade beeped in, but it turned out to be a false alarm. Their tech guru had simply called to wish Kim and Ron luck and to ask that the Kimmunicator be positioned somewhere in the church so that he could watch the proceedings with the device. Wade had come down with a major case of hyperventilation due to his agoraphobia at the mere thought of attending the wedding and had locked himself in his room. But he still wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Genius that he was, Wade was still clueless as to why anyone would actually want to get married, let alone start kissing and dating someone of the opposite sex.

The ceremony had been simple but beautiful and the reception was both joyful and fun, but now it was just about over. The happy couple were saying their final good-byes to everyone and Bonnie forlornly knew that her bedtime romps with Ron and Kim were soon to come to an end. She was silently making her way to an exit to go home when she was stopped by the newlyweds.

"Where are you going, Bon Bon?" Ron asked with the same goofy, lopsided smile that he'd been wearing ever since the end of the wedding ceremony. Ron had been extremely nervous all through the rite and almost fainted three times, but he somehow muddled through and the lopsided grin that showed up as he and Kim walked back up the aisle had graced his face ever since.

"Home," Bonnie dejectedly answered, somewhat in confusion since the reception was just about over. "You two are going on your honeymoon now and will want to be alone."

"Now why would you think that?" Kim queried with a kind, cheerleader bright smile. "You're a member of our team now and nothing has changed just because Ron and I got married."

"But I thought you two had planned on being exclusive after the wedding?" Bonnie questioned. "Why would you want a third wheel along with you on your honeymoon?"

Kim draped an arm around the brunette's neck so she wouldn't be heard by anyone else in the reception hall and whispered, "Ron and I talked it over and decided that we want to continue our current bedroom arrangement. You know I can't handle my husband..." she let out a girlish titter at the word husband, "...in bed alone. I need you to help keep Ron sexually satisfied."

"But, what about the boutique?" Bonnie begged. "Who will oversee the operation?"

"I've already talked to Monique about that," Ron reassured the brunette since he had been mostly in charge of the plant's operations and making sure that the dress shop was well stocked. "She'll look after everything with the help of the managers we've hired. Besides, this will be the perfect test for when you have to leave at a moment's notice to go on a long-term mission. That's what you wanted, isn't it? To have a job where you could leave at any time to help us and not worry about the boutique."

"You'd better go home and quickly pack, but don't pack too much," Kim said with a sly grin. "I don't think we'll be leaving the hotel room for anything more than the occasional meal."

"And you don't have to pack much for Yamanouchi either," Ron quickly added. "We'll be leaving for the school directly from Tahiti." The plan had been for Kim and Ron to honeymoon on the tropical island for two weeks and then return to Middleton to pick up Bonnie before heading off to Japan. "You'll only need a gi at the school and they'll give that to you when we arrive."

That was all the convincing the brunette needed. "Pick me up at my house in ten minutes," Bonnie said with a lascivious grin as she started to make for the door. "I just need to pack a bikini, my MP3 player and my makeup and meds and stuff for the beach."

"Where's Bonnie rushing off in such a hurry?" Jame Possible queried as he and his wife stepped up to the newlyweds and watched Bonnie dash out the door.

"She's going home to pack for the honeymoon," Kim nonchalantly answered. "She's coming with us."

Mr. Dr. P. scowled and and growled, "I thought all of that nonsense about multiple partners would be over now that you're married, Kimmie-Cub?"

"It's not nonsense and I'm married now so don't call me Kimmie-Cub please and thank you very much!" Kim angrily shot back. She let out a long breath to compose herself and continued. "Bonnie is a very close friend who has been helpful in a lot of ways you wouldn't understand. She's a part of our team both on missions and in life. I had a horrible nightmare not too long ago where either Ron or Bonnie moved to Norway and we couldn't sync up for a mission because of the distance. So being in Tahiti for two weeks and Japan for a whole month without her by our side is out of the question."

"James, it's her life... remember?" Anne quietly cooed in her husband's ear. "Let it go. Polygamous relationships are more common nowadays so you'll just have to live with it. They may grow out of it in time but this is suppose to be the happiest day of her life. Don't spoil it for Kimmie, let her have an extra partner."

A well chastised Dr. Possible let out a heavy sigh as his pompous demeanor quickly deflated. "I'm sorry Kimmie. I guess your old man still has a few overprotective bones in his body."

"I wouldn't have it any other way... daddy," Kim perked, swiftly threw her arms around her father's neck and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Now it's time for Ron and I to leave. Are you going to be okay?"

"I will be," James said with a sly smile growing as he glared menacingly at his brand new son-in-law, "as long as you don't return with a little Ronnie or Bonnie in the oven. That goes for both girls, Ronald. I'm not ready to be a grandfather just yet."

"You got it, Dr. P.," Ron nervously chuckled while sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "There won't be any little accidents if I can help it."

"Oh, heck," James laughed and slapped Ron on the shoulder, nearly sending the brown eyed boy sailing. "You and Kimmie are married now so you can call me dad."

"Sure thing... dad," Ron anxiously said as he rubbed his now sore shoulder.


The limo pulled up in front of the Rockwaller residence to find Bonnie, dressed casually for the flight, standing out front beside two large suitcases. "That's what you're bringing with you on our honeymoon?" Kim questioned the brunette as she stepped out of the car to see what all Bonnie was bringing with her.

"I ain't carrying those up the mountain when we go to Yamanouchi," Ron practically hollered as he poked his head out of the moon roof. "It's a four hour hike and that's enough exercise for my taste getting there."

"But I'll need all of it," Bonnie whined as peered down at the two large cases and wondered what she was going to do. "What if we go in to town or nearby city? I'll have to have something to wear."

"If we do go into a big city," Kim tried to reason with the teal-eyed brunette since she and Ron had had this exact conversation when they were packing for the trip, "then you can wear what you have on right now. I also have some extra clothes in the jet and you can borrow something of mine if push comes to shove."

"Oh no K.," Bonnie waved off the suggestion as she picked up the two bags and headed back towards the house. "We may be friend now but I will not be caught dead in any of the fashion disasters that you have in your closet. I'll be back in a minute."

Bonnie wasn't true to her word. It was ten minutes later that Bonnie came back out of the house carrying only one of the suitcases. She held up a hand to prevent Kim or Ron from commenting on anything as she said, "Don't worry, I got a backpack in here. That way I can leave the bag on our jet and carry a few thing that I might actually need."

"That works for me," Ron happily chimed before he ducked back into the limo.

The ride to the airport was uneventful and the three teens swiftly boarded the Team Possible plane. Soon they were winging their way to the Land Of The Rising Sun and more adventures.


I'm ending this story here. There are two other stories I'm just about finished with and I'd like to get them out of the way before our intrepid teens arrive in Japan and continue their adventures.

The next story stemming from this one may end up as a long one-shot but I would place a bet on it, considering that this started out as a short story idea. That's the way I write. I start out with a simple idea that might be a good one-shot and let the characters take over. They lead me on a merry romp until they get tired or tell me to stop. This time Ron put a halt to the story, fearing what I'll put him through at Yamanouchi.

Until next time...
