Title: Crash

Chapter: 4

Author: SomethingIDontknow

Rating: K+ (This is just designed to be cute. Be happy.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, that's Hasbro's. Luckies.

Author's Note: Been a while, yeah? I'd love to sit and complain about why I couldn't update anything, but that's all just excuses and I'm here now, right? Right. So, here's a mash up of two suggestions one by DeadpoolInADress101 and Jacqueline Walker: A game of tag, and a trip to the nurse, respectively.

Prowl raced up a ladder, as fast as his little legs could carry him. Across a short landing and stumbling over a rickety bridge, his breath was coming quickly, torn and heavy from his exertion. Just ahead, the safe zone, just a few more meters and he was home freeā€¦


A hand brushed against his back, bypassing his door wings completely, emphasizing how close his adversary was.

It wounded his pride a bit, but it was all part of the game.

"Ah got ya!" Jazz cried from just behind him, nearly crashing into the smaller sparkling as Prowl stopped abruptly, "You're it now!"

Prowl whirled to face him with a pout. "You said I could have a head start!" he whined, reaching out to wrap a hand around one of the playground castle's support poles as he wobbled. His door wings had been growing more sensitive lately, throwing his gryos out of balance with the excess data.

"Ah gave ya one!" Jazz protested back, "I waited till you was halfway to the slide before I ran!"

Prowl wilted a little, knowing Jazz wouldn't lie about that. "I guess I just run too slow, Jazzy, I'm sorry I'm no good at tag." he mumbled.

"Aw, Prowler, don't be sad." Jazz murmured, moving over to pull his friend into a hug, "You ain't slow, Prowler, ahm just use to walkin' to school all the time, ya know? You just aint had as much practice as ah have. And anyway," he pointed out as Prowl sniffled and nodded, "you're it now, which means ah don't get a head start."

Prowl smiled and squared his little shoulders. "I can do it, Jazz. I'm gonna catch you fast." he said firmly, before uncertainly colored his expression. "Um, you are gonna slow down a little bit for me, right?" he asked shyly, looking up at Jazz from under his chevron.

Jazz laughed lightly. "Of course, Prowler, only for you." he turned around, back to his fellow sparkling as he looked back over his shoulder with one of his trademark grins. "Ready?"

Small white hands clenched into fists and Prowl took a deep breath. "Set."


Jazz was off like a rocket, Prowl hot on his heels for the first few meters. In no time, however, Jazz began to pull ahead, leaving Prowl in the dust. The little Praxian took a deep vent, his mouth forming a hard line as he pushed himself farther than he ever had before. To his elation, he was catching up, Jazz was growing ever closer as they ran past the web-like climbing set. Further and further, around the tall slide, past the swing set.

In no time, they were back in the castle.

But Jazz was taking a different route than Prowl always did, ducking and dodging though passages in the maze of doorways.

The Praxian was right behind him every step.

Until it happened.

Jazz diverted outside a moment, just long enough to dash gracefully over the balance beam. Prowl leapt up after him, intent on keep up. Unfortunately, a gust of wind sent his sensor net spinning, the cool air rippled over his door wings in a powerful, alien sensation.

His attention wavered, his balance shifted, he hit the floor.

It wasn't much of a fall, but sparklings are delicate beings. The impact sent his optics offline and his processor into the first crash of his life.

There was a cool cloth on his fore helm when he woke up. Just damp enough to be comfortable, it covered his optics enough to block out most of the harsh light of the white room he was in.

Prowl had never been in the nurse's office before. He decided right there he never wanted to see it again. His helm hurt terribly, in fact, his whole body hurt pretty badly. Slowly, he tried to sit up, only to collapse back against the cushions as a wave of nausea had him crumbling.

"Dun move, Prowler, Ima go get the nurse. Just hold on." A small hand clutched at Prowl's own before sliding away. Soft pedesteps sounded across the room. "Missus? Ah think he's wakin' up."

"Thank you, Jazz."

Heels clicked their way back toward him.

"Prowl? How are you feeling?" The voice was soft, and someone was lifting the cloth on his helm. The nurse was a femme, all white but for red elbow, shoulder, pelvic and pede plating. Her hands were also red, small and dainty.

"My helm hurts real bad." Prowl said quietly, shocked at the weakness in his own voice, "What happened?"

"It looks like you took a tumble from the balance bar, knocked your helm a little." the nurse said gently, stroking over Prowl's chevron lightly, "We've called your creators to come get you and take you home."

"But, we have art this afternoon, and I was gonna-"

"You need to go home." the femme explained, cutting off his plea, "You need lots of rest and maybe a visit to your doctor." She paused as her comm pinged. "I'm going to have a quick talk with your creators before they come get you. Jazz, here, will keep you company until then." She stood, shutting her office door as she left

Jazz sat on the edge of the couch Prowl was lying on, staring at the floor.


"Hey, Jazzy-"

"I'm sorry Prowler!" Jazz cried suddenly, hands flying up to cover his optics as he began to cry in earnest, "I didn' mean to make you fall! I didn't mean to get you hurt! I didn't mean to run too fast or chase you too soon or make you crash! And you did crash! She said so! And she's telling your parents right now and they're gonna hate me and never let me play with you again and then I'll have no friends, oh PROWLER!"

Prowl gazed at his sobbing friend for a few moments before springing into action. Reaching out, he took Jazz by the elbow, pulling him down to lie beside him before snuggling resolutely into his side.

Jazz hiccupped, confused as Prowl hushed him and petted his arm until he stopped crying.

"It's okay Jazzy." Prowl whispered, his helm nestled under Jazz's chin, "I know you didn't mean any of that. It's okay. I'll bet you stayed by my side every second until the nurse got there, huh? You shouted as loud as you could till someone came to help, right?"

Jazz nodded, whispering back, "Yeah."

"You're my best friend, Jazzy. I know it was an accident. I'm not mad. Not one little bit." Prowl smiled into his friend's neck cables, "But you did cheat when we were playing tag. So you hafta be my pillow until my creators come get me."

"Ah can do that." Jazz murmured, wrapping an arm around Prowl to rub his chevron slowly as the mechling began to doze.

The nurse and Prowl's creators came into the office after a few minutes more. The pair had already fallen asleep, curled together on the nurse's couch. Prowl's creator leaned down to slip his hands around his sparkling, untangling the pair and cradling Prowl in his arms. The little Praxian cuddled into his creator's chest plates, frowning at the loss of Jazz's warmth even as he slept.

The nurse smiled sadly at the sleeping mechling left on the couch. "You'll need to have Prowl scanned properly before you bring him back. He crashed fairly lightly today, but it's possible the damage will be permanent. He may become prone to crashes from now on." she said softly, covering Jazz with a light blanket.

Prowl's carrier, a Praxian model herself, nodded, frowning at the sleeping black and white on the couch. "It was his fault?" she asked harshly.

"No, they were playing outside." The nurse said back, "It could have happened to anyone."

"But it had to be Prowl." His carrier snapped, obviously angry.

"He's okay now," Prowl's creator said softly, "We'll get him to the doctor."

"Thank you, for coming to get him." The nurse told them quietly, urging the pair out the door.

Unknown to any of the adults that had just left, Jazz powered on his visor just a few levels. Coolant streamed from under it and he pushed his clenched fists against his face as he struggled not to cry.