Omg... A multi-chapter fanfiction! Le' gasp! I will try, TRY to continue this. I've been working on this fic for a while. Its roughdraft, but enjoy! I expect to put a lot of couples into this, some of them will be crack, just warning yah!

This is a line... o.o

"Castle Apartments on Oblivion road..."

A long silence came from the dirt blond haired musician as he stared down at the paper in his hands. He looked back up at the worn down apartment complex in front of him and grimaced. Myde Nocturne groaned slightly as he shifted the heavy bag of books on his shoulder. He didn't want to go through with this, but he doubted that if he ran all the way back to the school they'd let him back out just because the student he was suppose to deliver work to lived in a place that reminded him very much of a Silent Hill setting.

"There better not be a nurse waiting in there for me." he grumbled, trudging towards the doors. He walked quietly, looking for the right number, having to climb a couple set of stairs to find it. The door was cover by multiple locks, and had what appeared to be bullet holes along one side. Myde gulped and reached tentatively forward to knock. He heard a loud groan from in side and felt a shiver run up his spine. What if this kid was eight foot beef cake? What if he had a knife! What if he decided that Myde looked at him funny and now he needed to be taught a lesson!

Myde fidgeted quietly, trying to get his over active imagination to chill out when a loud thud sounded from the other side of the door and another annoyed groan met his ears, followed by the sound of a hundred and umpteen locks being unlatched. The door swung open and Myde jumped. A boy, barely reaching about chin level glared up at him from behind lilac purple colored bangs. He wasn't nearly as scary as Mydes mind had lead up to, but despite the glare, he was actually pretty damn cute.

"What?" The boy snapped.

"I-uh... I'm suppose to bring school work to Ienzo An-"

"Zexion." The boy interrupted.


"I prefer to be called Zexion, not Ienzo." He sighed. "Just put it by the coffee table please."

Myde nodded and passed the boy carefully. Looking around he was surprised to see the apartment was in pretty nice shape despite the outside appearance. Books were piled on the coffee table and in large stacks in the corners of the living room, as well as stuffed onto a large bookcase in the back. Raising an eyebrow, he guessed this kid liked to read. Setting the school bag down, he turned to see the boy sliding a single lock into place before turning slowly. He looked like was ready to collapse where he stood. Holding onto the wall, he limped forwards until he could reach another piece of furniture to use as a crutch until he got to the couch.

"There's soda in the fridge, you can have one seeing as you came all the way out here to get me my work." Zexion sighed, gesturing towards the kitchen to the left. It was split off from the living using a counter, which as littered with what appeared to be sketches. Myde crossed to the fridge and pulled it open, it was pretty empty with only a few eggs, a box of cereal, a half empty jug of milk and a twenty-four pack of pepsi.

"Uh, would you like one while I'm over here?" He called back.

"Sure." Zexion yawned curling up on the couch.

"So..." Myde drawled, "Why are you limping so bad? Is this why you're not in school?"

Zexion took the pepsi as Myde sat carefully down on the other end of the couch, shifting slowly until he was comfortable so he could open it.

"I... had an unfortunate fall from a fifth story window." Zexion said after a moment. "I'm fine, just extremely sore and can't get around to well. I should be back at school in a week or so."

"Ouch!" Myde whinced. "How'd you fall out the window?"

"Its a long story I don't really want to sh-"

Zexion paused mid-sentence as the phone next to him rang making purple haired boy flinch. He held up a finger and watched the phone for a minute before the answering machine picked up.

"Oi! We're grabbing food then we'll be there. Pick up the phone if you want something other than chinese food!" A cheerful male voice chirped over the speaker. Zexion picked up the phone and sighed, hitting 'talk'.

"I want curry, none of that hot and sour soup crap like last time." He said calmly into the receiver. "Umm... I still have some pepsi, but I wouldn't say no."

"Uh... should I head out?" Myde whispered towards him.

"Hmm? Oh, uh, hold on. I actually need you to take some stuff back for me, so hold on..." Zexion replied, "You like chinese?"

"Uh... sure?"

"Oi, tell you're idiot that I have a guest, buy some extra." Zexion said into the phone, he paused before looking at Myde. "Anything in particular?"

"Nah, you don't have to buy me anything." Myde said shaking his head.

"He says surprise him." Zexion sighed into the phone. "You still have the key?"

"I said you don't have to buy me anything!" Myde insisted, eyes widdening slightly.

"See you in a bit, mkay, bye."

Zexion tossed the phone onto the table and smirked at Myde.

"I told you, I want you to take some work back for me, but I need to finish it first, so I might as well feed you if I'm asking you to waste your time here." Zexion explained.

Myde fell silent, sipping his soda and taking a moment to look around again. Zexion was defaintly kind of pushy. Silence fell between the two of them, and Zexion leaned forward, picking up the bag so he could fish out some of the homework. Myde tapped silently on his leg, mind slipping off into the different cords of the final fantasy theme he was trying to memorize. Jumping slightly when his cellphone went off in his pocket. Zexion glanced over at him, but quickly returned to his calculus homework.


From Sora: Hey! I thought you were gonna meet up with me on WOW, whats up?

To Sora: ya i'm at that ienzo kids place giving him his hw. I'll be on later kays?

Myde hit reply and yawned slightly, glancing over at Zexion. He was writing down a math problem with the speed of a printer. It was almost as though he was copying it from a solutions book, but he only glanced at the problem briefly before working it out.

"So you're really good at math." Myde blurted, staring over his shoulder.

"Its just calculus, its actually not that hard so long as you know the basic principles and keep in mind that most of its-" Zexion trailed off his cheeks dusting a slight pink. "Nevermind... I'm a nerd, so its easy, simple as that."

"Eh, maybe you could help me through my algebra homework! I suck at math!" Myde chuckled, as his phone went off again.


From Sora: Ienzo Ansem? o.o Dude be careful, he hangs out with my cousin Roxas, they belong to this weird little gang thing. I hear Ienzo's wicked with a knife, o. they get into a lot of trouble, be careful man!

Myde blinked down at text message and looked over at Zexion. He was short, cute and a nerd. How could he be dangerous? Frowning slightly he replied.

To Sora: hes like... ur height sora how much damage could zex do?

Myde jumped as the door crashed open, a tall red head entered throwing his arms open wide, a key dangling from his right middle finger and a bag of chinese food hanging from the other hand.

"They call the wind Maaria~" He sang loudly.

"Oh~ I'm one lucky little mister~" A blond sang as he ducked under his arm, "I don't need you~ I'm dating your sister~"

"You guys have been watching improvisation scenes again haven't you?" Zexion sighed, setting down his calculus.

"Yup, who's line." The blond said walking over and eying Myde with a curious look. "Aren't you friends with Sora?"

"Uh, yeah, we have P.E. and english together." Myde replied.

"I'm Roxas, his cousin. I thought you looked familiar." Roxas said clearing the coffee table and setting down some of the food.

"Yeah, he told me you and Ienzo were friends." Myde said with a slight smile.

"Zexion." The three chorused, making Myde pause.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"Alright lets dig in!" The red head cheered.

This is a line... o.o

Myde shuffled quietly down the hallway, pouting to himself. He'd failed another test, and now had a whole make up packet to do. He looked around the hall and smiled as he saw a familiar head of brown hair bouncing towards him. He'd felt pretty bad about the day before, he'd ended up staying at Zexions most of the night bullshitting with him and his friends, completely forgetting about playing war craft with Sora, but as usual the excitable boy wasn't bothered to much by it, though he had sent Myde a rather adorable pouting icon over cellphone messaging about it.

"Hey Myde!" The brunette chirped.

"How are you Sora?" Myde asked, smiling at him.

"Pretty good, I'm gonna go hang out with Riku and Kairi after school today, you?" He asked tilting his head up at him.

"I gotta run Zexion his homework again." Myde explained, "Your cousin said he had this really cool game he'd let me borrow too, so I might hang there for a while to check that out."

Sora made a face at him, his brown eyes filling with concern.

"Hey... not that I don't love Roxas and everything... but be careful around his friends, okay? They're not good kids." Sora said softly. "They belong to a gang called the Organization of 13, and they kinda have a bad rep."

"But... Zexion was really cool, and smart. I don't see how he could do much damage... Axels a pretty decent guy too." Myde said pouting, he didn't understand what Sora was so freaked out about. "What have they done thats so bad?"

"Oi! Myde!"

Myde turned in time to see Roxas pop into the hall through the window, straightening his checkered sweater as he did so. He waved at Sora with a lazy two finger salute.

"We're having a bit of a movie night after school, Axel and I wanted to know if you were interested in joining considering you have to run over there anyway. We'll have a shit load of candy and possibly some contraband energy drinks." Roxas said grinning, "Axels brother Reno gets them for us for free, so it should be some fun! We'll probably end up playing video games too, so I'll be able to show you RE 4 and 5."

"Roxas, Cloud said you haven't been home in a week... shouldn't you call your mom... atleast?" Sora said softly.

Roxas shot a dirty look Sora's way.

"Sora, I know you're trying to help, but bug off okay? If I don't want to go home, its none of your business or Clouds. That harpy doesn't care anyway." He snapped, making the brunette flinch. "Catch you later Myde,"

Myde nodded and watched the blond stomp away, pulling out a cellphone as he did. Sora huffed for a minute before passing Myde, following Roxas. Shrugging, he hefted his bag over his shoulder and started off for class.

Zexion groaned in pain as he slid down to sit at the bottom of his bath tub, the shower spray hitting his sore back perfectly when he leaned forward on his knees. He could hear Axel in the next room, tinkering around with his guitar while Zexion showered. He was thankful for the red head and his blond haired boyfriend. When they'd first met, the purple haired boy hadn't thought much of them and spent very little time with him, but after his- accident. They'd come to his rescue with out even blinking an eyelash. Axel hung out at his place while Roxas was at school normally, and then they'd normally go spend an hour together before coming back to check on Zexion, and feed him.

"Did you die in there?" Axel yelled, making the purple haired boy jump slightly, winching as he jarred his sore body.

"I wish." Zexion groaned.

"Well hurry up, they'll be here before long." Axel called loudly.

Zexion mumbled loudly, which thankfully the red head took as a response, going back to his guitar. Zexion carefully stood up and proceeded to wash his hair. He was surprised that he was actually excited to have the mullet haired teen from school come over. Not that he was going to mention this to the other two, they'd try and play match maker. Myde was a pretty interesting person though. At first the boy'd seemed really dull, but during their meal, he'd exposed a his interesting side. He liked the same video games they did, anime, music and to Zexions pleasure, a love for a fantasy book called Name of the Wind. He was a bit slow, but he interested Zexion none the less.

Smiling softly, Zexion finished his shower and got out carefully. He was finally able to move around with out support. At first, it'd been awkward, considering Axel or Roxas had to help him in and out of the bathtub, and even then it'd brought tears to the boys eyes. Dressing was difficult, but he was proud to be some what independent again. Pulling on his black skinny jeans and a purple gamer shirt, he limped into the living room, surprised to see Roxas was already there and currently attached to Axels face by the lips. From the surprised look on Axels face and the firmness of the blonds kiss, he could tell Roxas had a bad day and was currently taking it out on his boyfriend with his weird version of anger affection. The blond detached when he noticed Zexion had entered the room, dropping down to sit next to Axel, pouting slightly. Zexion made his way over slowly and sat next to him.

"What happened Rox?" Axel asked, swiping his thumb across his lips to dry them.

"Stupid freaking Sora..." Roxas grumbled. "He was telling me I have to go home, and that I was worrying my mother sick, and that Clouds even starting to think I need to come home!"

"Bullshit." Zexion snorted. "Sora just blindly believes what ever your aunt Aerith tells him, he's a mommas boy, he means well, but he doesn't know anything ignore the idiot."

"Yeah Rox, besides... my brother was just hanging out with Cloud the other day, said he's thinking about moving out himself." Axel assured him. "Your nut case of a mom is just feeding Aerith lies."

The two flopped down on Roxas, squishing him between them. The blond grunted slightly, nuzzling his face into Axels shoulder, while Zexion shifted to lay across the twos laps carefully, content to just be lazy at the moment. It made the purple haired boy happy, having a set of good friends that were actually there for you, and especially good when he got to return the favor. Whether it was with Roxas's family issues, Axels issues with his dads drinking problems, or even with little things like when the two argued. Anything. Nothing. Everything. They could talk about it all together, and that made Zexion happy. He briefly wondered why it had taken him so long to start honestly hanging out with these two, but no, it'd taken his stubborn ass falling out a window to figure that out.

An hour when a loud knock startled the three out of a unexpected nap. Zexion grumbled and sat up carefully, letting Roxas get up for the door. The blond shuffled over, stretching as he did so before opening the door up. On the other side Myde smiled holding up a stack of discs.

"Hey guys! Hope you don't mind, I brought some of my stuff!" He chirped.

Zexion smiled lightly, motioning for him to enter.

Myde screeched loudly as Axel grabbed his sides during a particularly intense moment of Silent Hill. Just as a cat leapt out of a locker in the game, he seized the mullet haired boy by the love handles, getting a loud girly yell from him. Axel burst into laughter while Myde hyperventilated on the floor. Roxas and Zexion looked up from the blonds laptop curiously, raising eyebrows at the two who'd distracted them from the anime Myde had introduced them too.

"Don't d-do that to me!" Myde whined swatting at the red head playfully. "I think I damn near pissed myself!"
"As funny as that would be, please not on my carpet," Zexion chuckled, sipping on a pepsi.

"Hey Myde, about this anime... Black Butler right?" Roxas said crossing his legs and shifting the computer.

"Yeah, isn't it great? I really like Sebastion, he makes me lawl~" Myde chuckled.

"What do you think Axel?" Roxas asked, smiling.

"I like Grell," Axel said folding his wrists under his chin and batting his eyelashes in a girlly manner. "Oh Sebby-kun~ Sebasu-chan~"

Myde laughed, grinning.

"I have an idea," Zexion chuckled.

"Fuck, run for the hills." Roxas snorted.

"Myde can be Sebastion, Axel can be Grell, I'll do Ciel, and Roxas can do Alois sense their both blond." Zexion said over the rim of his soda.

"Thats a good idea!" Axel said grinning, "I get to be fabulous!"
"And a 'lady' as well." Roxas said with finger quotes, snickering at the trans-obsessed character.

"Wait, what?" Myde said, pausing Silent Hill one so he could look at them.

"Oh, we're cosplayers. Do you know what that is?" Axel asked.

"Uh... no?"

"We dress up as anime characters and run around at things called Cons and we put skits up on youtube," Zexion explained quickly.

"Oh... sure." Myde said grinning at them, that did sound kinda cool!

The two on the couch went back to their episode, and Myde continued on his game, everything falling silent again. He couldn't help but chuckle, it was the fourth time he'd come to hang out with them, and so far he'd seen no reason to be scared of them, despite Sora's constant warnings. Axel was rumored to be a drug dealer, but the closest thing to a drug he'd seen the red head take was an ibuprofen. Roxas, who was suppose to be an angry emo boy was actually pretty chipper, like his cousin when he was around his friends, and Zexion... well he wasn't quiet sure yet. He'd heard that he was standoffish and really blunt, so far all true, but he also heard he was violent, and currently with his injuries, he couldn't afford to prove this wrong or right quiet yet.

"You know what sounds fun to me?" Roxas sighed suddenly, a small smile crossing his lips.

"Hmm?" Axel and Zexion hummed in harmony.

"We should play the QA game." He said grinning. "Cause we don't know much about you Myde."

"I'm up for it." Myde said grinning.

"Sure why not," Axel shrugged, glancing at Zexion who had a weird look on his face. "Zex?"

"I'll play... but if I don't answer, I refuse to be badgered." He sighed, setting the laptop to the side. Myde turned off the game consol and moved over to the coffee table, locating his soda among the reckage of take out boxes and empty cans.

"Okay, I'll ask the first one of Myde." Roxas said grinning.

"Roxas, keep it serious." Zexion chuckled.

"Fine..." The blond pouted, "Alright, whats your most embarrassing secret?"

"That you are willing to share-" Zexion ammended seeing the dark blush that crossed the mullet haired teens cheeks.

"Uh... well..." Myde rubbed the back of his neck, trying to think. "I think... it would have to be the time I got caught making out at my old school with the principles son."

"Wow! Serious!" Axel laughed grinning. "Balls dude! Balls!"

"Well I don't think it helped that we were doing it in the lunch room." He said grinning. "We didn't know he'd walk in."

They chuckled for a minute and then Myde set about trying to think of a good one for one of them.

"Okay, Axel. Is it true that you set fire to the principles desk?" He asked tilting his head.

"No, actually." Axel said grinning darkly. "I set fire to the stupid butterfly thing above his desk and it just so happened to fall upon it. Theres a difference."


"Because he pissed me off... leave it at that." Axel said waving his hand at him.

"Okay Axel, your turn." Zexion reminded him.

"Alright Myde... you got any siblings?" He asked lamely.

"Nope, I'm an only child, though I have a crazy british uncle and a cousin who's the she-devil, her names Ralene, she has bug feeler horns." Myde said with a serious face. "What about you guys?"

"I have a brother named Ventus, a brother named Cloud, Sora's my cousin, and I have a sister named Namine... Cloud is the only one I like." Roxas responded.

"I have a brother, his names Reno." Axel said smirking, "He's the one who supplies me with energy drinks and stuff."

"What about you Zexion?" Myde asked.

"I... don't have any family at all." Zexion said awkwardly, looking away. "Next question please."

"All right... uh... Whats your sexuality? I know these two are more flaming hot with queerness than a dieing sun." Myde said grinning.

"I love you... just for that phrase... I love you." Axel laughed in a fake breathy voice.

This is a line... o.o

Zexion groaned sligthly, stiring from his sleep as a loud knock came from his door. He rubbed his eyes sleepily, noting that he'd been sleeping on his stomach which was odd before registering he'd also been sleeping on Myde. His cheeks flushed red, looking around at the room. It was trashed due to their all nighter. Axel and Roxas had abandoned the couch where they'd all dozed off in favor of cuddling the floor between the couch and coffee table, which explained why he woke up on Myde, the both ended up stretching out with out waking up. The knocking started up again, and Myde grumbled in his sleep, but otherwise didn't wake up. Getting up slowly, Zexion hobbled to the door and undid the numerous locks, leaving the chain on as he opened it enough to look out.

His face paled, and he tried to close the door, but a foot blocked the door from the jam. Zexion glared at his ex boyfriend, a chill working up his spine.

"Please, just talk to me..." The man said softly, blue eyes boring into Zexions own. He looked away growling.

"Just go away..." He hissed.


"Do. Not. Call. Me. That." Zexion growled. "Axel and Roxas are here, and unless you want an ass kicking, I suggest you go."

"Can I please just have a minute Ienzo, a minute?" The man pleaded, his voice low and pleading, something that Zexion rarely heard from him. "I only want to apologize properly."

"You have to move your foot so I can take the chain off..." Zexion sighed.

The man moved his foot and he slid the door shut, looking back at his slumbering guests before reopening the door and exiting. The man whinced as he watched him.

"You're still limping..." He said softly.

"Yeah... its only been the last two weeks that I could walk with out crying, because someone pushed me out a window." Zexion said, venom dripping from his words.

"I didn't mean to push you that hard, and how was I suppose to know that you'd hit the glass?" He sighed, reaching out to brush Zexions bangs out of his face. The teen froze, unsure of how to react. Every part of him screamed to smack the hand, but he still hesitated.

"Lumaria, just say what you needed to say..." Zexion breathed softly into the caloused hand on his cheek.

"I'm sorry I hurt you... so very sorry." Lumaria began. "I realize my temper got the best of me, but I just didn't understand why you wanted to break up... I was jealous, I thought maybe you were interested in that guy... I lost my temper. I want you to forgive me... please? My ivory orcad?"

Zexion felt his cheeks heat, hearing the old pet name. Lumaria only ever called him that when he was trying to sweet talk him into something. He knew this. He knew how the man manipulated people, how he'd hurt Zexion before, but still... those gentle words all for him from such a rough and stubborn man. They made him feel special, though he knew it was just a trap.

"I'll forgive you for the accident, but nothing more..." Zexion sighed softly.

"Don't be like that Ienzo..." Lumaria said softly, trailing his hand down to Zexions chin making him look up at him. He leaned in and Zexions eyes widdened, he went to move back, but Lumaria caught his waist and pulled him in for a dominating kiss, crushing the boy to his chest and holding him tightly, just how he knew Zexion liked it. The purple haired boy gasped softly into the kiss, squirming. His lungs began to burn after a moment, needing air. He pulled back his hand and swung hard as the kiss broke, catching the pink haired man hard on the cheek.

"Damn it Zexion!" Lumaria growled. "You don't get it! I want you back!"

"I do get it!" Zexion hissed, "You are the one who doesn't understand. We. Are. DONE!"

The door behind them opened, and a bleary eye'd Myde with hair sticking up at odd angles stare at them. Lumaria's eyes narrowed at the mullet haired boy.

"Who is this?" He snapped.

"Myde go back inside." Zexion implored.

"I heard yelling though..." He yawned, "Who's this guy?"

"Whats going on?" Roxas groaned loudly.

"Its nothing, go back to sleep!" Zexion snapped.

"I want to know who the hell this guy is..." Lumaria growled. "Are you already sleeping around Ienzo?"

"I'm not a slut like you Lumaria! Myde is a friend, not a whore like you!" Zexion snapped, eyes flashing dangerously. "Now leave or I'm sure the management will be sending a noise complaint and I'm sure that will lead to another jail visit for you!"

"Lumaria's here?" Axel said, sounding angry.

This is a line... o.o

Myde looked in confusion between the two infront of him and to the red head scrambling up from the living room. There was obviously something going on that he wasn't completely aware of, but as the pink haired guy raised his hand and Zexion shied away, Myde did something he never thought he'd have enough courage to do in his life.

He punched the guy. Hard. In the face.

Zexion was silent as he wrapped a bandage around Mydes swollen nuckles. Roxas and Axel had been gone for nearly an hour, having agreed to escort Lumaria to his car. Zexion had yet to say anything, bathing Myde in an unexpected awkward position. He watched the boy fumble around with the first aid kit, before finding an ace bandage to his hand with, a knot forming in his stomach. Zexions eyes were blank, as though he were lost in a different world.

"Excuse me..." Zexion said softly, so softly that Myde almost missed it even in the silence.

Standing, the purple haired teen limped to the bathroom to put the kit away, closing the door behind him. The sound of the shower flipping on assured Myde that he wouldn't be coming outsoon. Leaning back on the couch he let out a shaky sigh.

Who the hell had that guy been anyway? Roxas and Axel seemed pissed when they learned he was there, and Zexion had been arguingwith him outside. He'd looked really flushed when he opened the door... and the haired guy, Lumaria? Had mentioned something about Zexion sleeping around. Was it Zexions boyfriend? Well... if he was he sure as hell wasn't now, not after that little episode. Unless Zexion was one of those people that kept jumping back into unhealthy relationships. That seemed to be really popular.

"We're back." Axel growled as he and Roxas slid into the apartment again.

"Were did Zexion go?" Roxas asked, frowning as he looked around.

Myde jerked his thumb towards the bathroom, watching as Roxas crossed over and disappeared inside with out knocking. Axel flopped down next to him, clutching a pepsi in each hand, offering one to Myde.

"They'll be a bit." Axel sighed, "Zexions not one to cry infront of people... so he'll go take a shower randomly so we don't see. So far only Rox can consol him when he gets like this."

"Yeah? I kinda figured it'd be something like that." Myde grumbled, cracking his pepsi open. "So... can I ask what all that was about?"

Axel fell silent for a moment, twisting the can in his hands.

"Marluxia... well... Lumaria and Zexion use to date..." Axel sighed, leaning back as well. "Then about two months ago, Zexion told him he wanted to break up. I don't know the finer details very well, but basically, Mar- Lumaria was to possessive and Zex didn't like it. When he tried to call it off, Lumaria tried to scare him into staying with him, and he shoved Zexion. Zexion tripped... and fell out of the window at Lumaria's apartments and he was in intensive care for two weeks."

Mydes mouth went dry and he sat up.

"He's the reason Zexion's hurt?" He asked, "What an asshole!"

"Yup. And he's still trying to get with him again aparrently." Axel smirked. "Maybe after getting socked in the mouth, he'll think twice about it?"

"I... really don't know what came over me right there..." Myde admitted, cheeks flushing softly. "I'm a coward by all means, and I own up to that... but when Zexion flinched back like that... I just struck out..."

"Its fine, I'm sure Zexion appreciates it." Axel assured him.

This is a line... o.o

"Myde~" Sora whined, squirming on the grass as his friend wandered towards him. "Get this fat ass off of me~"

"Come on, let him up Riku." Myde chuckled watching as the silver haired senior lounged on top of his brunette haired friend. "What are you guys up to today?"

"Not much," Sora grunted as Riku lifted off of him, helping him up. "Its my cousin Clouds birthday today, so I'm headed over to my Aunts place after school, you?"

Myde shrugged.

"Probably gonna go home." He sighed.

He flexed his hand inside his sweater pocket. Axel had plans with his brother, and Roxas said he had to go home for Clouds birthday as well. He'd offered to keep Zexion company, but he liliac haired teen had some sort of appointment to attend and he wouldn't be home tell late. Axel told him that it was physical theorpy, and that Zexion was just to proud to admitt it, but Myde had his doubts.

"You could tag along if you like." Sora chirped, "I'm bringing Riku, I'm sure Aunty Rinoa wouldn't mind! Especially sense your Roxas's friend too."

"I don't know, I'll text Rox and ask." Myde said wrinkling his nose. Roxas didn't like his family, he wasn't sure if he'd like Myde randomly showing up for his embarrassment.

Sora frowned at him, pouting.


"Why do you need to ask him when I'm the one inviting you?" Sora asked, clearly annoyed.

"I don't mean to offend yah Sora." Myde said rubbing the back of his neck. "Its just that Rox is my friend to, and he doesn't really like talking about his side of your guys family, so I don't want to offend him either by just showing up... yah know?"

"I guess..." Sora sighed, shaking his head. "You've changed a lot sense hanging out with them Myde..."

"Its not a bad thing, right?" Myde said raising an eyebrow at him.

"No... I guess not... its just... I don't want to see you end up like Roxas!" Sora said frustratedly.

"Theres nothing wrong with Roxas, Sora. He just doesn't like hanging out around his house cause his mom screams at him a lot." Myde said firmly.

He couldn't believe he was having this conversation with the brunette! He just came over to say hello to him.

"Nothing wrong with... Myde! Roxas sneaks out at night and parties! My mom says he's turning into a little drug addict just like his loser friend Axel!" Sora hissed.

Mydes jaw went slack as he stared at Sora.

"Sora..." He said slowly. "You know that you've been one of my closest friends sense I moved here right?"

Sora nodded.

"So I want you to listen to me, and listen close, cause for once in my life, I'm really pissed off with you." Myde growled. "I have hung out with Roxas every day for three weeks, and you wanna know something? When he sneaks out... he comes over to Zexions place, in tears cause he can't take the way his mother screams at him. Axel is not a drug addict, he has a condition where he has to take a pill ever six hours for cronic headaches, and its totally ligit. None of them party, none of them drink and the closest thing to a problem I've seen so far with Roxas is the fact that you can't get your head out of your ass to see that maybe, just maybe, he needs some one outside his siblings to see that he's not the bad kid he's made out to be."

Sora blinked up at Myde, tears forming in his blue eyes. Sora wasn't a cry baby, but he was defaintly more sensitive than he aught to be and to have his friend snap at him, was probably more like a slap to his face.

"I'm out of here. I'll text Roxas and see if he minds if I tag along." Myde said slowly. "Just... don't... don't tell me that Rox and the guys are bad kids anymore..."

This is a line... o.o

"Now slowly lift your left leg."

"Ow! Fuck!" Zexion hissed as the blond haired doctor helped him push his leg up so his body was balanced horazontailly on his right leg. Tears stung his eyes and collapsed onto the ground, unable to support himself for to long on one leg.

"Watch your language. I know you are in pain but-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it Even, just leave it alone." Zexion growled.

"Ienzo..." The man sighed. "I can't help you very well if you fight me with every step of your rehabilitation."

"I don't need rehabilitation Even, I need to be able to let the soreness go away before rigerous activities." Zexion snapped.

"If you stretch and work your muscles as you recover it will make it so-"

"If you don't give your muscles time to rest and recover you'll actually strain them worse making it easier to pull them during simple activities after your recovery, there for doubling the time it would take to do it." Zexion snapped. "I've read your big stupid books on physical theorpy. You just want me here so you can lecture me."
"Thats not really a way to speak to your father now is it Ienzo." Even hissed at the purple haired teen.

"What ever, can I go home now?" Zexion whined.

"Not yet, you have to still go through the other excersizes." Even sighed tiredly.

"I don't want to, it hurts." Zexion groaned. "Can't I just do them at home? I can have my friends support me when I do it."

"Oh sure, I'm sure that fellow of yours would love to help you with a couple of these now wouldn't he?" Even snapped, "But unfortunately there not very affective on a bed or pinned to a wall now are they?"

Zexion stared at Even for a moment, with wide blues that flashed with pain. Even opened his mouth again, only to cover it with his hand.

"I'm sorry Ienzo... you know I didn't mean that... You... you just make me so frustrated!" Even said gently, reaching out to help him off the floor.

Zexion slapped his hand away.

"I'm out of here." Zexion sighed.

This is a line... o.o

Axel sighed as he pulled his hair back into a ponytail, trying to contain the spikey mess into a semi neat manner before he walked into his house. He could tell that his dad and brother were both home, and with any luck, his dad would still be asleep. Unlocking the door, he pushed it open and kicked off his shoes, walking along the hard wood floor in his socks.

"Hey, Reno, you here?" He called softly, knocking on his brothers door.

There was a loud thud and a unfamiliar voice hissing at his brother. Quirking an eyebrow, he waited for Reno to open the door. When it finally opened, he noted that the window was open and Reno looked a little flushed, but was alone. He looked at his brother sighed, seeing it was just him.

"I thought you were dad for a minute there." He said turning around and stomping over. He popped his head out the window. "Its just Lea."

Axel slid into the room and shut the door, smirking as Cloud Strife-Almasy crawled through the window, a small blush lining his features.

"Hey Axel, whats up?" He said awkwardly.

"Not much, Happy B-day." Axel chuckled, "Getting some before your party?"

The older blond blushed a darker shade and crossed his arms.

"We weren't doing anything." Reno sighed, "You made sure of that half pint."

"Oi! Don't call me a half pint, I'm the same height as you now." Axel said lining himself up with his twenty-one year old brother.

"Girls, you're both pretty now calm down." Cloud said with a small laugh. "Weren't you two going to go out for a brothers night or something gay like that?"
"You know what Cloud..." Reno growled with a small smirk, he grabbed the blond around the waist and yanked the shorter towards him. Axel rolled his eyes and deverted them while the two shared a kiss before Cloud squirmed away.

Compared to his younger brother, Cloud was some what shy and quieter. Roxas didn't mind showing affection infront of others, but to Cloud, it seemed worse than the plague. He always turned bright red, but unfortunately for him, Reno was very affectionate and he didn't care who saw... well, except for their Dad.

"I'll see you later baby." Reno said bringing him a close again for another kiss. Axel smirked as he caught sight of a very red, very fresh hickey on the side of the blonds neck.

Not up to anything my ass...

"See you later guys." Cloud said moving towards the window again, fingers slipping from Reno's reluctant retreating hand.

"Later, have a good party!" Axel said giving him a two fingered salute.

"So where do you want to go?" Reno asked clapping his hands together and grinning. "I know a lovely little place down town with an arcade~"

"Le~ Gasp~" Axel said covering his mouth. "An Arcade? On the first date? How forward!"

"Only the best for my little brother." Reno said offering his arm to the younger red head.

"You treat me so good." Axel chuckled taking his arm with no complaint, staring at each other for a moment, they made for the door, timing their steps to cross over each other so they walked in an odd waddle strut.

"Where the hell are you two fags goin?" a low growl made the two jump as they crossed infront of the kitchen. Their dad was leaning on the door with a bottle of wine in one hand and a bottle of jack daniels in the other.

"We're going to go play so video games at the arcade." Reno said calmly, eyes narrowing at the dark haired man in front of them.

"Fuh! With what money you little prick?" He growled standing up tall and walking forward. Axel and Reno both squared themselves up, though neither of them could match their fathers height.

"My money from my job." Reno growled, "You know the one that gives you that lovely discount on your stupid drinking habit?"

"Don't get smart with me you little fuck, I'll knock your punk ass out." He growled.

"Oh go suck a fat one Jecht!" Reno hissed.

Axels eyes widdened and he grabbed Reno's arm, pulling him back sharply as he watched their father square up.

"Reno! Stop antoganising him!" He hissed.

"You should listen to the idiot, he's actually talking sense." Jecht growled. "Just get out of my house you little fags, I'm tired of looking at you."

Axel sighed in relief, he really didn't want to have to deal with Reno getting in another fist fight with their alcoholic father. Reno had a bad habit of running his mouth in an attempt to stand up to the man, but it always got one of them smacked around by the bastard. He was perfectly fine with sucking up his pride to get the hell out of there.

Once outside and straddling Reno's motorcycle, he pulled his pony tail out. Normally his father would take any chance to rip the boys a new one on their appearances.

"Hey Re," Axel said watching Reno put on his helmet. "How do you think he'd react if we told him we were actually gay?"

Reno paused.

"I think his head would pop..."

"We're not that lucky." Axel pointed out with a grin.

This is a line... o.o

Roxas sighed heavily as he sat in his living room, listening to his mother cry to his Aunt about how she didn't know what to do with him. He knew there wasn't much he could say to her at the moment, she would just play the victim the whole time. Sora came through the door and paused seeing his cousin on the couch. A weird look crossed his face and he walked over, sitting on the couch next to him. Riku followed silently, pausing as Roxas's five year old sister Namine grabbed onto his pant leg asking him if he would help her get her coloring books. It was no secret she had a bit of a crush on the silver haired teen.

"Hey Roxas... how are you?" Sora asked, giving him a soft smile.

"I'm fine." Roxas grunted shifting slightly, glancing at the kitchen where he could still here his mother sobbing. "You know... just here to make ma cry and then I'll be off again."

Sora flinched slightly.

"Roxas... uh... I invited Myde over... did he ever message you about it?" Sora asked gently.

"Yeah..." Roxas said frowning. "I told him I'd rather him not..."

"Why?" Sora asked.

"You think I want him to see this?" Roxas asked waving towards the kitchen. "First thing mom did when I got home was get pissed off at me, and then when Aunty Aerith got here she burst into tears."

"Well... you do kinda disappear a lot, maybe shes just worried?" Sora pointed out.

"Fat chance." Roxas sighed standing up. "I'm going up to my room, and don't worry I'll make sure to keep my actions down."

Sora flinched again at the defensive venom that rippled through his voice. He got to his feet and grabbed Roxas's hand, making the blond tense up. He offered a soft smile.

"Uh... can... can I hang out with you? I... promise not to lecture you." Sora said gently.

Roxas gave him a surprised look, and a soft smile pulled across his lips. It was slight but it was there. Nodding, he two climbed the staires towards Roxas's room, Riku glanced up at them, but otherwise returned to helping Namine draw in her Sleeping Beauty book. He knew Sora had some stuff he wanted to talk with Roxas about.

Once the door was securely closed, Roxas flopped onto his bed and let out a loud groan into his pillow. Sora flopped on the bed next to him, swinging his feet slightly.

"So... uh... Roxas?" Sora said tilting his head.

Roxas tilted his head to look at him with one eye.

"What have you been up too?" Sora asked, "Hows Ienzo and Lea I haven't seen either in a long time, rumor is Ienzo dropped out..."

"Nah... he was hospitalized a while back, and he's been bed ridden mostly. We keep him company after school..." Roxas sighed, shaking his hair. "He's getting better though, which is cool. He thinks he'll be able to start going back to school soon. We're gonna celebrate by taking him to eat."

"Wow... really?" Sora asked blinking. "What happened?"

Roxas sat up and launched into a ramble about how Lumaria and Zexion broke up, frustration lining in his features. After explaining that, he slipped into how how they'd met Myde and that he stood up for Zexion against his ex and that he had a feeling there was some sort of budding romance there. He also mentioned how he and Axel had been hanging out a lot lately, but he seemed to get uncomfortable with that topic and wandered off of it.

Sora blinked quietly. Roxas normally just told him to fuck off when ever he tried talking to him, but maybe Myde had been right. Simply asking Roxas what was going on instead of just saying what was happening had turned the blonds short rude answers into a full on ramble about what he'd been up too. Sora also noted that what Myde had said was true. Mostly video games and anime. Which Sora got excited about, and started to jump in with other animes he liked.

All in all, it was a real conversation.

A knock at the door surprised the two out of their stupor. Roxas called for them to enter, only to see his mother poke her head through a soft smile on her lips as she gazed at the two with puff eyes. She fidgetted for a moment, pushing back her long black hair.

"Hey Sora, baby, why don't you two come down now? Clouds here and we want to do cake!" She said softly.

"Yeah sure mom." Roxas said calmly.

"No problem Aunty Rinoa." Sora chirped.

"It so good to see you two talking..." She said moving away from the door to head out again. "Maybe you can rub off on Roxy, eh Sora?"

Roxas tensed and his eyes sharpened, glaring after his mother while she disappeared down stairs. Standing up he dusted himself off and nodded for Sora to follow.

"Come on... lets get this over with." He sighed.

The two made thier ways down stairs and Sora broke off momentarily to rescue Riku from Namine. They giggled softly with each other and Roxas's jaw nearly dropped as he caught Riku stealing a quick kiss from the shorter brunette. A smirk crossed his lips and a chuckle escaped him.

"Who in this family isn't gay?" He mumbled to himself.

"What was that sweety?" Rinoa asked looking at her son as he came into the kitchen.

Cloud looked up from the table, looking fairly tired and irritated, as usual.

"Nothing mom." Roxas said passing her. "Happy Birthday bro, hows it feel to be twenty and old?"

"I'm not old you little brat." Cloud said laughing softly, recieving a hug from his little brother. "Wheres Ven?"

"Oh, he's with your father... they should be by later." Rinoa said softly smile wavering.

"Yeah right." Cloud mumbled, rolling his eyes. "Anyway! So how have you been doing? I heard from Reno that Ienzo got into an accident, hows he doing?"

"Zexion's doing pretty well, he's able to move around with out his crutchs more now." Roxas said smiling slightly.

"Isn't that the little purple haired boy you hang around with? The homosexual one?" Rinoa asked, a frown pursing her lips. "I don't like you hanging out with him, its just not right that he's with another guy..."

The four teenagers in the room all flinched.

"Hes actually single mom and theres nothing wrong with him being gay... he's actually a really cool guy." Roxas defended.

"Roxy, you don't understand..." Aerith said softly. "You're moms not saying he's not a nice boy, shes saying that hes mislead... maybe you could hook him up with a nice girl, maybe that would help?"

"Mom, you say it like he's sick or something..." Sora said softly, looking rather degected.

"Well... in a way he is." Rinoa said frowning. "I think being gay has got to be some sort of illness, I mean... it spreads!"

"It does not spread mom." Cloud said sharply, crossing his arms. "Some people are just born gay, and others just do it for the attention I will admitt that, but theres nothing wrong with people being gay and its not our place to judge them, now is it?"

"I... I guess your right Cloud." Rinoa said staring with wide eyes at her oldest. "Umm.. cake?"

There were grumbled aggreances around the table. Roxas looked at Sora and smiled weakly, if it hadn't been for spotting him plant one of Riku, he would have asked the boy if he was scared of catching gayness, but he figured it was best to leave that alone. Sora might have suspected it, but only Cloud knew that Roxas was dating Axel, and only Roxas knew that Cloud was currently seeing another man as well. Though he didn't really now who...

The kitchen rang with the sound of them singing to Cloud, and then idle chatter as cake was served. Cloud engaged a mini-food fight with Sora and Namine, flicking sprinkles and little M&Ms at each other from off their respective plates. Everything was going smoothly until Namine spotted a purple splotch on Sora's neck.

"Sora? Where'd you get that owwie?" The five year old asked innocently.

Roxas felt his blood run cold as he saw Sora's face light up with crimson and he covered his neck.

"I... uh... don't worry about it Namine, its not a big owwie." He said quickly, hoping that no one would pay it much mind, but Aerith was already moving over to look at her sons neck.

"Sora Gainsborough is that a hickey!" Aerith asked giggling at her son.

Sora covered it with his hand.

"Woh, I didn't know you had a girlfriend Sora!" Rinoa joined in excitedly. "Oh! I remember when you and the twins thought girls were 'icky'!"

"Who is she?" Aerith pressed.

Sora looked at Riku who had paled considerably, and then over at Roxas and Cloud, hoping for some sort of excuse to kill over.

"W-well... I... uh..." Sora gulped.

"Is she nice? Are you to... uh, you know~" Aerith asked, blushing slightly as she asked her son more personal questions.

Roxas gulped. Sora was the good kid of their families, and he looked like he was about to burst into tears. He knew he didn't want to hurt Riku's feelings but Sora was a mommas boy, and after the conversation they'd just had, he knew this would crush the brunette.

Reaching into his pocket, Roxas flipped open his cellphone and hit the volume button, making the ringtone blast into life. Aerith and Rinoa both glanced over, scowling, they hated phones at the table, took away from their 'family' time.

"Opps, sorry its my boyfriend, I'll be right back." Roxas announced flipping the phone open and holding it to his ear, despite not having a call.

"Your WHAT!" Rinoa screeched.

Everyone stared slack jawed at the blond as he had a pretend conversation, quickly explaining that he couldn't talk. He even ended it with: 'I love you baby, see you tonight at your place.'

"Roxas Strife-Almasy! What do you mean your boyfriend!" Rinoa hissed.

"I meant what I said. My boyfriend. You know a boy in which I am dating?" Roxas explained calmly. "I'm gay,"

"The hell you are! Sora take Namine upstairs!" Rinoa screeched grabbing her son by the shirt and wrenching him up. "You are not going to be a little fag like your creepy friend Roxas! I will not stand having a queer as a son!"

"Mother!" Cloud yelled, eyes widdening. "Don't say that to him!"

"I mean it! Its embarrassing!" Rinoa bellowed. "I should have known! Defending that little fag, always running off, probably to screw your drug dealer right you little bastard!"

Aerith and Sora both looked on in horror at the fight, before the boys mother shoed him and the now crying Namine out of the room, asking Riku to take them both upstairs.

"Mom! There is nothing wrong with Roxas being gay!" Cloud yelled defensively. "He's not screwing anyone like that! He's a good boy!"

"The hell he is!" Rinoa yelled. "I hate this! See what you do to me Roxas! Do you like hurting me? This family! You're horrible! You're a little demon sent here to make me miserable!"

Roxas stared blankly at his mother, he was use to this. He'd heard it all before, only now, she had the knowledge that he was homosexual to add on top of it. Cloud moved forward, bringing the younger blond to his side, defending him the best he could.

"Don't defend him! Cloud how could you!" Rinoa screeched, "He's tearing this family apart! Its his fault for everything!"

"No its not!" Cloud screeched suddenly, throwing his arms in the air. "You're only against gays because Dad left you for the man you tried to fuck behind his back!"

Roxas's jaw dropped, and Rinoa stumbled backwards like she'd been physically assualted by the older blond.

"Wh-what?" Roxas stuttered.

"Yeah... Dads dating that guy he's always hanging out with." Cloud said with a growl. "He told me when I mentioned you being with your boyfriend... I'm sorry, I know I promised, but I talk about everything with Dad..."

"So Squalls actually..."

"Yeah, he's Dads lover." Cloud explained. "And mom... moms never forgiven him."

"Get out..." Rinoa hissed.



Cloud turned tail, pulling Roxas along behind him. First he lead them upstairs so he could get the keys to his motorcycle and instructed Roxas to get his stuff. Roxas peaked into Namine's room, seeing Aerith holding the little girl, while Sora cried into Riku's chest. The silver haired boy glanced his way and gave him a bitter smile. Roxas waved to him slightly before turning tail and following his brother out of the house.

This is a line... o.o

Myde sighed boredly as sat at Burger King, tapping his pencil on his english essay in boredom. He'd spent a good amount at time at his place alone, then decided a more social place would be nice to do his homework in. He called his Uncle, and chatted him up for a bit before actually heading out. A smile met his lips. His Uncle Luxord was a bit of a nut, but he was really cool. He was the one that paided for Mydes rent after all. Sense he was always moving around with his job as an actor, he didn't want the boy to be subject to that style of life, he got him his own apartment. Which was epic.

The door opened a little ways from him and he turned around, boredom instantly dieing as he saw a familiar face bounce through the door followed by a taller blond haired man.

"Hey Roxas!" Myde yelled, popping up and walking over to the duo.

The boy blinked at him in confusion pausing mid step, causing himself to stumble slightly.

"Um, I'm sorry, but I don't know you." He said calmly, making Myde frown.

"Uh, hello? Its me, Myde... we go to school together and hang out almost every day..." Myde said trying to remind him.

"You got the wrong kid." The older blond chuckled. "You're thinking about his twin brother Roxas."

"Oh! Oh my god..." Mydes eyes widdened staring at the spikey haired teen. "Roxas has a twin?"

"Yeah! I'm Ventus!" The other blond chirped. "We're just on our way to see Roxas though! Its our big brothers birthday!"

"Yeah I heard, thats kinda why I'm here. No one to hang out with!" Myde admitted, he looked up at the older man. He had the same blond hair and blue eyes as the twins. "Are you... are you Roxas's dad?"

"Yeah, I'm Seifer Almasy." He said offering his hand.

"Myde Nocturne, nice to meet you." He said grinning.

"So you got to school with Rox? Hows he doing if you don't mind me being a total spy!" Ventus asked, giggling loudly.

Myde smiled, he was really chipper.

"Hes doing alright, I only have one class with him really, but we hand out a lot." Myde said shrugging. "He was actually just telling me that he wanted to get his other brother to go to his math class to do it for him, and now I get the joke!"

The two laughed loudly together at that. Ignoring the older blond as he moved to order food for them. He returned suddenly, looking rather angry.

"Ven lets go. We need to go pick up your brothers..." He growled.

"Wh-what why?" Ven asked.

"Your mother had another episode and kicked them out. Cloud just called saying she slashed the tires on his motorbike..." Seifer said heading for the door.

Myde and Ventus both gawked.

"Mind if I come too?" Myde asked, "Rox is my friend..."

"Sure, sure, just hurry the hell up." Seifer said calmly.

Myde grabbed his homework and shoved it into his bag, following them quickly to a large white and red truck. A vechile that later on, Myde would only refer to as the hell beast driven by satan. Seifer Almasy had no objection breaking most traffic rules, including the ones having to do with red lights and the speed limit. He drove straigh up onto the side walk outside what he assessed as Roxas's mothers house. The blond was outside with another spikey haired male and a screaming brunette.

"Rinoa Heartily what the fuck do you think you're doing!" Seifer bellowed, making the girl jump. Her eyes watered and she put her hands on her hips.

"You! This is your fault to! You've infected my son with your disgusting ways!" She screamed.

"Disgusting ways?" Seifer snorted. "What the hell do you mean by that? He finally get sick of your foul two faced mouth too?"

"Ugh! You pig! No! I mean that he's a little fag just like you!" She yelled waving her arms in the air.

Ventus and Myde crossed over towards Roxas and the other male, whom Myde guessed was Cloud. The twins hugged briefly and Roxas looked up at Myde in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" He asked softly, his voice was rough, like he'd been screaming.

"We found him at Burger King and decided that we'd take him home." Ventus joked lamely. "Dad was resistant, but I promised to feed and walk him every day!"

"Woof?" Myde said with a slight smile.

"I'm sorry you had to come here to see this..." Roxas mumbled, looking at his arguing parents.

"Its fine, atleast your dads on your side, right?" Myde said with a soft smile.

"Yeah... but theres going to be hell to pay afterwards." Cloud sighed shaking his head. "Mom's going to start her depression act again."

"Mom!" Ventus yelled, marching towards the arguing parents.

"What is it Ventus?" Rinoa asked clearly exasperated.

"You're being a bitch." Ventus chirped, putting his hands in his back pocket. "Fact is, that being gay isn't genetic or contagious, its just after seeing you all these years we're to terrified of women to consider them sexually appealing!"
Rinoa's mouth gapped open and Seifer had to cover his mouth from laughing.

"And thats why Ventus lives with dad..." Roxas and Cloud harmonised.

This is a line... o.o

Zexion was curled up on his couch asleep by the time they arrived the next day, curled up inside a large blue blanket, surrounded by books. Roxas had used a spare key that he and Axel traded off to get in with out waking the boy, silently motioning for Myde to enter as well. Closing door, he slid one lock into place and shuffled into the kitchen, finding a couple sodas. Myde sat on the edge of the couch, watching the boys chest rise and lower with a small smile.

He'd spent the night at Roxas's dads house sense the purple haired teen hadn't texted them when he got back to his place after his appointment. Roxas had been slightly concerned, but by the time Zexion had replied to his texts it was past midnight and the purplenette was heading to bed.

"Wake him up." Roxas said with a yawn, moving to dick around with the dvd player. He'd brought a movie he wanted Myde to see apparently.

"Hey, Zexion..." Myde said gently shaking him.

The purple haired boy grumbled and tried to burrow deeper into his blankets. Myde slipped his arms around the boys slender shoulders and lifted him up. Zexion blinked in surprised as he was awoken and shifted into Mydes lap.

"I'm up..." He groaned, laying agianst the mullet haired males chest. "What do you want?"

"How long you been sleeping?" Roxas asked as he flipped the TV on.

Zexion shifted looking at the clock and groaning agian.

"Like... sixteen hours..." He said with a long yawn.

"Bad appointment?" Roxas asked frowning as he watched Zexion gingerly move out of Mydes lap. He was moving stiffly.

"Yeah... he tried to make me kick my leg up in the air..." Zexion grumbled. "That didn't go over well."

"Ouch." Roxas chuckled with small smile. "Did... did he say anything again?"

Zexion feel silent for a moment before shrugging.

"Doesn't matter, how was your brothers party?" Zexion asked.

"Hell." Roxas groaned.

Roxas explained what had gone on the night before, with a little help from Myde here and there. Both laughing as they explained how pissed off Ventus had made the blonds mother. Zexion smiled and shook his head as he listened. He'd never really liked Roxas's mother, and now he could remember why. She was a total bitch!

"So, then we crashed at Dads place and got to play board games with Ventus." Roxas said smiling. "Who apparently has a boyfriend of his own now!"


"No clue, he wouldn't tell me." Roxas said shrugging. "Point is, half the people in my family are gay and I find it freaking hilarious."

"I sort of saw Sora coming, but I'm actually surprised about Ventus, what about that Aqua girl he's always hanging out with." Zexion asked tilting his head.

"Shes with Terra," Roxas replied waving his hand dismissively. "So he's seeing some guy from his new school."

"We'll have to stalk him sometime and mock him whilst midmakeout." Myde decided, making the other two laugh.

"Lucy I'm home!" Axel yelled as he swung the door open, tossing a spare key at them.

"Hey Axel! How'd your night with your brother go?" Roxas asked, making grabby hands at his boyfriend.

"Great! What about yours?" The red head said sliding behind the blond on the couch, hugging him close.

Roxas groaned and once more retold the story of his home visit.

O.O Le'gasp! A finished chapter!
=D And its 17 pages long! Oh joy! And I tossed in lots of angsty KH/FF characters in there for you too! I realize some of these are slightly OC, especially Rinoa... but I don't like her so I made her a evil chibi eating dragon with no soul and a heart that devours the innocent. o.o;
I love reviews! Did I mention that? Reviews are great!

Sora- o.o -raises his hand- Ugh... writer lady?

Author- Chess?

Sora- Uh... so... Did I tell my mom that me or Riku were together, or did she not notice me crying into Riku's chest in a totally fagalicious manner?

Author- Hmm... maybe I'll bring that up in the next chapter... or maybe... I won't! -evil cackle-

Sora- T_T; Even if you don't can you stop making me a cry baby?

Riku- But you are a cry baby...

Sora- No one asked you! -flail-

P.S. - O. Sorry for the weird unrelated breaks in the story, for some reason it wouldn't let me space out between the different sections... hence the...

This is a line... o.o