Hey guys! I'm new in this category, so I hope you'll go easy on me. I would really like it if you give me a Constructive criticism, especially in grammar.

This story is going to be a series. Well sort-of. After I finish this one, I'll make another story for the series, but with a different shipping.

Well, that's just it. So, let's just start with the story?

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO, it belongs to Rick Riordan.

When Annabeth woke up this morning, she thought it would be like any other day: get up, go to school, study, trying hard to resist the urge to struggle one of The Populars, have a good time with her friends at lunch, and go home. But boy, she was wrong.

It all started at the end of math class on the 5th period. Mrs. Dodds, the creepiest teacher in Goode High was explaining about . Annabeth was the only student who takes notes and paying attention, as usual. Then, the bell rang. Everybody packed their things in a rush. Mrs. Dodds sighed. "Class, remember! Do the exercise in page 102 and submit it next Tuesday!"

The entire class- except Annabeth, who was nodding- groaned. Everybody rushed out to have their lunch.

"And Ms. Chase, I would like to see you in my room afterschool," she said.

Annabeth, who was about to stepped out of the class, turned around and started at her teacher in confusion. "Um, sure," she said nervously and rushed to the cafeteria.

"Why would she want to see you?"

While they were in line, Annabeth told Rachel that she was supposed to meet Mrs. Dodds afterschool. Annabeth shrugged. "Why do you think?"

Rachel thought of it for a while. "Did you break any rules?"

"Of course not! My mom will kill me if I do," Annabeth replied.

"Well, maybe- what is this?"

Rachel looked at the 'food' that the lunch lady gave. "What is this supposed to be?"

"Mashed potato," the lunch lady said flatly.

Rachel looked disgustedly at her tray. "I am not eating this," she said.

Annabeth smirked at her. "Thank god my mom made me bring my own food," she said.

"Shut up," Rachel said as they walked to their usual table. Everything seemed to be normal. Clarisse La Rue was trying to kill Connor Stoll, while her boyfriend, Chris Rodriguez tried to calm her down. Katie Gardner was arguing with Travis Stoll. It looks like the Stoll brothers did something stupid, as usual. It's unbelievable that Silena Beauregard was holding hand with Charles Beckendorf, talking as in there are no argument at all.

Annabeth sighed and sat beside Katie. Annabeth heard Katie said, "You're an idiot, do you know that Stoll?"

"Hey, I was just kidding! Who knew Clarisse got all ka-boom! Not me," Travis said.

"What happened anyway?"

Both Katie and Travis looked at Annabeth. "Well, this idiot here," Katie started, pointing at Travis. "Decided to mess with Clarisse. Travis and Connor threw soda at Clarisse. As the result, this happened," Katie said, gesturing at Clarisse who was still trying to kill Connor.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU," Clarisse yelled at Connor.

"Geez Clarisse, I was just messing around," Connor defended himself.

"Well you messed with the wrong girl," Clarisse said.

"Fine, we're sorry! What do you want us to do?"

Clarisse thought for a while. Then she smirked at Connor and Travis. "Uh-oh, I don't like that look," Travis whispered to Connor. Clarisse took her soda and throw it at the Stolls. "Now, we're even," she smirked.

Travis looked down at his jeans with wide eyes. "Great, you ruined my favorite jeans!"

Katie stiffed a laugh. Travis glared at her, about to say something. But somebody cut him off. "Well, look what we have here." Everybody, including Silena and Beckedorf who was busy chatting with each other, look up and saw Tammi Brown and her boyfriend, Percy Jackson. They both smirked at us. "What are the Freaks up to this time?"

Percy Jackson glanced at Travis' pants. "Somebody had an accident," Percy announced to the whole cafeteria. Everybody laughed.

Travis face was as red as tomato. He opened his mouth to say something, but Katie cut him off. "Shut up!"

Tammi's smirk grew wider. "Aw, little Stoll needs to be defended by her girlfriend," She said. Both Travis and Katie blushed.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "What do you want?"

Percy glared at her. "What do we want? Well, not seeing you freaks, of course."

Clarisse balled her fist, ready to punch Percy. But, Chris put his hand on her shoulder and shook his head slightly. She sighed and tried to calm herself down. But it was another different story for Annabeth.

She got up from her seat and walked closer to Percy. "Look Jackson, if you don't want to see us, then stay away from us," she hissed.

"Make me, Chase."

Before Annabeth could say more, the bell rang. She glared at Percy one last time, and hurriedly walked to my next class.

The last two subjects was normal for Annabeth. In no time, the final bell rang. She hurriedly cleaned her stuff, and walked to Mrs. Dodds' office. As Annabeth reach the door, she took a peek. She saw Mrs. Dodds was grading some papers. She knocked the door. Mrs. Dodds looked up. "Ah, Annabeth. Come in." Annabeth sat infront of het desk.

"So," she started. "What is it that you want to talk about?"

"Well, you see Annabeth, one of the student is having a trouble with math. In fact, he's failing, badly," she said. Annabeth wondered, what does that have anything to do with her?

"And since you're the best student in my class, I was wondering if you would like to tutor him? Ah, so it's a boy, Annabeth thought.

"I've talked to his parents, and they agree. In fact, they'll pay you," she continued.

"Um, no it's fine. I'll tutor him for free," she said. Mrs. Dodds nodded.

"So," Annabeth said. "Who am I going to tutor?" Just as Annabeth said that, the door opened. Annabeth looked at the door to see who it was. As soon as she see who it was, she regretted that she accept the offer.

The boy who stand by the door, is Percy Jackson.

Wow, I just realized how short this is ._. Ah well.

Anyway, what do you think? Good? No good? Weird? Bad grammar? Let me know 'kay? I'll give you virtual candies :D