The Crucible

Everyone turned as the church doors burst open, Rachel Berry, was being pulled in, her bloody bare feet dragging on the cold wood floor. The people of Salam yelled and screamed. "Witch," one person yelled. "Harlot," another yelled. "Burn her!" Someone screamed. "No hang her!" said another. "She consorts with the devil!" a man roared. "She bear's his mark!" a woman said as she pointed at her. Rachel was thrown before Judge Fabary, and she turns to see his daughter Quinn grinning evilly behind her. Quinn eyes never left Rachel when she said. "She used her power to seduce my betroved."

Rachel bent her head down and her long hair hit the floor, she had been sitting in the same dark cell for weeks now. She was dirty and grimy, beaten and bloodied, and it didn't surprise her when Mrs. Fabary stood up. "Her father was seen having relations with another man."

Everyone in the church gasped and Rachel was dragged up onto her feet. "And look." The guard said as he pointed to her swelled belly. "She carries the devils seed!"

She bowed her head and cried, everything they were saying where lies. The child growing inside her was not the devils and she never once practiced witch craft. She threw her head up to the ceiling and screamed, everyone covered their ears.

"She has a partner, Santana, the servant! They were seen singing and dancing around a fire." Another yelled out.

Rachel stared blankly at the ceiling and then whipped her head toward judge Fabary and for the first time in weeks she spoke. "Your daughter lies, you know it and she knows it!" Everyone gasped. "She is a lying wrench who is just jealous because the child that sleeps in my womb is not in hers."

"Why would I want the devil's seed in my womb." Quinn snapped and Rachel turned to her with a smile on her face.

"Because the devil is not the father of this child…it's Finn Hudson." Rachel said with a raised eyebrow

Everyone began to talk amongst themselves and Rachel began to talk even louder. "You asked me to name a father and I did!" She yelled. "I will not tolerate your lies anymore!"

Quinn now stood up. "She lies!" She screamed hysterically and Rachel shook her head.

"You are the one that lies Quinn Fabary! Where is Mr. Hudson now? If you think I am lying then bring him in….let him testify."

Quinn violently shook her head and Rachel's face and her pride fell. She tore herself from the guard's grip and walked over to Quinn. "Where is he Quinn…what have you done to him, where are you hiding him?"

Now the Judge, her own father, was asking the same question. "Where is he Quinn?"

Quinn opened her mouth to speak. "I-"

Suddenly the doors flew open again and heavy footfalls where heard, one by one the villagers of Salem turned their heads and gasped. Rachel was the last one to turn her head and when she did, her eyes began to well up. "Oh Finn, what has she done to you."

Finn Hudson turned to Judge Fabary. The Judge looked the young man over. "What happened to you boy?" He asked regarding the boy's disheveled appearance. His nose had been broken and bloody, a few of his fingers where cut off and the others where broken, pointing every which way. His face was covered with scratches and cuts.

"I would like to testify your honor, and I would like to accuse your daughter, Quinn Fabary for treason. But first, I want to defend my lover and the mother of my child Rachel Berry."

The whole meeting house was silent and minister Shuester stood up. "Go ahead my boy, tell your story."