Lotza intense drama and a cute little friendship moment for Cat & Beck. I love them in this story.. I'm just saying. I do, a lot. They make me cry sometimes.

Cat turned around, a fake smile on her face, as she held the glass of champagne in her hand.

"Hello, Patrice. What are you doing here? Don't you live in… I don't know, Canada? Like… far, far away from here?"

"Funny." Patrice glared at her. "I'm here with my daddy, and I'll have you know, I moved to Nevada like a year ago."

"Well, that explains why I didn't run into you while I was there." Cat smirked, lifting the champagne to her lips, she drank some of it, not taking her eyes off her… well, sworn enemy.

"As for why I'm here… my father and your father are talking about making some sort of business deal with each other. I didn't really care about it, so I didn't pay much attention, but… well, here I am." Patrice watched as Cat finished her champagne, and then quickly switched it out for another one. "Should you really be drinking that?" She asked her, and then looked her up and down, "Or dressed like that?"

Cat shrugged, "I've decided that I don't give a shit."

"Wise words, Valentine." Patrice's face stayed neutral, which bothered Cat a bit, but she said nothing. "Oh, and I have a little surprise for you." She said, looking over Cat's shoulder; she saw someone behind her. "But I won't tell you what it is… just yet."

Cat just gave her a strange look, "Okay…good for you. I really don't want to know what it is anyway. Since most of your surprises turned out really, really bad." And with that, she turned around bumping into someone causing her drink to go all over her and the person. "Shit! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

Smooth move, idiot.

She rolled her eyes, ignoring the tears coming to her eyes over that, and looked up at who she'd run into.

Ohhh, well, that was an unexpected twist, now wasn't it?

Patrice just smiled behind her, "Surprise!" She said, and Cat looked her a moment before looking at the person in front of her.


It was Matt.

Her ex.

Beck was still kissing her intensely, as she kissed him back, her hands running up and down his arm, as he started to kiss her even deeper. She opened her eyes, and looked at him, as he just smiled that cute smile she loved so much at her. She rolled her eyes, and sat up a bit, forcing him to get off her.

"What—" She didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence as she'd attacked him—sort of. Since she was pregnant she knew she couldn't really tackle him too hard or she'd probably land on her stomach on the floor, so instead, she pushed herself forward, and attached her lips to his again, causing him to fall on his back, so that he feet were where the pillows were on the bed, her falling on top.

Though, he laughed at that, soon effectively ruining the moment.

"Nice improvising." He said, laughing at the expression on her face, as she looked confused.

"Wait, what?" She looked at him, her chin on his chest. "Who said I was improvising? If we fell to the ground, both of us… well, technically the three of us would've gotten seriously injured."

"Good point." He said, poking her side as she just rolled her eyes again and kissed him, lifting her body a bit so that his hands were on her waist. She felt him suddenly start to kiss her harder, and deeper, causing a shock to go through her body… a shock she was very familiar with.

But at the same time, she was still very content making out all night long. But knowing how horny Beck got—it probably wouldn't last too long.

He groaned against her mouth, lifting the ends of her shirt, and she broke the kiss for a moment, to pull it off. She leaned down to kiss him again, and he unhooked her strapless bra, throwing it off somewhere in the room. He put both his hands on them, feeling her press them into his hands, moaning in his mouth when he'd squeezed them. Then one of his hands traveled down to her stomach, to her sweats, where he applied pressure in her most sensitive spot.

Jade pulled away from him, and whispered his name in his ear, causing his body to move, and a "friend" to pop up. He kept doing what he was doing though so he could hear her say his name again.

Biting her lower lip, she moaned as his hand moved to the waistband again, and went in lower, until he was fully rubbing her.

She leaned forward and kissed him, her hand trailing down to the waistband of his jeans, but he shook his head. He didn't want anything, he just wanted her to feel something.

She smiled against his lips and kissed him deeper, as he pulled his hand out from her sweats, and just rest them on her waist, as she grinded her body against him.

"I love you, Beck." She whispered, pulling away from him to look him in the eyes for a moment. "I love you so much."

He smiled, "I love you too, babe. Probably a little more though."

"I doubt it, I think we love each other the same." She said, laughing when he realized what she was saying as she and Bentley always got into that argument.

"I'm not a four year old." He said, narrowing his eyes as she just looked surprised at what he'd said. He laughed and pulled him to her again, kissing her he flipped them so that she was on the bottom and he could stare at her. "You're so beautiful." He said, running his hands over her small bump. "Even though you're pregnant. You're always going to be beautiful."

"Thanks… that makes me feel so much better." This time there was no sarcasm in her words, she really and truly meant it.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, and then pulled him to her kissing him slowly and gently. He responded back, his eyes closed as they just lay there together, kissing and kissing. Happy and content with eachother and just enjoying the moment.

That was until his phone went off, causing him to jump off her so fast, he fell on the floor. Jade let out an annoyed groan and sat up, looking at him.

"What was that about?" She asked him and he just looked up at her.

"My phone scared the shit out of me." He then got up rubbing the back of his head, and pulled his phone from the beside table. "Wow, that's strange, it's a text from an unknown number."

"Does whoever that is know you're a complete klutz?"

He glared at her, "I highly doubt that." He opened the message, and his eyes widened as he quickly sat up, causing Jade to look concerned.


He looked more pissed off than anything else, concern and worry in his eyes, a pissed off look on his face.

Without saying anything, he picked up something random, and threw it against the wall, "Dammit!" He shouted, sitting abruptly down on the bed, he put his hands in his hand, and pulled on the end of his hair, trying his hardest to calm the hell down.

"Beck? What's wrong? What did the message say?"

He looked at her, and then back at the phone in his hand, he pressed the screen again, and it lit up. He showed her the message, her eyes widening at what she saw, almost not believing it. She looked in between him and the phone, now understanding why he'd reacted the way he did.

Hey, Beck. It's Patrice… I jacked Cat's phone and got your number. Anyway, Cat's like really drunk, I think you should come to her house and… I don't know calm her down or whatever. But up to you. Well, anyway, toodles! Xoxo.

Cat stumbled into the living room, her fourth cup of champagne in her hands, as she held onto the doorway, feeling a little sick, but not sick enough to actually puke.

You're doing so great! I'm so proud of you!

Sometimes she really wished it would just shut the fuck up.

She had left Matt and Patrice, and had literally ran off. It had been about thirty minutes since she'd seen them last, but now she was back in the same room as them.

Patrice still had that annoying as hell smirk on her face as she walked up to her, Matt behind her.

"What—what do you want?" Cat demanded, "You've ruined my life enough in the past, don't you think?"

"Sure, sure." Patrice waved her off, just as Cat's grandmother (the one who hated her) walked up to her.

"My, my, my!" Cat just angrily glared at her. "Where have you been all night?"

"Uh, around. What's it to you?" She demanded, taking a sip of her champagne. "I never thought you really cared."

"I could care less, you're right." Those words, for some reason hurt her, even though she really should've been used to them by now. "But really, I'm just curious as to why you're drinking when you're well, underage."

Her voice was so condescending, it made Cat even more pissed off.

"You better watch what you say." Cat said, speaking low and raspy, her normal warning voice. "Or shit will happen."

"What worse could happen? You already know I don't approve of you at all."

"I'm well aware since your dumbass thinks I'm a murderer, but as it turns out, I'm not."

"Oh?" Her grandmother just gave her the meanest look she'd ever seen—which was saying a lot since she'd seen some pretty mean ones before. "How so?"

"I found a box my dear old father had in the attic about three years ago. Turns out she wanted to kill herself, because… well, she had problems. Most of them similar to mine."

"Oh? You have problems? Do tell."

She smirked as she lowered her glass of champagne. "Here's the thing, I don't have to tell you shit." And with that, she finished drinking her drink and looked at it. "Whoops, looks like I need another! Excuse me, won't you?" And with that, she pushed past her, leaving Patrice, her grandmother, and Matt behind.

Well, that was until Patrice followed her. God, she was so annoying. Couldn't she take a fucking hint.

"Excellent display of respecting your elders, there Valentine. That's such a good example to set for your son, isn't it?"

"Why don't you just shut the fuck up?" Cat snapped, turning and facing her. "You've made my life miserable my whole life. I've had enough."

"Oh yeah? So what are you going to do? Your dumbass is getting drunk." She smiled a triumphant one, "And I just texted your boyfriend to let him know."

Her eyes widened, "You what?" She yelled, causing everyone to stop what they were doing, and look at her. But she paid no mind to them. "You texted Robbie?"

She made a face, "Who the hell is Robbie?"

"He's my boyfriend!" Cat slammed the glass of champagne down on the table ignoring as it splashed everywhere and put her hands in her hair, pulling it. "Oh my god, shit, shit, shit. I can't believe you did that!"

"Wait, you're dating someone named Robbie?" Matt asked, coming up to her, "I thought… I thought you were dating a Bart… or Bobby? That's who you said you were going to see when you left a few months ago. Your like first love or whatever."

Cat narrowed her eyes, her freak out stopping, "His name is Beck. And no, we're not dating anymore. He's engaged."

There were a few words said in the crowd that had gathered around her, but she paid no mind to them, learning in treatment that it was just best to ignore things said to or about her that were hurtful.

"Well, that's awkward." Patrice smirked, "I texted Beck, not Robbie."

"That's even worse! Oh my god! Now he's never going to let me see Bentley… ever! What the fuck! Are you just trying to ruin my life? Haven't I suffered enough abuse from you?" She then turned to her "family" that was in front of her, "And all of you as well? Don't I get enough shit from you guys?"

"Not really." Patrice said, playing with her fingers. "I just love to see you freak out and go crazy."

Cat put her hands in her hair again. She didn't know what to do. Her eyes then caught the glass of champagne next to her, and she picked it up.

"You better not do what I think you're going to do," Her father pushed to the front of the crowd. "Because if you do… it's all over."

Cat's eyes suddenly narrowed, and she smirked, still holding the glass of champagne, she walked up to him. "Oh, do tell, daddy. What will be over? You already kicked me out of here—if I do recall, for two years. What more could you do to damage me than what you already have?" Her eyes caught her stepmother's, "Oh and what about the daughter you never speak to… you know the one who could probably use a mother right now more than anything? At least then she'd have something, I never did."

She then turned to her mother's parents, who were standing beside him, her grandmother about to say something, but she stopped her, holding her hand up.

"Do you all want to know why… I'm the way I am?" She didn't want for anyone to say anything and just continued. "Unlike, Patrice here, I'm not an attention whore. Contrary to what you all believe, I'm not it at all. In fact…" She smirked as her dad's eyes widened. "I'm a recovery bipolar, schizophrenic drug and alcohol addict."

Everyone's eyes widened at that, including her grandmother and grandfather's. "My best friend, you know, Patrice… Beck, the one boy you couldn't have no matter how damn hard you tried or how desperate you were, sent me away to get treatment for my problems." She then laughed humorlessly and shook her head, looking down, "oh and here's the best part…" She said, looking back up. "I have a four year old son. How fucking insane is that?" She said, her voice louder as she threw her hands in the air, the drink falling in her hair a bit, before she put them back down again. "Yeah, not so perfect am I? But… I think you all already knew that."

Her violet eyes darkened as she walked past her father, "Sorry to ruin your party, but you ruined my life. You deserved this." And with that, she pushed past him, laughing as she did and walked outside. She sat down on the front steps continued to drink her champagne, feeling a bit lightheaded and even sicker than she already was.

Patrice and Matt came out soon afterwards; she jumped up and almost manically laughed as she spread her arms apart. "See? Matt. Now you and everyone in there knows the damn truth! I'm crazy! Isn't that just fantastic? And now, because of Patrice, I'm never going to ever see my son ever again. Not like it matters though, he hates me. I'm not really his mother, according to him."

"Is that why you're drinking and throwing everything away?" Matt yelled at her, "All that treatment you went through and you're just throwing it away?"

"Yeah." Cat looked directly at him. "Not like it matters, my son fucking hates me."

"I don't think that's true." They heard another voice enter the conversation, both Patrice and Matt looked up as Cat turned around, only to see Beck and Jade standing there, a disapproving look on both their faces. It wasn't too long before Robbie, Tori and Andre joined them, all three of them looking concerned and pissed off.

What probably shocked Cat the most was that Bentley wasn't with them. Or at least she thought he wasn't.

Are you going to let them talk you out of what you think? It's probably true. Your son hates you, I think it's time you accept it.

"SHUT UP!" Cat nearly screamed, "Just shut up!" She grabbed her head, the unfinished drink falling the ground and shattering into a million pieces. Robbie looked down at it, and then back at her, before looking at Beck.

Beck was the only other person who'd seen this before. He knew what was going on. He knew just how to handle her and the situation. But he wasn't about to say anything quite yet.

"Why are you doing this?" Tori asked her, "Why are getting drunk?"

Cat suddenly stopped holding her head, and turned to Patrice, "See what you did? You made all my friends upset." She walked up to her and got in her face. "Does that make you happy?" She yelled at her, "Does it make you happy that everyone hates me now?"

Beck quickly walked up to her and pulled her away from Patrice who looked like she was about to cry. He held her, as she tried to fight against him.

"Let me go Beck! Just let me go! You didn't have a problem with it before!" She squirmed and pushed against him, but he wasn't loosening the tight hold he had on her. "Let me fucking go!"

"No!" He yelled at her, "You need to calm down!"

She stopped moving against him for a minute, and smirked, he looked at her, and noticed she… she wasn't like herself at all. It was like a whole other person had taken over her body and she had just left. "You know exactly what will calm me down."

He then abruptly let her go. "Tell your boyfriend to do it then."

Her eyes widened, but then soon narrowed as she looked at Robbie, motioning for him to come towards her. He did, somewhat warily and stood in front of her.

"What's she talking about?" Jade asked Tori as Robbie walked to Cat.

"I don't know. But… it's like she's not even there, like someone took over her body or something."

Jade watched Beck, who was breathing heavily as he ran his fingers through his hair, and looked away from Cat and Robbie.

Cat just smirked and looking at everyone, pulled Robbie to her and kissed him hard and deep on the mouth, pulling him to her, she put his hands on her waist and kissed him more intensely, until she pulled away, and stepped away from him.

"What? Too much for you?" Cat asked, as Robbie just looked surprised, he looked at Beck.

"You have to kiss her." He said, "For some reason whenever she had an episode like this, I'd kiss her and she'd relax. So I suggest you kiss her like you mean it."

"Does alcohol make you horny as shit or what? What's going on?" Andre asked Cat as she just shrugged.

"She's drunk, but not only that… she's having a damn episode!" Beck cried, pushing past them and to Cat. "I thought you changed, I thought you were keeping up with your medication and doing well, what the fuck changed?"

"I don't know. Maybe when I almost killed my son, and it was all because of the medication! Maybe that's what made me stop taking them!"

You should go… like upstairs to your room. And kill yourself, because after that, I doubt any of them will want to talk to you ever again.

So, she did just that. Before any of them could say anything to her, she turned around and ran up the stairs to her room, slamming the door shut, she locked it and leaned against it. Breathing heavily, she searched for the pills she was looking for, finding them along with her bag of coke and abruptly opened the door. She slammed the door to her bathroom shut—but since her father caught her cutting herself not too long ago, he did the first parental thing for her and took out the lock so she couldn't lock it ever again.

She then realized in her teary state that she couldn't pop open the lid. She tried and tried and tried but nothing was working. The door then opened and Beck, Robbie, Jade, and Tori walked in. Jade immediately ran over to her, and tried to grab the pills from her, but she was moving around so fast it was impossible.

Jade's eyes found the bag of coke, and her eyes widened. "What the hell is this?" She demanded, as Cat fought to get it, but Jade already took it, handing it to Tori.

"Tori, call 911!" Beck yelled at her and she nodded as he Jade finally grabbed the bottle, and tried to pull it away from her. Cat was still holding onto it and fighting against her, as Robbie wrapped his arms around her waist—Beck doing the same with Jade—and pulled them apart. Cat's arms still moved around wildly as she kicked and screamed against him. Jade then watched, holding the bottle of pills against her chest, Beck's arms still around her, as Cat started to calm down, crying as Robbie held her, running his fingers through her hair. She was clutching his shirt and sobbing hard, as he sat on the ground, her body curled up in his lap.

He looked up at Beck and Jade who just shook their heads and looked at each other. He rubbed her arms up and down, "You okay?"

Jade was a bit shaken up, but otherwise, she was fine, "Yeah, how about you?"

"I'm fine. I've been—I've…" He trailed off, biting his lip as tears came to his eyes, seeing his best friend and the mother of his child so broken like she was.

"It's okay to cry." Jade whispered, tears coming to her own eyes. "You don't have to hold it in, it's not good for you."

Beck shook his head, and hid his head in her neck, crying softly. Jade cried too as he rubbed his back, trying to comfort him, the best she could.

Tori, Andre, and Matt watched from the sidelines tears in their eyes as well. They'd seen Cat have an episode before, but this—this was nothing compared to what they've seen before. In fact, Beck was the only one who'd witnessed one a bit worse then the one she'd just had. It hurt him to see what she was doing to herself—to her life.

Robbie kept rubbing Cat as she held onto him tighter. "I want Beck." She whimpered, looking up at him, "Please?"

Robbie knew she just wanted him because he was there for every other episode she'd had, but he wasn't sure if Beck was in the right state for it.

"Robbie, please?" She begged him, "Give me Beck." She started to cry as Robbie shook his head. "Please….please…I don't want him to hate me."

"He doesn't hate you."

"Yes…he does." And that caused her to cry even harder than she already was, almost to the point where she couldn't breathe. Beck looked up from Jade's neck, tear stains on his cheeks, as he looked at Cat and Robbie. Robbie had tears in his eyes—having been able to stay strong as long as he did—and mouthed that she wanted him.

He nodded, and slowly detached himself from Jade, while Robbie moved to the side a little. Cat curled up against the wall, hitting her hand against it, as she stared at it.

"Courtney…" Beck whispered, running his fingers through her hair. "It's okay… please come back. Tell me you love me and that I'm your best friend in the whole world. Because I love you and you're my best friend in the whole world." He paused, "I don't hate you. I promise."

She shook her head.


Don't do it.

He sat down, tears still streaming down his face, as he put her on his lap—gently—and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against him. "Please Cat? Do it for me. Do it for… yourself." He paused, whispering the last part in her ear, so only she could hear it. "Do it for Bentley."

Don't do it. You'll be making a big mistake.

Everyone watched as she just stared at the wall, emotionless. Her hand still against it, as Beck held her like she was a child. Tori was breathing heavily, watching to see what she'd do, while Andre just stared straight ahead. Matt was watching in disbelief as he didn't know she was as sick as she was, and Jade had put the pill bottle on the counter, watching them as well, a bit incredulous as Cat had seemed to calm down. Robbie watched from right next to them to see what she'd do.

And Beck… he was just waiting. Like he always did. Usually talking to her calmed her down enough that she'd be a bit more relaxed. Her therapist in Canada had suggested he'd do it if she ever had another episode again.

Finally, she turned to Beck, biting her bottom lip, she threw her arms around him and cried as he held her. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She whimpered against his neck.

"It's okay." He whispered, rocking her back and forth, "I got you…" He looked up at the EMTs who'd shown up just then. "I got you. I'm not going anywhere." He whispered into her hair, kissing it softly as she just held him tighter, scared to let him go.

And Robbie watched, so many emotions going through him as he realized that Cat wasn't in love with Beck. No… she just needed him, since he'd been there her whole life, he knew her best. And as it turned out, he had nothing to be jealous about. Their friendship was strong enough to take on anything; that he knew. And that he could more than respect.

And as Cat calmed down, and the EMTs helped her into the gurney, he realized how in love he was with her. And how from now on, he'd make sure she knew it.

Beck slowly got up and walked over to Jade who immediately held him against her. She cried, mostly because she'd been able to more or less keep it inside, but now she had to let it out, and Beck was the one who she wanted to be with when she did.

"I love you, I love you." She whispered over and over as Beck held her. She kept crying though, as Beck just rubbed her back trying to calm her down. She'd never seen Cat like that, and to see her… so upset, made her burst. It was almost like it wasn't Cat that had had the episode, it was Jade.

"I love you too." Beck whispered, and kissed her head. "I love you so much."

Tori and Andre meanwhile, were just standing there, unsure of what to do, as Robbie followed the EMTs and Jade and Beck were holding each other.

Tori played with the bag of coke in her hands, unable to believe, she actually had it this whole time.

"You okay?" Andre asked her, and she shrugged, she bit her lip, looking like she was about to cry. "Come here," He said and she nodded going over to him, she cried against his chest.

It was all so hard for them to see something they weren't used to. It was really scary and really… just emotional.

And they all hoped with everything in them—that Cat would be okay.

She opened her eyes, at first everything was blurry, but then it came into focus. She groaned, and looked over to her right where she saw Robbie was sitting in the chair, holding her hand, fast asleep. She moved her hand from his, and he immediately woke up.

"You're awake." He smiled at her, "How are you feeling?"

"Sleepy." She looked around, "How long was I out for?"

"Yeah, the sedative, it's wearing off. And about a day." He said, and grabbed her hand again, going over to stand next to her. "Are you okay?"

She swallowed, her throat feeling scratchy and on fire, her voice coming out raspier than normal. "What happened?"

"You… uhm, had an episode, and… tried to kill yourself."

"Why does my throat hurt so badly?" She asked him, sitting up her head felt lightheaded. "What's going on?"

"It's probably from all the crying you did and when they pumped your stomach." He sighed, "It was really scary, Cat. It was almost like it wasn't you that was there, it was like there was someone…else."

She looked up at him, "Really?"

He nodded, "But then Beck talked you down from it."

Her eyes widened, "Beck… Bentley… where are they? Do they hate me?"

He shook his head, "Not even close."

She was about to say something when the door opened and her doctor came in, Beck behind her, holding a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Alright…Courtney Valentine," She read on the clipboard.

"Just Cat is fine." She said, and her doctor nodded, smiling.

"Cat it is. How are you feeling?"

"Sleepy, tired, confused. My throat hurts like… a lot."

"Well, we'll get you something for that, but how do you feel…" She motioned to her head, "Up here?"

Cat then did something really adorable that even made Beck and Robbie laugh a bit, despite how serious the situation was. She looked up at her head, and then at the ceiling, before looking back down again, confused. "Fine."

"No voices?"

She shook her head, doing it again, "Nope."

"Well, good. It means the medication we prescribed for you is working."

"Wait, medication? What medication? I thought the one I had before was doing just fine."

"Well, since we heard you hadn't been taking them… we made the dosage just a bit higher. You're completely under that right now and it seems to be working just fine."

She handed her a prescription, which she handed to Robbie. "You are to take that three times a day. No excuses."

Cat nodded, "Okay."

"And when you feel like an episode is coming… come here immediately, don't let it happen, understand?"

Cat nodded again.

"Very good, but uhm… now there's something a bit more serious that we have to talk about."

Cat swallowed hard, ignoring the pain in her throat. "Okay, what is it?"

"Well, we've noticed that you haven't gotten really much better since you went away for treatment. And of course, returning can cause all kinds of stress and worry." She paused as Cat looked at Beck and Robbie.

"So what does this mean?" A look of realization soon passed over her, she looked at Beck, who more or less stared intently at her, and Robbie just squeezed her hand. She shook her head, tears immediately coming to her eyes. "No… no… you cant send me away again! Please… please don't send me away!" She begged with her eyes, and Robbie bit his lip to keep from crying.

"Cat—" Beck began, stepping forward, "You need the help."

"No! No!" Cat shouted, "I can't leave! I have to finish high school… I have to—I have to be in Bentley's life… I have a son!" She turned to her doctor, "You can't take me away from him… please, don't take me away from him."

She put her head in her hands and broke down, as Robbie tried to comfort her, but she pulled away from him.

"Sweetie, you had an episode, a very bad one if I'm hearing correctly and you drank alcohol. You had an addiction you were trying to get over, yet something provoked you to drink…and then you tried to commit suicide. You need the help."

"I don't want to be sent away…" Cat whimpered, "isn't there anything else I can do? Like… go to counseling everyday, or…group counseling…anything? Please..." She whispered, "I'm begging you not to send me away."

"Also…" Beck began, "We know about the coke, if you remember you had it in her hands in the bathroom. Why did you have coke?"

"An old…friend gave it to me, when we got into our huge fight," She whispered, "But I wasn't going do anything with it, I swear."

"Then why did you have it with you in the bathroom?" Robbie asked her, gently as he didn't want to provoke any reaction from her. "You knew you couldn't have it, yet you did."

"I don't know. I just… I was feeling so… lousy and the voices—they told me to kill myself, so I figured the pills with the coke would do it just fine. And it was a mistake, okay? A huge, huge mistake."

"And that's why you have to go away again." Beck said, taking her hands in his, "To make sure you're okay. We're doing this to help you."

"But… I only have a few more months left of high school… can I please, please just do it here? Please? I don't want to leave Bentley… Beck, think if you were in my position, what would you do?" The way Cat spoke to him, with tears in her eyes… just made his heart break.

"I'd do what was best for me…" He blinked as he soon realized something. "But I think that if she wants to stay here… she should." She looked surprised as he looked at the doctor. "Look, Doc. I know she needs the help, but she's right. She's got a son here, she can't leave him again."

Robbie nodded, holding her hand tight. "I agree."

The doctor smiled, "Alright, well, I'll see what I can do. For now, Cat, you have to stay overnight just to be sure everything's okay before we send you home tomorrow okay? And take it easy." With one last smile, she was out of the door.

And all Cat did was let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.

"Thanks, Beck." She whispered, and Beck gave her a soft smile.

"You're welcome."

"Hello." A woman smiled warmly at her as she took a seat in the chair. It was later that day, and her doctor had told she needed to speak to the therapist in the hospital. "I'm Betty and you must be Courtney."

"Or you can just call me, Cat." She whispered in a quiet voice, playing with her fingers and looking away.

"Well, alright, Cat. Tell me, why are you here?"

She said nothing, but soon looked at her, "I uhm had an episode yesterday. And uhm.. I tried to kill myself." She spoke after a few minutes.

"And do you know why all this happened?" She nodded.

"I wasn't taking my medication."

"And what else?"

"My son.. he uhm... said some things."

Betty smiled at her, "Okay, so let's go back for a minute, okay?" She nodded, "You said you have a son?" She nodded again. "Tell me a bit about him."

"Uhm, okay." A small smile spread across her face. "Well, okay. He's four years old, his name is Bentley. And he's... really cute and fun to hang out with. He loves to watch The Lion King, like me and color outside the lines and animals in different colors like me..." She then trailed off, unsure of what else to say, as she really didn't have much.

"Anything else?"

Cat shook her head, her mouth slightly open in shock. "I...I honestly don't know him that well. I left when he was just two years old. Or almost two."

"And why's that?" Betty asked as she wrote some things down.

"Because I left to get help for my problems, to treatment."

"So he doesn't know you very well either, does he?" She shook her head, her tight ponytail swinging back and forth behind her. The nurses felt that if she had her hair down, she'd be more likely to pull on it, so they put it back in what felt like the tightest ponytail ever.

"I want to get to know him, I want to be his mother, because that's who I am. But it's so difficult." Her eyes watered as she spoke. "All my problems... it's just too much. And yesterday I was pushed over the edge, and at my dad's party I stupidly decided to have some alcohol to help me cope with it."

"Okay, now let me ask you this." Betty said, "if you had all these problems, with what I've what read here, issues with drugs, i.e. coke, meth, etc, and alcohol why on earth would your father have alcohol? Especially with a recovering addict attending?"

Cat shrugged, "He never really cared about me. He had me young, or really my mother did. But she died soon after my birth and he blames me for it. He says it's all my fault when it's really not. She committed suicide, I know for a fact that she did. But my whole life, I was the one to blame."

"You don't have to explain anything to me, sweetie. I know you're not to blame, trust me. I'm here to help you, not go against you. I'm your advocate."

Cat nodded, "Thank you." She whispered.

"Okay, now tell me a little bit about you, what are your interests, your goals, your friends like, do you have a boyfriend, what's he like, things like that."

"Uhm, well, I'm almost 17 years old. My birthday's in a couple of weeks actually. I'm a singer, actor, and dancer. I also write music in my spare time and play the piano, guitar, and drums. Uhm... I go to Hollywood Arts, a performing arts high school, and I eventually want to move to New York City and go to NYU or Julliard. I really love photography and am I always taking pictures of things. Uhm, my best friend ever, in the world, his name is Beck. We've known each other our whole lives... we grew up together in Canada, and for about four years, dated until I went to treatment. He's Bentley's father, by the way. And now he's engaged to an amazing woman, her name is Jade. She's my stepsister and my best friend as well, I love her to death. Tori and Andre are also two of my close, best friends. Andre is a music prodigy, I swear, he can play any instrument and write any song. Tori is a really good singer and so nice and so genuine. And there's Robbie." A smile came on her face, "He's my boyfriend and I love him to death. He's been there for me since I got back and... I don't know. I feel like with all the hell I've put him through, I don't deserve him, but he loves me. He truly and really does... and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend then him. I also have more close friends back home who are amazing as well. But we unfortunately don't talk that much anymore."

She nodded, writing all of what she'd said down as fast as she could. "Very good, very good." She smiled, "And have you told any of them anything about what happened while you were away?" She shook her head. "Well, maybe you should. Start off with one of them and then gradually go on from there."

"I'm afraid to." Cat whispered, "What if they judge me."

"They won't. After how they helped you last night, I'd say they're pretty much going to be there for you no matter what. No judgement included." She paused staring at the distraught girl in front of her. "Tell you what, why don't start with..." She looked down on her clipboard of paper. "Start with Beck, since he's your best friend and from what I can tell, knows you the best. Tell him what happened."

She slowly nodded her head, but still looked a bit wary.

"It's best you do this, Cat. Get it out, otherwise it's going to stay in and hurt you in the long run. Tell Beck everything and I mean everything, and then when you're ready... tell everyone else. Because sooner or later, they're going to ask, and they're going to want to know. So I think that when they do, you should just let it all out."

Cat nodded, shaking a bit, but forcing herself to calm down and relax. "Okay," She whispered. "I'll do it."

A day later, Cat was released from the hospital and was just laying in her bed, surprisingly Beck was the one who was beside her.

She laid on her side and faced him, her head up with one hand, while the other was playing with her necklace.

"Thanks for staying here with me. It means so much to me."

He looked down and nodded, he stopped her fingers from playing with her hands, and looked at her, "I was so scared you were going to do something," He whispered, "I mean… I don't know how… how I could've dealt with things if you had…" He trailed off, not wanting to say the word.

"I know." She felt tears come to her eyes, "I'm so sorry that happened… I didn't mean to… to scare anyone. Especially you, Tori, Andre, Jade, and Robbie. I was just… I honestly wasn't sure what was going on and it scared me… that I was reacting to things the way I was."

"What happened?" Beck decided it was just best to come out with it and ask her.

"What Bentley said to me… got to me, and then… I guess the party and Patrice being back… it was all—"

"A trigger." Beck finished. Cat looked up surprised that he knew the word. "Everything was a trigger for you in your mind because of all the stress."

"Yeah and I wasn't uhm, taking my medication so that probably had a little—or a lot," She said when he gave her a look, "to do with it."

"And tell me again, why weren't you taking it?"

"Because I was tired of feeling like I had to rely on them. I almost killed Bentley because of the meds. It was like they were working against me not for me, at least that what it felt like in my mind. You don't know what it's like, Beck. To go through your whole life, not knowing who you are. And then finding out a few years later, that you're mentally sick." A tear slipped down her cheek, and Beck wiped it away. "And the only way to deal with it is to take medication and intensive counseling. I didn't want to be like that… I don't want to have to take medication to feel like I needed to function. I wanted to see what it could be like without them. To see if I could work around my problems and just be… me."

"But obviously found out, you couldn't right? That… your medication is what helped you and made it so you didn't completely lose yourself."

She nodded, closing her eyes as he rested his hand against her cheek, rubbing it gently and laying on his side to face her.

"My life… it's just a messed up, crazy ride and at that time, I just couldn't deal with it anymore, you know?"

Beck nodded, "I hear you, but I have another question." She looked at him, "Can you tell me exactly what happened while you were away… everything? Because I'm still kind of not sure and fuzzy about it all."

She bit her lip, and tried to relax her fast beating heart.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

He was right, she didn't. But then again, Betty was right as well. She had to tell them sooner or later.

"No, it's okay. I'm ready." She spoke, confidently or as confidently as she could anyway.

She kept her eyes closed and took a deep breath, opening them to reveal the violet eyes he'd grown up knowing his whole life. Those eyes that made him sure his best friend was still in there somewhere.

And as she told him the story, he began to realize he was slowly getting her back.

Okay, so to clarify because I'm too lazy to write it in. Beck and Jade called Andre, Robbie and Tori and told them what was going on, so that's why they were there when Beck confronted Cat. And Matt will be explained in the next chapter because everyone is going to see what Cat's life was like while she was away. Yayyy!

And Beck and Jade cuteness coming as well, probably the chapter after that. I have something majorly adorable planned for them. Like, you'll smile and/or cry it's so cute.