A/N: Hi folks who have been with me in Simple to Complex. I know I've made you wait for long. I've said before that my previous story could be the last, but it seems that I'm still attached with MSGM after all :) I was watching again some of the episodes, and naturally, I've been laughing hard on the naisho ones ;)

Anyway, I finally got the time and the will to improve a bit this story that has been idle in my laptop for more than two years. I thought I'd start my Christmas gift to you early, though I intend to end this somewhere in December even if it's just a 3-chapter story haha. I can't say I will have another story after this, but let's hope I will, right? :)

So then, here's my 28th MSGM story. As we all know, I don't own Yumi and co. And, you read at your own risk. This is an excapade, so it's bound to be a bit naughty. And remember, everything was for fun and should not be taken seriously. If you don't like it, don't read. It just means that this story is not for you. I don't want to hear/read any complaints later saying this and that.


"Excapade (B) 03: Sexy and Dangerous"


Chapter 1


FUKUZAWA Yumi pressed her lips tight, looking everywhere but to the reason of her annoyance, the beautiful and elegant Ogasawara Sachiko. She was annoyed, both at Sachiko and at herself, even if somehow the reason for her annoyance seemed trivial. And Sachiko, too, was quite annoyed, she knew that.

Yumi sighed as she remembered the argument between her and her partner earlier. It was all because of that stupid dress.

"Must you wear that tonight?" Yumi asked with a frown as she stared at Sachiko's dress. The dress was a black evening gown that hugged Sachiko's beautiful form perfectly, emphasizing her perfect curves. Sachiko looked stunning, and she was proud to be the girlfriend of such beauty. And she was sure that tonight, everyone's eyes would be on Sachiko.

It was always that case. Sachiko drew attention to herself, whether she liked it or not. Her commanding presence, her stunning features, her beautiful body, who wouldn't give her the time of the day?

But what Yumi didn't like tonight was the dress, the dress with its long slit on Sachiko's left leg. It was showing the latter's smooth, creamy legs, though it would only be visible if Sachiko was walking or she was sitting.

"Why? I can't see anything wrong with this dress, Yumi. Besides, weren't you the one who said that it looked good on me when we bought it?" Sachiko asked with a frown too, unable to comprehend Yumi's displeasure about the dress, especially when it was Yumi who had insisted to buy the dress.

"Well…yes," Yumi said slowly. Sachiko was right. She thought and was sure that the dress would definitely look good on Sachiko when they saw it. And she was proven correct tonight. Sachiko was ravishingly sexy with the dress!

The problem though, was that Yumi didn't expect that Sachiko would wear it tonight, in a gathering where too many people could see her girlfriend in one of her best and sexiest outfit. She imagined before that Sachiko would wear it if they went out on a formal dinner date where not many people would see her in that sexy dress. She didn't like people looking at Sachiko with lusts in their eyes. She definitely didn't like it. And the gathering tonight would have many people, she was sure of that, because it was a celebration to the success of the newly-opened another world-class resort of the Ogasawaras. She didn't want anyone looking at Sachiko with desire or lust in their eyes. Not tonight. She was being unreasonably possessive, she realized with astonishment, but she refused to change her attitude when she saw just how enticing Sachiko looked. She was tempted to stay in their room, in their bed, in a…

Yumi shook her head when she saw Sachiko's lips moved, those sweet lips. She knew how they tasted, how they made her hungry for more.

"See? Besides, you're wearing a dress almost the same as mine, Yumi," Sachiko said, eyeing Yumi's silky white evening gown that also hugged her beautiful form perfectly. However, the distinguishing difference between their dresses, aside from the color, was the absence of the long slit in Yumi's dress.

"You're the one who bought this," Yumi defended, thinking that Sachiko was complaining, too, of her dress.

"Yes, and I was right to say that it's perfect for you," Sachiko agreed with a smile as she surveyed Yumi's form, her eyes becoming a darker shade of blue as she took in the breathtaking beauty of her girlfriend. Yumi had grown to be a good-looking woman, and she had the pleasure of knowing that the latter was hers.

"But your dress…" Yumi still tried to argue as heat crept into her cheeks at Sachiko's gaze. If Sachiko kept looking at her like that, she might just jump at her and forget about the party. She was tempted, so very tempted.

"What is wrong with my dress?" Sachiko asked, her frown returning.

"It's…" Yumi didn't know how to say it. If she would say that she didn't like the dress because it looked too beautiful on Sachiko, wasn't that silly? Or could she just say that it was so distracting that she'd probably have trouble keeping her eyes off such beauty? Or should she just say that she didn't want anyone to see how beautiful and sexy her girlfriend was in that dress?

The fact, however, was that whatever Sachiko wore, she usually attracted attention. Probably even if she was dressed in sackcloth, which would never happen in a million years, she would still look stunning.

"Well?" Sachiko prompted after Yumi's very long pause.

"Can't you just wear something else?" Yumi asked instead, drawing her eyes away from Sachiko's form with great difficulty. Her throat suddenly felt dry

"Yumi, unless you have valid reasons for me to not wear this, I won't change into another. Besides, we need to leave soon," Sachiko said as she glanced at the clock. She couldn't understand what the fuss was about, of why Yumi didn't like her dress now. She was wearing this for Yumi, and to show the world that Yumi didn't make a wrong choice when she decided not to follow her parents abroad but instead stayed here with her. Though it was a little trivial to show off this way, she still wanted to do it, because she was very thankful that Yumi stayed with her amidst all the troubles that they had endured for their love. It had been a rocky start for them what with all the gossiping and all. But they stood strong and conquered it all. However, there were still people who talked behind their back. Though they didn't care about what other people think or say anymore, sometimes she still found it irritating, especially when her protective instinct and possessive side emerged.

"Alright, let's go," Yumi said quietly, sulkily, which Sachiko decided to ignore. The latter concluded that Yumi was just having one of her moments.

And Yumi remained quiet for the rest of their trip to the Ogasawara Mansion.

YUMI quietly watched Sachiko from a distance, trying to keep her frown to herself. Of course Sachiko had to circulate around, a perfect hostess, graceful and elegant, while she decided to keep a low profile. Even if she wanted to stay by Sachiko's side all the time, this time she didn't. Not when Sachiko wouldn't listen to her.

Moreover, she hated parties like this, even if it was necessary for the business. The party was so pretentious. There were only few people here that were true to themselves. Most were just showing off, flaunting their wealth, or came only to gossip.

Besides, she didn't like her and Sachiko to be the center of talk again tonight with some people saying that they were like some women of…she couldn't even think about it, didn't even want to think about it. Though there were less people who were very much critical to their relationship, which she had learned to ignore and laughed about with Sachiko every now and then, she still preferred not to be in the limelight. Sachiko, though, could hardly remain inconspicuous with the wealth and prestige attached to her name including her position in her family's company.

And so here she was, at one side of the great hall, keeping an eye at Sachiko as discreet as she could muster and controlling her anger at the coveted looks that some people was throwing at her partner.

'Those maniacs! If I am a violent and unrestrained woman, I would have had their eyes out of their sockets!'

Yumi shivered at her violent thoughts. That was scary. She didn't like to experience that or see something like that, let alone do something like it.

"Onee-sama, what are you doing here, hiding yourself at the corner?"

Yumi was startled to hear let alone see Matsudaira Touko, Sachiko's cousin and her petite soeur during her high school days, standing beside her. So intent was she in watching Sachiko that she failed to notice the younger woman approached her. She glanced at her beloved petite soeur who had grown into a beautiful woman just like her cousin. Touko looked equally stunning tonight, though she was still biased to her lover who would always look the most beautiful woman in her eyes.


She kissed her petite soeur's cheek, and the younger woman returned the gesture before Touko stood beside Yumi and followed her gaze that had returned to Sachiko. Together, they watched Sachiko.

"If looks could kill, there would be many dead bodies already here at the party, Onee-sama. Your eyes have been flashing angrily to every men and women that approached Sachiko-onee-sama tonight," Touko commented with a hint of smile.

Yumi jolted. She didn't know that she was that obvious.

"What's wrong, Onee-sama? It isn't like Sachiko-onee-sama would entertain anyone's admiration or flirting. I know that she only has her eyes on you, just as you are on hers," Touko continued, now looking squarely and curiously at Yumi who shifted her weight in discomfort.

"I know that, Touko."

"Then why? If you don't want them looking at Sachiko-onee-sama like that, then you should have stayed by her side to discourage them. But I must say, that would probably have the opposite effect. Two good-looking women standing together would surely draw everyone's eyes even more."

"We've had enough of gossips and being the center of talk to last us a lifetime. I want to be a bit free from that tonight, Touko."

"Why care about what they think or say? It's yours and Sachiko-onee-sama's life, not theirs. They could just go to hell and back for all you care," Touko said in annoyance for those kinds of people who didn't have anything good to do but to try to destroy other people's lives.

Yumi smiled sarcastically, though inside she was once again thankful to have people at hers and Sachiko's side that understood and supported them in every way.

"Not tonight. I don't know what I'll do with those people if I'm near them."

Touko frowned, unable to comprehend Yumi's point.


"Because I do really want to hit them right now!" Yumi said with a scowl, her eyes flashing at the overly enthusiastic males and females that were currently speaking to Sachiko.

"They are causing you and Sachiko-onee-sama some trouble again?" Touko asked dangerously, anger rising in her chest. Whoever those people were, they would suffer her wrath, she would make sure of it. She wondered why they couldn't they give it a rest. Her beloved cousin and onee-sama had been through a lot already. They deserved peace and happiness, too, just like everybody else.


"It's what?" Touko asked in confusion at Yumi's hesitance.

"It's Sachiko's dress!" Yumi finally blurted when she noticed another two males talking while kept glancing at Sachiko. She gritted her teeth and balled her hands with anger.

"Dress?" If ever, Touko looked and felt more confused.

"I don't like people looking at her in that dress!" Yumi said heatedly, not taking her eyes off Sachiko. As a server passed by, she absentmindedly replaced her empty wine glass with a full one and sipped on its content, all the while her eyes were focused on Sachiko.

Beside Yumi, Touko was stunned for a moment, before she started giggling almost hysterically yet elegantly, uncaring if people were starting to stare at them with curiosity and confusion.

"Onee-sama, you got it really bad, huh."

Shoulders still shaking in merriment, Touko bid an amused goodbye and walked away. Yumi was left to watch the former with bewilderment written all over her face.


A/N: Who do you think the title of this fanfic refers to? Sachiko? Yumi? ;)

Just to update you what have been keeping me busy, it's still mainly studies, apparently. Even if I have work 5 days a week, the twice a week graduate classes and the take home school works really rob me energy. This previous semester (first semester of 2011-2012) was the most demanding yet among the three semesters I've taken. I was hardly home during the weekends for more than two months, and when I am home, I hardly get any sleep. Though in the end, the effort paid off as I've got good grades ;) I hope this second semester, which will start really soon, won't be as tiring. So to all of us pursuing our studies in different levels, let's do our best! ;) And to those who are pursuing other things, like work and who knows what, let us still do our best!

Until next time, folks!

- - -31 October 2011- - -

05:30 PM