A/N: I was originally going to do Mayuri x Nemu, but decided to do this instead. But if you want to read it let me kno- of course you don't!

Oh yeah, and the reason I spell her name that way is because the 'official' spelling looks stupid.

Chapter 5: Soi Fon x Yoruichi

Despite the time, the Second Division Captain refused to rest. She had paperwork to do, reports to read, and still had to oversee how one of her recon forces doing. And it stressed her out to no end.

During her training, forgoing sleep was mandatory. She could stay awake for two weeks if need be, but that didn't mean it didn't irritate her. It was a Friday night, or Saturday morning, which in itself was a relief.

Saturday was the one day she ordered members of her most loyal mobile corps to get information on her dearest Lady Yoruichi. If they were unable to obtain any, they got a gift that would equally satisfy her. None of them questioned it, nor did they give out any details to the other members. It was a routine that was a silent as they were.

Speaking of silent, a black clad male appeared in a kneeling position at the front of the Captain's desk.

"Captain Soi Fon." He greeted as firmly as possible.

She looked from the paper she just finished signing and nodded.


"We were unable to obtain any new information on her. However, we have managed to get this."

The man handed Soi Fon a few slips of paper that appeared to be typed up. The words were in English, which wasn't a problem for Soi Fon to read, yet it did keep away any prying eyes.

"What is… this?"

"It is called a fanfiction. It has been gaining popularity here in the Soul Society; we have gathered it was originally from the world of the living."

Soi Fon nodded once again.

"Dismissed." She commanded.

"Yes sir!"

With that, the man was gone leaving the Captain to read over the paper. At the very top was a detailed report on the basics of fanfiction and where this specific 'story' came from. Including the author's location and physical description. After a quick flip through, a picture of the author was given along with a basic biography.

The story was titled Black Neko, Yellow Wasp which instantly caught Soi Fon's attention. A summary was provided also.

Soi Fon lives in an abusive house and runs away and finds herself at a famous strip club. She joins and the clubs owner Yoruichi takes a liking to her. Contains BDSM, AU, Yuri, OCs, Death

Soi Fon couldn't help but to raise an eyebrow at what she just read. She didn't live in an abusive household at all. Then again it wasn't supposed to be completely real. 'Yoruichi' and 'liking' were the only two words that truly caught her eye. When she finally finished work, she'd read it where no-one could disturb her.

Sitting on her futon, Soi Fon had read and re-read the story three times. It was, so... amazing! When she returned, she would send out an order for her faithful troops to retrieve more of this fanfiction. She was also rather tempted to visit the author himself but decided against it. Best to send someone else.

A small blush formed on her face as she glanced at a certain segment of the page she was holding. For some reason it did seem in Lady Yoruichi's character to use a whip like that. And she wanted her over that stupid Urahara!

The blush deepened as she smiled and looked over to the location of her well hidden Yoruichi shrine. She was defiantly going to add this piece to her collection.

(Meanwhile, miles and miles away)

Urahara was on his side in hysterics. Yoruichi would have been on the floor too had it not been for the cup of sake in her hand. And she was far from drunk. But the little story the ex Captains forced Tessai to read did make great entertainment while drinking. Whoever wrote the thing was either an absolute genius or lunatic. Sort of like her blonde companion trying to breathe on the ground. How the author knew what her favorite kind of underwear was she had no clue.

Then again owning a strip club wouldn't be too bad. The Kitten's Hub wasn't that bad of a name either…

"Ahahaha! Ha! I can't believe you just read that aloud Tessai!" Urahara laughed from the ground.

This lead Yoruichi to nearly spit her drink on the computer and Tessai only a few feet away. Coughing, she ended up laughing harder as well.

Chapter 5: End

A/N: Sooo how was it? Review and lemmie know! Also, check out the poll on my page! It would help if ya participated.

Oh, and the Authors info would have been real like info and not the FF bio here.

Until next time!