Disclaimer: The Walt Disney Company owns all that is the world of Kim Possible. I borrow the characters and locations in these stories for which I receive nothing except your praise or scorn.

This story is a little AU sitch which delves into what would happen if Bonnie Rockwaller had finally got fed up with her sister's constant put downs and her mother treating her like a small child and decided to completely change her way of life. It takes place as school comes back in session after the Christmas Holiday break during her junior year. StD hasn't happened so Kim and Ron haven't hooked up just yet.


Chapter 1



Kim Possible was totally psyched.

It was the first day of a new semester at Middleton High School after the winter holiday break had ended and that meant there were all new subjects to study and lots of opportunities to learn new things. What better reason to be psyched.

Ron Stoppable on the other hand was definitely not psyched.

The thought of five more months of schoolwork, D-hall bullies, loser taunts and other such high school horrors was only offset by the strange fact that he'd knuckled down during the first semester and had received almost all Bs with only one C plus. That was a whole lot better that his past not-so-gentlemanly D average. Ron had finally realized that college was fast approaching and that Kim would head off to a different university if he didn't knuckle down and bring up his grades. That meant many video game-less nights had to be put in studying, but it was worth if it meant he could stay close to his best friend after high school.

The only tolerable thing Ron found about school in general was that he got to be there with his two best, lifelong friends in the world: Rufus the naked mole rat and Kim. Ron really treasured his time with the redheaded, world-saving dynamo and if he could just get into the same college or university as her, who knows? Maybe they could even hook up and become boyfriend and girlfriend. A guy can dream, can't he?

The two seventeen year old teens were at their lockers getting ready for the first class of the semester when Kim felt a hand on her shoulder and heard a very familiar voice. "K, we need to talk."

Kim immediately recognized the voice. She let out an almost silent exasperated sigh as she looked to the heavens for the patients and strength to deal with her brunette rival, Bonnie Rockwaller, before she glanced at the hand lying on her shoulder. Kim was slightly shocked to see that the normally highly manicured fingernails on the hand were a little ragged and simply painted a matte black hue. She filed that oddity in the back of her mind as she set herself for the first of what she believed would be many barbs, schemes and/or complaints of the new school semester. Not facing the acerbic teen just yet, and with another heavy sigh, she exasperatedly asked, "What do you want to talk about Bonnie?"

"Whoa," Ron barely breathed when he turned and saw the teal-eyed brunette standing behind his best friend. Bonnie was not dressed in her normal attire. She was wearing, from the bottom up, jet black, slightly scuffed-up combat boots, (not from Club Banana so they weren't onyx colored) coal black cargo pants that were somewhat baggy on her slender frame (also, surprisingly, without the banana shaped logo on the left back pocket) and a tight, black, crop top tank top. To finish off the 'Goth' look, Bonnie wore a simple black baseball cap (again, with no logo or markings, so that meant her entire outfit was, gasp, generic!) and her lips had a shiny smear of midnight black lipstick that matched the rest of her raven's wing-hued ensemble. The kicker was that Bonnie had also dyed her hair raven's wing black, completing the oddly dark, Goth appearance.

"I've decided not to participate in cheerleading from now on, Kim," Bonnie blandly stated, "so you're just gonna, like, have ta find a replacement for me on the squad."

"Why would you want to quit?" Kim queried as she reached into her locker and placed a few new spiral bound notebooks and empty folders in her backpack for the upcoming classes, then closed the door and turned to face the main bane to her high school experience for the first time that morning. When she saw Bonnie's extremely heavy black makeup (her eyes were also ringed with black eyeshadow) and how she was dressed Kim let out a gasp and questioned, "And why are you wearing that... that getup? Halloween was two months ago."

"I finally got fed up with the way my family has treated me over the years so I'm rebelling against everything they stand for," the new Goth-flavored Bonnie said in disgust as she ignored the Halloween barb, angrily crossed her arms under her breasts and defensively clutched her new notebooks to her chest. "That means I'm giving up everything that's either popular or proper, like cheerleading."

"So does that mean you've given up your top spot on the Food Chain too?" Ron asked as he walked the few feet from his locker to where the two girls were talking in front of Kim's locker.

"The Food Chain is a bunch of malarkey, Stoppable," Bonnie angrily spat at the blond boy. "I only followed it to please my mom and maybe get my sisters to leave me alone. Since that didn't work, well, I just don't care about any of that anymore."

"I'm happy you've given up on the whole Food Chain sitch, Bonnie," Kim said as she leaned back against her closed locker and warily eyed her rival (maybe former rival?) "but that doesn't mean you should give up on cheerleading. Cheerleaders are all about team spirit and school pride, not about being popular. You're the best, most athletic girl on the squad next to me and you'd be sorely missed. I also know you'll keep the squad on their toes whenever Ron and I get called away on a mission. You're the only one with enough leadership experience and..."

"Hutzpah?" Ron offered, cutting Kim off from her getting-to-be long winded speech. "That means immense skill or exceptional talent, which is not to be confused with hutzpuh which means guts, courage or fortitude."

Kim warily peered at Ron for a few seconds for his unwanted Yiddish lesson before remembering that he was just trying to be helpful and moved on. "Thank you for the suggestions but I was going to say savvy... to handle the job."

"That'll work too," Ron nodded, a lopsided grin on his face.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh. Savvy," Rufus agreed from his normal perch on Ron's shoulder.

Fortunately for Ron, Bonnie didn't chide him for the interruption. She thought about Kim's words for a few seconds, her face set in contemplation, before she let out a heavy sigh. "You may be right K., I'll have to think about it. I'll let you know my decision at the end of the school day."

"Whatever you decide, Bonnie," Kim said as she pushed off from the lockers and grabbed Ron's arm to head off to their first class together, "I wish you luck. Come on Ron, the bell is about to ring and we don't want to get on Mr. Barkin's bad side the first day back to school."

"If you need any help, Bon Bon," Ron yelled back over his shoulder as he was dragged away from the brunette, "all you have ta do is ask. We got your back if you need it." He turned to his best friend as he finally gathered his feet beneath him and got in step with the redhead before he unequivocally stated, "I really think Bonnie has changed."

"Knowing her," Kim sternly said as she adjusted her backpack on her shoulders to get it to sit more comfortably, "this may just be a ploy to make some trouble for us. But, if she's serious about it then it could be a good thing."

"Well yeah," Ron agreed with a lopsided smile. "But I got a gut feeling deep down inside me that it's actually true. It'd be nice not to be called a loser once every hour on the hour whenever our paths cross with Bon Bon between classes."

Kim knew that her best friend was normally so up beat and optimistic that he would only see the best of the situation. It'd be just like Ron to help out someone who had belittled and denigrated him over the past few years. She knew that Ron could be very insightful at times when it came to getting an immediate impression about someone so the sitch with Bonnie changing her outlook on life could very well be on the up and up. When he'd said someone was so many miles of bad road before, it was always true. But then again they were talking about Bonnie Rockwaller, the intelligently deceptive, scheming Queen of Middleton High who knew how to manipulate any situation to suit her whim.

Kim knew she couldn't dwell on this startling development much at the moment. She had to get her head in the game and only concentrate on the first class of the day.

What Kim hadn't noticed at the time was that Bonnie hadn't acted at all like her usual snarky self. Sure, she had been... terse, in her initial statement that she was leaving the squad but there wasn't the normal Queen B attitude behind it.


Kim didn't get a chance to talk to Bonnie for the rest of the school day even though the brunette shared half of her and Ron's classes, and the redhead hadn't given the sitch much thought about it either.

When she and Ron entered the gym after the last class of the day, Kim wasn't too surprised to see that Bonnie had dressed out for practice. If the (former?) Queen of Middleton High wasn't planning something underhanded, Kim knew that the deeply seated team pride and school spirit engrained in the teal-eyed girl wouldn't let her quit the squad. If Bonnie had been planning something against either her or Ron, she knew the well-tanned girl (was Bonnie's tan fading or were the black hair, nails and makeup just giving off that illusion?) would want to keep an eye on them to make sure her scheming ways went undetected; not to mention she'd want to be there when the devious plot paid off.

Bonnie's new carbon black colored hair, fingernails, eyes and lips practically screamed out from amongst the other six normal looking girls, (various shades of beige, pink or red being the dominant makeup hues worn by the squad.) But Kim realized the separation was more than just the fact that Bonnie's looks were way different than normal for her.

What really stood out was that Bonnie wasn't the center of attention with her teammates like she normally would be. No, Bonnie was quietly listening to the ongoing conversation on the outer fringe of the gaggle of girls, and it made Kim wonder.

"I see you decided to join us, Bonnie," Kim chuckled as she sauntered over to the group. "I'm glad you didn't quit."

"Well," Bonnie adamantly admitted with her normal barracuda smirk, which was so much more menacing due to her new look, as she defiantly placed her pom pom grasping hands on hips, "I didn't want to let the squad down and since Nirvana had those weird-looking cheerleaders in their video, 'Smells Like Team Spirit'..." She let the reference hang.

Hope, the dark-haired girl who had a mole at the corner of her mouth, chimed in, "Or how about Toni Braxton and those butch looking cheerleaders in the music video, 'Hey, Micky'?"

"Yeah," Bonnie laughed. "All that heavy makeup and their waaaaay muscular bodies just screamed dyke, so my new looks shouldn't weird people out too much."

The six other girls immediately got the two music video references and laughed but Ron, clueless as ever and never having seen either of the video, was lost at sea and didn't know what the girls were talking about.

"Whatever your reasons, Bonnie," Kim said with a cheerleading bright smile, now in the mood to expend a little energy by starting practice and working up a sweat, "I'm glad you're here. It would be hard to replace anyone on this squad. Now, let's get started."

The squad was only ten minutes into practice when the gym doors slammed open and a six foot four inch, bristly-haircut man stomped in to the room yelling, "Rockwaller! My office, Now!"

"What's wrong Mr. Barkin?" Kim queried as she turned to the Vice Principal, her natural Kimness kicking in. After all, she was the captain of the squad and if one of the girls was in trouble it was her duty to help out any way she could. (Even if it was her [former?] rival.)

"This has nothing to do with you, Possible," Mr. Barkin growled as he marched directly toward the girl whose name he'd barked out. "Miss Rockwaller caused a disturbance throughout the day with the way she was dressed and this is the first chance I've had to confront her about it."

"The way I was dressed?" Bonnie questioned in confusion. "What's wrong with the way I was dressed today?"

"Your teachers have informed me that the students in your classes were only interested in your new look," Barkin harshly explained. "It disrupted the classes so much that nothing could be taught."

"Was Bonnie inappropriately dressed?"

The slightly high pitched male voice came from center court. Mr. Barkin and the squad turned to see Ron walking over to them as he took off the Mad Dog mask, lovingly placed it on the highly polished wooden floor and pulled a softcover pamphlet out of his back pocket. The booklet was well know to all of the students and especially the large Vice Principal. It was known around school as 'Barkin's Bible'; his Holy Tome of Law. It was... the Middleton High School Official Student Handbook that was handed out to each and every student at the beginning of each new school year. The booklet contained all of the rules and regulations that the students needed to know and follow in order not to get on the bad side of the teaching staff, or again more specifically, Mr. Barkin the chief enforcer.

The booklet in Ron's hand was bent, ripped and tattered and was spotted with greasy cheese stains, but it was mostly intact and the blond boy had it opened to one dog-eared page as he held it up for everyone to see. "Did what she was wearing go against the dress code laid out in section Vee-Eye-Eye-Eye, subsection five, paragraph D?"

"Well no, not really," Barkin sheepishly admitted before he regained his bluster. "But she caused a disruption in all of her classes Stoppable, and the rules specifically state that a disruptive student..."

"But the disruptions weren't her fault," Ron cut in as he stepped up to the group. "I saw how Bonnie was dressed at the beginning of the day and I wasn't disrupted... at least not any more than I normally am."

"But," the Vice Principle pushed on before he was interrupted again by Ron.

"All of her girly parts were covered and," Ron pointed in the book and started to blatantly abuse the term paraphrase, "there were no slogans or names or anything written on her shirt or hat that could be taken as O-fensive or OB-scene." He slapped the pamphlet closed and looked up at the obstinate teacher. "Now if kids wanna talk and-or gossip in class that's their own dealie-o and the teachers shoulda stopped it in the classroom. Bonnie can't be held responsible for other people's actions if she's abiding by the dress code."

As Mr. Barkin pondered the situation, Bonnie goggled, open mouthed, at the blond boy. Kim practically beamed with pride at her best friend for finally finding a backbone and standing up to his schoolhouse nemesis/teacher; especially in such a well thought out and professional manner.

"You're right, Stoppable," Barkin finally admitted with a sigh before he turned to Bonnie. "Miss Rockwaller, you're cleared of any wrongdoing. Despite the fact that you were the one everybody was talking about, you can't be held accountable for other people's actions. You're allowed to dress however you like as long as it adheres to the dress code. Carry on." He was ready to about-faced and proudly marched out of the gym, (or beat a hasty retreat if you want to think about who was the real victor in the confrontation) when Ron stopped Mr. Barkin with a question.

"Speaking of the dress code Mr. B, I have a few t-shirts that I've gotten over the years when KP and I have gone out on our missions and I was wondering if they're appropriate or not."

"Just exactly what is on the t-shirts, Stoppable?" Barkin warily asked. The smirk on the blond boy's face was akin to that of the face he had made during his freshman year and set off major alarms with Steve Barkin, but he wanted to save some face and putting Stoppable in his place now would greatly help in the matter.

"Well, I got one from a bait and tackle shop down in Bonita Springs Florida when we were helping save the Manatees," Ron answered with a wry smile. "The name of the shop is Master... Bait and Tackle."

"I don't see why that..." Barkin started to answer until he heard the girls start to snicker and really thought about it.

"I got another T-shirt from The Happy Hooker Bait and Tackle Shop up in Hayward Wisconsin when Kim and I helped out with a kids fishing tournament," Ron pushed on as his smile amped up a notch and the giggling girls could barely stop from laughing. "And the other shirt I got was from a convenience store we stopped for gas at in Rifle, Colorado. The name of the store is Kum and Go,spelled K-U-M."

"Stoppable..." Barkin warned in his most ominous voice.

"They're all real stores Mr. B, I swear." Ron said almost laughing himself. His goofy smile was so big it looked like it would split his head in half. "If you want, I can give you their addresses if you need to check em out."

"You will NOT wear any of those pieces of apparel in MY school, Stoppable," Barkin loudly growled and swiftly stormed out of the gym, his military bearing throw out the window.

Ron turned to the gaggle of giggling girls, smiled his goofiest smile, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I always thought the school belonged to the city of Middleton. I never heard that Mr. B had bought the building, did any of you?"

That was the last straw. The whole squad broke out in a laugh riot that lasted all of five minutes before things finally settled down.

"Ron, that was super!" Kim enthused and threw her arms around his neck to give him a brief, friendly, congratulatory hug.

"Yeah," Bonnie said as she shook off the stunned stupor she'd been in from Ron's defense of her. "Thank you Ron Ron. But, why?"

"I told you this morning that we'd have your back if you ever needed any help," Ron simply explained. "It's what we do. KP and I help people in trouble and you were in trouble."

"Ron's right, Bonnie," Kim said with pride in her voice as she stepped to the side and lovingly gazed at her best friend. "You were in trouble and Ron came to the rescue. But I didn't think you had it in you, Ron," Kim smirked as she tried to figure out the real reason why her best friend had done what he did.

"Well, I kinda saw what was going on in the classes we share with Bonnie throughout the day," Ron sheepishly admitted as he anxiously rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, "and I had a gut feeling that something bad was gonna happen so I tried to figure out what was wrong and how I could help. Luckily I was able to find my good-old student handbook in my locker under a leftover burrito from last October." He shuttered at the thought of that sickly gray-brown, fuzzy, used-to-be-food object that promptly found the trash bin after he briefly considering eating it in a fit of hunger. The nauseating smell that'd hit him smack in the face when he opened the bag made the decision a little easier.

"Well, thank you Ron Ron," Bonnie cooed as she stepped up to the blond boy and, after making sure that Barkin had indeed left the gymnasium, wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a long, passionate kiss on his lips.

Rufus popped his head out of Ron's cargo pants pocket, saw the lip lock Bonnie was laying on his big buddy and promptly fainted back into the pocket.

Kim, as well as the rest of the cheer squad, were simply poleaxed at the sight. Right in front of them was Bonnie, the (former? she really needed to look into the sitch) Queen Bee of Middleton High, kissing the last person they thought she would ever kiss... or even give the time of day to.

"B-B-B-Bonnie?" Tara stuttered in total shock. She was Bonnie's best, closest friend and had helped with the now Goth-girl's change over the Christmas/New Year holiday break, but Tara never imagined that her girl friend would take the changes this far.

"That's it," Kim grunted to the rest of the squad, bile rising in her throat for some unknown reason, as they all gawked at the lip smacking still going on in front of them. "Practice is over for today. I'll see you all tomorrow and we'll pick up from where we left off."

"But Kim," Marcella argued, her wavy black hair bouncing as she gestured out to the gym floor, "we usually practice for a whole hour. We've barely started."

"This is our first practice since coming back from the holidays," Kim countered as she watched Bonnie plant feathery little kisses along Ron's jawline from one ear to the other. Ron, for his part, didn't seem to notice what was happening since his brain had slipped a cog and he was staring straight ahead in a happy daze. "We don't want to push it too hard after the three weeks off. Anyway, it looks like we're all back in sync and haven't lost a step over the school break so it shouldn't be a problem."

"If that's the case," Liz, the other redhead on the squad, suggested as she turned to the rest of her teammates, "then let's all head to the mall and catch the end of the post-holiday sales."

There was major agreement from the squad and most of them left for the locker room to shower and change into their normal street clothes. Tara hung back and watched from the locker room door for a few seconds to make sure Bonnie was okay. When she was sure Kim, who was once again staring in wide-eyed disbelief at the osculatory affair, wouldn't explode or attack the raven-haired girl draped all over the blond boy, she slipped into the locker room.

Kim was of two minds and she didn't know why. On the one hand she was happy that it appeared that Bonnie was actually, truly changing her tune and was making nice with Ron. On the other hand, she wasn't the least bit happy that Bonnie was making nice with her best friend in that particular manner.

That was what confused her.

Kim knew her claim on the brown-eyed boy was nothing more than as a friend. They were best of friends so she should be happy that a girl, any girl, would take a liking to him since he lived up to his motto, 'Never Be Normal'. Maybe Bonnie becoming his girlfriend, which was what appeared to be rapidly happening, would be good for the both of them.

But that also meant that Kim would have to share Ron with another girl for the first time, and somehow that felt sick and wrong. A few questions suddenly popped into her mind. Did she actually have feelings for her goofy friend beyond the bonds of friendship? Were Kim's feelings only those of a very good friend or maybe even a sister for a brother or did they go beyond that? She had never thought of her blond friend as boyfriend material for any girl, but now...

OMG, was she...jealous?

Kim knew she hadn't dated much so she really didn't have a solid idea of what the difference was between friendship love, familial love (Kim merely tolerated her brothers but she truly loved her parents,) and love love. The sitch was swiftly escalating into virgin territory, in more ways than one, when Bonnie's hands slid inside the back of Ron's pants to grope his bare butt beneath his boxers as the kissing continued. Kim would need more time to figure this out, so...

"Bonnie," Kim interrupted by tapping on the brunette's shoulder, "you may want to back off a bit. Mr. Barkin or another teacher might enter the gym at any second. You were lucky Ron stepped up for you but you shouldn't press your luck."

"You're right, K," Bonnie sighed as she stepped away from Ron who was frozen, stunned from the lip and hand assault. His eyes were closed and lips still in full pucker mode as the school handbook silently fluttered from his limp grasp to the floor. "I suppose you'd like a better explanation as to what happened over the break than what I'd told you this morning."

"That would go a long way to explaining why you just assaulted my best friend with your lips," Kim harshed with a little more tweak to it than she'd intended.

"Just remember you called Ron your best friend and not something else," Bonnie almost laughed as she turned to make her way toward the locker room. "Why don't we take this someplace else where we can sit down and talk, and maybe have a little more privacy?"

"That suits me just fine," Kim said as she also turned to the locker room. "Wait right there, Ron, we'll be out in a few minutes." She looked back to the blond boy and saw that he hadn't moved. Ron was still standing there in his shocked state so she yelled the one thing that usually brought his mind back into sharp focus. "Ron! Head in the game!"

That still didn't wake him from his stupor so she was about to go back over to him and physically shake him out of his stunned state, but Bonnie just said, "Leave him be for now, K. He should come out of it by the time we're ready to leave."

Fifteen minutes later when Kim and Bonnie came out of the locker room, Ron was still standing there like a statue, his eyes still closed and lips in full pucker mode. "I think I fried what little brain cells he had, K," Bonnie lightly chuckled as she waved a hand in front of Ron's face to get his attention, to no effect.

"I know one sure way to wake him up," Kim smugly grinned. She casually leaned in to whisper in his ear and said with a straight face, "I guess we'll just have to leave without him. He'll just have to miss out on our trip to... Bueno Nacho."

Ron immediately came out of the trance with a huge goofy smile on his face. "Bueno Nacho!" he practically yelled. "What're we waiting for! The Nacos aren't getting any younger!"

At the same time, Rufus popped his head out of the cargo pants pocket and enthused, "Cheese! Yum!"

"Now we can go," Kim conceitedly grinned.


A/N: Just a quick FYI. The Happy Hooker is an actual bait shop in northern Wisconsin and I do have a hat and t-shirt from there that I wear often. I rotate between them and a few other caps and T's like the ones from Bullfrog Marina at Lake Powell in Utah, the Kum & Go gas station in Colorado and the Master Bait and Tackle shop in Florida. They are all real businesses and I have quite a unique collection of hats and t shirts. I should also state that I receive no compensation for mentioning these real life businesses in this fictitious story.