Author's Note: Mkay, here's the last chapter! :D I accidentally put "one shot" on the last chapter, so just ignore that! Haha, enjoy! :)

Toronto University Dorm; 8:21 pm.

I dabbed some lip gloss on my freshly softened lips as I hovered over the tiny compact mirror that I had placed on my desk.

"Come on, we're going to be late!" Fiona wailed from my bed. I turned to her and smiled.

"Okay, I'm ready." I told her, walking over to grab my bag.

"You look amazing." Fiona said. I smiled and looked down at my denim skinny jeans, my red long sleeved shirt which showed a fair amount of cleavage, and some red fur boots that stopped right at my ankles.

"Thanks." I chirped, throwing my black bag over my shoulder.

Fiona opened the door and quickly walked out, heading for Drew's dorm where the party was taking place.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" I asked, running lightly to keep up with her.

"I have a date at the party waiting for me." she said, stepping aside. We both walked in and I quickly spotted Jose slurping a body shot off of Rana Hartman. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

Bianca ran up to me and pushed me playfully.

"Finally you're here! Now we can get this party started." she said, grinning.

I looked back over at Jose who was now laying across the little bar table, Selena and Rana trailing kisses all over him.

All of them were laughing; fooling around in front of everyone. It angered me.

"It looks like the party already started." I mumbled, sitting down on Drew's small twin sized bed. Bianca looked over at Jose and then sat down next to me.

"I don't know what you expect. Jose is a boy. He's doing boy things. He's not in a relationship, he's not-

Bianca kept going on and on while I did as I always did and drowned her out, focusing on the Drake song playing.

"...and I'm really horny right now." I heard Bianca say. I looked at her confusedly, not sure of anything she had just said.

Katie turned the music down and walked over to Drew, who had just started talking.

"Dudes, come over here and sit on these beanbags so we can start the games." Drew said; his arm around Katie's waist.

Everyone walked over and sat on the beanbags, forming a circle.

My seat was directly across from Jose's, where he sat in between Selena and Rana.

"So, Jose. What's the first game on the list?" Mo asked. Jose thought for a sec and smiled.

"Truth or dare." he said slowly. Everyone exchanged soft giggles and then it was quiet again.

"Hmmmm... Drew, truth or dare?" Jose asked. Drew looked at Katie and laughed.

"Truth." he said quickly.

"Pussy." Jose muttered. "How many times have you and Katie had sex?"

Everyone looked around at each other as Katie's face turned a light pink. Drew cleared his throat.

"Uh... we never had sex." Drew said quietly. Most of the party started to chuckle but I just sat there, noticing how embarrassed Katie and Drew were. Jose is such an asshole...

"Drew, your turn."Jose said after he contained his laughter.

"Bianca, truth or dare." Drew asked. Bianca smiled smugly.

"Dare, of course." she answered.

"I dare you to take off your shirt and stay in your bra for the rest of the night." He said. Katie hit his arm.

"Drew!" she squealed.

"Come on, bro!" Jose said, frowning. Bianca only remained smirking lightly.

"A dare is a dare." she said, ripping her shirt off exposing her pink, thin cupped bra. Jose turned his head away and groaned.

"Imogen, truth or dare?" Bianca asked. I looked at her and I could see the look in her eyes. She was practically begging me to pick dare.

"Uh...dare?" I said reluctantly. She smiled her devilish smile and her eyes darted over to Jose.

"I dare you... to do a two minute lap dance on Jose." she said, giggling slightly.

Jose chuckled, looking over at his sister. He then stood up and reached for my hand. I quickly stole a glance at Selena and Rana's faces and I could see the pure jealousy written all over them.

"Well, you comin?" Jose asked after a minute. I snapped back to reality and grabbed his hand, standing up.

Katie walked over to turn the music up as Drew sat a chair in the middle of the circle.

Jose sat in the chair and grinned, waiting for me to make a move. I slowly and nervously walked over to Jose and stood behind him, snaking my arms around his neck.

I dipped down; my hair swinging backwards. I inched my face to his cheek, pecking it lightly. I could feel him shiver under my touch.

Everyone made their hooting noises, laughing and making perverted jokes.

I walked in front of Jose and dropped to the floor, bouncing up and down directly in front of him. His smile never dared to leave his face.

I then stood up and straddled Jose, keeping the tension building. He gripped my hips as I started to dance on him.

Surely, his hands started to roam other places and it was almost exactly like my dream. I tried to hold in the blush that was desperately trying to come out.

Just as it was getting good, Bianca cut off the music; all eyes turning to her.

"Timmmessss uppppp!" she sang, walking back over to sit down.

I got up off of Jose and smiled at him as his tan face reddened. I then sat back on the beanbag, hearing the whispers of everyone at the party.

I couldn't help but laugh at the angry faces of Rana and Selena. Jose sat back in between them and they immediately started going gaga over him, which he seemed to not pay much attention to.

"Your turn, Imogen." Bianca said. I nodded and looked over at Mo.

"Mo, truth or dare?" I asked. He put his hand on his chin, pretending to think.

"Ya see, if I choose truth, you might ask me something very personal in which I'd feel pressured to admit. Buttttt, if I was to choose dare, you could give me something completely humiliating and degrading in which I'd never be able to live it down. Baby, hit me with a dare!" He said, causing all of us to laugh.

"Okay, I dare you to moon all of us!" I said excitedly.

"Grosssss!" Fiona said, laughing. Mo stood up and turned around, pulling his cargo pants down and exposing his bare ass.

All of the boys exchanged their disgusted groans as the rest of us laughed until we couldn't breathe.

After another half hour and Truth or Dare, it was time to switch games. Jose pulled the bottle out of his bag and placed it in the middle of the circle.

"Who's spinning first?" He asked, looking at all of our faces.

"I will!" Selena said, grabbing the bottom of the bottle and spinning it. It spun around for a minute until it finally landed on Mo. She scrunched her face in disgust.

"Pucker up, princess." he said, making kissing noises at her. She closed her eyes and slowly inched closer to him, pecking his lips and pulling away quickly.

"I'll go next, I guess." Katie said, scooting to the bottle and spinning it. It finally landed on a boy named Jaden. Drew groaned as Katie crawled over and pecked the boy lightly.

"Now it's time for papa to make his move." Jose said, spinning the bottle.

Surprisingly, the bottle landed on Drew. All of us gasped and I couldn't help but laugh. Jose and Drew's faces were priceless.

"Isn't there a rule where if it lands on the same sex, then-

"Nope!" Bianca screamed, interrupting Jose. "Kiss Drew."

Drew and Jose continued to try to talk their way out of it, but we wouldn't let them.

Jose sighed angrily and looked at Drew as if he was going to kill him.

"This never leaves these walls. Oh, and make it quick. Really quick." Jose said, his face full of utter disgust.

"You can count on that, bro." Drew said, the same look on his face.

Drew crawled over to Jose and quickly pecked him; both of them wiping their lips off dramatically.

"Awwww fuck, I can't believe I just did that!" Drew screamed, crawling back over to Katie. She gave him a long kiss and smiled.

"Alll better." she said softly. He still continued to frown, as did Jose.

"My turn." I said, grabbing the bottle and spinning it.

It continued to spin for a while until it finally landed on Jose. I couldn't contain my excitement as the bottle stopped in front of him.

I took and deep breath and crawled over to him, grabbing his face.

I slammed my lips against his, capturing them in quick, hungry kisses. I could hear the responses from everyone, how surprised and amused they were; but I didn't care.

Jose wrapped his arms around my waist, deepening the kiss. After a few minutes of making out, I pulled away to catch my breath. Everyone was looking at us, different looks on all of their faces.

"Okay you two, parties over." Bianca laughed, flipping her hair. I looked between Jose's eyes and shook my head, smirking.
"Nah, I don't think so. I think the party has just begun." I said, standing up and grabbing Jose's hand. He smiled and stood up, following after me as I exited the room.

As soon as we were out of everyone's sight, he pushed me against the wall, bringing his lips back to mine.

They were rough and wet, but the only thing that was going through my mind was the fact that I was here kissing Jose DeSousa. I honestly couldn't picture anything better.

Jose lifted my leg and started to push himself into me, causing me to moan lightly.

"Should we go to my room?" I breathed. He kissed my neck and shook his head, pulling away to look at me.

"I can't just leave my own party." he said, smiling lightly. I looked back toward the door and then back at him.

"Why can't you?" I smirked, grabbing his hand and pulling him down the hallway to my dorm room.

"Nastyyy girl." he joked as we stopped in front of my door.

"You haven't seen anything yet." I whispered seductively, unlocking the door and pulling him inside.

Toronto University Dorm; 12:17 am

I lay next to Jose as we had just finished having sex hours before. Both of us were breathing heavily and a nice, cold shower was the first thing that was on my mind.

I looked up at Jose and kissed his cheek, my breathing coming back to normal.

"That was fun!" He said, laughing. I nodded and swallowed, taking in the knowledge of what we had just done.

"Yeah, it was." I said, sitting up to face him. I didn't even realize it, but I was frowning.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head slightly.

"Nothing, it's just... I'm not like Rana or Selena or any of those other girls you have sex with. I actually like you... like, really like you to be honest." I said, biting my lip.

Jose grabbed my hand and smiled one of the most genuine smiles I've ever seen on him.

"I know you're not like them. You're much more special. I like you too, and I'm glad to hear that you'd even waste your time on a guy like me." he said, smoothing circles on my hand.

"On a guy like you? You mean a cute, funny, amazing guy like you?" I asked, snuggling into his side.

"No, I mean I guy who sleeps around and goofs off all of the time." he said. I could sense that he was being serious.

"Jose, you are one of the most amazing guys I've ever met. Don't ever let anyone tell you differently." I said softly.

Jose dipped his head down to kiss me again, and this time it wasn't that same rough, hungry kiss. It was sweet, and gentle. It was beautiful.

"Imogen, what do you say I take you out tomorrow? Show you just how amazing I can truly be." he said. I smiled to myself and sighed happily.

"Yes; a Million times yes." I said, giggling like a Two-year-old.

We both laughed and remained contently in each others arms for the rest of the night.

Author's Note: kayy I'm done! Lol that was kinda awkward... but I surely did laugh in the process :P leave reviews and tell me what you think? I'd love you forever ;)

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